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Term:DNA-templated transcription
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Accession:GO:0006351 term browser browse the term
Definition:The synthesis of an RNA transcript from a DNA template.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: DNA-dependent transcription
 narrow_synonym: bacterial transcription;   transcription from bacterial-type RNA polymerase promoter
 broad_synonym: cellular transcription;   transcription
 alt_id: GO:0001121;   GO:0006350;   GO:0061018;   GO:0061022
 xref: Reactome:R-HSA-2173793 "Transcriptional activity of SMAD2/SMAD3:SMAD4 heterotrimer";   Reactome:R-HSA-74160 "Gene expression (Transcription)";   Wikipedia:Transcription_(genetics)

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    Path 1
    Term Annotations click to browse term
      biological_process 20536
        cellular process 19525
          metabolic process 12160
            biosynthetic process 8651
              macromolecule biosynthetic process 7653
                gene expression 7211
                  DNA-templated transcription 3628
                    DNA-templated transcription elongation + 121
                    DNA-templated transcription initiation + 188
                    DNA-templated transcription termination + 22
                    antisense RNA transcription + 0
                    lncRNA transcription + 5
                    mRNA transcription + 50
                    miRNA transcription + 82
                    mitochondrial transcription + 30
                    negative regulation of DNA-templated transcription + 1302
                    piRNA transcription + 2
                    plastid transcription + 7
                    positive regulation of DNA-templated transcription + 1713
                    promoter clearance during DNA-templated transcription + 3
                    rRNA transcription + 38
                    regulation of DNA-templated transcription + 3471
                    snRNA transcription + 20
                    sno(s)RNA transcription + 0
                    tRNA transcription + 7
                    telomeric repeat-containing RNA transcription 0
                    transcription by RNA polymerase I + 75
                    transcription by RNA polymerase II + 2743
                    transcription by RNA polymerase III + 64
                    transcription by RNA polymerase IV 7
                    transcription by RNA polymerase V + 7
    Path 2
    Term Annotations click to browse term
      biological_process 20536
        cellular process 19525
          metabolic process 12160
            primary metabolic process 10746
              nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 5944
                nucleic acid metabolic process 5329
                  RNA metabolic process 4747
                    RNA biosynthetic process 4463
                      DNA-templated transcription 3628
                        DNA-templated transcription elongation + 121
                        DNA-templated transcription initiation + 188
                        DNA-templated transcription termination + 22
                        antisense RNA transcription + 0
                        lncRNA transcription + 5
                        mRNA transcription + 50
                        miRNA transcription + 82
                        mitochondrial transcription + 30
                        negative regulation of DNA-templated transcription + 1302
                        piRNA transcription + 2
                        plastid transcription + 7
                        positive regulation of DNA-templated transcription + 1713
                        promoter clearance during DNA-templated transcription + 3
                        rRNA transcription + 38
                        regulation of DNA-templated transcription + 3471
                        snRNA transcription + 20
                        sno(s)RNA transcription + 0
                        tRNA transcription + 7
                        telomeric repeat-containing RNA transcription 0
                        transcription by RNA polymerase I + 75
                        transcription by RNA polymerase II + 2743
                        transcription by RNA polymerase III + 64
                        transcription by RNA polymerase IV 7
                        transcription by RNA polymerase V + 7
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