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Term:breast carcinoma
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Accession:EFO:0000305 term browser browse the term
Definition:A carcinoma that arises from epithelial cells of the breast
Synonyms:exact_synonym: DOID:3459;   NCIT:C4872;   carcinoma of breast;   carcinoma of the breast;;;;   mammary carcinoma
 broad_synonym: breast cancer;   breast cancer, NOS;   cancer of breast;   cancer of the breast
 xref: DOID:3459;   HP:0003002;   MEDGEN:146260;   MIM:114480;   MIM:615554;   MONDO:0004989;   NCI:C4872;   SCTID:254838004;   UMLS:C0678222;   VT:0010552

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breast carcinoma term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q GWAS1016274_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1016274 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27354352 NCBI chr22:38,962,032...38,962,033 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018480_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018480 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr10:121,575,416...121,575,417 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018481_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018481 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr11:69,227,030...69,227,031 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018493_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1018493 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 2:201,071,148...201,071,149 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018549_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018549 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr12:52,918,828...52,918,829 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018551_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018551 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr13:32,394,673...32,394,674 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018552_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018552 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr14:68,559,662...68,559,663 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018620_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018620 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr20:34,131,991...34,131,992 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018623_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018623 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr20:34,002,002...34,002,003 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018625_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018625 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr13:32,295,727...32,295,728 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018680_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018680 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr 1:210,816,167...210,816,168 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018681_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018681 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr 3:169,043,635...169,043,636 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018745_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018745 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr 6:80,398,959...80,398,960 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018828_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018828 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr20:34,131,991...34,131,992 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018829_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018829 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr20:34,002,002...34,002,003 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018843_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1018843 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr10:62,518,923...62,518,924 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018845_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1018845 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr19:17,278,895...17,278,896 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018846_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1018846 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr13:73,232,845...73,232,846 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018928_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018928 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr 3:27,285,723...27,285,724 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018929_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018929 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr 5:1,282,299...1,282,300 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1069050_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1069050 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729
Q GWAS1070559_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1070559 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:32887889
Q GWAS1070572_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1070572 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:32887889
Q GWAS1072237_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1072237 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:25751625
Q GWAS1072238_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1072238 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:25751625
Q GWAS1074688_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1074688 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535733
Q GWAS1074693_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1074693 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:29058716
Q GWAS1075063_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1075063 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:32139696
Q GWAS1075248_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1075248 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:32139696
Q GWAS1075580_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1075580 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:32139696
Q GWAS1075620_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1075620 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:32139696
Q GWAS1078420_H Uterine leiomyoma, breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1078420 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:35803233
Q GWAS1078516_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1078516 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:32139696
Q GWAS1081129_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1081129 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535733
Q GWAS1081133_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1081133 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729
Q GWAS1081452_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1081452 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:34290314
Q GWAS1082712_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1082712 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:34594039
Q GWAS1083213_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1083213 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191
Q GWAS1083980_H cancer QTL GWAS1083980 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:19330030
Q GWAS1083996_H small vessel stroke QTL GWAS1083996 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191
Q GWAS1084048_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1084048 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:29059683
Q GWAS1084094_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1084094 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:29059683
Q GWAS1095276_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1095276 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:34594039
Q GWAS1104524_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1104524 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709
Q GWAS1104544_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1104544 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709
Q GWAS1104563_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1104563 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709
