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The Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology is downloaded weekly from EMBL-EBI at The data is made available under the Creative Commons License (CC BY 3.0, For more information see: Degtyarenko et al. (2008) ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest. Nucleic Acids Res. 36, D344–D350.

Term:imidothiocarbamic ester
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clobenpropit term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Adrb2 adrenoceptor beta 2 multiple interactions ISO clobenpropit promotes the reaction [Isoproterenol results in increased activity of ADRB2 protein] CTD PMID:17196553 NCBI chr18:55,642,459...55,644,501
Ensembl chr18:55,502,903...55,644,512
JBrowse link
G Ccl2 C-C motif chemokine ligand 2 decreases expression ISO clobenpropit results in decreased expression of CCL2 protein CTD PMID:17507084 NCBI chr10:67,005,424...67,007,222
Ensembl chr10:67,005,424...67,007,226
JBrowse link
G Ccnd1 cyclin D1 multiple interactions ISO [HRH4 protein results in increased susceptibility to clobenpropit] which results in decreased expression of CCND1 protein CTD PMID:22363581 NCBI chr 1:200,089,002...200,098,524
Ensembl chr 1:200,089,002...200,098,602
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G Cdk2 cyclin dependent kinase 2 multiple interactions ISO [HRH4 protein results in increased susceptibility to clobenpropit] which results in decreased expression of CDK2 protein CTD PMID:22363581 NCBI chr 7:1,129,878...1,137,431
Ensembl chr 7:1,129,811...1,137,403
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G Cdkn1a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A multiple interactions ISO [HRH4 protein results in increased susceptibility to clobenpropit] which results in increased expression of CDKN1A protein CTD PMID:22363581 NCBI chr20:7,149,177...7,159,727
Ensembl chr20:7,149,217...7,159,585
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G Cdkn1b cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B multiple interactions ISO [HRH4 protein results in increased susceptibility to clobenpropit] which results in increased expression of CDKN1B protein CTD PMID:22363581 NCBI chr 4:167,760,067...167,765,177
Ensembl chr 4:167,760,181...167,764,982
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G Hrh1 histamine receptor H 1 multiple interactions EXP [Pyrilamine binds to and results in decreased activity of HRH1 protein] which results in decreased susceptibility to clobenpropit CTD PMID:16488453 NCBI chr 4:147,564,963...147,649,353
Ensembl chr 4:147,645,995...147,647,455
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G Hrh2 histamine receptor H 2 multiple interactions ISO
HRH2 protein promotes the reaction [clobenpropit results in increased expression of IL16 protein]
[Cimetidine binds to and results in decreased activity of HRH2 protein] which results in decreased susceptibility to clobenpropit
CTD PMID:12235264 PMID:16488453 NCBI chr17:10,366,004...10,407,791
Ensembl chr17:10,368,298...10,407,631
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G Hrh3 histamine receptor H3 multiple interactions
affects binding
clobenpropit binds to and results in decreased activity of HRH3 protein; clobenpropit inhibits the reaction [[Methylhistamines binds to and results in increased activity of HRH3 protein] which results in increased transport of Calcium]
clobenpropit analog binds to HRH3 protein; clobenpropit binds to HRH3 protein
[4-(1H-imidazol-4-ylmethyl)piperidine binds to and results in increased activity of HRH3 protein] which results in decreased susceptibility to clobenpropit; [clobenpropit binds to and results in decreased activity of HRH3 protein] which results in decreased susceptibility to Scopolamine; clobenpropit binds to and results in decreased activity of HRH3 protein
CTD PMID:12706455 PMID:16488453 PMID:22003888 NCBI chr 3:167,191,551...167,196,642
Ensembl chr 3:167,191,558...167,196,642
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G Hrh4 histamine receptor H4 multiple interactions
affects binding
increases response to substance
ISO 1-((5-chloro-1H-indol-2-yl)carbonyl)-4-methylpiperazine inhibits the reaction [[clobenpropit binds to and results in increased activity of HRH4 protein] which results in increased abundance of Calcium]; 1-((5-chloro-1H-indol-2-yl)carbonyl)-4-methylpiperazine inhibits the reaction [HRH4 protein results in increased susceptibility to clobenpropit]; [clobenpropit binds to and results in increased activity of HRH4 protein] which results in increased abundance of Calcium; [HRH4 protein results in increased susceptibility to clobenpropit] which results in decreased expression of CCND1 protein; [HRH4 protein results in increased susceptibility to clobenpropit] which results in decreased expression of CDK2 protein; [HRH4 protein results in increased susceptibility to clobenpropit] which results in increased expression of CDKN1A protein; [HRH4 protein results in increased susceptibility to clobenpropit] which results in increased expression of CDKN1B protein; clobenpropit binds to and results in increased activity of HRH4 protein
clobenpropit binds to HRH4 protein
CTD PMID:17507084 PMID:22003888 PMID:22363581 NCBI chr18:4,166,270...4,182,426
Ensembl chr18:4,166,270...4,246,345
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G Ifng interferon gamma affects expression ISO clobenpropit affects the expression of IFNG protein CTD PMID:17346280 NCBI chr 7:53,903,339...53,907,375
Ensembl chr 7:53,903,337...53,907,375
