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Term:cerebrospinal fluid circulation
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Accession:GO:0090660 term browser browse the term
Definition:The neurological system process driven by motile cilia on ependymal cells of the brain by which cerebrospinal fluid circulates from the sites of secretion to the sites of absorption. In ventricular cavities, the flow is unidirectional and rostrocaudal, in subarachnoid spaces, the flow is multi-directional.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: CSF circulation;   CSF flow;   cerebrospinal fluid flow

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cerebrospinal fluid circulation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Aqp4 aquaporin 4 involved_in ISS
PMID:22896675 GO_REF:0000024 NCBI chr18:6,782,389...6,799,034
Ensembl chr18:6,507,903...6,524,856
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G Ccdc39 coiled-coil domain 39 molecular ruler complex subunit acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:4364215|MGI:5056368|MGI:5316786 (PMID:21515572), (PMID:28289722), (PMID:29317443), (PMID:34992132) RGD PMID:21515572 PMID:28289722 PMID:29317443 PMID:34992132 NCBI chr 2:118,593,881...118,631,584
Ensembl chr 2:116,665,261...116,703,350
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G Cfap221 cilia and flagella associated protein 221 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:1922208|MGI:2443727|MGI:3608909 (PMID:18039845), (PMID:32704025) RGD PMID:18039845 PMID:32704025 NCBI chr13:31,046,550...31,118,141
Ensembl chr13:31,046,535...31,116,899
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G Cfap43 cilia and flagella associated protein 43 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:6431400 (PMID:31884020) RGD PMID:31884020 NCBI chr 1:256,566,558...256,653,816
Ensembl chr 1:246,625,262...246,712,443
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G Cfap45 cilia and flagella associated protein 45 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:6509073 (PMID:33139725) RGD PMID:33139725 NCBI chr13:87,521,831...87,545,236
Ensembl chr13:84,981,728...85,012,878
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G Cfap53 cilia and flagella associated protein 53 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:6720857 (PMID:33347437) RGD PMID:33347437 NCBI chr18:67,884,651...67,955,873
Ensembl chr18:67,869,855...67,952,318
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G Cfap54 cilia and flagella associated protein 54 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:2443727|MGI:2684947 (PMID:32704025) RGD PMID:32704025 NCBI chr 7:27,316,498...27,601,630
Ensembl chr 7:27,316,502...27,602,144
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G Cwh43 cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:33459505) RGD PMID:33459505 NCBI chr14:34,754,279...34,800,530
Ensembl chr14:34,754,289...34,800,814
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G Daw1 dynein assembly factor with WD repeats 1 involved_in
MGI:5431501 (PMID:28289722)
PMID:28289722 GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chr 9:84,435,552...84,472,632
Ensembl chr 9:84,435,552...84,472,635
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G Dnaaf11 dynein axonemal assembly factor 11 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:6147714 (PMID:27353389) RGD PMID:27353389 NCBI chr 7:100,033,843...100,134,979
Ensembl chr 7:98,144,763...98,245,837
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G Dnah9 dynein, axonemal, heavy chain 9 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:6720876 (PMID:33347437) RGD PMID:33347437 NCBI chr10:50,496,174...50,864,909
Ensembl chr10:50,497,688...50,864,949
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G Gmnc geminin coiled-coil domain containing acts_upstream_of_or_within
PMID:26933123 GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chr11:73,836,255...73,847,698
Ensembl chr11:73,814,533...73,847,328
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G Jhy junctional cadherin complex regulator acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:5437647 (PMID:23906841), (PMID:29211732) RGD PMID:23906841 PMID:29211732 NCBI chr 8:41,276,501...41,333,383
Ensembl chr 8:41,276,491...41,333,514
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G Katnip katanin interacting protein acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:4128978 (PMID:26714646) RGD PMID:26714646 NCBI chr 1:180,270,194...180,436,766
Ensembl chr 1:180,269,929...180,436,766
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G Nherf1 NHERF family PDZ scaffold protein 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:25775275), (PMID:28392297) RGD PMID:25775275 PMID:28392297 NCBI chr10:100,902,165...100,919,265
Ensembl chr10:100,403,069...100,420,598
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G Odad3 outer dynein arm docking complex subunit 3 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:5548687 (PMID:31383820) RGD PMID:31383820 NCBI chr 8:28,796,909...28,810,587
Ensembl chr 8:20,520,898...20,534,499
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G Odad4 outer dynein arm docking complex subunit 4 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:6110171 (PMID:27486780) RGD PMID:27486780 NCBI chr10:85,480,089...85,508,603
Ensembl chr10:85,480,094...85,508,603
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G Spag16 sperm associated antigen 16 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:1354388 (PMID:17323374) RGD PMID:17323374 NCBI chr 9:71,333,005...72,252,772
Ensembl chr 9:71,332,992...72,252,708
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G Spag6l sperm associated antigen 6-like acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:1913972|MGI:2662475 (PMID:17323374), (PMID:25393619) RGD PMID:17323374 PMID:25393619 NCBI chr11:84,173,628...84,269,374
Ensembl chr11:84,173,526...84,269,364
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G Spef2 sperm flagellar 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:1922208|MGI:2684947 (PMID:32704025) RGD PMID:32704025 NCBI chr 2:60,239,655...60,421,850
Ensembl chr 2:58,512,489...58,694,664
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G Ulk4 unc-51 like kinase 4 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:4362969 (PMID:27445138) RGD PMID:27445138 NCBI chr 8:129,548,431...129,843,555
Ensembl chr 8:120,670,866...120,966,924
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 20536
    multicellular organismal process 8969
      system process 3558
        nervous system process 2761
          cerebrospinal fluid circulation 21
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 20536
    cellular process 19525
      microtubule-based process 1078
        microtubule-based movement 514
          cilium movement 291
            epithelial cilium movement involved in extracellular fluid movement 49
              cerebrospinal fluid circulation 21
paths to the root