Q GWAS1104564_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1104564 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709
Q GWAS1104565_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1104565 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709
Q GWAS1104939_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1104939 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191
Q GWAS1104968_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma QTL GWAS1104968 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191
Q GWAS1108793_H Uterine leiomyoma, breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1108793 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:35803233
Q GWAS1109660_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1109660 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729
Q GWAS1109715_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1109715 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729
Q GWAS1109716_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1109716 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729
Q GWAS1109717_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1109717 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729
Q GWAS1110414_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1110414 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:20872241
Q GWAS1110515_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1110515 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:19330030
Q GWAS1110632_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1110632 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:17529974
Q GWAS1110720_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1110720 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:20453838
Q GWAS1110721_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1110721 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:20453838
Q GWAS1110866_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1110866 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:21263130
Q GWAS1110909_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1110909 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:17529967
Q GWAS1110910_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1110910 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:17903305
Q GWAS1110911_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1110911 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:17903305
Q GWAS1110913_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1110913 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:18463975
Q GWAS539861_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS539861 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:20453838 NCBI chr10:62,518,923...62,518,924 JBrowse link
Q GWAS540133_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS540133 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:20453838 NCBI chr10:5,844,771...5,844,772 JBrowse link
Q GWAS543876_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS543876 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24493630 NCBI chr 5:56,733,416...56,733,417 JBrowse link
Q GWAS545162_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS545162 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23544013 NCBI chr 7:8,512,984...8,512,985 JBrowse link
Q GWAS546775_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS546775 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:29059683
Q GWAS546928_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS546928 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr10:113,023,044...113,023,045 JBrowse link
Q GWAS558459_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS558459 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr12:28,002,147...28,002,148 JBrowse link
Q GWAS559576_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS559576 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23544013 NCBI chr12:28,002,147...28,002,148 JBrowse link
Q GWAS559913_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS559913 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535733 NCBI chr12:28,002,147...28,002,148 JBrowse link
Q GWAS560324_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS560324 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23544013 NCBI chr19:17,278,895...17,278,896 JBrowse link
Q GWAS560444_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS560444 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr 7:144,377,836...144,377,837 JBrowse link
Q GWAS561154_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS561154 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr12:28,002,147...28,002,148 JBrowse link
Q GWAS566386_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS566386 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:29059683 NCBI chr 3:64,074,452...64,074,453 JBrowse link
Q GWAS583848_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS583848 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:17903305 NCBI chr 7:67,594,280...67,594,281 JBrowse link
Q GWAS599694_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS599694 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr19:17,279,482...17,279,483 JBrowse link
Q GWAS600121_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS600121 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535733 NCBI chr13:32,398,489...32,398,490 JBrowse link
Q GWAS600127_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS600127 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr19:17,279,482...17,279,483 JBrowse link
Q GWAS600883_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS600883 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 1:10,503,552...10,503,553 JBrowse link
Q GWAS600884_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS600884 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 1:202,209,914...202,209,915 JBrowse link
Q GWAS600885_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS600885 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 1:204,549,714...204,549,715 JBrowse link
Q GWAS600888_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS600888 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 5:1,279,913...1,279,914 JBrowse link
Q GWAS600889_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS600889 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 5:1,282,204...1,282,205 JBrowse link
Q GWAS600890_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS600890 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 6:151,597,721...151,597,722 JBrowse link
Q GWAS600937_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS600937 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 6:151,625,017...151,625,018 JBrowse link
Q GWAS600945_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS600945 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr16:53,779,455...53,779,456 JBrowse link
Q GWAS600946_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS600946 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr16:53,821,379...53,821,380 JBrowse link
Q GWAS600948_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS600948 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 2:28,896,719...28,896,720 JBrowse link
Q GWAS600996_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS600996 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr22:40,480,230...40,480,231 JBrowse link
Q GWAS601324_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS601324 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27354352 NCBI chr 6:151,592,978...151,592,979 JBrowse link
Q GWAS601326_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS601326 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27354352 NCBI chr10:121,577,821...121,577,822 JBrowse link
Q GWAS601327_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS601327 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27354352 NCBI chr10:121,586,676...121,586,677 JBrowse link
Q GWAS601328_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS601328 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27354352 NCBI chr10:121,592,803...121,592,804 JBrowse link