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G Il16 interleukin 16 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO HRH2 protein promotes the reaction [clobenpropit results in increased expression of IL16 protein] CTD PMID:12235264 NCBI chr 1:137,617,702...137,718,022
Ensembl chr 1:137,617,944...137,718,130
JBrowse link
G Il5 interleukin 5 affects expression ISO clobenpropit affects the expression of IL5 protein CTD PMID:17346280 NCBI chr10:37,874,342...37,877,213
Ensembl chr10:37,874,342...37,877,213
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G Slc22a3 solute carrier family 22 member 3 multiple interactions EXP
clobenpropit inhibits the reaction [SLC22A3 protein results in increased uptake of 1-Methyl-4-phenylpyridinium] CTD PMID:12411423 NCBI chr 1:48,235,476...48,324,617
Ensembl chr 1:48,235,476...48,324,612
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Dimaprit term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cd14 CD14 molecule multiple interactions ISO [Dimaprit binds to and results in increased activity of HRH2 protein] which affects the expression of CD14 protein CTD PMID:14499251 NCBI chr18:28,335,522...28,337,383
Ensembl chr18:28,335,340...28,337,261
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G Cd80 Cd80 molecule multiple interactions ISO Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of CD80 protein] CTD PMID:12538815 NCBI chr11:62,254,543...62,293,414
Ensembl chr11:62,254,624...62,292,030
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G Fos Fos proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Dimaprit results in decreased expression of FOS protein
[Dimaprit binds to and results in increased activity of HRH2 protein] which results in increased expression of FOS mRNA; Famotidine inhibits the reaction [[Dimaprit binds to and results in increased activity of HRH2 protein] which results in increased expression of FOS mRNA]
CTD PMID:9187264 NCBI chr 6:105,121,170...105,124,036
Ensembl chr 6:105,121,170...105,124,036
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G Hrh2 histamine receptor H 2 multiple interactions
increases activity
1-(5-Isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-Methylpiperazine inhibits the reaction [Dimaprit results in increased expression of HRH2 mRNA]; [Dimaprit binds to and results in increased activity of HRH2 protein] which affects the expression of CD14 protein; [Dimaprit binds to and results in increased activity of HRH2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Cyclic AMP; [Dimaprit binds to and results in increased activity of HRH2 protein] which results in increased expression of FOS mRNA; Dimaprit binds to and results in increased activity of HRH2 protein; Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [HRH2 protein promotes the reaction [Colforsin results in increased abundance of Cyclic AMP]]; Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [HRH2 protein promotes the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased abundance of Cyclic AMP]]; Famotidine inhibits the reaction [[Dimaprit binds to and results in increased activity of HRH2 protein] which results in increased expression of FOS mRNA]; HRH2 protein promotes the reaction [Dimaprit results in increased expression of IL16 protein]
Dimaprit binds to and results in increased activity of HRH2 protein; Ranitidine inhibits the reaction [Dimaprit binds to and results in increased activity of HRH2 protein]
Dimaprit results in increased activity of HRH2 protein
Dimaprit binds to and results in increased activity of HRH2 protein; HRH2 protein promotes the reaction [Dimaprit results in increased expression of IL6 mRNA]
CTD PMID:9187264 PMID:9657254 PMID:12235264 PMID:14499251 PMID:16143415 More... NCBI chr17:10,366,004...10,407,791
Ensembl chr17:10,368,298...10,407,631
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G Icam1 intercellular adhesion molecule 1 multiple interactions ISO Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [IL18 protein results in increased expression of ICAM1 protein]; Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of ICAM1 protein] CTD PMID:11752121 PMID:12364868 PMID:12538815 NCBI chr 8:19,553,063...19,565,438
Ensembl chr 8:19,553,645...19,565,438
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G Ifng interferon gamma affects expression
multiple interactions
ISO Dimaprit affects the expression of IFNG protein
Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [[Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate co-treated with Ionomycin] results in increased expression of IFNG protein]; Famotidine inhibits the reaction [Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [[Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate co-treated with Ionomycin] results in increased expression of IFNG protein]]
Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [IL18 protein results in increased expression of IFNG protein]
CTD PMID:11752121 PMID:12364868 PMID:17346280 PMID:19277450 NCBI chr 7:53,903,339...53,907,375
Ensembl chr 7:53,903,337...53,907,375
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G Il10 interleukin 10 multiple interactions ISO Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [IL18 protein results in decreased expression of IL10 protein] CTD PMID:11752121 NCBI chr13:42,472,625...42,477,308
Ensembl chr13:42,472,839...42,477,313
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G Il12a interleukin 12A multiple interactions ISO Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [IL18 protein results in increased expression of [IL12A protein binds to IL12B protein]] CTD PMID:11752121 PMID:12364868 NCBI chr 2:152,965,769...152,973,035
Ensembl chr 2:152,965,769...152,972,734
