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The Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology is downloaded weekly from EMBL-EBI at The data is made available under the Creative Commons License (CC BY 3.0, For more information see: Degtyarenko et al. (2008) ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest. Nucleic Acids Res. 36, D344–D350.

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Accession:CHEBI:38834 term browser browse the term
Definition:An organic heteropolycyclic compound whose skeleton consists of a chromene ring fused onto a 1-benzofuran ring, together with their substituted derivatives.
Synonyms:related_synonym: benzofurochromenes

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coumestrol term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G 6430548M08Rikl RIKEN cDNA 6430548M08 gene like multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of KIAA0513 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of KIAA0513 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:48,168,651...48,216,571
Ensembl chr19:48,198,209...48,216,575
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G Aaas aladin WD repeat nucleoporin multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of AAAS mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of AAAS mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:133,464,315...133,483,961
Ensembl chr 7:133,464,315...133,483,961
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G Aars1 alanyl-tRNA synthetase 1 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of AARS1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:38,999,130...39,021,152
Ensembl chr19:38,999,163...39,021,147
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G Abat 4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of ABAT mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:6,996,688...7,092,835
Ensembl chr10:6,999,819...7,092,835
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G Abcc5 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 5 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ABCC5 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:80,473,809...80,567,257
Ensembl chr11:80,473,872...80,567,253
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G Abcd3 ATP binding cassette subfamily D member 3 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ABCD3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:209,852,087...209,905,763
Ensembl chr 2:209,852,087...209,906,020
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G Abce1 ATP binding cassette subfamily E member 1 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of ABCE1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:28,205,566...28,230,489
Ensembl chr19:28,205,555...28,230,489
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G Abcf1 ATP binding cassette subfamily F member 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ABCF1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ABCF1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr20:2,802,519...2,815,433
Ensembl chr20:2,802,488...2,815,433
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G Abcg1 ATP binding cassette subfamily G member 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ABCG1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of ABCG1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr20:9,126,687...9,182,948
Ensembl chr20:9,126,687...9,182,948
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G Abhd11 abhydrolase domain containing 11 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ABHD11 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ABHD11 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of ABHD11 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr12:21,682,206...21,685,331
Ensembl chr12:21,682,202...21,685,398
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G Abhd12 abhydrolase domain containing 12, lysophospholipase multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ABHD12 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:139,659,315...139,719,529
Ensembl chr 3:139,659,317...139,719,564
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G Abhd16a abhydrolase domain containing 16A, phospholipase decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ABHD16A mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr20:3,719,089...3,733,952
Ensembl chr20:3,719,091...3,733,927
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G Abi1 abl-interactor 1 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ABI1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:85,098,837...85,179,829
Ensembl chr17:85,098,550...85,179,792
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G Abraxas1 abraxas 1, BRCA1 A complex subunit decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ABRAXAS1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:8,796,281...8,810,625
Ensembl chr14:8,796,266...8,810,622
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G Acaa2 acetyl-CoA acyltransferase 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ACAA2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr18:68,345,136...68,373,246
Ensembl chr18:68,345,012...68,373,249
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G Acat2 acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ACAT2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ACAT2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:47,695,833...47,713,879
Ensembl chr 1:47,695,788...47,752,821
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G Acbd3 acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ACBD3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:92,455,813...92,484,556
Ensembl chr13:92,455,655...92,483,380
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G Ackr3 atypical chemokine receptor 3 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ACKR3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:90,799,682...90,811,246
Ensembl chr 9:90,799,686...90,811,237
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G Acly ATP citrate lyase multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ACLY mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ACLY mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:85,412,045...85,464,253
Ensembl chr10:85,412,049...85,463,320
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G Acot4 acyl-CoA thioesterase 4 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ACOT4 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of ACOT4 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ACOT4 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:103,668,699...103,674,037
Ensembl chr 6:103,668,753...103,673,917
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G Acot7 acyl-CoA thioesterase 7 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of ACOT7 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ACOT7 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of ACOT7 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:162,686,562...162,779,309
Ensembl chr 5:162,684,645...162,779,309
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G Acsl3 acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 3 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ACSL3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:80,115,164...80,164,636
Ensembl chr 9:80,115,112...80,164,627
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G Acss3 acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 3 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ACSS3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:42,241,261...42,450,209
Ensembl chr 7:42,242,652...42,450,230
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G Acvr1 activin A receptor type 1 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ACVR1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:42,978,558...43,097,892
Ensembl chr 3:42,978,561...43,098,241
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G Acyp1 acylphosphatase 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of ACYP1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ACYP1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of ACYP1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:104,919,162...104,932,348
Ensembl chr 6:104,919,162...104,932,387
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G Adat1 adenosine deaminase, tRNA-specific 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ADAT1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:39,918,083...39,956,886
Ensembl chr19:39,918,227...39,956,883
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G Add3 adducin 3 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ADD3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of ADD3 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ADD3 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:252,147,341...252,255,126
Ensembl chr 1:252,147,386...252,255,124
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G Adk adenosine kinase increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of ADK mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:2,863,241...3,246,453
Ensembl chr15:2,863,244...3,246,510
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G Adra2a adrenoceptor alpha 2A multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ADRA2A mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ADRA2A mRNA] CTD PMID:18310284 NCBI chr 1:253,061,480...253,064,280
Ensembl chr 1:253,060,218...253,064,365
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G Afap1 actin filament associated protein 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of AFAP1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:74,743,322...74,856,300
Ensembl chr14:74,743,320...74,856,263
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G Aff4 ALF transcription elongation factor 4 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of AFF4 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of AFF4 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:37,498,825...37,579,751
Ensembl chr10:37,498,825...37,579,751
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G Afp alpha-fetoprotein affects binding EXP Coumestrol binds to AFP protein CTD PMID:23013281 PMID:25349334 NCBI chr14:17,573,412...17,591,476
Ensembl chr14:17,573,412...17,591,480
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G Agap1 ArfGAP with GTPase domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 1 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of AGAP1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:90,039,720...90,475,196
Ensembl chr 9:90,039,605...90,470,958
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G Ago2 argonaute RISC catalytic component 2 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of AGO2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:105,018,202...105,105,118
Ensembl chr 7:105,029,120...105,104,974
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G Agpat3 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 3 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of AGPAT3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr20:10,330,960...10,415,358
Ensembl chr20:10,384,507...10,415,358
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G Agr2 anterior gradient 2, protein disulphide isomerase family member multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of AGR2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of AGR2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of AGR2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:52,708,602...52,729,378
Ensembl chr 6:52,708,602...52,729,371
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G Agr3 anterior gradient 3, protein disulphide isomerase family member multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of AGR3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of AGR3 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of AGR3 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:52,643,391...52,666,638
Ensembl chr 6:52,643,391...52,666,638
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G Agtrap angiotensin II receptor-associated protein increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of AGTRAP mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:158,507,427...158,519,036
Ensembl chr 5:158,508,749...158,519,036
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G Ahcyl1 adenosylhomocysteinase-like 1 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of AHCYL1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:195,294,149...195,328,586
Ensembl chr 2:195,294,153...195,345,815
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G Ahsa1 activator of Hsp90 ATPase activity 1 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of AHSA1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:106,913,296...106,921,347
Ensembl chr 6:106,913,530...106,921,345
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G Ajuba ajuba LIM protein multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of AJUBA mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of AJUBA mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:28,019,775...28,031,537
Ensembl chr15:28,019,778...28,030,021
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G Akap13 A-kinase anchoring protein 13 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of AKAP13 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of AKAP13 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:129,313,183...129,619,647
Ensembl chr 1:129,314,402...129,619,646
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G Alcam activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ALCAM mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:48,336,123...48,536,296
Ensembl chr11:48,336,169...48,537,954
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G Aldh16a1 aldehyde dehydrogenase 16 family, member A1 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of ALDH16A1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:95,626,727...95,639,808
Ensembl chr 1:95,613,558...95,640,131
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G Aldh3b2 aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 family, member B2 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of ALDH3B2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ALDH3B2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:201,250,260...201,264,699
Ensembl chr 1:201,253,157...201,264,705
Ensembl chr 1:201,253,157...201,264,705
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G Aldh3b3 aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 family, member B3 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in decreased expression of ALDH3B2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ALDH3B2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:201,193,832...201,201,666
Ensembl chr 1:201,187,962...201,250,204
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G Aldh4a1 aldehyde dehydrogenase 4 family, member A1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of ALDH4A1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:151,880,002...151,905,491
Ensembl chr 5:151,830,701...151,925,345
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G Alg6 ALG6, alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ALG6 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ALG6 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:114,404,972...114,454,440
Ensembl chr 5:114,405,010...114,454,439
