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RGD uses the Human Disease Ontology (DO, for disease curation across species. RGD automatically downloads each new release of the ontology on a monthly basis. Some additional terms which are required for RGD's curation purposes but are not currently covered in the official version of DO have been added. As corresponding terms are added to DO, these custom terms are retired and the DO terms substituted in existing annotations and subsequently used for curation.

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Accession:DOID:5241 term browser browse the term
Definition:A benign tumor of the nervous system that may occur sporadically or in association with VON HIPPEL-LINDAU DISEASE. It accounts for approximately 2% of intracranial tumors, arising most frequently in the cerebellar hemispheres and vermis. Histologically, the tumors are composed of multiple capillary and sinusoidal channels lined with endothelial cells and clusters of lipid-laden pseudoxanthoma cells. Usually solitary, these tumors can be multiple and may also occur in the brain stem, spinal cord, retina, and supratentorial compartment. Cerebellar hemangioblastomas usually present in the third decade with INTRACRANIAL HYPERTENSION, and ataxia. (From DeVita et al., Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, 5th ed, pp2071-2)
Synonyms:exact_synonym: Multiple Hemangioblastoma;   capillary hemangioblastoma;   hemangioblastomas;   multiple hemangioblastomas
 primary_id: MESH:D018325
 alt_id: RDO:0007184
 xref: GARD:8232;   GARD:8522;   ICDO:9161/1;   NCI:C3801
For additional species annotation, visit the Alliance of Genome Resources.

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hemangioblastoma term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cxcr4 C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4 ISO mRNA,protein:increased expression:temporal lobe : RGD PMID:27388534 RGD:155641257 NCBI chr13:40,077,976...40,081,883
Ensembl chr13:40,077,976...40,081,883
JBrowse link
G Dll4 delta like canonical Notch ligand 4 ISO mRNA,protein:increased expression:temporal lobe : RGD PMID:27388534 RGD:155641257 NCBI chr 3:106,317,114...106,327,004
Ensembl chr 3:106,316,986...106,326,931
JBrowse link
G Hey1 hes-related family bHLH transcription factor with YRPW motif 1 ISO mRNA,protein:increased expression:temporal lobe : RGD PMID:27388534 RGD:155641257 NCBI chr 2:93,096,605...93,100,316
Ensembl chr 2:93,095,498...93,100,312
JBrowse link
G Hif1a hypoxia inducible factor 1 subunit alpha ISO CTD Direct Evidence: marker/mechanism CTD PMID:15341671 NCBI chr 6:92,624,059...92,669,262
Ensembl chr 6:92,624,390...92,669,261
JBrowse link
G Ndrg1 N-myc downstream regulated 1 ISO CTD Direct Evidence: marker/mechanism CTD PMID:15341671 NCBI chr 7:98,684,487...98,725,869
Ensembl chr 7:98,684,487...98,725,880
JBrowse link
G Notch4 notch receptor 4 ISO mRNA,protein:increased expression:temporal lobe : RGD PMID:27388534 RGD:155641257 NCBI chr20:4,160,362...4,184,466
Ensembl chr20:4,160,445...4,184,465
JBrowse link
cerebellar angioblastoma term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Vhl von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Cerebellar hemangioblastoma ClinVar PMID:7728151 PMID:7987306 PMID:10567493 PMID:12114495 PMID:15611064 More... NCBI chr 4:146,772,483...146,779,376
Ensembl chr 4:146,772,468...146,779,377
JBrowse link
von Hippel-Lindau disease term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Brk1 BRICK1 subunit of SCAR/WAVE actin nucleating complex ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome ClinVar PMID:25741868 NCBI chr 4:146,750,821...146,766,050
Ensembl chr 4:146,750,821...146,768,856
JBrowse link
G Ccnd1 cyclin D1 susceptibility ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: VON HIPPEL-LINDAU SYNDROME, MODIFIER OF
CTD Direct Evidence: marker/mechanism
PMID:10667569 PMID:11459873 PMID:12097293 PMID:23502783 PMID:24870244 More... NCBI chr 1:200,089,002...200,098,524
Ensembl chr 1:200,089,002...200,098,602
JBrowse link
G Epas1 endothelial PAS domain protein 1 ISO protein:increased expression:kidney: RGD PMID:22299048 RGD:11041600 NCBI chr 6:7,790,236...7,871,717
Ensembl chr 6:7,790,647...7,871,228
JBrowse link
G Irak2 interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 2 ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome ClinVar PMID:25741868 NCBI chr 4:146,786,004...146,842,615
Ensembl chr 4:146,786,100...146,842,602
JBrowse link
G Mmp3 matrix metallopeptidase 3 onset ISO RGD PMID:19551141 RGD:7241233 NCBI chr 8:4,640,397...4,653,963
Ensembl chr 8:4,640,416...4,653,961
JBrowse link
G Sdhb succinate dehydrogenase complex iron sulfur subunit B ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome ClinVar PMID:9509062 PMID:11404820 PMID:12618761 PMID:16314641 PMID:16317055 More... NCBI chr 5:153,264,906...153,285,570
Ensembl chr 5:153,264,899...153,314,293
JBrowse link
G Slc18a1 solute carrier family 18 member A1 ISO mRNA:increased expression:tumor (human) RGD PMID:16189177 RGD:5131200 NCBI chr16:20,653,268...20,687,051
Ensembl chr16:20,653,508...20,687,051
JBrowse link
G Vhl von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor ISO
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: VHL syndrome | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Von Hippel-Lindau | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome
CTD Direct Evidence: marker/mechanism
PMID:982991 PMID:1056348 PMID:2362675 PMID:2844285 PMID:4843792 More... NCBI chr 4:146,772,483...146,779,376
Ensembl chr 4:146,772,468...146,779,377
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  disease 19099
    sensory system disease 7331
      eye disease 3696
        orbital disease 101
          capillary hemangioma 28
            hemangioblastoma 14
              brain stem angioblastoma 0
              cerebellar angioblastoma 1
              retinal hemangioblastoma 0
              von Hippel-Lindau disease 8
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  disease 19099
    disease of anatomical entity 18440
      nervous system disease 14334
        peripheral nervous system disease 4274
          neuropathy 4059
            neuromuscular disease 3200
              muscular disease 2219
                muscle tissue disease 1347
                  Muscle Tissue Neoplasms 187
                    musculoskeletal system benign neoplasm 130
                      connective tissue benign neoplasm 78
                        bone benign neoplasm 31
                          capillary hemangioma 28
                            hemangioblastoma 14
                              brain stem angioblastoma 0
                              cerebellar angioblastoma 1
                              retinal hemangioblastoma 0
                              von Hippel-Lindau disease 8
paths to the root