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RGD uses the Human Disease Ontology (DO, for disease curation across species. RGD automatically downloads each new release of the ontology on a monthly basis. Some additional terms which are required for RGD's curation purposes but are not currently covered in the official version of DO have been added. As corresponding terms are added to DO, these custom terms are retired and the DO terms substituted in existing annotations and subsequently used for curation.

Term:thrombocytopenia-absent radius syndrome
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Accession:DOID:14699 term browser browse the term
Definition:A chromosomal deletion syndrome that is characterized by absence of the radius bone and platelet deficiency and bilateral absence of the radii with the presence of both thumbs and generally transient thrombocytopenia (less than 50 platelets/nL) and that has_material_basis_in compound heterozygosity for a rare null mutation involving the RBM8A gene on chromosome 1q12 on 1 allele and 1 of 2 low-frequency noncoding single-nucleotide polymorphisms in RBM8A on the other. (DO)
Synonyms:exact_synonym: TAR;   TAR syndrome;   absent radii and thrombocytopenia;   chromosome 1q21.1 deletion syndrome, 200-Kb;   radial aplasia-amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia;   radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome;   thrombocytopenia absent radii;   thrombocytopenia with absent radii (TAR) syndrome
 primary_id: MESH:C536940
 alt_id: MIM:274000
 xref: NCI:C99038;   ORDO:3320
For additional species annotation, visit the Alliance of Genome Resources.

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thrombocytopenia-absent radius syndrome term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Acp6 acid phosphatase 6, lysophosphatidic ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar NCBI chr 2:184,711,975...184,733,067
Ensembl chr 2:184,711,619...184,733,017
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G Ankrd34a ankyrin repeat domain 34A ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar PMID:17236129 PMID:22366785 PMID:22581968 PMID:24220582 PMID:26233629 More... NCBI chr 2:184,129,830...184,135,075
Ensembl chr 2:184,129,238...184,135,116
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G Ankrd35 ankyrin repeat domain 35 ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar PMID:17236129 PMID:22366785 PMID:22581968 PMID:24220582 PMID:26233629 More... NCBI chr 2:184,207,076...184,227,063
Ensembl chr 2:184,207,071...184,227,063
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G Bcl9 BCL9, transcription coactivator ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar NCBI chr 2:184,760,616...184,846,261
Ensembl chr 2:184,760,618...184,786,435
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G Cd160 CD160 molecule ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar NCBI chr 2:184,340,820...184,383,421
Ensembl chr 2:184,340,599...184,375,834
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G Chd1l chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 1-like ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar NCBI chr 2:185,138,526...185,217,498
Ensembl chr 2:185,139,308...185,217,595
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G Fmo5 flavin containing dimethylaniline monoxygenase 5 ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar NCBI chr 2:185,197,184...185,249,699
Ensembl chr 2:185,222,204...185,249,693
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G Gja5 gap junction protein, alpha 5 ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar NCBI chr 2:184,602,407...184,621,952
Ensembl chr 2:184,564,475...184,621,952
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G Gja8 gap junction protein, alpha 8 ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar NCBI chr 2:184,490,840...184,492,456
Ensembl chr 2:184,490,840...184,492,456
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G Gpr89b G protein-coupled receptor 89B ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar NCBI chr 2:184,408,136...184,445,560
Ensembl chr 2:184,401,438...184,445,584
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G Hjv hemojuvelin BMP co-receptor ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar PMID:17236129 PMID:22366785 PMID:22581968 PMID:24220582 PMID:26233629 More... NCBI chr 2:184,065,944...184,069,851
Ensembl chr 2:184,065,970...184,069,850
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G Itga10 integrin subunit alpha 10 ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar PMID:17236129 PMID:22366785 PMID:22581968 PMID:24220582 PMID:26233629 More... NCBI chr 2:184,182,869...184,202,172
