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Term:ventral disc microtubule array
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Accession:GO:0097593 term browser browse the term
Definition:A part of the ventral disc of Giardia species (trophozoite stage) consisting of a spiral array of microtubules linked to the ventral membrane. These microtubules form the base of the ventral disc dorsal microribbons that extend nearly perpendicular from the membrane.
Comment:Due to the asymmetric nature of the Giardia trophozoite, this term is defined spatially as the trophozoite is viewed from the dorsal side, with the two nuclei dorsal to the ventral disc, and the ventral disc toward the anterior.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: ventral disc spiral microtubule array
 broad_synonym: spiral microtubule array
 related_synonym: ventral disk microtubule array

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Term paths to the root
Path 1
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  cellular_component 21321
    cellular anatomical structure 21026
      ventral disc microtubule array 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  cellular_component 21321
    cellular anatomical structure 21026
      organelle 14240
        membraneless organelle 5379
          intracellular membraneless organelle 5379
            ventral disc 0
              ventral disc microtubule array 0
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