Q GWAS601329_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS601329 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27354352 NCBI chr 1:87,313,534...87,313,535 JBrowse link
Q GWAS601330_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS601330 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27354352 NCBI chr21:34,738,904...34,738,905 JBrowse link
Q GWAS605305_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS605305 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr10:21,744,013...21,744,014 JBrowse link
Q GWAS605307_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS605307 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr 6:81,483,392...81,483,393 JBrowse link
Q GWAS605756_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS605756 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr10:62,518,923...62,518,924 JBrowse link
Q GWAS605961_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS605961 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr12:115,398,717...115,398,718 JBrowse link
Q GWAS605962_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS605962 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr21:15,148,511...15,148,512 JBrowse link
Q GWAS606812_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS606812 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535733 NCBI chr 6:81,483,392...81,483,393 JBrowse link
Q GWAS606813_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS606813 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535733 NCBI chr10:62,518,923...62,518,924 JBrowse link
Q GWAS606911_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS606911 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr 5:59,041,654...59,041,655 JBrowse link
Q GWAS606934_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS606934 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535733 NCBI chr19:17,278,895...17,278,896 JBrowse link
Q GWAS608259_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS608259 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23468962 NCBI chr 4:121,205,653...121,205,654 JBrowse link
Q GWAS608269_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS608269 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23468962 NCBI chr 1:8,334,176...8,334,177 JBrowse link
Q GWAS609192_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS609192 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23468962 NCBI chr14:68,507,560...68,507,561 JBrowse link
Q GWAS609764_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS609764 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23468962 NCBI chr 4:121,205,653...121,205,654 JBrowse link
Q GWAS609765_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS609765 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23468962 NCBI chr 4:121,189,820...121,189,821 JBrowse link
Q GWAS609773_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS609773 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23468962 NCBI chr 4:121,222,509...121,222,510 JBrowse link
Q GWAS609774_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS609774 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23468962 NCBI chr 5:5,324,870...5,324,871 JBrowse link
Q GWAS610141_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS610141 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23468962 NCBI chr 1:8,335,500...8,335,501 JBrowse link
Q GWAS611529_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS611529 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:20852631 NCBI chr19:17,278,895...17,278,896 JBrowse link
Q GWAS614433_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS614433 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24493630 NCBI chr 5:56,874,986...56,874,987 JBrowse link
Q GWAS614434_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS614434 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24493630 NCBI chr 5:56,838,449...56,838,450 JBrowse link
Q GWAS614436_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS614436 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24493630 NCBI chr 5:56,826,517...56,826,518 JBrowse link
Q GWAS614446_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS614446 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24493630 NCBI chr11:69,513,996...69,513,997 JBrowse link
Q GWAS614447_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS614447 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24493630 NCBI chr 3:27,302,153...27,302,154 JBrowse link
Q GWAS614448_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS614448 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24493630 NCBI chr 5:56,872,885...56,872,886 JBrowse link
Q GWAS614493_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS614493 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24493630 NCBI chr10:121,589,148...121,589,149 JBrowse link
Q GWAS614495_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS614495 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24493630 NCBI chr16:52,541,995...52,541,996 JBrowse link
Q GWAS614840_H response to radiation, prostate carcinoma, breast carcinoma QTL GWAS614840 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24785509 NCBI chr10:21,147,293...21,147,294 JBrowse link
Q GWAS614843_H response to radiation, breast carcinoma QTL GWAS614843 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24785509 NCBI chr10:21,147,293...21,147,294 JBrowse link
Q GWAS615064_H survival time, breast carcinoma QTL GWAS615064 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:25526632 NCBI chr10:11,806,793...11,806,794 JBrowse link
Q GWAS616112_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS616112 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:21908515 NCBI chr10:62,492,218...62,492,219 JBrowse link
Q GWAS617279_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS617279 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:25751625
Q GWAS623777_H breast carcinoma, hormone replacement therapy QTL GWAS623777 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24080446 NCBI chr13:28,590,646...28,590,647 JBrowse link
Q GWAS623778_H breast carcinoma, hormone replacement therapy QTL GWAS623778 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24080446 NCBI chr16:81,924,693...81,924,694 JBrowse link
Q GWAS635829_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS635829 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:25751625
Q GWAS637785_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS637785 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23319801 NCBI chr 5:91,979,496...91,979,497 JBrowse link
Q GWAS647640_H disease free survival, breast carcinoma QTL GWAS647640 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:25867717 NCBI chr10:53,506,471...53,506,472 JBrowse link
Q GWAS655979_H survival time, breast carcinoma QTL GWAS655979 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:25890600 NCBI chr 2:162,922,103...162,922,104 JBrowse link
Q GWAS669007_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS669007 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:18326623 NCBI chr 6:127,279,485...127,279,486 JBrowse link
Q GWAS670194_H survival time, breast carcinoma QTL GWAS670194 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:22232737 NCBI chr14:68,283,210...68,283,211 JBrowse link
Q GWAS670195_H event free survival time, breast carcinoma QTL GWAS670195 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:22232737 NCBI chr14:68,283,210...68,283,211 JBrowse link
Q GWAS672566_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS672566 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:20872241 NCBI chr10:121,586,676...121,586,677 JBrowse link
Q GWAS673699_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS673699 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:21263130 NCBI chr 6:151,618,215...151,618,216 JBrowse link
Q GWAS673700_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS673700 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:21263130 NCBI chr10:121,865,675...121,865,676 JBrowse link
Q GWAS673702_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS673702 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:21263130 NCBI chr10:121,586,676...121,586,677 JBrowse link
