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Term:U12-type precatalytic spliceosome
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Accession:GO:0071016 term browser browse the term
Definition:A spliceosomal complex that is formed by the recruitment of the preassembled U4atac/U6atac.U5 tri-snRNP to the U12-type prespliceosome. Although all 5 snRNPs are present, the precatalytic spliceosome is catalytically inactive. The precatalytic spliceosome includes many proteins in addition to those found in the U11, U12 and U4atac/U6atac.U5 snRNPs.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: minor precatalytic spliceosome
 narrow_synonym: AT-AC precatalytic spliceosome;   mammalian U12-type spliceosomal complex B;   mammalian U12-type spliceosomal complex B1;   yeast U12-type spliceosomal complex A2-1

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Path 1
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  cellular_component 21327
    protein-containing complex 6790
      ribonucleoprotein complex 1293
        spliceosomal complex 235
          U12-type spliceosomal complex 31
            U12-type precatalytic spliceosome 0
Path 2
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  cellular_component 21327
    cellular anatomical structure 21032
      organelle 14243
        intracellular organelle 13830
          intracellular membrane-bounded organelle 12255
            nucleus 7651
              nuclear protein-containing complex 1338
                spliceosomal complex 235
                  U12-type spliceosomal complex 31
                    U12-type precatalytic spliceosome 0
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