Enamel hypoplasia can be caused by genetic or environmental factors. It may occur in both deciduous and permanent dentitions, although more often in the permanent dentition. Enamel hypoplasia may concern a single tooth, several teeth, or the complete dentition and may affect part or the complete surface of the tooth. Enamel hypoplasia regroups different clinical aspects: localized hypoplasia, generalized hypoplasia, enamel pits, enamel striae, and grooves defects. The term should be used to describe a quantitative defect of enamel. Enamel hypotrophy cannot be used as hypotrophy indicates loss of cells, whereas enamel is an acellular structure and thus not a tissue.
Dental enamel hypoplasia; Enamel hypotrophy; Enamel, underdeveloped; Hypoplasia of dental enamel; Hypoplasia of tooth enamel; Underdeveloped teeth enamel