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The Mouse Adult Gross Anatomy Ontology and Mammalian Phenotype Ontology are downloaded weekly from the Mouse Genome Informatics databases at Jackson Laboratories ( For more information about these ontologies, see the MGI Publications Page at

Term:decreased small intestinal villus height
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Accession:MP:0014082 term browser browse the term
Definition:decreased height of the tiny hair-like projections which protrude from the inside of the small intestine and contain blood vessels that capture digested nutrients that are absorbed through the intestinal wall; usually accompanied by crypt elongation or hyperplasia
Synonyms:exact_synonym: decreased small intestinal villous height;   reduced small intestinal villous height;   reduced small intestinal villus height;   shortened small intestinal villi

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decreased small intestinal villus height term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ap1m2 adaptor protein complex AP-1, mu 2 subunit IAGP MGI PMID:23684748 NCBI chr 9:21,206,753...21,223,617
Ensembl chr 9:21,205,571...21,223,633
JBrowse link
G Atg16l1 autophagy related 16 like 1 IAGP MGI PMID:36198790 NCBI chr 1:87,683,730...87,720,150
Ensembl chr 1:87,683,592...87,720,150
JBrowse link
G Bcl2 B cell leukemia/lymphoma 2 IAGP MGI PMID:7812968 NCBI chr 1:106,465,906...106,642,020
Ensembl chr 1:106,465,908...106,642,004
JBrowse link
G Brca1 breast cancer 1, early onset IAGP MGI PMID:19996295 NCBI chr11:101,379,587...101,442,808
Ensembl chr11:101,379,590...101,442,781
JBrowse link
G Cdc25a cell division cycle 25A IAGP MGI PMID:19273838 NCBI chr 9:109,704,545...109,722,963
Ensembl chr 9:109,704,647...109,722,963
JBrowse link
G Cdc25b cell division cycle 25B IAGP MGI PMID:19273838 NCBI chr 2:131,028,356...131,040,431
Ensembl chr 2:131,028,869...131,040,417
JBrowse link
G Cdc25c cell division cycle 25C IAGP MGI PMID:19273838 NCBI chr18:34,866,046...34,884,644
Ensembl chr18:34,866,046...34,884,586
JBrowse link
G Cdhr2 cadherin-related family member 2 IAGP MGI PMID:30403560 NCBI chr13:54,849,276...54,884,475
Ensembl chr13:54,849,274...54,884,475
JBrowse link
G Ctps1 cytidine 5'-triphosphate synthase 1 IAGP MGI PMID:38438357 NCBI chr 4:120,397,065...120,427,473
Ensembl chr 4:120,397,065...120,427,473
JBrowse link
G Ctsd cathepsin D IAGP MGI PMID:26232697 NCBI chr 7:141,929,647...141,941,564
Ensembl chr 7:141,929,648...141,941,775
JBrowse link
G Edil3 EGF-like repeats and discoidin I-like domains 3 IAGP MGI PMID:26232697 NCBI chr13:88,969,591...89,471,344
Ensembl chr13:88,969,591...89,471,342
JBrowse link
G Gadd45gip1 growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible, gamma interacting protein 1 IAGP MGI PMID:19801644 NCBI chr 8:85,558,911...85,562,111
Ensembl chr 8:85,558,151...85,562,111
JBrowse link
G Gt(ROSA)26Sor gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano IAGP MGI PMID:19273838 PMID:38438357 NCBI chr 6:113,044,389...113,054,205
Ensembl chr 6:113,043,843...113,055,336
JBrowse link
G Hr lysine demethylase and nuclear receptor corepressor IAGP MGI PMID:10536052 NCBI chr14:70,789,644...70,810,988
Ensembl chr14:70,789,652...70,810,988
JBrowse link
G Mex3a mex3 RNA binding family member A IAGP MGI PMID:32052574 NCBI chr 3:88,439,253...88,448,701
Ensembl chr 3:88,439,702...88,448,703
JBrowse link
G Ndor1 NADPH dependent diflavin oxidoreductase 1 IAGP MGI PMID:30254136 NCBI chr 2:25,134,825...25,145,458
Ensembl chr 2:25,134,833...25,146,034
Ensembl chr 2:25,134,833...25,146,034
Ensembl chr 2:25,134,833...25,146,034
JBrowse link
G Orc1 origin recognition complex, subunit 1 IAGP MGI PMID:29967292 NCBI chr 4:108,436,651...108,472,030
Ensembl chr 4:108,436,620...108,472,030
JBrowse link
G Rnpc3 RNA-binding region (RNP1, RRM) containing 3 IAGP MGI PMID:30254136 NCBI chr 3:113,398,716...113,423,798
Ensembl chr 3:113,398,716...113,423,798
JBrowse link
G Slc24a3 solute carrier family 24 (sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger), member 3 IAGP MGI PMID:33807999 NCBI chr 2:145,009,695...145,484,086
Ensembl chr 2:145,009,674...145,484,086
JBrowse link
G Slc6a4 solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, serotonin), member 4 IAGP MGI PMID:27111230 NCBI chr11:76,889,423...76,923,169
Ensembl chr11:76,889,429...76,923,166
JBrowse link
G Tcrd T cell receptor delta chain IAGP MGI PMID:36198790 NCBI chr14:54,183,530...54,396,655 JBrowse link
G Thra thyroid hormone receptor alpha IAGP MGI PMID:11416151 NCBI chr11:98,631,539...98,659,832
Ensembl chr11:98,631,464...98,659,832
JBrowse link

Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  mammalian phenotype 17065
    digestive/alimentary phenotype 1925
      abnormal digestive system morphology 1580
        abnormal intestine morphology 749
          abnormal small intestine morphology 276
            abnormal small intestinal villus morphology 104
              decreased small intestinal villus height 22
paths to the root