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Term:gamma DNA polymerase complex
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Accession:GO:0005760 term browser browse the term
Definition:A DNA polymerase complex consisting of a large subunit, responsible for the catalytic activities, and a small accessory subunit. Functions in the replication and repair of mitochondrial DNA.

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gamma DNA polymerase complex term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Dna2 DNA replication helicase/nuclease 2 part_of IEA GO_REF:0000107 Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chr20:25,661,652...25,690,598
Ensembl chr20:25,662,055...25,716,319
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G Polg DNA polymerase gamma, catalytic subunit part_of IDA
(PMID:10608893), (PMID:19837034), (PMID:19858216), (PMID:26056153), (PMID:26123486), (PMID:26446790), (PMID:26554610), (PMID:37202477)
PMID:10608893 PMID:19837034 PMID:19858216 PMID:26056153 PMID:26123486 More... GO_REF:0000107, RGD:724601 NCBI chr 1:142,792,119...142,808,933
Ensembl chr 1:133,382,766...133,398,567
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G Polg2 DNA polymerase gamma 2, accessory subunit part_of ISO (PMID:10608893), (PMID:19837034), (PMID:19858216), (PMID:26056153), (PMID:26123486), (PMID:26446790), (PMID:26554610), (PMID:37202477) RGD PMID:10608893 PMID:19837034 PMID:19858216 PMID:26056153 PMID:26123486 More... NCBI chr10:91,712,586...91,723,008
Ensembl chr10:91,712,586...91,723,008
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  cellular_component 21327
    protein-containing complex 6790
      mitochondrial protein-containing complex 180
        gamma DNA polymerase complex 3
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  cellular_component 21327
    cellular anatomical structure 21032
      organelle 14243
        intracellular organelle 13830
          intracellular membrane-bounded organelle 12255
            mitochondrion 1991
              mitochondrial protein-containing complex 180
                gamma DNA polymerase complex 3
paths to the root