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G Alg8 ALG8, alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of ALG8 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ALG8 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:151,684,344...151,704,310
Ensembl chr 1:151,684,396...151,704,302
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G Alkbh7 alkB homolog 7 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ALKBH7 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:1,838,886...1,841,044
Ensembl chr 9:1,838,811...1,841,044
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G Alpl alkaline phosphatase, biomineralization associated multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol binds to ESR1 protein] which results in increased activity of ALPL protein; fulvestrant inhibits the reaction [[Coumestrol binds to ESR1 protein] which results in increased activity of ALPL protein] CTD PMID:12650720 NCBI chr 5:149,951,397...150,006,424
Ensembl chr 5:149,951,409...150,006,446
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G Als2 alsin Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor ALS2 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ALS2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:60,613,182...60,686,394
Ensembl chr 9:60,613,167...60,670,737
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G Alyref Aly/REF export factor increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of ALYREF mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:105,871,424...105,875,076
Ensembl chr10:105,871,306...105,875,069
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G Amd1 adenosylmethionine decarboxylase 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of AMD1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of AMD1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of AMD1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr20:43,695,783...43,711,476
Ensembl chr20:43,697,237...43,711,476
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G Amfr autocrine motility factor receptor multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of AMFR mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:10,996,705...11,032,260
Ensembl chr19:10,996,099...11,032,247
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G Ammecr1 AMMECR nuclear protein 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of AMMECR1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of AMMECR1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of AMMECR1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr  X:106,465,982...106,571,382
Ensembl chr  X:106,466,699...106,571,487
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G Amotl2 angiomotin like 2 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of AMOTL2 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of AMOTL2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:103,303,368...103,319,161
Ensembl chr 8:103,302,992...103,318,910
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G Anapc5 anaphase-promoting complex subunit 5 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of ANAPC5 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr12:33,748,709...33,781,709
Ensembl chr12:33,748,735...33,781,781
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G Anapc7 anaphase promoting complex subunit 7 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of ANAPC7 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr12:34,131,214...34,160,819
Ensembl chr12:34,133,429...34,160,005
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G Anln anillin, actin binding protein multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ANLN mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ANLN mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of ANLN mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ANLN mRNA]
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ANLN mRNA
CTD PMID:18310284 PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:20,858,227...20,921,602
Ensembl chr 8:20,858,228...20,921,538
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G Ano6 anoctamin 6 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ANO6 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ANO6 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:126,933,919...127,113,588
Ensembl chr 7:126,933,936...127,113,589
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G Anp32a acidic nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member A increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of ANP32A mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:62,829,099...62,865,443
Ensembl chr 8:62,827,456...62,865,443
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G Anp32e acidic nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member E multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ANP32E mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ANP32E mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of ANP32E mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ANP32E mRNA]
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ANP32E mRNA
CTD PMID:18310284 PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:183,472,600...183,489,057
Ensembl chr 2:183,472,609...183,489,054
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G Anxa2 annexin A2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ANXA2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:70,105,268...70,141,663
Ensembl chr 8:70,105,253...70,141,658
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G Anxa3 annexin A3 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ANXA3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:12,727,708...12,781,717
Ensembl chr14:12,719,795...12,781,617
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G Anxa9 annexin A9 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ANXA9 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:182,873,185...182,884,501
Ensembl chr 2:182,872,929...182,883,374
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G Ap1b1 adaptor related protein complex 1 subunit beta 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of AP1B1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:79,879,482...79,930,778
Ensembl chr14:79,879,533...79,930,778
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G Ap1m1 adaptor related protein complex 1 subunit mu 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of AP1M1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr16:17,586,886...17,602,410
Ensembl chr16:17,584,730...17,602,403
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G Ap2s1 adaptor related protein complex 2 subunit sigma 1 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of AP2S1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:77,417,496...77,428,903
Ensembl chr 1:77,417,477...77,428,905
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G Apbb2 amyloid beta precursor protein binding family B member 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of APBB2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:41,557,918...41,878,622
Ensembl chr14:41,557,972...41,877,495
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G Apod apolipoprotein D decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of APOD mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:69,431,261...69,452,306
Ensembl chr11:69,431,260...69,452,305
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G App amyloid beta precursor protein decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of APP mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:24,019,774...24,236,584
Ensembl chr11:24,019,778...24,236,561
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G Aqp3 aquaporin 3 (Gill blood group) decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of AQP3 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of AQP3 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:56,239,200...56,244,718
Ensembl chr 5:56,239,201...56,244,720
JBrowse link
G Ar androgen receptor decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of AR mRNA
Coumestrol inhibits the reaction [Stanozolol binds to and results in increased activity of AR protein]
CTD PMID:11867264 PMID:29162470 NCBI chr  X:63,104,771...63,273,934
Ensembl chr  X:63,104,771...63,273,925
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G Arfgef2 ARF guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ARFGEF2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:155,547,504...155,633,652
Ensembl chr 3:155,547,538...155,630,856
JBrowse link
G Arfgef3 ARFGEF family member 3 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ARFGEF3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of ARFGEF3 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ARFGEF3 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:13,245,578...13,404,319
Ensembl chr 1:13,244,830...13,404,084
JBrowse link
G Arhgap19 Rho GTPase activating protein 19 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of ARHGAP19 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:240,571,554...240,617,361
Ensembl chr 1:240,580,871...240,617,287
JBrowse link
G Arhgap39 Rho GTPase activating protein 39 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ARHGAP39 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:108,446,280...108,538,875
Ensembl chr 7:108,446,282...108,538,831
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G Arhgdia Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor alpha multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ARHGDIA mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:105,854,526...105,858,020
Ensembl chr10:105,854,533...105,858,023
JBrowse link
G Arhgef26 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 26 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ARHGEF26 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ARHGEF26 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:146,740,336...146,850,918
Ensembl chr 2:146,739,631...146,850,819
JBrowse link
G Arhgef37 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 37 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ARHGEF37 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr18:54,935,256...55,001,017
Ensembl chr18:54,949,110...55,000,669
JBrowse link
G Arhgef39 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 39 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of ARHGEF39 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:57,752,509...57,756,079
Ensembl chr 5:57,752,509...57,756,109
JBrowse link
G Arid4b AT-rich interaction domain 4B decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ARID4B mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:51,138,419...51,262,894
Ensembl chr17:51,138,535...51,262,906
JBrowse link
G Arl3 ARF like GTPase 3 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ARL3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of ARL3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:245,400,659...245,446,673
Ensembl chr 1:245,400,550...245,446,820
JBrowse link
G Arln allregulin decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ARLN mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:211,055,925...211,057,685
Ensembl chr 2:211,055,911...211,057,681
JBrowse link
G Arnt aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ARNT mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:182,997,731...183,056,584
Ensembl chr 2:182,997,736...183,056,580
JBrowse link
G Arrdc3 arrestin domain containing 3 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ARRDC3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:11,137,464...11,149,978
Ensembl chr 2:11,137,460...11,149,978
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G Arx aristaless related homeobox multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ARX mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr  X:58,016,233...58,028,149
Ensembl chr  X:58,016,233...58,028,142
JBrowse link
G Asap1 ArfGAP with SH3 domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ASAP1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ASAP1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of ASAP1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:95,786,130...96,093,111
Ensembl chr 7:95,787,818...96,092,754
JBrowse link
G Asf1b anti-silencing function 1B histone chaperone increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of ASF1B mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ASF1B mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of ASF1B mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:24,181,024...24,195,604
Ensembl chr19:24,181,028...24,195,549
JBrowse link
G Aspm assembly factor for spindle microtubules multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ASPM mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ASPM mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of ASPM mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ASPM mRNA]
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ASPM mRNA
CTD PMID:18310284 PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:51,074,849...51,123,755
Ensembl chr13:51,074,849...51,123,755
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G Atad2 ATPase family, AAA domain containing 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ATAD2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of ATAD2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ATAD2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:89,634,123...89,676,738
Ensembl chr 7:89,634,123...89,676,738
JBrowse link
G Atf2 activating transcription factor 2 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of ATF2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:58,718,323...58,795,280
Ensembl chr 3:58,718,332...58,795,236
JBrowse link
G Atf3 activating transcription factor 3 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ATF3 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ATF3 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:102,751,278...102,800,520
Ensembl chr13:102,751,321...102,764,631
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G Atf5 activating transcription factor 5 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ATF5 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:95,295,602...95,299,755
Ensembl chr 1:95,295,610...95,299,707
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G Atg14 autophagy related 14 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ATG14 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:20,795,750...20,827,113
Ensembl chr15:20,795,750...20,827,113
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G Atosa atos homolog A decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ATOSA mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ATOSA mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in decreased expression of ATOSA mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:75,694,828...75,772,565
Ensembl chr 8:75,695,022...75,772,549
JBrowse link
G Atp1b1 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit beta 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ATP1B1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:76,786,580...76,807,096
Ensembl chr13:76,786,578...76,807,459
JBrowse link
G Atp23 ATP23 metallopeptidase and ATP synthase assembly factor homolog multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ATP23 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ATP23 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:62,714,752...62,729,893