Q GWAS673809_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS673809 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23354978 NCBI chr10:121,579,461...121,579,462 JBrowse link
Q GWAS673855_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS673855 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:20453838 NCBI chr10:121,577,821...121,577,822 JBrowse link
Q GWAS673922_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS673922 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:20453838 NCBI chr11:1,920,716...1,920,717 JBrowse link
Q GWAS673925_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS673925 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:20453838 NCBI chr10:79,081,391...79,081,392 JBrowse link
Q GWAS673927_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS673927 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:20453838 NCBI chr 6:151,592,978...151,592,979 JBrowse link
Q GWAS673929_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS673929 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:20453838 NCBI chr11:69,513,996...69,513,997 JBrowse link
Q GWAS674108_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS674108 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:17903305 NCBI chr15:48,608,389...48,608,390 JBrowse link
Q GWAS674111_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS674111 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:17903305 NCBI chr17:50,196,930...50,196,931 JBrowse link
Q GWAS674112_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS674112 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:17903305 NCBI chr21:29,805,194...29,805,195 JBrowse link
Q GWAS674114_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS674114 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:17903305 NCBI chr13:95,222,702...95,222,703 JBrowse link
Q GWAS674270_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS674270 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:17529967 NCBI chr10:121,592,803...121,592,804 JBrowse link
Q GWAS674271_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS674271 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:17529967 NCBI chr 5:45,285,616...45,285,617 JBrowse link
Q GWAS674273_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS674273 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:17529967 NCBI chr11:1,887,776...1,887,777 JBrowse link
Q GWAS674822_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS674822 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:19330030 NCBI chr14:68,567,965...68,567,966 JBrowse link
Q GWAS674825_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS674825 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:19330030 NCBI chr10:121,577,821...121,577,822 JBrowse link
Q GWAS674976_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS674976 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:17529973 NCBI chr10:121,586,676...121,586,677 JBrowse link
Q GWAS677108_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS677108 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23544013 NCBI chr 1:204,546,897...204,546,898 JBrowse link
Q GWAS677109_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS677109 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23544013 NCBI chr10:112,974,337...112,974,338 JBrowse link
Q GWAS678133_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS678133 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:22951594 NCBI chr10:121,573,063...121,573,064 JBrowse link
Q GWAS678176_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS678176 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:22452962 NCBI chr 2:212,432,139...212,432,140 JBrowse link
Q GWAS678327_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS678327 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535733 NCBI chr 1:10,506,158...10,506,159 JBrowse link
Q GWAS678333_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS678333 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535733 NCBI chr16:53,779,455...53,779,456 JBrowse link
Q GWAS678334_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS678334 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535733 NCBI chr 1:204,549,714...204,549,715 JBrowse link
Q GWAS678335_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS678335 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535733 NCBI chr 1:202,218,048...202,218,049 JBrowse link
Q GWAS678337_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS678337 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535733 NCBI chr16:53,821,379...53,821,380 JBrowse link
Q GWAS688623_H dense area measurement, mammographic density measurement QTL GWAS688623 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:25751625 NCBI chr11:1,887,776...1,887,777 JBrowse link
Q GWAS689332_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS689332 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:25038754 NCBI chr18:23,196,687...23,196,688 JBrowse link
Q GWAS689423_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS689423 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:25824743 NCBI chr18:8,716,323...8,716,324 JBrowse link
Q GWAS689424_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS689424 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:25824743 NCBI chr 2:79,716,982...79,716,983 JBrowse link
Q GWAS691694_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS691694 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr 6:13,722,291...13,722,292 JBrowse link
Q GWAS691695_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS691695 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr 8:29,652,100...29,652,101 JBrowse link
Q GWAS691698_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS691698 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr 9:107,543,834...107,543,835 JBrowse link
Q GWAS691700_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS691700 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr10:113,014,168...113,014,169 JBrowse link
Q GWAS691701_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS691701 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr10:121,334,387...121,334,388 JBrowse link
Q GWAS691704_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS691704 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr10:121,577,821...121,577,822 JBrowse link
Q GWAS691705_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS691705 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr12:14,260,997...14,260,998 JBrowse link
Q GWAS691706_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS691706 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr14:36,663,564...36,663,565 JBrowse link
Q GWAS691708_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS691708 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr14:91,374,725...91,374,726 JBrowse link
Q GWAS691710_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS691710 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr17:54,979,110...54,979,111 JBrowse link
Q GWAS691713_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS691713 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr 1:10,506,158...10,506,159 JBrowse link
Q GWAS692004_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS692004 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr 1:113,905,767...113,905,768 JBrowse link
Q GWAS692008_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS692008 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr11:69,513,996...69,513,997 JBrowse link
Q GWAS692009_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS692009 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr14:68,193,711...68,193,712 JBrowse link
Q GWAS692011_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS692011 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr16:53,779,455...53,779,456 JBrowse link
Q GWAS692012_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS692012 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr16:80,616,908...80,616,909 JBrowse link
Q GWAS692639_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS692639 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr 3:4,700,592...4,700,593 JBrowse link
Q GWAS692640_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS692640 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr 3:30,641,447...30,641,448 JBrowse link
