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The Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) is downloaded weekly from The file downloaded is considered the "last stable build" available for the ontology. For more about the HPO, view their website at

Term:Nasopharyngeal teratoma
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Accession:HP:0031227 term browser browse the term
Definition:A teratoma arising in the nasopharyngeal region.
Comment:Nasopharyngeal teratoma is histologically benign, but can cause considerable morbidity and mortality because of the location. Nasopharyngeal teratoma represents one of the most unusual causes of respiratory distress during the neonatal period.

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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  Human phenotype 87543
    Phenotypic abnormality 87122
      Neoplasm 16355
        Neoplasm by histology 2121
          Embryonal neoplasm 177
            Teratoma 36
              Nasopharyngeal teratoma 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  Human phenotype 87543
    Phenotypic abnormality 87122
      Neoplasm 16355
        Neoplasm by anatomical site 16148
          Neoplasm of the genitourinary tract 5288
            Genital neoplasm 4877
              Gonadal neoplasm 856
                Germ cell neoplasia 74
                  Teratoma 36
                    Nasopharyngeal teratoma 0
paths to the root