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The Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology is downloaded weekly from EMBL-EBI at The data is made available under the Creative Commons License (CC BY 3.0, For more information see: Degtyarenko et al. (2008) ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest. Nucleic Acids Res. 36, D344–D350.

Term:(2S,4S)-hypoglycin A
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Accession:CHEBI:6248 term browser browse the term
Definition:A non-proteinogenic L-alpha-amino acid that has formula C7H11NO2.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: 3-[(1S)-2-methylenecyclopropyl]-L-alanine
 related_synonym: (+)-hypoglycin A;   Formula=C7H11NO2;   InChI=1S/C7H11NO2/c1-4-2-5(4)3-6(8)7(9)10/h5-6H,1-3,8H2,(H,9,10)/t5-,6-/m0/s1;   InChIKey=OOJZCXFXPZGUBJ-WDSKDSINSA-N;   L-Hypoglycin;   SMILES=[C@]1(C(=C)C1)(C[C@@H](C(O)=O)N)[H]
 xref: CAS:156-56-9;   KEGG:C08287;   KNApSAcK:C00001372;   Reaxys:2936735

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Path 1
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  CHEBI ontology 19874
    role 19844
      biological role 19842
        poison 18604
          toxin 15999
            phytotoxin 6449
              (2S,4S)-hypoglycin A 0
                (2S,4S)-hypoglycin B + 0
                hypoglycin A 0
Path 2
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  CHEBI ontology 19874
    subatomic particle 19872
      composite particle 19872
        hadron 19872
          baryon 19872
            nucleon 19872
              atomic nucleus 19872
                atom 19872
                  main group element atom 19811
                    main group molecular entity 19811
                      s-block molecular entity 19647
                        hydrogen molecular entity 19628
                          hydrides 19139
                            inorganic hydride 18156
                              pnictogen hydride 18146
                                nitrogen hydride 18059
                                  azane 17866
                                    ammonia 17865
                                      organic amino compound 17865
                                        amino acid 16057
                                          alpha-amino acid 13932
                                            non-proteinogenic alpha-amino acid 3802
                                              2-amino-3-(2-methylenecyclopropyl)propanoic acid 0
                                                (2S,4S)-hypoglycin A 0
                                                  (2S,4S)-hypoglycin B + 0
                                                  hypoglycin A 0
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