Ensembl chr 2:184,182,869...184,202,172
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G Lix1l limb and CNS expressed 1 like ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar PMID:17236129 PMID:22366785 PMID:22581968 PMID:24220582 PMID:26233629 More... NCBI chr 2:184,136,018...184,161,918
Ensembl chr 2:184,136,038...184,161,916
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G LOC120098377 U1 spliceosomal RNA ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar NCBI chr18:79,901,335...79,901,477
Ensembl chr18:79,901,335...79,901,477
Ensembl chr18:79,901,335...79,901,477
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G LOC120101277 U1 spliceosomal RNA ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar NCBI chr 2:183,943,024...183,943,187
Ensembl chr 2:183,943,024...183,943,187
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G Nudt17 nudix hydrolase 17 ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar PMID:17236129 PMID:22366785 PMID:22581968 PMID:24220582 PMID:26233629 More... NCBI chr 2:184,241,468...184,243,960
Ensembl chr 2:184,241,468...184,243,960
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G Pdzk1 PDZ domain containing 1 ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar NCBI chr 2:184,376,161...184,407,514
Ensembl chr 2:184,376,161...184,407,514
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G Pex11b peroxisomal biogenesis factor 11 beta ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar PMID:17236129 PMID:22366785 PMID:22581968 PMID:24220582 PMID:25741868 More... NCBI chr 2:184,172,041...184,180,972
Ensembl chr 2:184,172,004...184,181,495
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G Pias3 protein inhibitor of activated STAT, 3 ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar PMID:17236129 PMID:22366785 PMID:22581968 PMID:24220582 PMID:26233629 More... NCBI chr 2:184,232,546...184,241,455
Ensembl chr 2:184,232,571...184,241,480
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G Polr3c RNA polymerase III subunit C ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar PMID:17236129 PMID:22366785 PMID:22581968 PMID:24220582 PMID:26233629 More... NCBI chr 2:184,246,201...184,262,150
Ensembl chr 2:184,246,204...184,262,208
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G Polr3gl RNA polymerase III subunit GL ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar PMID:17236129 PMID:22366785 PMID:22581968 PMID:24220582 PMID:26233629 More... NCBI chr 2:184,111,570...184,129,200
Ensembl chr 2:184,112,510...184,129,114
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G Ppial4g peptidylprolyl isomerase A like 4G ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar NCBI chr15:74,015,628...74,016,215
Ensembl chr15:74,015,628...74,016,215
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G Prkab2 protein kinase AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit beta 2 ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar NCBI chr 2:185,257,218...185,272,846
Ensembl chr 2:185,257,213...185,269,872
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G Rbm8a RNA binding motif protein 8A ISO CTD Direct Evidence: marker/mechanism
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome
PMID:9536098 PMID:16501574 PMID:17236129 PMID:17576681 PMID:20301781 More... NCBI chr 2:184,165,189...184,167,959
Ensembl chr 2:184,165,193...184,167,959
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G Rnf115 ring finger protein 115 ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar NCBI chr 2:184,262,087...184,329,839
Ensembl chr 2:184,262,371...184,329,823
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G Rnvu1-6 RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 6 ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar NCBI chr 2:220,206,250...220,206,413
Ensembl chr 2:220,206,250...220,206,413
JBrowse link
G Txnip thioredoxin interacting protein ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome ClinVar PMID:17236129 PMID:22366785 PMID:22581968 PMID:24220582 PMID:26233629 More... NCBI chr 2:184,093,079...184,096,882
Ensembl chr 2:184,092,991...184,096,886
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  disease 19134
    syndrome 11370
      chromosomal deletion syndrome 1604
        thrombocytopenia-absent radius syndrome 27
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  disease 19134
    Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms 13622
      Pathologic Processes 8324
        Chromosome Aberrations 2828
          Aneuploidy 1940
            Monosomy 1666
              Chromosome Deletion 1666
                chromosomal deletion syndrome 1604
                  thrombocytopenia-absent radius syndrome 27
paths to the root