Ensembl chr 7:62,714,785...62,729,862
JBrowse link
G Atp2a3 ATPase sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transporting 3 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of ATP2A3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:57,581,742...57,612,758
Ensembl chr10:57,582,128...57,612,748
JBrowse link
G Atp2b1 ATPase plasma membrane Ca2+ transporting 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ATP2B1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ATP2B1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:33,735,595...33,845,226
Ensembl chr 7:33,735,871...33,843,295
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G Atp2c1 ATPase secretory pathway Ca2+ transporting 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ATP2C1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ATP2C1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:106,034,777...106,155,854
Ensembl chr 8:106,034,636...106,156,006
JBrowse link
G Atp5mc1 ATP synthase membrane subunit c locus 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ATP5MC1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of ATP5MC1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ATP5MC1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:81,024,056...81,026,780
Ensembl chr10:81,023,925...81,027,124
Ensembl chr10:81,023,925...81,027,124
JBrowse link
G Atp6v0e1 ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit e1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ATP6V0E1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ATP6V0E1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:16,479,656...16,502,732
Ensembl chr10:16,479,567...16,524,434
JBrowse link
G Atp8b1 ATPase phospholipid transporting 8B1 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ATP8B1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr18:58,016,382...58,157,213
Ensembl chr18:58,018,268...58,157,396
JBrowse link
G Atp8b2 ATPase phospholipid transporting 8B2 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of ATP8B2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ATP8B2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:175,378,514...175,402,265
Ensembl chr 2:175,378,517...175,401,883
JBrowse link
G Atp9a ATPase phospholipid transporting 9A (putative) decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ATP9A mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ATP9A mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:157,360,354...157,467,628
Ensembl chr 3:157,360,359...157,467,818
JBrowse link
G Atxn1 ataxin 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ATXN1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:18,737,491...19,142,360
Ensembl chr17:18,737,533...19,142,360
JBrowse link
G Aurka aurora kinase A multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of AURKA mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of AURKA mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of AURKA mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of AURKA mRNA]
Coumestrol results in increased expression of AURKA mRNA
CTD PMID:18310284 PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:161,128,309...161,144,524
Ensembl chr 3:161,128,313...161,144,390
JBrowse link
G Aurkb aurora kinase B multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of AURKB mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of AURKB mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of AURKB mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:53,744,290...53,750,831
Ensembl chr10:53,745,142...53,750,837
JBrowse link
G Auts2 activator of transcription and developmental regulator AUTS2 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of AUTS2 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of AUTS2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr12:24,104,187...25,194,123
Ensembl chr12:24,104,192...25,194,416
JBrowse link
G B2m beta-2 microglobulin increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of B2M mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:109,095,740...109,101,764
Ensembl chr 3:109,095,729...109,101,766
JBrowse link
G B3galnt1 beta-1,3-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1 (globoside blood group) multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of B3GALNT1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:153,847,297...153,877,371
Ensembl chr 2:153,846,474...153,877,332
JBrowse link
G B3gnt5 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 5 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of B3GNT5 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of B3GNT5 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of B3GNT5 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:81,141,102...81,153,206
Ensembl chr11:81,140,599...81,156,166
JBrowse link
G Bace1 beta-secretase 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of BACE1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:46,142,060...46,166,268
Ensembl chr 8:46,142,116...46,165,876
JBrowse link
G Bace2 beta-secretase 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of BACE2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:36,707,447...36,789,550
Ensembl chr11:36,707,458...36,789,546
JBrowse link
G Bag2 BAG cochaperone 2 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of BAG2 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of BAG2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:35,970,033...35,980,677
Ensembl chr 9:35,970,033...35,980,721
JBrowse link
G Bag3 BAG cochaperone 3 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of BAG3 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of BAG3 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:183,103,038...183,126,862
Ensembl chr 1:183,102,871...183,126,858
JBrowse link
G Bag5 BAG cochaperone 5 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of BAG5 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:130,768,467...130,772,122
Ensembl chr 6:130,768,141...130,772,970
JBrowse link
G Banf1 barrier to autointegration nuclear assembly factor 1 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of BANF1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:202,672,170...202,674,215
Ensembl chr 1:202,671,305...202,674,188
JBrowse link
G Bard1 BRCA1 associated RING domain 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of BARD1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of BARD1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of BARD1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:72,616,070...72,694,553
Ensembl chr 9:72,623,155...72,694,265
JBrowse link
G Bax BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator increases expression
affects binding
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of BAX protein
Coumestrol binds to BAX protein
CTD PMID:28986287 NCBI chr 1:95,940,001...95,945,407
Ensembl chr 1:95,938,808...95,945,368
JBrowse link
G Baz2a bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain, 2A decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of BAZ2A mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:523,204...560,911
Ensembl chr 7:523,265...560,659
JBrowse link
G Bbs1 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of BBS1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:202,184,812...202,204,118
Ensembl chr 1:202,186,125...202,204,086
JBrowse link
G Bcar3 BCAR3 adaptor protein, NSP family member multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of BCAR3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in decreased expression of BCAR3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:210,525,260...210,638,674
Ensembl chr 2:210,525,260...210,638,798
JBrowse link
G Bcas3 BCAS3, microtubule associated cell migration factor multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of BCAS3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:70,213,710...70,673,080
Ensembl chr10:70,214,098...70,673,080
JBrowse link
G Bckdhb branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1 subunit beta decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of BCKDHB mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:84,845,264...85,027,812
Ensembl chr 8:84,845,264...85,027,812
JBrowse link
G Bcl2 BCL2, apoptosis regulator decreases expression
multiple interactions
affects binding
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of BCL2 protein
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of BCL2 mRNA
Coumestrol binds to BCL2 protein
CTD PMID:19167446 PMID:20623010 PMID:28986287 NCBI chr13:22,689,783...22,853,920
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
JBrowse link
G Bcl2l12 Bcl2 like 12 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of BCL2L12 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of BCL2L12 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of BCL2L12 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:95,472,272...95,480,991
Ensembl chr 1:95,472,272...95,480,991
JBrowse link
G Bcl3 BCL3, transcription coactivator multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of BCL3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of BCL3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:79,471,368...79,485,908
Ensembl chr 1:79,471,369...79,485,607
JBrowse link
G Bcl9 BCL9, transcription coactivator multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of BCL9 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:184,760,616...184,846,261
Ensembl chr 2:184,760,618...184,786,435
JBrowse link
G Bcl9l BCL9 like decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of BCL9L mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:44,811,977...44,840,611
Ensembl chr 8:44,811,977...44,840,611
JBrowse link
G Bclaf1 BCL2-associated transcription factor 1 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of BCLAF1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:15,088,436...15,117,666
Ensembl chr 1:15,070,894...15,148,832
JBrowse link
G Bclaf3 BCLAF1 and THRAP3 family member 3 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of BCLAF3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr  X:35,257,228...35,328,883
Ensembl chr  X:35,263,576...35,328,816
JBrowse link
G Bcs1l BCS1 homolog, ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase complex chaperone increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of BCS1L mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:76,164,925...76,168,940
Ensembl chr 9:76,164,932...76,168,938
JBrowse link
G Bex1 brain expressed X-linked 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of BEX2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr  X:99,219,014...99,220,518
Ensembl chr  X:99,219,014...99,220,958
JBrowse link
G Bhlhe40 basic helix-loop-helix family, member e40 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of BHLHE40 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of BHLHE40 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of BHLHE40 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:141,618,453...141,624,154
Ensembl chr 4:141,618,476...141,624,774
JBrowse link
G Bik BCL2-interacting killer multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of BIK mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:114,672,277...114,691,296
Ensembl chr 7:114,672,277...114,691,296
JBrowse link
G Bin3 bridging integrator 3 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of BIN3 mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of BIN3 mRNA] CTD PMID:18310284 NCBI chr15:45,173,725...45,212,607
Ensembl chr15:45,173,732...45,212,604
JBrowse link
G Birc5 baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 5 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of BIRC5 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of BIRC5 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of BIRC5 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:103,072,530...103,081,382
Ensembl chr10:103,073,408...103,081,380
JBrowse link
G Blm BLM RecQ like helicase multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of BLM mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of BLM mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of BLM mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:134,409,832...134,496,073
Ensembl chr 1:134,409,857...134,484,312
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G Blnk B-cell linker multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of BLNK mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of BLNK mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:239,753,640...239,821,113
Ensembl chr 1:239,753,648...239,821,113
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G Bloc1s6 biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 1 subunit 6 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of BLOC1S6 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:109,816,397...109,826,528
Ensembl chr 3:109,816,366...109,828,308
JBrowse link
G Bltp2 bridge-like lipid transfer protein family member 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of BLTP2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:63,155,999...63,185,213
Ensembl chr10:63,156,044...63,191,141
JBrowse link
G Blvrb biliverdin reductase B increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of BLVRB mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:82,738,646...82,756,312
Ensembl chr 1:82,738,695...82,770,375
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G Blzf1 basic leucine zipper nuclear factor 1 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of BLZF1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:76,641,757...76,656,977
Ensembl chr13:76,641,515...76,656,999
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G Bmerb1 bMERB domain containing 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of BMERB1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in decreased expression of BMERB1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of BMERB1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:1,779,834...1,946,586
Ensembl chr10:1,779,835...1,946,575
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G Bmf Bcl2 modifying factor multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of BMF mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of BMF mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of BMF mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:105,499,534...105,520,159
Ensembl chr 3:105,499,538...105,520,145
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G Bmp2 bone morphogenetic protein 2 multiple interactions ISO Coumestrol inhibits the reaction [menatetrenone promotes the reaction [Phosphates results in increased expression of BMP2 mRNA]]; Coumestrol inhibits the reaction [menatetrenone results in increased expression of BMP2 mRNA]; Coumestrol inhibits the reaction [menatetrenone results in increased susceptibility to BMP2 protein]; Coumestrol inhibits the reaction [Phosphates promotes the reaction [menatetrenone results in increased expression of BMP2 mRNA]] CTD PMID:31843813 NCBI chr 3:120,812,660...120,822,579
Ensembl chr 3:120,812,882...120,821,397
JBrowse link
G Bmp5 bone morphogenetic protein 5 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of BMP5 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:76,517,164...76,639,925
Ensembl chr 8:76,517,164...76,639,925
JBrowse link
G Bmp7 bone morphogenetic protein 7 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of BMP7 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of BMP7 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of BMP7 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:161,639,915...161,716,938
