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Accession:EFO:0000513 term browser browse the term
Definition:The total sum of the genetic information of an organism that is known and relevant to the experiment being performed, including chromosomal, plasmid, viral or other genetic material which has been introduced into the organism either prior to or during the experiment.
Comment:Information, making the distinction between the actual physical material (e.g. a cell) and the information about the genetic content (genotype).
Synonyms:xref: MO:51;   MeSH:D005838;   NCI:C16631;   NIFSTD:birnlex_2023
 external_ontology: is_about is_about EFO:0004420

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  experimental factor 0
    information entity 0
      measurement 0
        genomic measurement 0
          genotype 0
            germline genotype 0
            somatic genotype 0
            wild type genotype 0
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