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The Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) is downloaded weekly from The file downloaded is considered the "last stable build" available for the ontology. For more about the HPO, view their website at

Term:Abnormality of the tonsils
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Accession:HP:0100765 term browser browse the term
Definition:An abnormality of the tonsils.
Synonyms:xref: UMLS:C4021975

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Abnormality of the tonsils term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G ARVCF ARVCF delta catenin family member IAGP HPO ORPHA:567 NCBI chr22:19,965,134...20,016,823
Ensembl chr22:19,969,896...20,016,823
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G BTK Bruton tyrosine kinase IAGP HPO ORPHA:47 NCBI chr  X:101,349,450...101,390,796
Ensembl chr  X:101,349,338...101,390,796
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G COMT catechol-O-methyltransferase IAGP HPO ORPHA:567 NCBI chr22:19,941,772...19,969,975
Ensembl chr22:19,941,371...19,969,975
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G GP1BB glycoprotein Ib platelet subunit beta IAGP HPO ORPHA:567 NCBI chr22:19,723,539...19,724,771
Ensembl chr22:19,723,539...19,724,771
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G HIRA histone cell cycle regulator IAGP HPO ORPHA:567 NCBI chr22:19,330,698...19,431,733
Ensembl chr22:19,330,698...19,447,450
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G IDUA alpha-L-iduronidase IAGP HPO ORPHA:93473 ORPHA:93476 NCBI chr 4:986,997...1,008,351
Ensembl chr 4:986,997...1,004,564
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G JMJD1C jumonji domain containing 1C IAGP HPO ORPHA:567 NCBI chr10:63,167,225...63,521,890
Ensembl chr10:63,167,221...63,521,850
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G RREB1 ras responsive element binding protein 1 IAGP HPO ORPHA:567 NCBI chr 6:7,107,743...7,251,980
Ensembl chr 6:7,107,597...7,251,980
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G SEC24C SEC24 homolog C, COPII coat complex component IAGP HPO ORPHA:567 NCBI chr10:73,744,372...73,772,161
Ensembl chr10:73,744,372...73,772,161
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G TBX1 T-box transcription factor 1 IAGP HPO ORPHA:567 NCBI chr22:19,756,703...19,783,593
Ensembl chr22:19,756,703...19,783,593
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G UFD1 ubiquitin recognition factor in ER associated degradation 1 IAGP HPO ORPHA:567 NCBI chr22:19,449,911...19,479,193
Ensembl chr22:19,449,911...19,479,202
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Abnormal nasopharyngeal adenoid morphology term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G KDM6A lysine demethylase 6A exacerbates IAGP DNA:splice-site mutation, missense mutations:splice junction, CDS:multiple:
RGD PMID:23685749 PMID:31483290 RGD:150429732, RGD:150429736 NCBI chr  X:44,873,188...45,112,779
Ensembl chr  X:44,873,188...45,112,779
JBrowse link
Absent tonsils term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G ADA adenosine deaminase IAGP HPO ORPHA:277 NCBI chr20:44,619,522...44,651,699
Ensembl chr20:44,584,896...44,652,252
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G DCLRE1C DNA cross-link repair 1C IAGP HPO MIM:602450 NCBI chr10:14,897,359...14,954,432
Ensembl chr10:14,897,359...14,954,432
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G IL2RG interleukin 2 receptor subunit gamma IAGP HPO ORPHA:276 NCBI chr  X:71,107,404...71,111,577
Ensembl chr  X:71,107,404...71,112,108
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Enlarged tonsils term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G AKT2 AKT serine/threonine kinase 2 IAGP HPO ORPHA:293964 NCBI chr19:40,230,317...40,285,345
Ensembl chr19:40,230,317...40,285,536
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G CA2 carbonic anhydrase 2 IAGP HPO ORPHA:2785 NCBI chr 8:85,464,007...85,481,493
Ensembl chr 8:85,463,968...85,481,493
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G CD40LG CD40 ligand IAGP HPO MIM:308230 NCBI chr  X:136,648,158...136,660,390
Ensembl chr  X:136,648,158...136,660,390
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G IDS iduronate 2-sulfatase IAGP HPO ORPHA:217085 ORPHA:217093 NCBI chr  X:149,476,988...149,505,306
Ensembl chr  X:149,476,988...149,521,096
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G IDUA alpha-L-iduronidase IAGP HPO MIM:607014 NCBI chr 4:986,997...1,008,351
Ensembl chr 4:986,997...1,004,564
JBrowse link
G IL2RA interleukin 2 receptor subunit alpha IAGP HPO MIM:606367 NCBI chr10:6,010,689...6,062,367
Ensembl chr10:6,010,689...6,062,370
JBrowse link
G PIK3R1 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 1 IAGP HPO MIM:616005 NCBI chr 5:68,215,756...68,301,821
Ensembl chr 5:68,215,740...68,301,821