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G Il12b interleukin 12B multiple interactions ISO Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [IL18 protein results in increased expression of [IL12A protein binds to IL12B protein]] CTD PMID:11752121 PMID:12364868 NCBI chr10:28,888,832...28,903,802
Ensembl chr10:28,893,008...28,902,903
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G Il16 interleukin 16 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Dimaprit results in increased expression of IL16 protein
HRH2 protein promotes the reaction [Dimaprit results in increased expression of IL16 protein]
CTD PMID:12235264 NCBI chr 1:137,617,702...137,718,022
Ensembl chr 1:137,617,944...137,718,130
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G Il18 interleukin 18 multiple interactions ISO Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [IL18 protein results in decreased expression of IL10 protein]; Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [IL18 protein results in increased expression of [IL12A protein binds to IL12B protein]]; Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [IL18 protein results in increased expression of ICAM1 protein]; Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [IL18 protein results in increased expression of IFNG protein]; Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [IL18 protein results in increased expression of TNF protein] CTD PMID:11752121 PMID:12364868 NCBI chr 8:50,904,630...50,932,887
Ensembl chr 8:50,906,960...50,932,887
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G Il2 interleukin 2 multiple interactions ISO Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [[Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate co-treated with Ionomycin] results in increased expression of IL2 protein]; Famotidine inhibits the reaction [Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [[Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate co-treated with Ionomycin] results in increased expression of IL2 protein]] CTD PMID:19277450 NCBI chr 2:120,004,862...120,009,566
Ensembl chr 2:120,004,862...120,009,566
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G Il4 interleukin 4 multiple interactions ISO Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [[Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate co-treated with Ionomycin] results in increased expression of IL4 protein]; Famotidine inhibits the reaction [Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [[Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate co-treated with Ionomycin] results in increased expression of IL4 protein]] CTD PMID:19277450 NCBI chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
Ensembl chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
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G Il5 interleukin 5 affects expression ISO Dimaprit affects the expression of IL5 protein CTD PMID:17346280 NCBI chr10:37,874,342...37,877,213
Ensembl chr10:37,874,342...37,877,213
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G Il6 interleukin 6 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Dimaprit results in increased expression of IL6 mRNA
HRH2 protein promotes the reaction [Dimaprit results in increased expression of IL6 mRNA]
CTD PMID:9657254 NCBI chr 4:5,214,602...5,219,178
Ensembl chr 4:5,213,394...5,219,178
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G Jun Jun proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit decreases expression ISO Dimaprit results in decreased expression of JUN protein CTD PMID:9187264 NCBI chr 5:109,894,175...109,897,268
Ensembl chr 5:109,893,145...109,897,656
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G Myc MYC proto-oncogene, bHLH transcription factor decreases expression ISO Dimaprit results in decreased expression of MYC protein CTD PMID:9187264 NCBI chr 7:93,593,705...93,598,633
Ensembl chr 7:93,593,705...93,598,630
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G Ntf3 neurotrophin 3 multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP 2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [Dimaprit results in increased expression of NTF3 protein]; [methylhistaprodifen co-treated with Dimaprit co-treated with imetit] results in increased expression of NTF3 protein; [methylhistaprodifen co-treated with Dimaprit] results in increased expression of NTF3 protein; N-(2-(4-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [Dimaprit results in increased expression of NTF3 protein] CTD PMID:21276809 NCBI chr 4:158,914,984...158,984,453
Ensembl chr 4:158,914,957...158,984,596
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G Tnf tumor necrosis factor multiple interactions ISO Cimetidine inhibits the reaction [Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNF protein]]; Dimaprit binds to and results in increased activity of TNF protein; Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [IL18 protein results in increased expression of TNF protein]; Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNF protein]
Dimaprit binds to and results in increased activity of TNF protein; Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [[Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate co-treated with Ionomycin] results in increased expression of TNF protein]; Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNF protein]; Famotidine inhibits the reaction [Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [[Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate co-treated with Ionomycin] results in increased expression of TNF protein]]
CTD PMID:9088875 PMID:11752121 PMID:12538815 PMID:19277450 NCBI chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
