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Term:extrinsic component of organelle membrane
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Accession:GO:0031312 term browser browse the term
Definition:The component of an organelle membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region.
Synonyms:narrow_synonym: extrinsic to organelle membrane

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extrinsic component of endosome membrane term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Snx10 sorting nexin 10 located_in ISO (PMID:17012226) UniProt PMID:17012226 NCBI chrNW_004624739:4,210,840...4,274,768
Ensembl chrNW_004624739:4,209,036...4,233,519
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extrinsic component of Golgi membrane term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Nucb1 nucleobindin 1 ISO RGD PMID:9647645 RGD:9831131 NCBI chrNW_004624832:5,073,022...5,085,493
Ensembl chrNW_004624832:5,071,869...5,085,623
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extrinsic component of mitochondrial inner membrane term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Coq3 coenzyme Q3, methyltransferase located_in IEA UniProt GO_REF:0000104 NCBI chrNW_004624810:5,613,716...5,666,379
Ensembl chrNW_004624810:5,613,750...5,670,544
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G Coq4 coenzyme Q4 located_in IEA UniProt GO_REF:0000104 NCBI chrNW_004624760:6,545,040...6,557,291
Ensembl chrNW_004624760:6,548,228...6,557,212
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G Coq5 coenzyme Q5, methyltransferase located_in IEA UniProt GO_REF:0000104 NCBI chrNW_004624747:13,145,380...13,165,169
Ensembl chrNW_004624747:13,145,343...13,168,246
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G Coq6 coenzyme Q6, monooxygenase located_in IEA UniProt GO_REF:0000104 NCBI chrNW_004624734:27,610,144...27,625,670
Ensembl chrNW_004624734:27,610,248...27,626,298
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G Coq7 coenzyme Q7, hydroxylase located_in IEA UniProt GO_REF:0000104 NCBI chrNW_004624782:2,682,489...2,689,662
Ensembl chrNW_004624782:2,682,486...2,689,661
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extrinsic component of neuronal dense core vesicle membrane term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cadps calcium dependent secretion activator is_active_in ISO PMID:9697858 SynGO PMID:9697858 RGD:13702263 NCBI chrNW_004624888:2,985,966...3,443,542 JBrowse link
G Stxbp5 syntaxin binding protein 5 is_active_in ISO (PMID:28746398) SynGO PMID:28746398 NCBI chrNW_004624785:10,692,573...10,874,358
Ensembl chrNW_004624785:10,692,257...10,874,285
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extrinsic component of omegasome membrane term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Atg14 autophagy related 14 located_in IEA TreeGrafter GO_REF:0000118 NCBI chrNW_004624884:165,443...220,525 JBrowse link
G Zfyve1 zinc finger FYVE-type containing 1 located_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004624734:28,384,199...28,442,211
Ensembl chrNW_004624734:28,384,122...28,442,211
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extrinsic component of phagophore assembly site membrane term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Atg14 autophagy related 14 located_in IEA TreeGrafter GO_REF:0000118 NCBI chrNW_004624884:165,443...220,525 JBrowse link
extrinsic component of postsynaptic early endosome membrane term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Gripap1 GRIP1 associated protein 1 is_active_in
PMID:20098723 SynGO
PMID:20098723 GO_REF:0000118 RGD:12050105 NCBI chrNW_004624893:753,111...778,563
Ensembl chrNW_004624893:753,111...778,539
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extrinsic component of postsynaptic endosome membrane term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Snx1 sorting nexin 1 is_active_in ISO (PMID:24261326) SynGO PMID:24261326 NCBI chrNW_004624781:8,425,878...8,467,660
Ensembl chrNW_004624781:8,425,971...8,468,305
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extrinsic component of synaptic vesicle membrane term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Amph amphiphysin is_active_in ISO PMID:1628617 SynGO PMID:1628617 RGD:13702221 NCBI chrNW_004624740:22,399,302...22,615,736
Ensembl chrNW_004624740:22,399,244...22,614,608
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G Atm ATM serine/threonine kinase is_active_in ISO (PMID:27075534) SynGO PMID:27075534 NCBI chrNW_004624784:2,933,172...3,080,131
Ensembl chrNW_004624784:2,937,499...3,078,216
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G Atp6v1a ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit A is_active_in ISO PMID:32165585 SynGO PMID:32165585 RGD:39458019 NCBI chrNW_004624731:34,721,142...34,780,632 JBrowse link
G Atp6v1b1 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit B1 is_active_in ISO PMID:23622064 SynGO PMID:23622064 RGD:13702180 NCBI chrNW_004624762:2,445,840...2,480,377
Ensembl chrNW_004624762:2,443,765...2,480,464
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G Atp6v1b2 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit B2 is_active_in ISO PMID:32165585 SynGO PMID:32165585 RGD:39458019 NCBI chrNW_004624758:15,910,189...15,933,975
Ensembl chrNW_004624758:15,910,132...15,935,160
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G Atp6v1c1 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit C1 is_active_in ISO PMID:32165585 SynGO PMID:32165585 RGD:39458019 NCBI chrNW_004624763:19,726,883...19,769,247
Ensembl chrNW_004624763:19,726,841...19,769,372
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G Atp6v1d ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit D is_active_in ISO PMID:32165585 SynGO PMID:32165585 RGD:39458019 NCBI chrNW_004624734:33,640,842...33,669,471
Ensembl chrNW_004624734:33,640,839...33,657,745
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G Atp6v1e1 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit E1 is_active_in ISO PMID:32165585 SynGO PMID:32165585 RGD:39458019 NCBI chrNW_004624735:9,704,600...9,726,297
