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Term:archaeal-type flagellum
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Accession:GO:0097589 term browser browse the term
Definition:A non-membrane-bounded organelle superficially similar to a bacterial-type flagellum; they both consist of filaments extending outside the cell, and rotate to propel the cell, but the archaeal flagella (also called archaella) have a unique structure which lacks a central channel. Similar to bacterial type IV pilins, the archaeal flagellins (archaellins) are made with class 3 signal peptides and they are processed by a type IV prepilin peptidase-like enzyme. The archaellins are typically modified by the addition of N-linked glycans which are necessary for proper assembly and/or function.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: archaellum
 related_synonym: archaeal flagellum;   archaella
 only_in_taxon: NCBITaxon:2157 ! Archaea

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  cellular_component 20833
    cellular anatomical structure 20633
      cell projection 2659
        archaeal-type flagellum 0
Path 2
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  cellular_component 20833
    cellular anatomical structure 20633
      organelle 13975
        membraneless organelle 5268
          archaeal-type flagellum 0
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