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Increased size of nasopharyngeal adenoids term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G IDS iduronate 2-sulfatase IAGP HPO ORPHA:217085 ORPHA:217093 NCBI chr  X:149,476,988...149,505,306
Ensembl chr  X:149,476,988...149,521,096
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G RSPRY1 ring finger and SPRY domain containing 1 IAGP HPO ORPHA:457395 NCBI chr16:57,186,152...57,240,469
Ensembl chr16:57,186,137...57,240,469
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G ZBTB7A zinc finger and BTB domain containing 7A IAGP HPO MIM:619769 NCBI chr19:4,043,303...4,066,899
Ensembl chr19:4,043,303...4,066,899
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Orange discolored tonsils term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G ABCA1 ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 1 IAGP HPO ORPHA:31150 NCBI chr 9:104,781,006...104,928,155
Ensembl chr 9:104,781,006...104,928,155
JBrowse link
Recurrent tonsillitis term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G BLM BLM RecQ like helicase IAGP HPO ORPHA:125 NCBI chr15:90,717,346...90,816,166
Ensembl chr15:90,717,346...90,816,166
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G C3 complement C3 IAGP HPO MIM:613779 NCBI chr19:6,677,704...6,720,650
Ensembl chr19:6,677,704...6,730,562
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G CYBC1 cytochrome b-245 chaperone 1 IAGP HPO MIM:618935 NCBI chr17:82,442,586...82,450,752
Ensembl chr17:82,440,912...82,450,829
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G ELANE elastase, neutrophil expressed IAGP HPO ORPHA:2686 NCBI chr19:852,303...856,243
Ensembl chr19:851,014...856,247
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G IGHG2 immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 2 (G2m marker) IAGP HPO ORPHA:183675 NCBI chr14:105,643,203...105,644,789
Ensembl chr14:105,639,559...105,644,790
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G IGKC immunoglobulin kappa constant IAGP HPO ORPHA:183675 NCBI chr 2:88,857,361...88,857,683
Ensembl chr 2:88,857,161...88,857,683
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G MPEG1 macrophage expressed 1 IAGP HPO MIM:619223 NCBI chr11:59,208,510...59,212,927
Ensembl chr11:59,208,510...59,212,927
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G MYO5A myosin VA IAGP HPO MIM:214450 NCBI chr15:52,307,283...52,529,050
Ensembl chr15:52,307,281...52,529,132
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G PIK3CD phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit delta IAGP HPO ORPHA:397596 NCBI chr 1:9,627,258...9,729,114
Ensembl chr 1:9,629,889...9,729,114
JBrowse link
G PIK3R1 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 1 IAGP HPO ORPHA:397596 NCBI chr 5:68,215,756...68,301,821
Ensembl chr 5:68,215,740...68,301,821
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G PTEN phosphatase and tensin homolog IAGP HPO ORPHA:397596 NCBI chr10:87,863,625...87,971,930
Ensembl chr10:87,862,638...87,971,930
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G RIPK1 receptor interacting serine/threonine kinase 1 IAGP HPO MIM:618852 NCBI chr 6:3,063,967...3,115,187
Ensembl chr 6:3,063,824...3,115,187
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G SCNN1A sodium channel epithelial 1 subunit alpha IAGP HPO ORPHA:171876 NCBI chr12:6,346,847...6,377,359
Ensembl chr12:6,346,843...6,377,730
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G SCNN1B sodium channel epithelial 1 subunit beta IAGP HPO ORPHA:171876 NCBI chr16:23,278,231...23,381,294
Ensembl chr16:23,278,231...23,381,294
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G SCNN1G sodium channel epithelial 1 subunit gamma IAGP HPO ORPHA:171876 NCBI chr16:23,182,745...23,216,883
Ensembl chr16:23,182,745...23,216,883
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G SEC61A1 SEC61 translocon subunit alpha 1 IAGP HPO MIM:620670 MIM:620674 NCBI chr 3:128,051,641...128,071,683
Ensembl chr 3:128,051,641...128,071,705
JBrowse link

Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  Human phenotype 34423
    Phenotypic abnormality 34374
      Abnormality of the immune system 5743
        Abnormality of the lymphatic system 1005
          Abnormality of the tonsils 39
            Abnormal nasopharyngeal adenoid morphology + 4
            Abnormality of lingual tonsil 0
            Absent tonsils 3
            Enlarged tonsils 7
            Orange discolored tonsils 1
            Recurrent tonsillitis 16
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  Human phenotype 34423
    Phenotypic abnormality 34374
      Abnormality of the cardiovascular system 5823
        Abnormality of the vasculature 3404
          Abnormality of the lymphatic system 1005
            Abnormality of the tonsils 39
              Abnormal nasopharyngeal adenoid morphology + 4
              Abnormality of lingual tonsil 0
              Absent tonsils 3
              Enlarged tonsils 7
              Orange discolored tonsils 1
              Recurrent tonsillitis 16
paths to the root