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Term:regulation of gene expression
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Accession:GO:0010468 term browser browse the term
Definition:Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of gene expression. Gene expression is the process in which a gene's coding sequence is converted into a mature gene product (protein or RNA).
Comment:This class covers any process that regulates the rate of production of a mature gene product, and so includes processes that regulate that rate by regulating the level, stability or availability of intermediates in the process of gene expression. For example, it covers any process that regulates the level, stability or availability of mRNA or circRNA for translation and thereby regulates the rate of production of the encoded protein via translation.
Synonyms:narrow_synonym: regulation of protein expression
 related_synonym: gene regulation;   regulation of gene product expression
 xref: Reactome:R-HSA-163767 "PP2A-mediated dephosphorylation of key metabolic factors";   Reactome:R-HSA-9752946 "Expression and translocation of olfactory receptors";   Wikipedia:Regulation_of_gene_expression

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    Path 1
    Term Annotations click to browse term
      biological_process 20553
        cellular process 19543
          metabolic process 12181
            biosynthetic process 8648
              macromolecule biosynthetic process 7672
                gene expression 7233
                  regulation of gene expression 5311
                    circadian regulation of gene expression 73
                    epigenetic regulation of gene expression + 312
                    maternal-to-zygotic transition of gene expression + 5
                    negative regulation of gene expression + 1393
                    negative regulation of transcription initiation-coupled chromatin remodeling 3
                    positive regulation of gene expression + 1363
                    post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression + 762
                    pre-B cell allelic exclusion 3
                    regulation of DNA-templated transcription + 3471
                    regulation of RNA splicing + 178
                    regulation of cytokine production + 920
                    regulation of gene silencing by regulatory ncRNA + 36
                    regulation of heterochromatin formation + 10
                    regulation of mRNA catabolic process + 266
                    regulation of mitochondrial gene expression + 40
                    regulation of oxytocin production + 1
                    regulation of post-transcriptional gene silencing + 35
                    regulation of production of molecular mediator of immune response + 216
                    regulation of protein maturation + 67
                    regulation of rRNA processing + 15
                    regulation of snoRNA processing + 0
                    regulation of tRNA processing + 1
                    signal transduction involved in regulation of gene expression 33
    Path 2
    Term Annotations click to browse term
      biological_process 20553
        biological regulation 13833
          regulation of biological process 13387
            regulation of cellular process 13023
              regulation of metabolic process 6832
                regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 6296
                  regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process 5425
                    regulation of gene expression 5311
                      circadian regulation of gene expression 73
                      epigenetic regulation of gene expression + 312
                      maternal-to-zygotic transition of gene expression + 5
                      negative regulation of gene expression + 1393
                      negative regulation of transcription initiation-coupled chromatin remodeling 3
                      positive regulation of gene expression + 1363
                      post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression + 762
                      pre-B cell allelic exclusion 3
                      regulation of DNA-templated transcription + 3471
                      regulation of RNA splicing + 178
                      regulation of cytokine production + 920
                      regulation of gene silencing by regulatory ncRNA + 36
                      regulation of heterochromatin formation + 10
                      regulation of mRNA catabolic process + 266
                      regulation of mitochondrial gene expression + 40
                      regulation of oxytocin production + 1
                      regulation of post-transcriptional gene silencing + 35
                      regulation of production of molecular mediator of immune response + 216
                      regulation of protein maturation + 67
                      regulation of rRNA processing + 15
                      regulation of snoRNA processing + 0
                      regulation of tRNA processing + 1
                      signal transduction involved in regulation of gene expression 33
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