Ensembl chr 3:161,516,462...161,716,788
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G Bmpr2 bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of BMPR2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of BMPR2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:61,192,718...61,307,280
Ensembl chr 9:61,190,566...61,301,809
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G Bnip3l BCL2 interacting protein 3 like decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of BNIP3L mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:41,174,594...41,197,730
Ensembl chr15:41,174,594...41,197,803
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G Bora bora, aurora kinase A activator increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of BORA mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of BORA mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:75,797,624...75,835,599
Ensembl chr15:75,797,891...75,821,322
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G Brat1 BRCA1-associated ATM activator 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of BRAT1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr12:13,928,889...13,951,760
Ensembl chr12:13,928,898...13,941,248
JBrowse link
G Brca1 BRCA1, DNA repair associated multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of BRCA1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of BRCA1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of BRCA1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:86,417,441...86,477,762
Ensembl chr10:86,418,000...86,477,304
JBrowse link
G Brca2 BRCA2, DNA repair associated multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of BRCA2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of BRCA2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of BRCA2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr12:59,492...103,789
Ensembl chr12:59,819...100,567
JBrowse link
G Brd3 bromodomain containing 3 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of BRD3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:10,773,163...10,829,675
Ensembl chr 3:10,775,272...10,829,577
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G Bri3 brain protein I3 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of BRI3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr12:10,341,007...10,364,655
Ensembl chr12:10,341,011...10,364,735
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G Bri3bp Bri3 binding protein multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of BRI3BP mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr12:31,176,742...31,188,563
Ensembl chr12:31,173,971...31,188,572
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G Brwd1 bromodomain and WD repeat domain containing 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of BRWD1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:35,286,364...35,378,768
Ensembl chr11:35,288,313...35,378,768
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G Bsdc1 BSD domain containing 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of BSDC1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:141,798,918...141,827,091
Ensembl chr 5:141,798,981...141,827,092
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G Bsg basigin multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of BSG mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:9,993,170...10,000,387
Ensembl chr 7:9,993,170...10,000,387
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G Btbd7 BTB domain containing 7 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of BTBD7 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:121,920,365...122,010,114
Ensembl chr 6:121,923,023...121,972,405
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G Btg1 BTG anti-proliferation factor 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of BTG1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of BTG1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of BTG1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:31,341,391...31,343,649
Ensembl chr 7:31,341,027...31,343,649
JBrowse link
G Btg2 BTG anti-proliferation factor 2 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of BTG2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of BTG2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:45,531,881...45,535,642
Ensembl chr13:45,531,925...45,535,628
JBrowse link
G Bub1 BUB1 mitotic checkpoint serine/threonine kinase increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of BUB1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of BUB1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:115,020,254...115,051,650
Ensembl chr 3:115,020,254...115,051,650
JBrowse link
G Bub1b BUB1 mitotic checkpoint serine/threonine kinase B multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of BUB1B mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of BUB1B mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of BUB1B mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:105,563,089...105,615,547
Ensembl chr 3:105,563,138...105,615,547
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G C11h3orf52 similar to human chromosome 3 open reading frame 52 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of C3ORF52 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:55,166,986...55,192,273
Ensembl chr11:55,166,678...55,192,292
JBrowse link
G C13h1orf115 similar to human chromosome 1 open reading frame 115 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of C1ORF115 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of C1ORF115 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:96,422,308...96,432,044
Ensembl chr13:96,422,302...96,432,068
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G C18h18orf32 similar to human chromosome 18 open reading frame 32 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of C18ORF32 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr18:68,586,278...68,594,851
Ensembl chr18:68,586,211...68,596,787
JBrowse link
G C1h9orf40 similar to human chromosome 9 open reading frame 40 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of C9ORF40 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of C9ORF40 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of C9ORF40 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:216,128,687...216,132,896
Ensembl chr 1:216,128,651...216,133,045
JBrowse link
G C2h4orf46 similar to human chromosome 4 open reading frame 46 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of C4ORF46 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of C4ORF46 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:164,762,994...164,766,126
Ensembl chr 2:164,762,960...164,766,128
JBrowse link
G C2h5orf34 similar to human chromosome 5 open reading frame 34 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of C5ORF34 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of C5ORF34 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:51,553,223...51,577,090
Ensembl chr 2:51,555,432...51,577,085
JBrowse link
G C5 complement C5 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of C5 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:18,270,696...18,361,994
Ensembl chr 3:18,270,696...18,361,994
JBrowse link
G C5h9orf152 similar to human chromosome 9 open reading frame 152 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of C9ORF152 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of C9ORF152 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:72,660,573...72,667,941
Ensembl chr 5:72,660,573...72,668,379
JBrowse link
G C9h2orf69 similar to human chromosome 2 open reading frame 69 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of C2ORF69 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of C2ORF69 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:58,949,821...58,958,456
Ensembl chr 9:58,949,846...58,958,561
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G Cacybp calcyclin binding protein increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CACYBP mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CACYBP mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:72,437,485...72,447,810
Ensembl chr13:72,437,490...72,450,177
JBrowse link
G Cadm1 cell adhesion molecule 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CADM1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CADM1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:47,847,836...48,178,703
Ensembl chr 8:47,847,325...48,182,833
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G Calcr calcitonin receptor multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CALCR mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:31,661,270...31,736,392
Ensembl chr 4:31,661,273...31,736,392
JBrowse link
G Calm3 calmodulin 3 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CALM3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:77,590,668...77,597,776
Ensembl chr 1:77,589,230...77,592,207
JBrowse link
G Calu calumenin multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CALU mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CALU mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:57,949,086...57,976,589
Ensembl chr 4:57,948,997...57,976,593
JBrowse link
G Camk1d calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase ID decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CAMK1D mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:72,581,899...72,982,704
Ensembl chr17:72,581,979...72,980,556
JBrowse link
G Camk2d calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II delta decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CAMK2D mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CAMK2D mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:215,023,785...215,287,351
Ensembl chr 2:215,024,004...215,286,178
JBrowse link
G Camk2n1 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II inhibitor 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CAMK2N1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of CAMK2N1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CAMK2N1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:150,674,819...150,676,600
Ensembl chr 5:150,673,507...150,676,600
JBrowse link
G Cant1 calcium activated nucleotidase 1 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CANT1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:103,637,079...103,650,240
Ensembl chr10:103,531,504...103,650,109
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G Car12 carbonic anhydrase 12 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CA12 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:67,274,739...67,330,428
Ensembl chr 8:67,274,359...67,330,440
JBrowse link
G Car2 carbonic anhydrase 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CA2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:86,741,625...86,756,766
Ensembl chr 2:86,741,626...86,756,818
JBrowse link
G Carhsp1 calcium regulated heat stable protein 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CARHSP1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CARHSP1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:6,946,036...6,960,556
Ensembl chr10:6,946,959...7,020,019
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G Casp3 caspase 3 increases expression EXP
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CASP3 protein CTD PMID:19165469 PMID:28986287 NCBI chr16:45,662,910...45,681,171
Ensembl chr16:45,662,910...45,684,648
JBrowse link
G Casp7 caspase 7 increases expression EXP Coumestrol results in increased expression of CASP7 protein CTD PMID:19165469 NCBI chr 1:255,437,438...255,476,737
Ensembl chr 1:255,437,172...255,476,729
JBrowse link
G Casp8ap2 caspase 8 associated protein 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CASP8AP2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:47,014,501...47,052,276
Ensembl chr 5:47,014,667...47,052,275
JBrowse link
G Casp9 caspase 9 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CASP9 protein CTD PMID:28986287 NCBI chr 5:154,108,872...154,126,628
Ensembl chr 5:154,109,046...154,126,626
JBrowse link
G Cast calpastatin multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CAST mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:3,973,112...4,082,658
Ensembl chr 2:3,973,112...4,082,659
JBrowse link
G Cav1 caveolin 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CAV1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CAV1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:45,640,624...45,673,708
Ensembl chr 4:45,634,918...45,673,705
JBrowse link
G Cbfb core-binding factor subunit beta multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CBFB mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CBFB mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CBFB mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:33,049,162...33,092,752
Ensembl chr19:33,049,172...33,092,751
JBrowse link
G Cblb Cbl proto-oncogene B decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CBLB mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CBLB mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:48,589,878...48,756,940
Ensembl chr11:48,592,703...48,756,839
JBrowse link
G Cbr1 carbonyl reductase 1 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CBR1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:32,860,571...32,862,981
Ensembl chr11:32,908,950...32,911,393
Ensembl chr11:32,908,950...32,911,393
Ensembl chr11:32,908,950...32,911,393
JBrowse link
G Cbx4 chromobox 4 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CBX4 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:104,337,140...104,343,210
Ensembl chr10:104,336,876...104,356,706
JBrowse link
G Cbx5 chromobox 5 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CBX5 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CBX5 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:134,333,165...134,376,102
Ensembl chr 7:134,331,335...134,375,022
JBrowse link
G Ccdc117 coiled-coil domain containing 117 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CCDC117 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:80,399,236...80,409,824
Ensembl chr14:80,400,294...80,409,659
JBrowse link
G Ccdc14 coiled-coil domain containing 14 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CCDC14 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CCDC14 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:66,052,063...66,087,915
Ensembl chr11:66,052,620...66,087,956
JBrowse link
G Ccdc167 coiled-coil domain containing 167 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CCDC167 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr20:7,763,927...7,782,090
Ensembl chr20:7,751,782...7,781,613
JBrowse link
G Ccdc34 coiled-coil domain containing 34 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CCDC34 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CCDC34 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:96,553,074...96,588,310
Ensembl chr 3:96,552,992...96,588,146
JBrowse link
G Ccdc47 coiled-coil domain containing 47 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CCDC47 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:91,130,303...91,148,829
Ensembl chr10:91,130,303...91,148,881
JBrowse link
G Ccdc51 coiled-coil domain containing 51 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CCDC51 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:109,722,595...109,741,478
Ensembl chr 8:109,722,557...109,741,472
JBrowse link