Ensembl chrNW_004624735:9,703,863...9,726,275
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G Atp6v1f ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit F is_active_in ISO PMID:32165585 SynGO PMID:32165585 RGD:39458019 NCBI chrNW_004624783:7,328,113...7,331,648
Ensembl chrNW_004624783:7,328,113...7,331,666
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G Atp6v1g1 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit G1 is_active_in ISO PMID:32165585 SynGO PMID:32165585 RGD:39458019 NCBI chrNW_004624760:20,627,985...20,636,670
Ensembl chrNW_004624760:20,624,624...20,636,631
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G Atp6v1g2 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit G2 is_active_in ISO PMID:32165585 SynGO PMID:32165585 RGD:39458019 NCBI chrNW_004624754:24,652,156...24,654,753
Ensembl chrNW_004624754:24,651,780...24,654,860
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G Atp6v1h ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit H is_active_in ISO PMID:23622064 SynGO PMID:23622064 RGD:13702180 NCBI chrNW_004624735:1,785,558...1,957,103
Ensembl chrNW_004624735:1,831,597...1,961,669
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G Atr ATR serine/threonine kinase is_active_in ISO (PMID:29279380) SynGO PMID:29279380 NCBI chrNW_004624730:19,022,012...19,145,474
Ensembl chrNW_004624730:19,022,070...19,145,306
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G Bin1 bridging integrator 1 is_active_in ISO PMID:9348539 SynGO PMID:9348539 RGD:631926 NCBI chrNW_004624732:13,543,975...13,592,942
Ensembl chrNW_004624732:13,544,507...13,592,795
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G Cltc clathrin heavy chain is_active_in ISO PMID:1325974 SynGO PMID:1325974 RGD:13702292 NCBI chrNW_004624871:1,439,975...1,507,514
Ensembl chrNW_004624871:1,439,838...1,510,911
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G Doc2a double C2 domain alpha is_active_in ISO PMID:9115738 SynGO PMID:9115738 RGD:1357915 NCBI chrNW_004624782:13,217,553...13,221,763
Ensembl chrNW_004624782:13,217,736...13,221,457
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G Doc2b double C2 domain beta is_active_in ISO PMID:9115738 SynGO PMID:9115738 RGD:1357915 NCBI chrNW_004624786:4,029,384...4,060,676
Ensembl chrNW_004624786:4,029,390...4,060,196
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G Rph3a rabphilin 3A is_active_in
PMID:8060298 PMID:17110340 GO_REF:0000118 RGD:12050113 RGD:13702383 NCBI chrNW_004624747:19,439,365...19,657,865
Ensembl chrNW_004624747:19,441,226...19,495,798
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G Sgta small glutamine rich tetratricopeptide repeat co-chaperone alpha is_active_in ISO PMID:11580898 SynGO PMID:11580898 RGD:13702369 NCBI chrNW_004624828:5,832,274...5,854,472
Ensembl chrNW_004624828:5,834,586...5,843,528
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G Snap29 synaptosome associated protein 29 is_active_in ISO PMID:17110340 SynGO PMID:17110340 RGD:12050113 NCBI chrNW_004624945:799,831...837,720
Ensembl chrNW_004624945:801,833...837,564
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G Syn1 synapsin I is_active_in ISO PMID:6404912
SynGO PMID:6404912 PMID:23622064 PMID:31959215 RGD:13702180 RGD:13702282 RGD:155230771 NCBI chrNW_004624978:110,640...179,910
Ensembl chrNW_004624978:110,506...180,568
JBrowse link
G Syn2 synapsin II is_active_in ISO PMID:23622064
SynGO PMID:2118908 PMID:23622064 RGD:13702180 RGD:13702354 NCBI chrNW_004624956:302,239...467,319
Ensembl chrNW_004624956:303,011...349,857
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G Syn3 synapsin III is_active_in ISO PMID:9539796
SynGO PMID:9539796 PMID:23622064 RGD:13702156 RGD:13702180 NCBI chrNW_004624750:1,663,309...1,976,738
Ensembl chrNW_004624750:1,699,107...1,972,252
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G Tprg1l tumor protein p63 regulated 1 like is_active_in ISO PMID:26212709 SynGO PMID:26212709 RGD:13792549 NCBI chrNW_004624818:6,850,479...6,857,979
Ensembl chrNW_004624818:6,850,486...6,858,136
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  cellular_component 15780
    cellular anatomical structure 15657
      extrinsic component of membrane 176
        extrinsic component of organelle membrane 37
          extrinsic component of Golgi membrane 1
          extrinsic component of dense core granule membrane + 2
          extrinsic component of endoplasmic reticulum membrane 0
          extrinsic component of endosome membrane + 3
          extrinsic component of intraperoxisomal membrane 0
          extrinsic component of mitochondrial inner membrane + 5
          extrinsic component of mitochondrial outer membrane 0
          extrinsic component of nuclear outer membrane 0
          extrinsic component of omegasome membrane 2
          extrinsic component of phagophore assembly site membrane 1
          extrinsic component of plastid membrane + 0
          extrinsic component of synaptic vesicle membrane 24
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  cellular_component 15780
    cellular anatomical structure 15657
      organelle 11426
        membrane-bounded organelle 10408
          organelle membrane 2657
            extrinsic component of organelle membrane 37
              extrinsic component of Golgi membrane 1
              extrinsic component of dense core granule membrane + 2
              extrinsic component of endoplasmic reticulum membrane 0
              extrinsic component of endosome membrane + 3
              extrinsic component of intraperoxisomal membrane 0
              extrinsic component of mitochondrial inner membrane + 5
              extrinsic component of mitochondrial outer membrane 0
              extrinsic component of nuclear outer membrane 0
              extrinsic component of omegasome membrane 2
              extrinsic component of phagophore assembly site membrane 1
              extrinsic component of plastid membrane + 0
              extrinsic component of synaptic vesicle membrane 24
paths to the root