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Term:cell surface receptor signaling pathway
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Accession:GO:0007166 term browser browse the term
Definition:The series of molecular signals initiated by an extracellular ligand binding to a receptor located on the cell surface. The pathway ends with regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: cell surface receptor linked signal transduction;   cell surface receptor linked signaling pathway;   cell surface receptor linked signalling pathway
 xref: Reactome:R-HSA-73887 "Death Receptor Signaling"

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    Path 1
    Term Annotations click to browse term
      biological_process 20536
        cellular process 19525
          signal transduction 7251
            cell surface receptor signaling pathway 2882
              CD27 signaling pathway 5
              CD40 signaling pathway + 17
              Fas signaling pathway + 8
              Norrin signaling pathway 5
              Notch signaling pathway + 194
              Roundabout signaling pathway + 6
              Toll signaling pathway + 13
              Wnt signaling pathway + 474
              adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled bile acid receptor signaling pathway 1
              apolipoprotein A-I-mediated signaling pathway + 8
              beta-arrestin-dependent dopamine receptor signaling pathway 0
              cell surface receptor signaling pathway involved in heart development + 6
              cell surface receptor signaling pathway via STAT + 190
              chemical synaptic transmission, postsynaptic + 140
              collagen-activated signaling pathway + 64
              cytokine-mediated signaling pathway + 546
              enzyme-linked receptor protein signaling pathway + 1062
              extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway + 255
              glutamate receptor signaling pathway + 61
              immune response-regulating cell surface receptor signaling pathway + 323
              integrin-mediated signaling pathway + 103
              lipopolysaccharide-mediated signaling pathway + 58
              netrin-activated signaling pathway + 9
              neuropilin signaling pathway + 4
              neurotrophin signaling pathway + 44
              positive regulation of integrin activation by cell surface receptor linked signal transduction 2
              purinergic nucleotide receptor signaling pathway + 30
              reelin-mediated signaling pathway 12
              semaphorin-plexin signaling pathway + 54
              smoothened signaling pathway + 174
              urokinase plasminogen activator signaling pathway 2
    Path 2
    Term Annotations click to browse term
      biological_process 20536
        biological regulation 13822
          regulation of biological process 13376
            signaling 7809
              signal transduction 7251
                cell surface receptor signaling pathway 2882
                  CD27 signaling pathway 5
                  CD40 signaling pathway + 17
                  Fas signaling pathway + 8
                  Norrin signaling pathway 5
                  Notch signaling pathway + 194
                  Roundabout signaling pathway + 6
                  Toll signaling pathway + 13
                  Wnt signaling pathway + 474
                  adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled bile acid receptor signaling pathway 1
                  apolipoprotein A-I-mediated signaling pathway + 8
                  beta-arrestin-dependent dopamine receptor signaling pathway 0
                  cell surface receptor signaling pathway involved in heart development + 6
                  cell surface receptor signaling pathway via STAT + 190
                  chemical synaptic transmission, postsynaptic + 140
                  collagen-activated signaling pathway + 64
                  cytokine-mediated signaling pathway + 546
                  enzyme-linked receptor protein signaling pathway + 1062
                  extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway + 255
                  glutamate receptor signaling pathway + 61
                  immune response-regulating cell surface receptor signaling pathway + 323
                  integrin-mediated signaling pathway + 103
                  lipopolysaccharide-mediated signaling pathway + 58
                  netrin-activated signaling pathway + 9
                  neuropilin signaling pathway + 4
                  neurotrophin signaling pathway + 44
                  positive regulation of integrin activation by cell surface receptor linked signal transduction 2
                  purinergic nucleotide receptor signaling pathway + 30
                  reelin-mediated signaling pathway 12
                  semaphorin-plexin signaling pathway + 54
                  smoothened signaling pathway + 174
                  urokinase plasminogen activator signaling pathway 2
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