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Term:procentriole replication complex
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Accession:GO:0120099 term browser browse the term
Definition:A protein complex that acts as a chaperone or scaffold for centriolar proteins during the maturation of the procentriole. Some of its members may become integrated into the growing centriole. Examples are the CPAP(CENPJ)-STIL complex, CEP192-PLK4 complex or CEP152-PLK4 complex in vertebrates.
Synonyms:only_in_taxon: NCBITaxon:6072 ! Eumetazoa

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procentriole replication complex term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cenpj centromere protein J part_of ISO (PMID:22020124) RGD PMID:22020124 NCBI chr15:30,627,206...30,690,384
Ensembl chr15:30,627,224...30,686,791
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G Cep152 centrosomal protein 152 part_of ISO (PMID:24997597) RGD PMID:24997597 NCBI chr 3:112,803,185...112,878,298
Ensembl chr 3:112,810,425...112,878,458
Ensembl chr 3:112,810,425...112,878,458
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G Cep192 centrosomal protein 192 part_of ISO (PMID:24997597) RGD PMID:24997597 NCBI chr18:61,373,937...61,458,405
Ensembl chr18:61,332,158...61,458,379
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G Plk4 polo-like kinase 4 part_of IEA
PMID:24997597 GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chr 2:123,802,527...123,820,942
Ensembl chr 2:123,802,512...123,820,942
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G Sass6 SAS-6 centriolar assembly protein part_of ISO (PMID:22020124) RGD PMID:22020124 NCBI chr 2:204,546,660...204,578,930
Ensembl chr 2:204,546,660...204,578,927
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G Stil STIL, centriolar assembly protein part_of ISO (PMID:22020124) RGD PMID:22020124 NCBI chr 5:128,520,837...128,573,732
Ensembl chr 5:128,520,953...128,573,730
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
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  cellular_component 20833
    protein-containing complex 6558
      procentriole replication complex 6
Path 2
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  cellular_component 20833
    cellular anatomical structure 20633
      intracellular anatomical structure 15189
        cytoplasm 11893
          procentriole replication complex 6
paths to the root