Ensembl chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
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imetit term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cat catalase multiple interactions EXP imetit inhibits the reaction [Isoproterenol results in decreased expression of and results in decreased activity of CAT protein] CTD PMID:25496245 NCBI chr 3:89,842,393...89,874,577
Ensembl chr 3:89,842,399...89,874,478
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G Ckb creatine kinase B multiple interactions EXP imetit inhibits the reaction [Isoproterenol results in increased expression of and results in increased secretion of [CKM protein binds to CKB protein]] CTD PMID:25496245 NCBI chr 6:130,729,420...130,732,301
Ensembl chr 6:130,729,423...130,732,315
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G Ckm creatine kinase, M-type multiple interactions EXP imetit inhibits the reaction [Isoproterenol results in increased expression of and results in increased secretion of [CKM protein binds to CKB protein]] CTD PMID:25496245 NCBI chr 1:79,061,390...79,071,721
Ensembl chr 1:79,061,456...79,071,720
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G Got1 glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 1 multiple interactions EXP imetit inhibits the reaction [Isoproterenol results in increased expression of and results in increased secretion of GOT1 protein] CTD PMID:25496245 NCBI chr 1:242,357,293...242,381,535
Ensembl chr 1:242,357,306...242,380,633
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G Gpt glutamic--pyruvic transaminase multiple interactions EXP imetit inhibits the reaction [Isoproterenol results in increased expression of and results in increased secretion of GPT protein] CTD PMID:25496245 NCBI chr 7:108,416,646...108,419,495
Ensembl chr 7:108,416,642...108,419,494
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G Hrh3 histamine receptor H3 multiple interactions
increases activity
imetit binds to and results in increased activity of HRH3 protein
Imetit binds to Hrh3 protein; imetit inhibits the reaction [N-methylhistamine binds to Hrh3 protein]
imetit results in increased activity of HRH3 protein
[imetit results in increased activity of HRH3 protein] inhibits the reaction [Colforsin results in increased abundance of Cyclic AMP]; ciproxifan inhibits the reaction [[imetit results in increased activity of HRH3 protein] inhibits the reaction [Colforsin results in increased abundance of Cyclic AMP]]; imetit binds to and results in increased activity of HRH3 protein; Pertussis Toxin inhibits the reaction [[imetit results in increased activity of HRH3 protein] inhibits the reaction [Colforsin results in increased abundance of Cyclic AMP]]; thioperamide inhibits the reaction [[imetit results in increased activity of HRH3 protein] inhibits the reaction [Colforsin results in increased abundance of Cyclic AMP]]
[imetit binds to and results in increased activity of HRH3 protein] which results in increased transport of Calcium; imetit binds to and results in increased activity of HRH3 protein
PMID:12100006 PMID:12706455 PMID:21276809 PMID:10869375 RGD:632981 NCBI chr 3:167,191,551...167,196,642
Ensembl chr 3:167,191,558...167,196,642
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G Hrh4 histamine receptor H4 multiple interactions ISO [imetit binds to and results in increased activity of HRH4 protein] which results in increased abundance of Calcium; imetit binds to and results in increased activity of HRH4 protein CTD PMID:11181941 NCBI chr18:4,166,270...4,182,426
Ensembl chr18:4,166,270...4,246,345
JBrowse link
G Ntf3 neurotrophin 3 multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP 2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [imetit results in increased expression of NTF3 protein]; [methylhistaprodifen co-treated with Dimaprit co-treated with imetit] results in increased expression of NTF3 protein; Pertussis Toxin inhibits the reaction [imetit results in increased expression of NTF3 protein]; Staurosporine inhibits the reaction [imetit results in increased expression of NTF3 protein]; Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate inhibits the reaction [imetit results in increased expression of NTF3 protein] CTD PMID:21276809 NCBI chr 4:158,914,984...158,984,453
Ensembl chr 4:158,914,957...158,984,596
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G Sod1 superoxide dismutase 1 multiple interactions EXP imetit inhibits the reaction [Isoproterenol results in decreased expression of and results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] CTD PMID:25496245 NCBI chr11:29,456,673...29,462,249
Ensembl chr11:29,456,558...29,462,249
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Ro 31-8220 term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Abca1 ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [5,6-dichloro-1-beta-D-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole-3',5'-monophosphorothioate results in increased expression of ABCA1 mRNA]
Ro 31-8220 results in decreased expression of ABCA1 mRNA
CTD PMID:15037193 NCBI chr 5:67,678,267...67,801,162
Ensembl chr 5:67,681,297...67,801,170
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G Acta2 actin alpha 2, smooth muscle multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [TGFB1 protein results in increased expression of ACTA2 protein] CTD PMID:16757516 NCBI chr 1:231,746,527...231,759,307
Ensembl chr 1:231,746,548...231,759,554
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G Akr1c2 aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C2 multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [panaxytriol results in increased activity of AKR1C2 protein] CTD PMID:18826220 NCBI chr17:65,759,778...65,808,013