G Ccdc88c coiled-coil domain containing 88C decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CCDC88C mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:120,169,752...120,289,459
Ensembl chr 6:120,169,738...120,289,555
JBrowse link
G Ccn1 cellular communication network factor 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CCN1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:234,562,410...234,565,370
Ensembl chr 2:234,562,408...234,565,484
JBrowse link
G Ccn5 cellular communication network factor 5 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CCN5 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of CCN5 mRNA; ESR1 protein inhibits the reaction [Coumestrol results in increased expression of CCN5 mRNA] CTD PMID:19167446 PMID:23384675 NCBI chr 3:152,491,247...152,502,639
Ensembl chr 3:152,491,220...152,502,636
JBrowse link
G Ccna2 cyclin A2 decreases expression
increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CCNA2 protein
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CCNA2 protein
[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CCNA2 mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CCNA2 mRNA]
CTD PMID:18310284 PMID:20623010 NCBI chr 2:119,427,239...119,433,645
Ensembl chr 2:119,426,089...119,433,577
JBrowse link
G Ccnb1 cyclin B1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CCNB1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CCNB1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CCNB1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:31,912,190...31,921,163
Ensembl chr 2:31,912,193...31,921,172
JBrowse link
G Ccnb2 cyclin B2 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CCNB2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CCNB2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CCNB2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:71,087,594...71,100,794
Ensembl chr 8:71,087,595...71,100,874
JBrowse link
G Ccnd1 cyclin D1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO CCND1 protein promotes the reaction [Coumestrol results in increased activity of ESR1 protein]
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CCND1 mRNA
CTD PMID:16328721 PMID:19800779 NCBI chr 1:200,089,002...200,098,524
Ensembl chr 1:200,089,002...200,098,602
JBrowse link
G Ccne1 cyclin E1 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CCNE1 protein CTD PMID:28986287 NCBI chr 1:90,781,947...90,791,188
Ensembl chr 1:90,781,949...90,791,101
JBrowse link
G Ccne2 cyclin E2 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CCNE2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CCNE2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CCNE2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:24,285,078...24,298,258
Ensembl chr 5:24,284,922...24,297,632
JBrowse link
G Ccnf cyclin F multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CCNF mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CCNF mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:13,253,073...13,279,140
Ensembl chr10:13,253,380...13,279,101
JBrowse link
G Ccng2 cyclin G2 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CCNG2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:14,804,321...14,812,819
Ensembl chr14:14,804,322...14,812,830
JBrowse link
G Ccni cyclin I decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CCNI mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:14,879,698...14,902,510
Ensembl chr14:14,879,717...14,902,510
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G Ccp110 centriolar coiled-coil protein 110 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of CCP110 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:173,042,238...173,072,873
Ensembl chr 1:173,042,310...173,072,873
JBrowse link
G Ccpg1 cell cycle progression 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CCPG1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CCPG1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:73,719,960...73,752,437
Ensembl chr 8:73,719,955...73,752,430
JBrowse link
G Cd24 CD24 molecule multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of CD24 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr20:47,074,353...47,079,662
Ensembl chr20:47,073,512...47,079,662
JBrowse link
G Cd320 CD320 molecule increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CD320 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:14,626,171...14,631,976
Ensembl chr 7:14,609,146...14,631,976
JBrowse link
G Cd44 CD44 molecule multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CD44 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CD44 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:89,155,850...89,244,615
Ensembl chr 3:89,157,058...89,244,620
JBrowse link
G Cd55 CD55 molecule (Cromer blood group) decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CD55 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CD55 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:41,857,242...41,885,966
Ensembl chr13:41,857,395...41,885,831
JBrowse link
G Cd59b CD59b molecule multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CD59 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:90,459,085...90,477,571
Ensembl chr 3:90,459,162...90,478,847
JBrowse link
G Cdc14b cell division cycle 14B decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CDC14B mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:844,686...934,787
Ensembl chr17:844,685...933,235
JBrowse link
G Cdc25a cell division cycle 25A increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CDC25A mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CDC25A mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CDC25A mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:109,864,356...109,882,734
Ensembl chr 8:109,864,478...109,882,701
JBrowse link
G Cdc25c cell division cycle 25C increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CDC25C mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CDC25C mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CDC25C mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr18:26,335,156...26,356,199
Ensembl chr18:26,335,834...26,356,185
JBrowse link
G Cdc27 cell division cycle 27 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CDC27 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CDC27 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CDC27 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:89,400,720...89,449,816
Ensembl chr10:89,400,940...89,449,736
JBrowse link
G Cdc42bpb CDC42 binding protein kinase beta decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CDC42BPB mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:130,333,712...130,416,631
Ensembl chr 6:130,333,712...130,416,377
JBrowse link
G Cdc45 cell division cycle 45 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CDC45 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CDC45 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of CDC45 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:82,185,427...82,210,630
Ensembl chr11:82,185,473...82,210,619
JBrowse link
G Cdc5l cell division cycle 5-like increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CDC5L mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:15,564,949...15,603,453
Ensembl chr 9:15,564,767...15,603,450
JBrowse link
G Cdc6 cell division cycle 6 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CDC6 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CDC6 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CDC6 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:83,864,189...83,878,011
Ensembl chr10:83,864,638...83,878,011
JBrowse link
G Cdc7 cell division cycle 7 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CDC7 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CDC7 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CDC7 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:2,804,660...2,824,796
Ensembl chr14:2,804,661...2,824,778
JBrowse link
G Cdca2 cell division cycle associated 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CDCA2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CDCA2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CDCA2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:41,895,946...41,942,226
Ensembl chr15:41,895,901...41,941,611
JBrowse link
G Cdca3 cell division cycle associated 3 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CDCA3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CDCA3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CDCA3 mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CDCA3 mRNA]
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CDCA3 mRNA
CTD PMID:18310284 PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:157,634,775...157,638,799
Ensembl chr 4:157,634,928...157,638,799
JBrowse link
G Cdca4 cell division cycle associated 4 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CDCA4 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CDCA4 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:131,892,305...131,901,571
Ensembl chr 6:131,892,087...131,901,564
JBrowse link
G Cdca5 cell division cycle associated 5 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CDCA5 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of CDCA5 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CDCA5 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:203,378,550...203,392,027
Ensembl chr 1:203,378,577...203,392,023
JBrowse link
G Cdca7l cell division cycle associated 7 like multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CDCA7L mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CDCA7L mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CDCA7L mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:138,793,953...138,839,889
Ensembl chr 6:138,794,228...138,839,888
JBrowse link
G Cdca8 cell division cycle associated 8 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CDCA8 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CDCA8 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CDCA8 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:137,176,414...137,198,686
Ensembl chr 5:137,176,417...137,198,629
JBrowse link
G Cdh12 cadherin 12 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CDH12 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CDH12 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:70,474,679...71,705,369
Ensembl chr 2:70,475,043...71,700,572
JBrowse link
G Cdk1 cyclin-dependent kinase 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CDK1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CDK1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of CDK1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr20:19,266,226...19,281,417
Ensembl chr20:19,266,248...19,281,408
JBrowse link
G Cdk13 cyclin-dependent kinase 13 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CDK13 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:47,251,145...47,344,675
Ensembl chr17:47,251,163...47,341,721
JBrowse link
G Cdk17 cyclin-dependent kinase 17 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of PCTK2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:27,683,890...27,765,814
Ensembl chr 7:27,683,890...27,764,910
JBrowse link
G Cdk2 cyclin dependent kinase 2 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CDK2 protein CTD PMID:28986287 NCBI chr 7:1,129,878...1,137,431
Ensembl chr 7:1,129,811...1,137,403
JBrowse link
G Cdk2ap2 cyclin-dependent kinase 2 associated protein 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CDK2AP2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:201,391,056...201,393,137
Ensembl chr 1:201,391,466...201,393,137
JBrowse link
G Cdk5rap2 CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CDK5RAP2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CDK5RAP2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CDK5RAP2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:83,792,282...83,961,129
Ensembl chr 5:83,792,284...83,960,782
JBrowse link
G Cdkl5 cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of CDKL5 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr  X:33,757,605...33,988,075
Ensembl chr  X:33,821,257...33,986,582
JBrowse link
G Cdkn1a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CDKN1A mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CDKN1A mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr20:7,149,177...7,159,727
Ensembl chr20:7,149,217...7,159,585
JBrowse link
G Cdkn1c cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CDKN1C mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:198,655,394...198,658,097
Ensembl chr 1:198,655,407...198,658,048
JBrowse link
G Cdkn2aip CDKN2A interacting protein decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CDKN2AIP mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr16:44,536,147...44,546,216
Ensembl chr16:44,536,234...44,540,033
JBrowse link
G Cdkn2b cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2B multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CDKN2B mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of CDKN2B mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CDKN2B mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:104,009,839...104,019,082
Ensembl chr 5:104,010,680...104,019,050
JBrowse link
G Cdkn2c cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2C multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CDKN2C mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CDKN2C mRNA; ESR2 protein promotes the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CDKN2C mRNA]
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CDKN2C mRNA
CTD PMID:18310284 PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:124,411,123...124,416,278
Ensembl chr 5:124,411,124...124,416,278
JBrowse link
G Cdkn3 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 3 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CDKN3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CDKN3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CDKN3 mRNA; ESR2 protein promotes the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CDKN3 mRNA]
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CDKN3 mRNA
CTD PMID:18310284 PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:20,022,522...20,033,948
Ensembl chr15:20,022,664...20,033,945
JBrowse link
G Cds1 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CDS1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CDS1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:7,820,328...7,882,943
Ensembl chr14:7,820,351...7,882,681
JBrowse link
G Cdt1 chromatin licensing and DNA replication factor 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CDT1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CDT1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CDT1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:50,620,713...50,625,659
Ensembl chr19:50,620,713...50,625,659
JBrowse link
G Cdv3 carnitine deficiency-associated gene expressed in ventricle 3 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CDV3 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CDV3 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:103,934,006...103,947,173
Ensembl chr 8:103,933,996...103,947,192
JBrowse link
G Cdyl chromodomain Y-like decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CDYL mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:28,982,009...29,204,345
Ensembl chr17:28,982,037...29,204,313
JBrowse link
G Cebpd CCAAT/enhancer binding protein delta multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CEBPD mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:84,764,670...84,765,808