Q GWAS692641_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS692641 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr 4:105,163,621...105,163,622 JBrowse link
Q GWAS692642_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS692642 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr 4:174,925,275...174,925,276 JBrowse link
Q GWAS692644_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS692644 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr 6:1,318,643...1,318,644 JBrowse link
Q GWAS692645_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS692645 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr14:68,567,965...68,567,966 JBrowse link
Q GWAS692952_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS692952 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr 8:75,505,702...75,505,703 JBrowse link
Q GWAS692953_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS692953 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr10:22,026,914...22,026,915 JBrowse link
Q GWAS693886_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS693886 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:21060860 NCBI chr10:121,586,602...121,586,603 JBrowse link
Q GWAS695941_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS695941 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr19:18,460,331...18,460,332 JBrowse link
Q GWAS695943_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS695943 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr22:29,225,488...29,225,489 JBrowse link
Q GWAS695944_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS695944 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr10:79,081,391...79,081,392 JBrowse link
Q GWAS695949_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS695949 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr 6:151,592,978...151,592,979 JBrowse link
Q GWAS695954_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS695954 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr11:1,887,776...1,887,777 JBrowse link
Q GWAS695955_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS695955 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr13:32,398,489...32,398,490 JBrowse link
Q GWAS696293_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS696293 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr19:43,782,361...43,782,362 JBrowse link
Q GWAS696295_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS696295 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr22:40,480,230...40,480,231 JBrowse link
Q GWAS697217_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS697217 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:22976474 NCBI chr20:34,000,289...34,000,290 JBrowse link
Q GWAS698331_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS698331 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:22532574 NCBI chr12:114,430,333...114,430,334 JBrowse link
Q GWAS700578_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS700578 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:22383897 NCBI chr 6:151,974,478...151,974,479 JBrowse link
Q GWAS709663_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS709663 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23319801 NCBI chr 1:114,128,347...114,128,348 JBrowse link
Q GWAS709664_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS709664 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23319801 NCBI chr 1:164,720,525...164,720,526 JBrowse link
Q GWAS709667_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS709667 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23319801 NCBI chr17:9,186,907...9,186,908 JBrowse link
Q GWAS726802_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS726802 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr17:37,741,642...37,741,643 JBrowse link
Q GWAS730995_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS730995 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr17:37,741,642...37,741,643 JBrowse link
Q GWAS767452_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS767452 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535733
Q GWAS772431_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS772431 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr 3:27,374,522...27,374,523 JBrowse link
Q GWAS772432_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS772432 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr11:65,815,595...65,815,596 JBrowse link
Q GWAS773201_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS773201 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 5:158,817,075...158,817,076 JBrowse link
Q GWAS773727_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS773727 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr 2:120,487,546...120,487,547 JBrowse link
Q GWAS773728_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS773728 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr 5:58,888,234...58,888,235 JBrowse link
Q GWAS774377_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS774377 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:19330030 NCBI chr 5:56,727,256...56,727,257 JBrowse link
Q GWAS776248_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS776248 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:21263130 NCBI chr 3:27,374,522...27,374,523 JBrowse link
Q GWAS776361_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS776361 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23468962 NCBI chr17:61,314,018...61,314,019 JBrowse link
Q GWAS777844_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS777844 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:20453838 NCBI chr 3:27,374,522...27,374,523 JBrowse link
Q GWAS778980_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS778980 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 2:120,330,606...120,330,607 JBrowse link
Q GWAS779223_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS779223 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 8:37,000,965...37,000,966 JBrowse link
Q GWAS779229_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS779229 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr13:73,383,544...73,383,545 JBrowse link
Q GWAS780921_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS780921 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729
Q GWAS791134_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS791134 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535733 NCBI chr 5:158,817,075...158,817,076 JBrowse link
Q GWAS791146_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS791146 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr 5:1,279,675...1,279,676 JBrowse link
Q GWAS791150_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS791150 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23535729 NCBI chr 5:158,817,075...158,817,076 JBrowse link
Q GWAS795119_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS795119 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:21424380 NCBI chr19:51,869,723...51,869,724 JBrowse link
Q GWAS795201_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS795201 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24493630 NCBI chr 5:56,857,565...56,857,566 JBrowse link
Q GWAS795202_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS795202 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24493630 NCBI chr 5:56,899,963...56,899,964 JBrowse link
Q GWAS796301_H survival time, breast carcinoma QTL GWAS796301 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:25526632 NCBI chr16:86,400,840...86,400,841 JBrowse link
Q GWAS797115_H response to radiation, breast carcinoma QTL GWAS797115 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24785509 NCBI chr17:35,565,049...35,565,050 JBrowse link
Q GWAS807039_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS807039 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24143190 NCBI chr10:121,580,797...121,580,798 JBrowse link
Q GWAS807205_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS807205 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:22037553 NCBI chr 5:1,279,675...1,279,676 JBrowse link