Ensembl chr17:65,759,788...65,775,764
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G Akr1c3 aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C3 multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [panaxytriol results in increased activity of AKR1C3 protein] CTD PMID:18826220 NCBI chr17:66,110,970...66,127,867
Ensembl chr17:66,110,963...66,127,873
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G Bax BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator multiple interactions EXP Ro 31-8220 promotes the reaction [[lead acetate results in increased abundance of Lead] which results in increased expression of BAX protein] CTD PMID:36925031 NCBI chr 1:95,940,001...95,945,407
Ensembl chr 1:95,938,808...95,945,368
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G Bcl2 BCL2, apoptosis regulator multiple interactions EXP Ro 31-8220 promotes the reaction [[lead acetate results in increased abundance of Lead] which results in decreased expression of BCL2 protein] CTD PMID:36925031 NCBI chr13:22,689,783...22,853,920
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
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G Bcl2l1 Bcl2-like 1 multiple interactions EXP Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Hexachlorocyclohexane results in increased expression of BCL2L1 protein] CTD PMID:22001173 NCBI chr 3:141,253,508...141,304,582
Ensembl chr 3:141,253,523...141,303,479
Ensembl chr 1:141,253,523...141,303,479
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G Casp3 caspase 3 increases activity
multiple interactions
Ro 31-8220 results in increased activity of CASP3 protein
Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Hexachlorocyclohexane results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Paraoxon results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]
CTD PMID:17561261 PMID:18054255 PMID:22001173 NCBI chr16:45,662,910...45,681,171
Ensembl chr16:45,662,910...45,684,648
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G Casp8 caspase 8 increases activity ISO Ro 31-8220 results in increased activity of CASP8 protein CTD PMID:18054255 NCBI chr 9:60,263,863...60,312,542
Ensembl chr 9:60,264,075...60,312,542
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G Casp9 caspase 9 multiple interactions EXP Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Hexachlorocyclohexane results in increased activity of CASP9 protein] CTD PMID:22001173 NCBI chr 5:154,108,872...154,126,628
Ensembl chr 5:154,109,046...154,126,626
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G Cd38 CD38 molecule multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Tretinoin results in increased expression of CD38 mRNA] CTD PMID:21393419 NCBI chr14:67,172,062...67,212,328
Ensembl chr14:67,172,063...67,211,986
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G Creb1 cAMP responsive element binding protein 1 multiple interactions ISO
Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Formaldehyde results in increased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Tretinoin results in increased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]
Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Phenylephrine results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of CREB1 protein]
CTD PMID:15522277 PMID:16280361 PMID:22138297 NCBI chr 9:65,903,511...65,972,562
Ensembl chr 9:65,903,547...65,970,816
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G Dpp3 dipeptidylpeptidase 3 multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [DPP3 protein results in increased expression of NQO1 protein] CTD PMID:17360324 NCBI chr 1:202,204,683...202,228,501
Ensembl chr 1:202,204,693...202,228,541
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G Edn1 endothelin 1 multiple interactions EXP Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [EDN1 protein results in increased phosphorylation of JUN protein] CTD PMID:12169099 NCBI chr17:22,454,924...22,460,812
Ensembl chr17:22,454,420...22,460,885
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G Egf epidermal growth factor multiple interactions EXP Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [EGF protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of MAPK1 protein]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [EGF protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of MAPK3 protein]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased secretion of EGF protein] CTD PMID:12947092 PMID:16877402 NCBI chr 2:218,219,408...218,302,359
Ensembl chr 2:218,219,415...218,302,064
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G Fcer1a Fc epsilon receptor Ia multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [FCER1A protein results in increased expression of IL6 mRNA]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [FCER1A protein results in increased expression of TNF mRNA] CTD PMID:16818790 NCBI chr13:85,686,099...85,692,394
Ensembl chr13:85,686,092...85,692,351
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G Fos Fos proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [beryllium sulfate results in increased expression of FOS mRNA]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Cadmium Chloride results in increased expression of FOS mRNA]
Ro 31-8220 results in decreased expression of FOS mRNA
CTD PMID:11353138 PMID:11568973 NCBI chr 6:105,121,170...105,124,036
Ensembl chr 6:105,121,170...105,124,036
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G Gdf15 growth differentiation factor 15 multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [gingerol results in increased expression of GDF15 protein] CTD PMID:18058799 NCBI chr16:18,804,457...18,808,043