Ensembl chr11:84,764,565...84,765,829
JBrowse link
G Celsr2 cadherin, EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CELSR2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CELSR2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CELSR2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:196,029,206...196,053,848
Ensembl chr 2:196,029,434...196,053,845
JBrowse link
G Cenpa centromere protein A multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CENPA mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of CENPA mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CENPA mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:25,700,142...25,711,767
Ensembl chr 6:25,700,142...25,711,675
JBrowse link
G Cenpe centromere protein E increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CENPE mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CENPE mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:223,637,035...223,695,692
Ensembl chr 2:223,636,998...223,695,669
JBrowse link
G Cenpf centromere protein F multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CENPF mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CENPF mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CENPF mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CENPF mRNA]
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CENPF mRNA
CTD PMID:18310284 PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:101,184,127...101,229,714
Ensembl chr13:101,184,127...101,229,669
JBrowse link
G Cenph centromere protein H increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CENPH mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CENPH mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CENPH mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:31,896,675...31,910,179
Ensembl chr 2:31,894,667...31,910,154
JBrowse link
G Cenpi centromere protein I increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CENPI mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CENPI mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr  X:97,515,919...97,567,671
Ensembl chr  X:97,515,972...97,567,657
JBrowse link
G Cenpl centromere protein L increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CENPL mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CENPL mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CENPL mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:73,337,235...73,352,115
Ensembl chr13:73,337,257...73,352,114
JBrowse link
G Cenpm centromere protein M multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CENPM mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CENPM mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:113,748,026...113,759,296
Ensembl chr 7:113,747,516...113,764,258
JBrowse link
G Cenpn centromere protein N multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CENPN mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CENPN mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CENPN mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:44,971,265...44,994,019
Ensembl chr19:44,968,308...44,994,012
JBrowse link
G Cenpo centromere protein O multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CENPO mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CENPO mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CENPO mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:27,203,642...27,218,394
Ensembl chr 6:27,188,537...27,218,314
JBrowse link
G Cenpq centromere protein Q multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CENPQ mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CENPQ mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CENPQ mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:19,957,122...19,972,807
Ensembl chr 9:19,957,048...19,972,789
JBrowse link
G Cenps centromere protein S multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CENPS mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of CENPS mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CENPS mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:159,563,917...159,573,534 JBrowse link
G Cenpu centromere protein U multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CENPU mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CENPU mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CENPU mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr16:45,715,821...45,739,038
Ensembl chr16:45,714,294...45,738,823
JBrowse link
G Cenpw centromere protein W multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CENPW mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CENPW mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CENPW mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:27,525,324...27,530,464
Ensembl chr 1:27,525,324...27,530,464
JBrowse link
G Cep128 centrosomal protein 128 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CEP128 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:109,951,009...110,328,686
Ensembl chr 6:109,951,061...110,328,713
JBrowse link
G Cep15 centrosomal protein 15 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CEP15 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:12,815,159...12,835,115
Ensembl chr15:12,818,385...12,833,838
JBrowse link
G Cep152 centrosomal protein 152 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CEP152 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CEP152 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:112,803,185...112,878,298
Ensembl chr 3:112,810,425...112,878,458
Ensembl chr 3:112,810,425...112,878,458
JBrowse link
G Cep192 centrosomal protein 192 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CEP192 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr18:61,373,937...61,458,405
Ensembl chr18:61,332,158...61,458,379
JBrowse link
G Cep55 centrosomal protein 55 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CEP55 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CEP55 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CEP55 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:235,832,823...235,848,401
Ensembl chr 1:235,832,878...235,848,394
JBrowse link
G Cep57 centrosomal protein 57 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CEP57 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CEP57 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:10,669,588...10,689,257
Ensembl chr 8:10,669,590...10,689,249
JBrowse link
G Cep57l1 centrosomal protein 57-like 1 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CEP57L1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr20:45,238,039...45,294,575
Ensembl chr20:45,238,044...45,294,540
JBrowse link
G Cep78 centrosomal protein 78 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CEP78 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CEP78 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CEP78 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:213,246,183...213,275,275
Ensembl chr 1:213,246,187...213,275,181
JBrowse link
G Cep85 centrosomal protein 85 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CEP85 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CEP85 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:146,356,571...146,404,155
Ensembl chr 5:146,356,576...146,404,060
JBrowse link
G Cfap20 cilia and flagella associated protein 20 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CFAP20 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:9,608,867...9,622,558
Ensembl chr19:9,608,859...9,622,558
JBrowse link
G Cflar CASP8 and FADD-like apoptosis regulator decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CFLAR mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:60,185,338...60,236,173
Ensembl chr 9:60,185,452...60,237,034
JBrowse link
G Cgn cingulin decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CGN mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:182,308,389...182,335,747
Ensembl chr 2:182,308,714...182,334,645
JBrowse link
G Chac2 ChaC glutathione specific gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CHAC2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CHAC2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CHAC2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:104,720,754...104,728,305
Ensembl chr14:104,720,758...104,728,301
JBrowse link
G Chaf1a chromatin assembly factor 1 subunit A multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CHAF1A mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CHAF1A mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CHAF1A mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:873,953...900,701
Ensembl chr 9:874,051...900,654
JBrowse link
G Chaf1b chromatin assembly factor 1 subunit B multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CHAF1B mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CHAF1B mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:33,200,894...33,221,076
Ensembl chr11:33,200,981...33,221,070
JBrowse link
G Chd2 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CHD2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:127,188,146...127,317,041
Ensembl chr 1:127,190,059...127,300,502
JBrowse link
G Chd6 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 6 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CHD6 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:149,596,509...149,757,765
Ensembl chr 3:149,596,509...149,757,755
JBrowse link
G Chek1 checkpoint kinase 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CHEK1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CHEK1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CHEK1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:36,420,565...36,443,477
Ensembl chr 8:36,420,569...36,441,009
JBrowse link
G Chek2 checkpoint kinase 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CHEK2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CHEK2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr12:45,788,823...45,821,382
Ensembl chr12:45,788,827...45,821,286
JBrowse link
G Chn1 chimerin 1 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CHN1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:58,509,822...58,676,462
Ensembl chr 3:58,510,536...58,676,490
JBrowse link
G Chpt1 choline phosphotransferase 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CHPT1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:22,866,455...22,915,111
Ensembl chr 7:22,863,027...22,915,103
JBrowse link
G Chrna5 cholinergic receptor nicotinic alpha 5 subunit increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CHRNA5 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:55,369,794...55,398,526
Ensembl chr 8:55,369,794...55,398,146
JBrowse link
G Cip2a cellular inhibitor of PP2A multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CIP2A mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:51,792,143...51,823,016
Ensembl chr11:51,795,024...51,822,938
JBrowse link
G Cisd1 CDGSH iron sulfur domain 1 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CISD1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr20:17,255,302...17,268,688
Ensembl chr20:17,255,151...17,284,924
JBrowse link
G Cit citron rho-interacting serine/threonine kinase multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CIT mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr12:40,603,073...40,764,846
Ensembl chr12:40,605,563...40,763,860
JBrowse link
G Cited2 Cbp/p300-interacting transactivator, with Glu/Asp-rich carboxy-terminal domain, 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CITED2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:12,312,426...12,314,869
Ensembl chr 1:12,312,160...12,314,897
JBrowse link
G Ckap2 cytoskeleton associated protein 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CKAP2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr16:69,839,668...69,864,852
Ensembl chr16:69,839,630...69,864,913
JBrowse link
G Ckap2l cytoskeleton associated protein 2-like multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CKAP2L mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CKAP2L mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:116,497,186...116,524,302
Ensembl chr 3:116,498,022...116,524,366
JBrowse link
G Ckap4 cytoskeleton-associated protein 4 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CKAP4 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:19,230,814...19,238,914
Ensembl chr 7:19,230,203...19,238,914
JBrowse link
G Ckap5 cytoskeleton associated protein 5 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CKAP5 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CKAP5 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:77,491,195...77,593,300
Ensembl chr 3:77,491,276...77,593,264
JBrowse link
G Cklf chemokine-like factor increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CKLF mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CKLF mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:698,097...706,570
Ensembl chr19:698,033...706,570
JBrowse link
G Cks1b CDC28 protein kinase regulatory subunit 1B multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CKS1B mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CKS1B mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CKS1B mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:174,833,025...174,837,614
Ensembl chr 2:174,833,050...174,837,636
JBrowse link
G Cks2 CDC28 protein kinase regulatory subunit 2 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CKS2 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CKS2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CKS2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:13,570,611...13,575,770 JBrowse link
G Clcc1 chloride channel CLIC-like 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CLCC1 mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CLCC1 mRNA] CTD PMID:18310284 NCBI chr 2:196,296,350...196,326,914
Ensembl chr 2:196,296,393...196,326,913
JBrowse link
G Cldn1 claudin 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CLDN1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of CLDN1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:74,421,569...74,436,728
Ensembl chr11:74,421,569...74,436,724
JBrowse link
G Cldn4 claudin 4 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CLDN4 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr12:21,751,638...21,753,436
Ensembl chr12:21,751,331...21,753,436
JBrowse link
G Clip1 CAP-GLY domain containing linker protein 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CLIP1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr12:32,910,932...33,017,891
Ensembl chr12:32,910,977...33,017,884
JBrowse link
G Cln6 CLN6, transmembrane ER protein multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CLN6 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:63,303,356...63,318,360
Ensembl chr 8:63,303,029...63,318,360
JBrowse link
G Cln8 CLN8, transmembrane ER and ERGIC protein decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CLN8 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr16:74,749,662...74,759,553
Ensembl chr16:74,749,662...74,759,774
JBrowse link
G Cltrn collectrin, amino acid transport regulator decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CLTRN mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr  X:30,361,967...30,395,264
Ensembl chr  X:30,361,967...30,395,349
JBrowse link
G Clu clusterin multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CLU mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:40,161,068...40,200,315
Ensembl chr15:40,174,617...40,200,315
JBrowse link