Q GWAS810659_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS810659 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:25038754 NCBI chr15:90,968,837...90,968,838 JBrowse link
Q GWAS810702_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS810702 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24493630 NCBI chr 5:56,882,284...56,882,285 JBrowse link
Q GWAS810880_H disease free survival, breast carcinoma QTL GWAS810880 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:25867717 NCBI chr15:79,777,420...79,777,421 JBrowse link
Q GWAS860016_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS860016 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:34594039 NCBI chr 6:149,255,943...149,255,944 JBrowse link
Q GWAS870788_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS870788 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:22976474 NCBI chr 6:81,483,392...81,483,393 JBrowse link
Q GWAS872500_H response to radiation, breast carcinoma QTL GWAS872500 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24785509 NCBI chr 5:101,043,689...101,043,690 JBrowse link
Q GWAS872740_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS872740 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24493630 NCBI chr 5:56,688,029...56,688,030 JBrowse link
Q GWAS874118_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS874118 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24143190 NCBI chr12:14,257,551...14,257,552 JBrowse link
Q GWAS957021_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS957021 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709
Q GWAS964898_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS964898 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:34290314
Q GWAS966862_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS966862 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:29059683
Q GWAS969289_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS969289 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:32887889
Q GWAS971465_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS971465 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:34594039
Q GWAS976722_H breast carcinoma QTL GWAS976722 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:32139696
BRCAX breast cancer term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q GWAS967571_H BRCAX breast cancer QTL GWAS967571 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:30323354
estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q GWAS1018480_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018480 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr10:121,575,416...121,575,417 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018481_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018481 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr11:69,227,030...69,227,031 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018492_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1018492 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr10:62,518,923...62,518,924 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018494_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1018494 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr19:17,278,895...17,278,896 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018549_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018549 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr12:52,918,828...52,918,829 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018551_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018551 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr13:32,394,673...32,394,674 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018552_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018552 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr14:68,559,662...68,559,663 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018565_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1018565 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr13:73,232,845...73,232,846 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018620_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018620 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr20:34,131,991...34,131,992 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018623_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018623 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr20:34,002,002...34,002,003 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018625_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018625 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr13:32,295,727...32,295,728 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018680_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018680 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr 1:210,816,167...210,816,168 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018681_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018681 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr 3:169,043,635...169,043,636 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018745_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018745 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr 6:80,398,959...80,398,960 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018828_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018828 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr20:34,131,991...34,131,992 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018829_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018829 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr20:34,002,002...34,002,003 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018928_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018928 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr 3:27,285,723...27,285,724 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1018929_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1018929 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr 5:1,282,299...1,282,300 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1083213_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1083213 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191
Q GWAS1083996_H small vessel stroke QTL GWAS1083996 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191
Q GWAS1104525_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1104525 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709
Q GWAS1104526_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1104526 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709
Q GWAS1104527_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1104527 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709
Q GWAS1104653_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1104653 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709
Q GWAS1104654_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1104654 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709
Q GWAS1104939_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS1104939 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191
Q GWAS1104968_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma QTL GWAS1104968 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191
Q GWAS558457_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS558457 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr12:28,002,147...28,002,148 JBrowse link
Q GWAS599694_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS599694 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr19:17,279,482...17,279,483 JBrowse link
Q GWAS600121_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS600121 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr13:32,398,489...32,398,490 JBrowse link
Q GWAS600127_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS600127 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr19:17,279,482...17,279,483 JBrowse link
Q GWAS600997_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS600997 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 1:202,209,914...202,209,915 JBrowse link
Q GWAS600998_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS600998 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 1:204,549,714...204,549,715 JBrowse link
