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The Mouse Adult Gross Anatomy Ontology and Mammalian Phenotype Ontology are downloaded weekly from the Mouse Genome Informatics databases at Jackson Laboratories ( For more information about these ontologies, see the MGI Publications Page at

Term:absent adrenal gland
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Accession:MP:0005313 term browser browse the term
Definition:absence of the pair of endocrine glands located above the kidney that are responsible for steroid hormone secretion from the cortex and neurotransmitter (such as epinephrine and norepinephrine) secretion from the medulla
Synonyms:exact_synonym: absence of adrenal glands

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absent adrenal gland term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Adnp2 ADNP homeobox 2 IEA MGI NCBI chr18:80,169,523...80,195,284
Ensembl chr18:80,169,526...80,194,697
JBrowse link
G Aire autoimmune regulator IAGP MGI PMID:11854172 NCBI chr10:77,865,856...77,879,444
Ensembl chr10:77,865,856...77,879,444
JBrowse link
G Cited2 Cbp/p300-interacting transactivator, with Glu/Asp-rich carboxy-terminal domain, 2 IAGP MGI PMID:11694877 PMID:15615595 PMID:18440989 PMID:23082118 NCBI chr10:17,598,452...17,601,422
Ensembl chr10:17,598,966...17,601,422
JBrowse link
G Cox6b1 cytochrome c oxidase, subunit 6B1 IEA MGI NCBI chr 7:30,316,396...30,325,539
Ensembl chr 7:30,316,286...30,325,576
JBrowse link
G Edil3 EGF-like repeats and discoidin I-like domains 3 IAGP MGI PMID:18440989 NCBI chr13:88,969,591...89,471,344
Ensembl chr13:88,969,591...89,471,342
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G Gli3 GLI-Kruppel family member GLI3 IAGP MGI PMID:11978771 NCBI chr13:15,638,308...15,904,611
Ensembl chr13:15,637,820...15,904,611
JBrowse link
G Mogs mannosyl-oligosaccharide glucosidase IEA MGI NCBI chr 6:83,092,477...83,095,883
Ensembl chr 6:83,092,477...83,095,879
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G Nr5a1 nuclear receptor subfamily 5, group A, member 1 IAGP MGI PMID:7479914 PMID:7491115 PMID:8187173 PMID:8563022 PMID:11124111 More... NCBI chr 2:38,582,668...38,604,554
Ensembl chr 2:38,582,668...38,604,554
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G Osr1 odd-skipped related transcription factor 1 IAGP MGI PMID:16223478 NCBI chr12:9,624,442...9,631,500
Ensembl chr12:9,620,116...9,631,500
JBrowse link
G Pbx1 pre B cell leukemia homeobox 1 IAGP MGI PMID:14595835 NCBI chr 1:167,946,933...168,259,898
Ensembl chr 1:167,946,933...168,259,839
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G Pomc pro-opiomelanocortin-alpha IAGP MGI PMID:10470087 NCBI chr12:4,004,945...4,010,643
Ensembl chr12:4,004,951...4,010,642
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G Wdr11 WD repeat domain 11 IEA MGI NCBI chr 7:129,193,373...129,237,462
Ensembl chr 7:129,193,587...129,237,462
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G Wt1 WT1 transcription factor IAGP MGI PMID:10469569 NCBI chr 2:104,956,874...105,003,959
Ensembl chr 2:104,956,874...105,003,961
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  mammalian phenotype 16965
    endocrine/exocrine gland phenotype 3451
      abnormal gland morphology 3210
        abnormal endocrine gland morphology 1352
          abnormal adrenal gland morphology 189
            absent adrenal gland 13
paths to the root