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Accession:EFO:0000313 term browser browse the term
Definition:A malignant tumor arising from epithelial cells. Carcinomas that arise from glandular epithelium are called adenocarcinomas, those that arise from squamous epithelium are called squamous cell carcinomas, and those that arise from transitional epithelium are called transitional cell carcinomas. Morphologically, the malignant epithelial cells may display abnormal mitotic figures, anaplasia, and necrosis. Carcinomas are graded by the degree of cellular differentiation as well, moderately, or poorly differentiated. Carcinomas invade the surrounding tissues and tend to metastasize to other anatomic sites. Lung carcinoma, skin carcinoma, breast carcinoma, colon carcinoma, and prostate carcinoma are the most frequently seen carcinomas.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: DOID:305;   NCIT:C2916;   Other carcinoma;   carcinoma, malignant;   epithelial carcinoma;   epithelioma;   epithelioma malignant;;;;;   malignant epithelial neoplasm;   malignant epithelial tumor;   malignant epithelial tumour
 xref: CSP:2000-1867;   DOID:305;   ICDO:8010/3;   ICDO:8011/3;   MEDGEN:2867;   MESH:D002277;   MONDO:0004993;   NCI:C2916;   SCTID:722688002;   UMLS:C0007097
 external_ontology: disease_has_location EFO:CL:0000066;   has_disease_location EFO:CL:0000066

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      experimental factor 545477
        material property 141241
          disposition 119412
            disease 119340
              cancer or benign tumor 18649
                neoplastic disease or syndrome 18229
                  neoplasm 18176
                    cancer 15302
                      carcinoma 8974
                        Basaloid Carcinoma + 0
                        Cribriform Carcinoma + 0
                        Digestive System Carcinoma + 756
                        Fallopian Tube Carcinoma + 0
                        Lymphangiosarcoma 0
                        Penile Carcinoma + 0
                        Sarcomatoid Carcinoma + 0
                        Thymic Carcinoma + 0
                        Tracheal Carcinoma + 0
                        Transitional Cell Carcinoma + 0
                        Ureter Carcinoma + 0
                        adenocarcinoma + 745
                        basal cell carcinoma + 656
                        bone carcinoma + 0
                        breast carcinoma + 2078
                        carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma + 0
                        carcinoma of urethra + 0
                        choroid plexus carcinoma + 0
                        combined carcinoid and adenocarcinoma + 0
                        head and neck carcinoma + 19
                        in situ carcinoma + 1
                        invasive carcinoma + 2
                        krebs 2 carcinoma 0
                        large cell carcinoma + 0
                        laryngeal carcinoma + 10
                        lung carcinoma + 1123
                        malignant epithelial tumor of ovary + 626
                        malignant myoepithelioma + 0
                        mixed cell type cancer + 0
                        mucin-producing carcinoma + 16
                        neuroendocrine carcinoma + 54
                        papillary carcinoma + 16
                        peritoneal carcinoma + 0
                        prostate carcinoma + 2590
                        renal carcinoma + 301
                        retroperitoneum carcinoma + 0
                        scrotal carcinoma + 0
                        secondary carcinoma + 0
                        skin carcinoma + 985
                        squamous cell carcinoma + 512
                        testicular carcinoma + 56
                        thyroid carcinoma + 93
                        undifferentiated carcinoma + 0
                        urinary bladder carcinoma + 55
                        uterine carcinoma + 301
                        vaginal carcinoma + 0
                        vulvar carcinoma + 0
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