Q GWAS600999_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS600999 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 1:10,503,552...10,503,553 JBrowse link
Q GWAS601002_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS601002 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 5:1,279,913...1,279,914 JBrowse link
Q GWAS601003_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS601003 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 5:1,282,204...1,282,205 JBrowse link
Q GWAS601044_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS601044 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 6:151,597,721...151,597,722 JBrowse link
Q GWAS601045_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS601045 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 6:151,625,017...151,625,018 JBrowse link
Q GWAS601050_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS601050 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr16:53,779,455...53,779,456 JBrowse link
Q GWAS601051_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS601051 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr16:53,821,379...53,821,380 JBrowse link
Q GWAS601108_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS601108 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 2:28,896,719...28,896,720 JBrowse link
Q GWAS601109_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS601109 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 2:200,878,871...200,878,872 JBrowse link
Q GWAS689247_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, survival time QTL GWAS689247 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:25890600 NCBI chr11:125,389,528...125,389,529 JBrowse link
Q GWAS726802_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS726802 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr17:37,741,642...37,741,643 JBrowse link
Q GWAS730995_H lung carcinoma, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, ovarian serous carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma QTL GWAS730995 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27197191 NCBI chr17:37,741,642...37,741,643 JBrowse link
Q GWAS779226_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS779226 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709 NCBI chr 2:120,330,606...120,330,607 JBrowse link
Q GWAS957242_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS957242 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:27117709
Q GWAS960499_H estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS960499 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:29058716
estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q GWAS623875_H survival time, estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer QTL GWAS623875 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:25890600 NCBI chr14:67,599,772...67,599,773 JBrowse link
Q GWAS626145_H estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer QTL GWAS626145 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:28864454 NCBI chr10:121,577,821...121,577,822 JBrowse link
Q GWAS640333_H mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration QTL GWAS640333 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:35803233 NCBI chr 1:241,870,961...241,870,962 JBrowse link
HER2 negative breast carcinoma term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q GWAS1095199_H luminal B breast carcinoma, HER2 negative breast carcinoma, triple-negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1095199 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1095200_H luminal B breast carcinoma, HER2 negative breast carcinoma, triple-negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1095200 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
HER2 Positive Breast Carcinoma term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q GWAS1099443_H HER2 Positive Breast Carcinoma, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1099443 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
invasive lobular carcinoma term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q GWAS545818_H invasive lobular carcinoma, hormone replacement therapy QTL GWAS545818 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24080446 NCBI chr17:34,662,519...34,662,520 JBrowse link
Q GWAS623779_H invasive lobular carcinoma, hormone replacement therapy QTL GWAS623779 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24080446 NCBI chr 3:119,542,528...119,542,529 JBrowse link
luminal A breast carcinoma term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q GWAS1094848_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094848 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094849_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094849 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094850_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094850 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094851_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094851 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094852_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094852 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094853_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094853 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094854_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094854 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094855_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094855 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094856_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094856 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094857_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094857 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094858_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094858 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094859_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094859 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094860_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094860 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094861_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094861 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094862_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094862 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094863_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094863 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094864_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094864 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094865_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094865 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1099442_H luminal B breast carcinoma, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1099442 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1099443_H HER2 Positive Breast Carcinoma, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1099443 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1099444_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1099444 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1099445_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1099445 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1099446_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1099446 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
luminal B breast carcinoma term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q GWAS1095195_H luminal B breast carcinoma, triple-negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1095195 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1095196_H luminal B breast carcinoma, triple-negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1095196 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1095197_H luminal B breast carcinoma, triple-negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1095197 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1095198_H luminal B breast carcinoma, triple-negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1095198 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1095199_H luminal B breast carcinoma, HER2 negative breast carcinoma, triple-negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1095199 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1095200_H luminal B breast carcinoma, HER2 negative breast carcinoma, triple-negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1095200 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1099442_H luminal B breast carcinoma, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1099442 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