Ensembl chr16:18,805,239...18,808,055
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G Gja1 gap junction protein, alpha 1 multiple interactions EXP Ro 31-8220 promotes the reaction [[lead acetate results in increased abundance of Lead] which results in decreased expression of and results in decreased phosphorylation of GJA1 protein] CTD PMID:36925031 NCBI chr20:35,756,007...35,768,481
Ensembl chr20:35,755,991...35,768,582
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G Grp gastrin releasing peptide multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 promotes the reaction [GRP protein modified form results in increased chemical synthesis of Inositol Phosphates] CTD PMID:18313772 NCBI chr18:59,388,679...59,402,061
Ensembl chr18:59,388,274...59,402,061
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G Gsk3b glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta decreases activity ISO Ro 31-8220 results in decreased activity of GSK3B protein CTD PMID:10998351 NCBI chr11:62,498,997...62,648,665
Ensembl chr11:62,504,316...62,648,646
JBrowse link
G Hmox1 heme oxygenase 1 multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Acrolein results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [coniferaldehyde results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Curcumin results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein] CTD PMID:18048804 PMID:18357586 PMID:26275128 NCBI chr19:13,466,287...13,474,082
Ensembl chr19:13,467,244...13,474,079
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G Hrh1 histamine receptor H 1 multiple interactions EXP Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Histamine results in increased expression of HRH1 mRNA] CTD PMID:18360087 NCBI chr 4:147,564,963...147,649,353
Ensembl chr 4:147,645,995...147,647,455
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G Il11 interleukin 11 multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Formaldehyde results in increased expression of IL11 mRNA]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased expression of IL11 mRNA] CTD PMID:22138297 NCBI chr 1:69,069,829...69,076,129
Ensembl chr 1:69,068,137...69,076,129
JBrowse link
G Il1b interleukin 1 beta multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [bufalin results in increased expression of IL1B mRNA]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] CTD PMID:10712238 PMID:11854442 PMID:18054255 NCBI chr 3:116,577,005...116,583,386
Ensembl chr 3:116,577,010...116,583,415
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G Il6 interleukin 6 multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [FCER1A protein results in increased expression of IL6 mRNA] CTD PMID:16818790 NCBI chr 4:5,214,602...5,219,178
Ensembl chr 4:5,213,394...5,219,178
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G Ins1 insulin 1 multiple interactions ISO
Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [INS1 protein results in increased uptake of Deoxyglucose]
Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [apigenin-6-C-(2''-O-rhamnopyranosyl)-fucopyranoside promotes the reaction [Glucose results in increased secretion of INS1 protein]]
CTD PMID:14511371 PMID:19070612 NCBI chr 1:251,244,973...251,245,540
Ensembl chr 1:251,244,973...251,245,536
JBrowse link
G Jun Jun proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit multiple interactions
decreases expression
Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [beryllium sulfate results in increased expression of JUN mRNA]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Cadmium Chloride results in increased expression of JUN mRNA]
Ro 31-8220 results in decreased expression of JUN mRNA
Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [EDN1 protein results in increased phosphorylation of JUN protein]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Phenylephrine results in increased expression of JUN mRNA]
CTD PMID:11353138 PMID:11568973 PMID:12169099 PMID:19002563 NCBI chr 5:109,894,175...109,897,268
Ensembl chr 5:109,893,145...109,897,656
JBrowse link
G Mapk1 mitogen activated protein kinase 1 multiple interactions ISO
Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [bufalin results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]
Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]
Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Carbachol results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of MAPK1 protein]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [EGF protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of MAPK1 protein]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Phenylephrine results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of MAPK1 protein]
CTD PMID:10712238 PMID:12083801 PMID:16877402 NCBI chr11:83,957,813...84,023,629
Ensembl chr11:83,957,813...84,023,616
JBrowse link
G Mapk3 mitogen activated protein kinase 3 multiple interactions ISO
Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [bufalin results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]
Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]
Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Carbachol results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of MAPK3 protein]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [EGF protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of MAPK3 protein]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Phenylephrine results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of MAPK3 protein]
CTD PMID:10712238 PMID:12083801 PMID:16877402 NCBI chr 1:181,366,646...181,372,863
