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Term:signal transduction
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Accession:GO:0007165 term browser browse the term
Definition:The cellular process in which a signal is conveyed to trigger a change in the activity or state of a cell. Signal transduction begins with reception of a signal (e.g. a ligand binding to a receptor or receptor activation by a stimulus such as light), or for signal transduction in the absence of ligand, signal-withdrawal or the activity of a constitutively active receptor. Signal transduction ends with regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. regulation of transcription or regulation of a metabolic process. Signal transduction covers signaling from receptors located on the surface of the cell and signaling via molecules located within the cell. For signaling between cells, signal transduction is restricted to events at and within the receiving cell.
Comment:Note that signal transduction is defined broadly to include a ligand interacting with a receptor, downstream signaling steps and a response being triggered. A change in form of the signal in every step is not necessary. Note that in many cases the end of this process is regulation of the initiation of transcription. Note that specific transcription factors may be annotated to this term, but core/general transcription machinery such as RNA polymerase should not.
Synonyms:narrow_synonym: signaling cascade;   signalling cascade
 related_synonym: signaling pathway;   signalling pathway
 alt_id: GO:0023014;   GO:0023015;   GO:0023016;   GO:0023033;   GO:0023045
 xref: Reactome:R-HSA-212718 "EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma";   Wikipedia:Signal_transduction

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    Path 1
    Term Annotations click to browse term
      biological_process 18932
        cellular process 18474
          signal transduction 6991
            G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway + 2441
            apoptotic signaling pathway + 655
            bile acid signaling pathway + 3
            carbohydrate mediated signaling + 11
            cell surface receptor signaling pathway + 2785
            extracellular ATP signaling 0
            granzyme-mediated programmed cell death signaling pathway + 13
            hormone-mediated signaling pathway + 220
            hydrogen peroxide mediated signaling pathway 0
            immune response-regulating signaling pathway + 503
            intracellular signal transduction + 3030
            ligand-gated ion channel signaling pathway + 46
            lipoprotein particle mediated signaling + 4
            necroptotic signaling pathway 8
            negative regulation of signal transduction + 1456
            neuronal signal transduction + 6
            opioid growth factor receptor signaling pathway 0
            phototransduction + 29
            positive regulation of signal transduction + 1710
            postsynaptic signal transduction + 63
            presynaptic signal transduction + 2
            red or far-red light signaling pathway + 1
            regulation of blood pressure by chemoreceptor signaling pathway 0
            regulation of floral organ abscission by signal transduction 0
            regulation of signal transduction + 3171
            salicylic acid mediated signaling pathway + 0
            serotonin receptor signaling pathway + 16
            signal transduction in absence of ligand + 76
            signal transduction involved in cellular response to ammonium ion 0
            signal transduction involved in filamentous growth 0
            signal transduction involved in positive regulation of conjugation with cellular fusion + 0
            signal transduction involved in regulation of gene expression 32
            sphingolipid mediated signaling pathway + 20
    Path 2
    Term Annotations click to browse term
      biological_process 18932
        biological regulation 13012
          regulation of biological process 12630
            signaling 7533
              signal transduction 6991
                G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway + 2441
                apoptotic signaling pathway + 655
                bile acid signaling pathway + 3
                carbohydrate mediated signaling + 11
                cell surface receptor signaling pathway + 2785
                extracellular ATP signaling 0
                granzyme-mediated programmed cell death signaling pathway + 13
                hormone-mediated signaling pathway + 220
                hydrogen peroxide mediated signaling pathway 0
                immune response-regulating signaling pathway + 503
                intracellular signal transduction + 3030
                ligand-gated ion channel signaling pathway + 46
                lipoprotein particle mediated signaling + 4
                necroptotic signaling pathway 8
                negative regulation of signal transduction + 1456
                neuronal signal transduction + 6
                opioid growth factor receptor signaling pathway 0
                phototransduction + 29
                positive regulation of signal transduction + 1710
                postsynaptic signal transduction + 63
                presynaptic signal transduction + 2
                red or far-red light signaling pathway + 1
                regulation of blood pressure by chemoreceptor signaling pathway 0
                regulation of floral organ abscission by signal transduction 0
                regulation of signal transduction + 3171
                salicylic acid mediated signaling pathway + 0
                serotonin receptor signaling pathway + 16
                signal transduction in absence of ligand + 76
                signal transduction involved in cellular response to ammonium ion 0
                signal transduction involved in filamentous growth 0
                signal transduction involved in positive regulation of conjugation with cellular fusion + 0
                signal transduction involved in regulation of gene expression 32
                sphingolipid mediated signaling pathway + 20
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