A disease whose physical basis is an infectious agent A disorder directly resulting from the presence and activity of a microbial, viral, or parasitic agent in humans. It can be transmitted by direct or indirect contact.
Replaces 'infection' in disease hierarchy. OBI imported term infection is moved to pathologic process. This class is a container class for infectious diseases, not the process of infection itself.
DOID:0050117; NCIT:C26726; communicable disease; disorder due to infection; http://identifiers.org/medgen/1057; http://identifiers.org/mesh/D003141; http://identifiers.org/snomedct/40733004; http://linkedlifedata.com/resource/umls/id/C0009450; http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/ICD10CM/A00-B99; infection; infectious; infectious diseases and manifestations; infectious disorder; transmissible disease