Ensembl chr 1:181,366,637...181,372,863
JBrowse link
G Mapk8 mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 multiple interactions
increases activity
EXP Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Arsenic results in decreased phosphorylation of and results in decreased activity of MAPK8 protein]
Ro 31-8220 results in increased activity of MAPK8 protein
CTD PMID:11027531 PMID:11756236 NCBI chr16:8,638,897...8,721,960
Ensembl chr16:8,638,924...8,721,981
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G Mapk9 mitogen-activated protein kinase 9 multiple interactions EXP Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Arsenic results in decreased phosphorylation of and results in decreased activity of MAPK9 protein] CTD PMID:11756236 NCBI chr10:34,169,661...34,211,138
Ensembl chr10:34,169,675...34,210,178
JBrowse link
G Mapt microtubule-associated protein tau multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Arachidonic Acid results in increased phosphorylation of MAPT protein] CTD PMID:12605413 NCBI chr10:89,138,644...89,236,137
Ensembl chr10:89,138,627...89,236,129
JBrowse link
G Mt1 metallothionein 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Cadmium Chloride results in increased expression of MT1 mRNA]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [zinc chloride results in increased expression of MT1 mRNA]
Ro 31-8220 results in decreased expression of MT1 mRNA
CTD PMID:11551972 NCBI chr19:10,826,032...10,827,048
Ensembl chr19:10,826,032...10,827,049
Ensembl chr17:10,826,032...10,827,049
Ensembl chr  X:10,826,032...10,827,049
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G Nos2 nitric oxide synthase 2 multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [deoxynivalenol results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] CTD PMID:32416088 NCBI chr10:63,815,308...63,851,208
Ensembl chr10:63,815,308...63,851,210
JBrowse link
G Nqo1 NAD(P)H quinone dehydrogenase 1 multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [DPP3 protein results in increased expression of NQO1 protein]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [SQSTM1 protein results in increased expression of NQO1 protein] CTD PMID:17360324 NCBI chr19:35,295,633...35,310,528
Ensembl chr19:35,295,573...35,310,557
JBrowse link
G Nts neurotensin increases activity
multiple interactions
ISO Ro 31-8220 results in increased activity of NTS protein
Ro 31-8220 affects the reaction [NTS protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Inositol Phosphates]; Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate inhibits the reaction [Ro 31-8220 results in increased activity of NTS protein]
CTD PMID:18313772 NCBI chr 7:37,564,944...37,574,350
Ensembl chr 7:37,564,533...37,574,423
JBrowse link
G Ppp1r14a protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 14A multiple interactions EXP Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Phorbol 12,13-Dibutyrate results in increased phosphorylation of PPP1R14A protein] CTD PMID:18986333 NCBI chr 1:84,583,127...84,590,743
Ensembl chr 1:84,586,627...84,590,671
JBrowse link
G Prkca protein kinase C, alpha multiple interactions ISO
Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [deoxynivalenol affects the localization of PRKCA protein]
Ro 31-8220 promotes the reaction [[lead acetate results in increased abundance of Lead] which results in decreased expression of and results in decreased phosphorylation of PRKCA protein]
CTD PMID:32416088 PMID:36925031 NCBI chr10:92,889,390...93,288,013
Ensembl chr10:92,894,012...93,288,012
JBrowse link
G Prkce protein kinase C, epsilon multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [deoxynivalenol affects the localization of PRKCE protein] CTD PMID:32416088 NCBI chr 6:7,965,048...8,451,966
Ensembl chr 6:7,965,048...8,451,719
JBrowse link
G Prkcg protein kinase C, gamma multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [deoxynivalenol affects the localization of PRKCG protein] CTD PMID:32416088 NCBI chr 1:65,832,851...65,860,676
Ensembl chr 1:65,832,855...65,859,384
JBrowse link
G Prkci protein kinase C, iota decreases activity ISO Ro 31-8220 results in decreased activity of PRKCI protein CTD PMID:14511371 NCBI chr 2:112,321,919...112,382,305
Ensembl chr 2:112,321,929...112,382,352
JBrowse link
G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [NCX 4040 results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]
Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [deoxynivalenol results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]
CTD PMID:11854442 PMID:19576865 PMID:32416088 NCBI chr13:62,163,936...62,172,193
Ensembl chr13:62,163,932...62,172,188
JBrowse link
G Rhoa ras homolog family member A multiple interactions EXP Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Phorbol 12,13-Dibutyrate results in increased expression of RHOA protein modified form] CTD PMID:18986333 NCBI chr 8:108,991,926...109,025,746
Ensembl chr 8:108,991,954...109,025,746
JBrowse link
G Rnf187 ring finger protein 187 multiple interactions
decreases stability
ISO benzyloxycarbonylleucyl-leucyl-leucine aldehyde inhibits the reaction [Ro 31-8220 results in decreased stability of RNF187 protein] CTD PMID:25851810 NCBI chr10:43,709,493...43,715,392
Ensembl chr10:43,702,357...43,716,157
JBrowse link
G Rps6ka5 ribosomal protein S6 kinase A5 decreases activity EXP Ro 31-8220 results in decreased activity of RPS6KA5 protein CTD PMID:15522277 NCBI chr 6:119,828,823...120,006,190
Ensembl chr 6:119,828,846...120,006,224
JBrowse link
G Scarb1 scavenger receptor class B, member 1 multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Niacin results in increased expression of SCARB1 mRNA] CTD PMID:15037193 NCBI chr12:31,296,143...31,362,649
