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The Mouse Adult Gross Anatomy Ontology and Mammalian Phenotype Ontology are downloaded weekly from the Mouse Genome Informatics databases at Jackson Laboratories ( For more information about these ontologies, see the MGI Publications Page at

Term:abnormal prepulse inhibition
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Accession:MP:0003088 term browser browse the term
Definition:anomaly in the ability of a relatively mild stimulus to suppress the response to a strong, startle-eliciting stimulus
Synonyms:broad_synonym: abnormal PPI

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abnormal prepulse inhibition term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cntnap2 contactin associated protein 2 IMP worsens with age RGD PMID:30126973 RGD:126790476 NCBI chr 4:74,109,455...76,366,434
Ensembl chr 4:74,109,472...76,362,027
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G Cntnap2em1Sage contactin associated protein-like 2; zinc finger nuclease induced mutant 1, Sigma Advanced Genetic Engineering Labs IMP worsens with age RGD PMID:30126973 RGD:126790476
G Fmr1 fragile X messenger ribonucleoprotein 1 no_association
IAGP compared to wild type controls
in wild type controls
RGD PMID:32144356 PMID:32144356 RGD:35668860, RGD:35668860 NCBI chr  X:147,240,239...147,278,057
Ensembl chr  X:147,240,301...147,278,050
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G Fmr1em2Mcwi FMRP translational regulator 1; CRISPR/Cas9 induced mutant 2, Medical College of Wisconsin no_association
IAGP compared to wild type controls
in wild type controls
RGD PMID:32144356 PMID:32144356 RGD:35668860, RGD:35668860
decreased prepulse inhibition term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Nlgn3 neuroligin 3 IMP RGD PMID:24773431 PMID:28958035 RGD:9831152, RGD:126790492 NCBI chr  X:66,427,926...66,457,378
Ensembl chr  X:66,429,458...66,451,876
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G Nlgn3em1Sage neuroligin 3; zinc finger nuclease induced mutant 1, Sigma Advanced Genetic Engineering Labs IMP RGD PMID:24773431 PMID:28958035 RGD:9831152, RGD:126790492
G Nrg1 neuregulin 1 sexual_dimorphism IMP compared to wild type female RGD PMID:21620900 RGD:405650204 NCBI chr16:59,250,658...60,304,519
Ensembl chr16:59,250,854...60,296,884
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G Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi neuregulin 1; transposon insertion 2.183, Medical College of Wisconsin sexual_dimorphism IMP compared to wild type female RGD PMID:21620900 RGD:405650204
G Pax6 paired box 6 IAGP DNA:frameshift mutation:cds: RGD PMID:21203536 RGD:8552339 NCBI chr 3:92,128,772...92,157,022
Ensembl chr 3:92,135,637...92,157,014
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increased prepulse inhibition term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Bace1 beta-secretase 1 IMP RGD PMID:28281673 RGD:13782149 NCBI chr 8:46,142,060...46,166,268
Ensembl chr 8:46,142,116...46,165,876
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G Bace1em1Sage IMP RGD PMID:28281673 RGD:13782149
G Fmr1 fragile X messenger ribonucleoprotein 1 IMP RGD PMID:24773431 RGD:9831152 NCBI chr  X:147,240,239...147,278,057
Ensembl chr  X:147,240,301...147,278,050
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G Fmr1em1Sage FMRP translational regulator 1; zinc finger nuclease induced mutant 1, Sigma Advanced Genetic Engineering Labs IMP RGD PMID:24773431 RGD:9831152

Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  mammalian phenotype 5420
    nervous system phenotype 376
      abnormal nervous system physiology 218
        abnormal synaptic physiology 47
          abnormal synaptic transmission 46
            abnormal CNS synaptic transmission 42
              abnormal prepulse inhibition 20
                decreased prepulse inhibition 7
                increased prepulse inhibition 6
paths to the root