G Cmc2 C-x(9)-C motif containing 2 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CMC2 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CMC2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CMC2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:44,943,283...44,971,930
Ensembl chr19:44,943,285...44,971,983
JBrowse link
G Cmss1 cms1 ribosomal small subunit homolog increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CMSS1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CMSS1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:42,934,390...43,232,624
Ensembl chr11:42,934,440...43,232,624
JBrowse link
G Cmtm8 CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 8 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CMTM8 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:114,481,730...114,547,107
Ensembl chr 8:114,481,982...114,547,083
JBrowse link
G Cobl cordon-bleu WH2 repeat protein decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of COBL mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:86,828,137...87,060,682
Ensembl chr14:86,828,139...87,060,800
JBrowse link
G Coch cochlin increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of COCH mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:69,031,139...69,045,124
Ensembl chr 6:69,031,167...69,045,109
JBrowse link
G Cog4 component of oligomeric golgi complex 4 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of COG4 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:38,820,478...38,854,803
Ensembl chr19:38,820,501...38,854,796
JBrowse link
G Cog5 component of oligomeric golgi complex 5 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of COG5 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:48,242,470...48,545,185
Ensembl chr 6:48,242,482...48,529,009
JBrowse link
G Cog6 component of oligomeric golgi complex 6 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of COG6 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:137,062,127...137,099,176
Ensembl chr 2:137,061,346...137,099,190
JBrowse link
G Commd4 COMM domain containing 4 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of COMMD4 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:57,566,236...57,569,701
Ensembl chr 8:57,566,236...57,569,760
JBrowse link
G Comt catechol-O-methyltransferase decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of COMT mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of COMT mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:82,568,052...82,587,642
Ensembl chr11:82,568,025...82,587,642
JBrowse link
G Cops2 COP9 signalosome subunit 2 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of COPS2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:113,084,174...113,110,090
Ensembl chr 3:113,084,176...113,109,947
JBrowse link
G Coq2 coenzyme Q2, polyprenyltransferase multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of COQ2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:8,941,429...8,961,418
Ensembl chr14:8,941,461...8,960,891
JBrowse link
G Coq7 coenzyme Q7, hydroxylase increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of COQ7 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:172,836,359...172,851,173
Ensembl chr 1:172,835,188...172,851,158
JBrowse link
G Coro1b coronin 1B decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CORO1B mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of CORO1B mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:201,442,977...201,448,416
Ensembl chr 1:201,443,014...201,448,416
JBrowse link
G Coro1c coronin 1C increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CORO1C mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr12:42,713,024...42,785,179
Ensembl chr12:42,712,991...42,785,179
JBrowse link
G Coro2a coronin 2A decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CORO2A mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of CORO2A mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:60,825,630...60,881,917
Ensembl chr 5:60,828,247...60,859,035
JBrowse link
G Cpap centrosome assembly and centriole elongation protein increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CPAP mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:30,627,206...30,690,384
Ensembl chr15:30,627,224...30,686,791
JBrowse link
G Cpe carboxypeptidase E decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CPE mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr16:25,030,276...25,142,231
Ensembl chr16:25,030,276...25,142,233
JBrowse link
G Cpeb2 cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of CPEB2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:67,787,503...67,839,973
Ensembl chr14:67,787,507...67,840,743
JBrowse link
G Cpsf3 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 3 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CPSF3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:40,836,121...40,864,129
Ensembl chr 6:40,836,097...40,864,128
JBrowse link
G Cracd capping protein inhibiting regulator of actin dynamics multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CRACD mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CRACD mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:31,284,066...31,520,103
Ensembl chr14:31,284,184...31,522,431
JBrowse link
G Creb3l4 cAMP responsive element binding protein 3-like 4 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of CREB3L4 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:175,690,340...175,695,846
Ensembl chr 2:175,690,335...175,695,932
JBrowse link
G Crip2 cysteine-rich protein 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of CRIP2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:132,221,120...132,226,066
Ensembl chr 6:132,221,082...132,226,065
JBrowse link
G Cry1 cryptochrome circadian regulator 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CRY1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CRY1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:18,529,823...18,594,092
Ensembl chr 7:18,529,823...18,594,091
JBrowse link
G Cse1l chromosome segregation 1 like multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CSE1L mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CSE1L mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CSE1L mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:155,641,104...155,678,866
Ensembl chr 3:155,641,166...155,678,865
JBrowse link
G Csnk1a1 casein kinase 1, alpha 1 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CSNK1A1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr18:55,017,049...55,050,184
Ensembl chr18:55,017,055...55,049,271
JBrowse link
G Csnk1g1 casein kinase 1, gamma 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CSNK1G1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CSNK1G1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:66,439,760...66,577,247
Ensembl chr 8:66,439,864...66,572,826
JBrowse link
G Csnk1g3 casein kinase 1, gamma 3 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CSNK1G3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr18:47,299,547...47,386,538
Ensembl chr18:47,299,579...47,386,535
JBrowse link
G Csnk2a2 casein kinase 2 alpha 2 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CSNK2A2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:9,556,443...9,596,080
Ensembl chr19:9,556,260...9,596,080
JBrowse link
G Cspg5 chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 5 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CSPG5 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:110,220,506...110,234,766
Ensembl chr 8:110,220,653...110,234,758
JBrowse link
G Csrnp1 cysteine and serine rich nuclear protein 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of AXUD1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of AXUD1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:119,704,712...119,717,767
Ensembl chr 8:119,704,713...119,718,183
JBrowse link
G Csrnp2 cysteine and serine rich nuclear protein 2 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CSRNP2 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CSRNP2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of CSRNP2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:131,594,232...131,610,075
Ensembl chr 7:131,594,232...131,610,075
JBrowse link
G Csta cystatin A decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CSTA mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of CSTA mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:64,620,483...64,631,488
Ensembl chr11:64,620,483...64,631,488
JBrowse link
G Cstf1 cleavage stimulation factor subunit 1 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CSTF1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:161,144,522...161,156,294
Ensembl chr 3:161,144,548...161,156,300
JBrowse link
G Cstf2 cleavage stimulation factor subunit 2 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CSTF2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr  X:97,253,559...97,279,476
Ensembl chr  X:97,253,586...97,279,476
JBrowse link
G Ctbp1 C-terminal binding protein 1 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CTBP1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:77,455,580...77,482,821
Ensembl chr14:77,455,696...77,482,821
JBrowse link
G Ctdspl2 CTD small phosphatase like 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CTDSPL2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CTDSPL2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CTDSPL2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:108,915,263...108,970,620
Ensembl chr 3:108,915,280...108,967,227
JBrowse link
G Ctnnal1 catenin alpha-like 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CTNNAL1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CTNNAL1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CTNNAL1 mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CTNNAL1 mRNA]
Coumestrol results in increased expression of CTNNAL1 mRNA
CTD PMID:18310284 PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:71,514,340...71,569,431
Ensembl chr 5:71,514,340...71,569,431
JBrowse link
G Ctnnd1 catenin delta 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CTNND1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of CTNND1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:69,683,328...69,734,550
Ensembl chr 3:69,683,313...69,734,516
JBrowse link
G Ctnnd2 catenin delta 2 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CTNND2 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of CTNND2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:81,168,525...82,016,495
Ensembl chr 2:81,167,117...82,015,764
JBrowse link
G Ctps1 CTP synthase 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CTPS1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of CTPS1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:134,125,022...134,154,155
Ensembl chr 5:134,125,025...134,154,180
JBrowse link
G Ctr9 CTR9 homolog, Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CTR9 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CTR9 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:165,137,277...165,167,303
Ensembl chr 1:165,137,215...165,167,303
JBrowse link
G Ctsb cathepsin B decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CTSB mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:37,389,636...37,410,508
Ensembl chr15:37,389,629...37,410,500
JBrowse link
G Ctsc cathepsin C increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CTSC mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:142,028,386...142,059,841
Ensembl chr 1:142,028,392...142,060,387
JBrowse link
G Ctsh cathepsin H multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of CTSH mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CTSH mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:90,608,941...90,627,824
Ensembl chr 8:90,608,941...90,627,824
JBrowse link
G Cttn cortactin multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CTTN mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:199,599,710...199,635,254
Ensembl chr 1:199,599,710...199,635,164
JBrowse link
G Cttnbp2nl CTTNBP2 N-terminal like multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CTTNBP2NL mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in decreased expression of CTTNBP2NL mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:192,507,963...192,554,548
Ensembl chr 2:192,507,963...192,541,101
JBrowse link
G Cxcl12 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 12 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CXCL12 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CXCL12 mRNA; ESR1 protein inhibits the reaction [Coumestrol results in increased expression of CXCL12 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CXCL12 mRNA] CTD PMID:18310284 PMID:19167446 PMID:23384675 PMID:28396216 NCBI chr 4:150,388,326...150,401,173
Ensembl chr 4:150,388,325...150,401,168
JBrowse link
G Cxxc5 CXXC finger protein 5 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CXXC5 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr18:27,427,591...27,458,579
Ensembl chr18:27,427,230...27,458,673
JBrowse link
G Cyb5b cytochrome b5 type B increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CYB5B mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:35,062,871...35,096,741
Ensembl chr19:35,062,813...35,098,249
JBrowse link
G Cyb5r1 cytochrome b5 reductase 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CYB5R1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of CYB5R1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:45,849,017...45,855,458
Ensembl chr13:45,849,091...45,855,458
JBrowse link
G Cyfip2 cytoplasmic FMR1 interacting protein 2 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CYFIP2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:30,621,318...30,741,113
Ensembl chr10:30,621,318...30,741,113
JBrowse link
G Cyp1b1 cytochrome P450, family 1, subfamily b, polypeptide 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CYP1B1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of CYP1B1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:15,342,312...15,350,886
Ensembl chr 6:15,342,344...15,350,917
JBrowse link
G Cyp2r1 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily r, polypeptide 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of CYP2R1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:168,749,302...168,798,079
Ensembl chr 1:168,751,038...168,797,759
JBrowse link
G Cyp51 cytochrome P450, family 51 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CYP51A1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:30,036,956...30,055,410
Ensembl chr 4:30,036,865...30,055,410
Ensembl chr 6:30,036,865...30,055,410
JBrowse link
G Cyren cell cycle regulator of NHEJ increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of CYREN mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:63,547,311...63,553,394
Ensembl chr 4:63,547,335...63,551,602
JBrowse link
G Cyrib CYFIP related Rac1 interactor B decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CYRIB mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of CYRIB mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:95,633,876...95,760,588
Ensembl chr 7:95,633,876...95,697,686
JBrowse link
G Cyth2 cytohesin 2 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of CYTH2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:96,283,182...96,291,094
Ensembl chr 1:96,284,252...96,291,092
JBrowse link
G Daam1 dishevelled associated activator of morphogenesis 1 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DAAM1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:90,389,544...90,550,114