Ensembl chr12:31,296,156...31,362,647
JBrowse link
G Sftpb surfactant protein B multiple interactions EXP Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Adenosine Triphosphate results in increased secretion of SFTPB protein]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Adenosine-5'-(N-ethylcarboxamide) results in increased secretion of SFTPB protein]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased secretion of SFTPB protein] CTD PMID:11704537 NCBI chr 4:104,359,303...104,368,439
Ensembl chr 4:104,359,396...104,368,436
JBrowse link
G Sftpc surfactant protein C multiple interactions EXP Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Adenosine Triphosphate results in increased secretion of SFTPC protein]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Adenosine-5'-(N-ethylcarboxamide) results in increased secretion of SFTPC protein]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased secretion of SFTPC protein] CTD PMID:11704537 NCBI chr15:45,596,565...45,599,615
Ensembl chr15:45,596,574...45,610,777
JBrowse link
G Sqstm1 sequestosome 1 multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [SQSTM1 protein results in increased expression of NQO1 protein] CTD PMID:17360324 NCBI chr10:34,525,517...34,536,670
Ensembl chr10:34,525,519...34,536,673
JBrowse link
G Tgfb1 transforming growth factor, beta 1 multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [TGFB1 protein results in increased expression of ACTA2 protein] CTD PMID:16757516 NCBI chr 1:81,196,532...81,212,848
Ensembl chr 1:81,196,532...81,212,847
JBrowse link
G Tnf tumor necrosis factor multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [FCER1A protein results in increased expression of TNF mRNA] CTD PMID:16818790 NCBI chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
Ensembl chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
JBrowse link
G Tnfsf10 TNF superfamily member 10 multiple interactions ISO Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [decitabine results in increased expression of TNFSF10 protein] CTD PMID:17283156 NCBI chr 2:110,199,835...110,227,239
Ensembl chr 2:110,207,916...110,225,135
JBrowse link
G Vegfa vascular endothelial growth factor A decreases expression EXP Ro 31-8220 results in decreased expression of VEGFA mRNA CTD PMID:12590138 NCBI chr 9:14,955,300...14,970,641
Ensembl chr 9:14,955,300...14,970,641
JBrowse link
S-methyl-L-thiocitrulline term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Edn1 endothelin 1 multiple interactions EXP S-methylthiocitrulline inhibits the reaction [EDN1 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:16380457 NCBI chr17:22,454,924...22,460,812
Ensembl chr17:22,454,420...22,460,885
JBrowse link
G Nos1 nitric oxide synthase 1 multiple interactions
decreases activity
[S-methylthiocitrulline results in decreased activity of NOS1 protein] which affects the abundance of Sodium
[S-methylthiocitrulline results in decreased activity of NOS1 protein] which affects the susceptibility to Methamphetamine
CTD PMID:11006970 PMID:12511180 NCBI chr12:38,615,111...38,795,492
Ensembl chr12:38,626,714...38,710,945
JBrowse link
G Slc18a2 solute carrier family 18 member A2 multiple interactions EXP S-methylthiocitrulline inhibits the reaction [Methamphetamine results in decreased activity of SLC18A2 protein]; S-methylthiocitrulline inhibits the reaction [Methamphetamine results in decreased expression of SLC18A2 protein] CTD PMID:17683483 NCBI chr 1:258,413,748...258,449,143
Ensembl chr 1:258,413,959...258,448,325
JBrowse link

Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 19867
    chemical entity 19865
      atom 19865
        nonmetal atom 19787
          sulfur atom 17750
            sulfur molecular entity 17750
              organosulfur compound 17449
                imidothiocarbamic ester 86
                  2-\{[(cyanoimino)(methylthio)methyl]amino\}propane 0
                  Dimaprit 19
                  ETHYLISOTHIOUREA 0
                  Ro 31-8220 54
                  S-(2-aminoethyl)isothiourea 0
                  S-ISOPROPYL-ISOTHIOUREA 0
                  S-methyl-L-thiocitrulline 3
                  ZAPA 0
                  clobenpropit 14
                  imetit 9
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 19867
    subatomic particle 19865
      composite particle 19865
        hadron 19865
          baryon 19865
            nucleon 19865
              atomic nucleus 19865
                atom 19865
                  main group element atom 19803
                    p-block element atom 19803
                      carbon group element atom 19744
                        carbon atom 19740
                          organic molecular entity 19740
                            heteroorganic entity 19512
                              organochalcogen compound 19273
                                organooxygen compound 19189
                                  ester 17461
                                    imidothiocarbamic ester 86
                                      2-\{[(cyanoimino)(methylthio)methyl]amino\}propane 0
                                      Dimaprit 19
                                      ETHYLISOTHIOUREA 0
                                      Ro 31-8220 54
                                      S-(2-aminoethyl)isothiourea 0
                                      S-ISOPROPYL-ISOTHIOUREA 0
                                      S-methyl-L-thiocitrulline 3
                                      ZAPA 0
                                      clobenpropit 14
                                      imetit 9
paths to the root