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Term:vesicle tethering involved in exocytosis
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Accession:GO:0090522 term browser browse the term
Definition:The initial, indirect interaction between a secretory vesicle membrane and a site of exocytosis in the plasma membrane. This interaction is mediated by tethering factors (or complexes), which interact with both membranes. Interaction can occur via direct binding to membrane phospholipids or membrane proteins, or via binding to vesicle coat proteins. This process is distinct from and prior to docking and fusion.
Synonyms:narrow_synonym: vesicle tethering to plasma membrane

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vesicle tethering involved in exocytosis term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Exoc1 exocyst complex component 1 involved_in NAS (PMID:22420621) ComplexPortal PMID:22420621 NCBI chr 5:76,677,147...76,718,134
Ensembl chr 5:76,677,158...76,718,141
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G Exoc2 exocyst complex component 2 involved_in NAS (PMID:22420621) ComplexPortal PMID:22420621 NCBI chr13:30,968,421...31,162,082
Ensembl chr13:30,968,416...31,158,076
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G Exoc3 exocyst complex component 3 involved_in NAS (PMID:22420621) ComplexPortal PMID:22420621 NCBI chr13:74,317,921...74,358,151
Ensembl chr13:74,317,607...74,356,851
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G Exoc4 exocyst complex component 4 involved_in NAS (PMID:22420621) ComplexPortal PMID:22420621 NCBI chr 6:33,226,025...33,950,914
Ensembl chr 6:33,226,020...33,950,914
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G Exoc5 exocyst complex component 5 involved_in NAS (PMID:22420621) ComplexPortal PMID:22420621 NCBI chr14:49,249,379...49,304,124
Ensembl chr14:49,241,547...49,304,110
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G Exoc6 exocyst complex component 6 involved_in NAS (PMID:22420621) ComplexPortal PMID:22420621 NCBI chr19:37,525,181...37,672,499
Ensembl chr19:37,509,327...37,672,507
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G Exoc6b exocyst complex component 6B involved_in NAS (PMID:22420621) ComplexPortal PMID:22420621 NCBI chr 6:84,595,468...85,046,524
Ensembl chr 6:84,595,469...85,046,495
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G Exoc7 exocyst complex component 7 involved_in NAS (PMID:22420621) ComplexPortal PMID:22420621 NCBI chr11:116,178,823...116,197,574
Ensembl chr11:116,178,827...116,198,059
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G Exoc8 exocyst complex component 8 involved_in NAS (PMID:22420621) ComplexPortal PMID:22420621 NCBI chr 8:125,617,038...125,624,444
Ensembl chr 8:125,619,847...125,624,444
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 28632
    cellular process 18390
      exocytic process 114
        vesicle tethering involved in exocytosis 9
          contractile vacuole tethering involved in discharge 0
          exocytic insertion of neurotransmitter receptor to plasma membrane 0
          synaptic vesicle tethering involved in synaptic vesicle exocytosis 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 28632
    localization 5643
      establishment of localization 4993
        transport 4669
          export from cell 1135
            secretion by cell 1040
              exocytosis 410
                exocytic process 114
                  vesicle tethering involved in exocytosis 9
                    contractile vacuole tethering involved in discharge 0
                    exocytic insertion of neurotransmitter receptor to plasma membrane 0
                    synaptic vesicle tethering involved in synaptic vesicle exocytosis 0
paths to the root