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Term:tobacco smoke exposure measurement
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Accession:EFO:0009115 term browser browse the term
Definition:Quantification of some aspect of tobacco smoke exposure.
Synonyms:xref: PMID:29535761
 external_ontology: is_about is_about EFO:0004318

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tobacco smoke exposure measurement term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q GWAS1114612_H Cleft palate, tobacco smoke exposure measurement, cleft lip, parental genotype effect measurement QTL GWAS1114612 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:31372216
Q GWAS1126799_H tobacco smoke exposure measurement QTL GWAS1126799 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:30679032
Q GWAS1126800_H tobacco smoke exposure measurement QTL GWAS1126800 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:30679032
Q GWAS1126801_H tobacco smoke exposure measurement QTL GWAS1126801 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:30679032
Q GWAS1126802_H tobacco smoke exposure measurement QTL GWAS1126802 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:30679032
Q GWAS1126803_H tobacco smoke exposure measurement QTL GWAS1126803 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:30679032
Q GWAS1126804_H tobacco smoke exposure measurement QTL GWAS1126804 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:30679032
Q GWAS1126805_H tobacco smoke exposure measurement QTL GWAS1126805 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:30679032
Q GWAS1126806_H tobacco smoke exposure measurement QTL GWAS1126806 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:30679032
Q GWAS1126807_H tobacco smoke exposure measurement QTL GWAS1126807 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:30679032
Q GWAS1126849_H tobacco smoke exposure measurement QTL GWAS1126849 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:30679032
Q GWAS1126850_H tobacco smoke exposure measurement QTL GWAS1126850 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:30679032
Q GWAS1126851_H tobacco smoke exposure measurement QTL GWAS1126851 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:30679032
Q GWAS1153228_H Cleft palate, tobacco smoke exposure measurement, cleft lip, parental genotype effect measurement QTL GWAS1153228 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:31372216
Q GWAS1153229_H Cleft palate, tobacco smoke exposure measurement, cleft lip, parental genotype effect measurement QTL GWAS1153229 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:31372216
Q GWAS1153230_H Cleft palate, tobacco smoke exposure measurement, cleft lip, parental genotype effect measurement QTL GWAS1153230 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:31372216
Q GWAS1153231_H Cleft palate, tobacco smoke exposure measurement, cleft lip, parental genotype effect measurement QTL GWAS1153231 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:31372216
Q GWAS1153232_H Cleft palate, tobacco smoke exposure measurement, cleft lip, parental genotype effect measurement QTL GWAS1153232 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:31372216
Q GWAS1153233_H Cleft palate, tobacco smoke exposure measurement, cleft lip, parental genotype effect measurement QTL GWAS1153233 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:31372216
Q GWAS1153234_H Cleft palate, tobacco smoke exposure measurement, cleft lip, parental genotype effect measurement QTL GWAS1153234 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:31372216
Q GWAS1153272_H Cleft palate, tobacco smoke exposure measurement, cleft lip, parental genotype effect measurement QTL GWAS1153272 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:31372216
Q GWAS1173954_H tobacco smoke exposure measurement, cleft lip QTL GWAS1173954 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:29535761
Q GWAS1560830_H tobacco smoke exposure measurement QTL GWAS1560830 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:30679032
Q GWAS1560831_H tobacco smoke exposure measurement QTL GWAS1560831 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:30679032
Q GWAS1562015_H tobacco smoke exposure measurement QTL GWAS1562015 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:30679032
Q GWAS1562016_H tobacco smoke exposure measurement QTL GWAS1562016 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:30679032
Q GWAS1562017_H tobacco smoke exposure measurement QTL GWAS1562017 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:30679032

Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  experimental factor 598546
    information entity 484594
      measurement 484540
        environmental exposure measurement 443
          tobacco smoke exposure measurement 27
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