male breast carcinoma term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q GWAS678258_H male breast carcinoma QTL GWAS678258 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23001122 NCBI chr 1:84,156,830...84,156,831 JBrowse link
Q GWAS678259_H male breast carcinoma QTL GWAS678259 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:23001122 NCBI chr14:68,232,877...68,232,878 JBrowse link
progesterone-receptor negative breast cancer term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q GWAS703932_H progesterone-receptor negative breast cancer QTL GWAS703932 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:28864454 NCBI chr10:121,577,821...121,577,822 JBrowse link
triple-negative breast cancer term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q GWAS1074328_H triple-negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1074328 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24325915
Q GWAS1094848_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094848 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094849_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094849 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094850_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094850 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094851_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094851 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094852_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094852 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094853_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094853 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094854_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094854 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094855_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094855 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094856_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094856 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094857_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094857 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094858_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094858 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094859_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094859 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094860_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094860 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094861_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094861 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094862_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094862 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094863_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094863 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094864_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094864 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1094865_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1094865 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1095195_H luminal B breast carcinoma, triple-negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1095195 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1095196_H luminal B breast carcinoma, triple-negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1095196 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1095197_H luminal B breast carcinoma, triple-negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1095197 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1095198_H luminal B breast carcinoma, triple-negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1095198 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1095199_H luminal B breast carcinoma, HER2 negative breast carcinoma, triple-negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1095199 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1095200_H luminal B breast carcinoma, HER2 negative breast carcinoma, triple-negative breast cancer QTL GWAS1095200 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1099444_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1099444 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1099445_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1099445 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS1099446_H triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast carcinoma QTL GWAS1099446 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38832928
Q GWAS551263_H diastolic blood pressure QTL GWAS551263 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:32424353 NCBI chr17:7,668,434...7,668,435 JBrowse link
Q GWAS564401_H triple-negative breast cancer QTL GWAS564401 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24325915 NCBI chr12:28,002,147...28,002,148 JBrowse link
Q GWAS623397_H triple-negative breast cancer QTL GWAS623397 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24325915 NCBI chr 1:204,549,714...204,549,715 JBrowse link
Q GWAS623402_H triple-negative breast cancer QTL GWAS623402 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24325915 NCBI chr 6:151,592,978...151,592,979 JBrowse link
Q GWAS623404_H triple-negative breast cancer QTL GWAS623404 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:24325915 NCBI chr19:17,283,315...17,283,316 JBrowse link

Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  experimental factor 52367
    material property 12192
      disposition 10737
        disease 10737
          breast disease 242
            breast neoplasm 242
              breast cancer 242
                breast carcinoma 239
                  BRCAX breast cancer 1
                  Breast Carcinoma by Gene Expression Profile + 48
                  Cribriform Carcinoma + 0
                  Hereditary breast cancer + 0
                  Invasive Breast Carcinoma + 2
                  TP53 Positive Breast Carcinoma 0
                  bilateral breast carcinoma 0
                  breast adenocarcinoma + 2
                  breast carcinoma in situ + 0
                  cribriform carcinoma of breast + 0
                  ehrlich tumor carcinoma 0
                  female breast carcinoma 0
                  hereditary breast carcinoma 0
                  male breast carcinoma 2
                  nipple carcinoma 0
                  progesterone-receptor positive breast cancer 0
                  susceptibility to breast cancer 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  experimental factor 52367
    material property 12192
      disposition 10737
        disease 10737
          cancer or benign tumor 2138
            neoplastic disease or syndrome 2116
              neoplasm 2115
                neoplasm of thorax 394
                  breast neoplasm 242
                    breast cancer 242
                      breast carcinoma 239
                        BRCAX breast cancer 1
                        Breast Carcinoma by Gene Expression Profile + 48
                        Cribriform Carcinoma + 0
                        Hereditary breast cancer + 0
                        Invasive Breast Carcinoma + 2
                        TP53 Positive Breast Carcinoma 0
                        bilateral breast carcinoma 0
                        breast adenocarcinoma + 2
                        breast carcinoma in situ + 0
                        cribriform carcinoma of breast + 0
                        ehrlich tumor carcinoma 0
                        female breast carcinoma 0
                        hereditary breast carcinoma 0
                        male breast carcinoma 2
                        nipple carcinoma 0
                        progesterone-receptor positive breast cancer 0
                        susceptibility to breast cancer 0
paths to the root