Ensembl chr 6:90,389,688...90,550,114
JBrowse link
G Dancr differentiation antagonizing non-protein coding RNA multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of DANCR mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:34,126,956...34,127,936 JBrowse link
G Dars2 aspartyl-tRNA synthetase 2 (mitochondrial) increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of DARS2 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DARS2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:73,308,726...73,336,558
Ensembl chr13:73,308,726...73,336,934
JBrowse link
G Dbf4 DBF4-CDC7 kinase regulatory subunit multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DBF4 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of DBF4 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of DBF4 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:25,676,570...25,701,152
Ensembl chr 4:25,676,634...25,701,066
JBrowse link
G Dbn1 drebrin 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of DBN1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of DBN1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DBN1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:9,150,608...9,164,982
Ensembl chr17:9,150,659...9,164,984
JBrowse link
G Dcaf15 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 15 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DCAF15 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:24,053,925...24,061,277
Ensembl chr19:24,053,925...24,061,277
JBrowse link
G Dcaf4 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 4 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of DCAF4 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of DCAF4 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:103,154,847...103,180,992
Ensembl chr 6:103,154,867...103,180,982
JBrowse link
G Dcaf5 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 5 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DCAF5 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of DCAF5 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:99,171,506...99,260,183
Ensembl chr 6:99,171,506...99,260,110
JBrowse link
G Dck deoxycytidine kinase increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of DCK mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of DCK mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:19,305,218...19,326,247
Ensembl chr14:19,305,218...19,326,247
JBrowse link
G Dclk1 doublecortin-like kinase 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DCLK1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of DCLK1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of DCLK1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:139,417,234...139,710,956
Ensembl chr 2:139,417,163...139,710,956
JBrowse link
G Dclre1a DNA cross-link repair 1A increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of DCLRE1A mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DCLRE1A mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of DCLRE1A mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:255,569,911...255,589,815
Ensembl chr 1:255,569,919...255,589,678
JBrowse link
G Dclre1b DNA cross-link repair 1B multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DCLRE1B mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of DCLRE1B mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of DCLRE1B mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:191,309,909...191,318,399
Ensembl chr 2:191,309,913...191,318,423
JBrowse link
G Dcps decapping enzyme, scavenger increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of DCPS mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:33,468,669...33,524,407
Ensembl chr 8:33,415,671...33,524,389
JBrowse link
G Dctpp1 dCTP pyrophosphatase 1 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of DCTPP1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:181,877,440...181,880,833
Ensembl chr 1:181,877,437...181,880,839
JBrowse link
G Ddah2 DDAH family member 2, ADMA-independent decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DDAH2 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of DDAH2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of DDAH2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr20:3,761,460...3,764,718
Ensembl chr20:3,761,465...3,764,511
JBrowse link
G Ddb2 damage specific DNA binding protein 2 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of DDB2 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DDB2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of DDB2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:77,185,114...77,207,650
Ensembl chr 3:77,185,109...77,207,631
JBrowse link
G Ddias DNA damage-induced apoptosis suppressor multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DDIAS mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of DDIAS mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of DDIAS mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:146,906,150...146,930,462
Ensembl chr 1:146,906,154...146,930,462
JBrowse link
G Ddit4 DNA-damage-inducible transcript 4 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DDIT4 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of DDIT4 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr20:27,891,989...27,894,088
Ensembl chr20:27,891,998...27,894,105
JBrowse link
G Ddx11 DEAD/H-box helicase 11 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of DDX11 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:105,833,234...105,862,844
Ensembl chr 9:105,833,504...105,862,550
JBrowse link
G Ddx39a DExD-box helicase 39A increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of DDX39A mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:24,418,743...24,427,422
Ensembl chr19:24,418,114...24,426,954
JBrowse link
G Ddx39b DExD-box helicase 39B multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DDX39B mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr20:3,547,702...3,585,064
Ensembl chr20:3,572,056...3,584,996
JBrowse link
G Ddx56 DEAD-box helicase 56 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of DDX56 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:81,112,008...81,122,331
Ensembl chr14:81,112,012...81,122,333
JBrowse link
G Dek DEK proto-oncogene increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of DEK mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of DEK mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:17,580,804...17,602,825
Ensembl chr17:17,580,843...17,602,808
JBrowse link
G Dennd11 DENN domain containing 11 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DENND11 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of DENND11 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:69,197,161...69,266,013
Ensembl chr 4:69,198,068...69,228,821
JBrowse link
G Dennd1a DENN domain containing 1A increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of DENND1A mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:21,564,749...22,052,057
Ensembl chr 3:21,564,749...22,052,062
JBrowse link
G Dennd1b DENN domain containing 1B decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DENND1B mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:50,545,324...50,772,922
Ensembl chr13:50,545,836...50,770,601
JBrowse link
G Dennd1c DENN domain containing 1C decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DENND1C mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:1,904,040...1,916,329
Ensembl chr 9:1,904,045...1,916,187
JBrowse link
G Denr density regulated reinitiation and release factor increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of DENR mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr12:32,662,512...32,685,283
Ensembl chr12:32,662,516...32,683,843
JBrowse link
G Depdc1 DEP domain containing 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DEPDC1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of DEPDC1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of DEPDC1 mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of DEPDC1 mRNA]
Coumestrol results in increased expression of DEPDC1 mRNA
CTD PMID:18310284 PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:248,684,508...248,717,951
Ensembl chr 2:248,684,523...248,717,951
JBrowse link
G Depdc1b DEP domain containing 1B multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of DEPDC1B mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of DEPDC1B mRNA] CTD PMID:18310284 NCBI chr 2:39,891,163...39,963,779
Ensembl chr 2:39,891,481...39,963,779
JBrowse link
G Deptor DEP domain containing MTOR-interacting protein multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DEPTOR mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of DEPTOR mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of DEPTOR mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:86,514,859...86,668,817
Ensembl chr 7:86,514,988...86,667,773
JBrowse link
G Dera deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DERA mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of DERA mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of DERA mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:170,663,689...170,742,469
Ensembl chr 4:170,663,665...170,758,865
JBrowse link
G Desi2 desumoylating isopeptidase 2 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of DESI2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:89,961,767...90,011,255
Ensembl chr13:89,961,934...90,016,416
JBrowse link
G Dhcr7 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of DHCR7 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of DHCR7 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:199,015,081...199,031,055
Ensembl chr 1:199,015,081...199,031,055
JBrowse link
G Dhfr dihydrofolate reductase multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DHFR mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of DHFR mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of DHFR mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:23,585,876...23,611,199
Ensembl chr 2:23,586,031...23,613,713
JBrowse link
G Dhrs2 dehydrogenase/reductase 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DHRS2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of DHRS2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of DHRS2 mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of DHRS2 mRNA]
Coumestrol results in increased expression of DHRS2 mRNA
CTD PMID:18310284 PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:28,688,881...28,703,646
Ensembl chr15:28,688,940...28,703,644
JBrowse link
G Dhrs7 dehydrogenase/reductase 7 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DHRS7 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:91,332,259...91,347,856
Ensembl chr 6:91,251,323...91,347,892
JBrowse link
G Dhtkd1 dehydrogenase E1 and transketolase domain containing 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DHTKD1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of DHTKD1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:72,355,201...72,406,725
Ensembl chr17:72,355,201...72,406,723
JBrowse link
G Diaph3 diaphanous-related formin 3 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DIAPH3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of DIAPH3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:62,543,375...63,013,060
Ensembl chr15:62,543,375...63,012,975
JBrowse link
G Dicer1 dicer 1 ribonuclease III decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DICER1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:123,627,529...123,692,278
Ensembl chr 6:123,631,250...123,693,965
JBrowse link
G Dip2c disco-interacting protein 2 homolog C multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of DIP2C mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:60,647,346...61,032,467
Ensembl chr17:60,649,065...61,032,305
JBrowse link
G Dixdc1 DIX domain containing 1 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DIXDC1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:51,007,835...51,081,191
Ensembl chr 8:51,007,838...51,081,090
JBrowse link
G Dkc1 dyskerin pseudouridine synthase 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DKC1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of DKC1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of DKC1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446
G Dlat dihydrolipoamide S-acetyltransferase increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of DLAT mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:50,979,151...51,004,435
Ensembl chr 8:50,978,051...51,004,479
Ensembl chr 1:50,978,051...51,004,479
JBrowse link
G Dlgap5 DLG associated protein 5 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of DLGAP5 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DLGAP5 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of DLGAP5 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:20,633,964...20,664,569
Ensembl chr15:20,633,966...20,664,518
JBrowse link
G Dlx2 distal-less homeobox 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of DLX2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:56,370,238...56,373,581
Ensembl chr 3:56,370,483...56,373,597
JBrowse link
G Dmac2l distal membrane arm assembly component 2 like decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DMAC2L mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:88,205,580...88,223,934
Ensembl chr 6:88,205,700...88,223,933
JBrowse link
G Dmxl1 Dmx-like 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of DMXL1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr18:42,993,292...43,163,457
Ensembl chr18:42,993,340...43,163,456
JBrowse link
G Dnaja2 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member A2 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DNAJA2 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of DNAJA2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:21,497,792...21,516,904
Ensembl chr19:21,497,729...21,516,901
JBrowse link
G Dnajb9 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B9 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DNAJB9 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of DNAJB9 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:61,270,385...61,276,795
Ensembl chr 6:61,269,913...61,275,063
JBrowse link
G Dnajc1 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C1 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DNAJC1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:80,955,209...81,112,025
Ensembl chr17:80,955,237...81,111,988
JBrowse link
G Dnajc16 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C16 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DNAJC16 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:154,073,372...154,106,246
Ensembl chr 5:154,075,261...154,106,136
JBrowse link
G Dnajc9 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C9 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DNAJC9 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of DNAJC9 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of DNAJC9 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:3,923,842...3,928,118
Ensembl chr15:3,923,268...3,928,118
JBrowse link
G Dnase2 deoxyribonuclease 2, lysosomal multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DNASE2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:23,244,656...23,247,376
Ensembl chr19:23,244,664...23,247,376
JBrowse link
G Dnm1l dynamin 1-like multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of DNM1L mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:84,581,216...84,632,382
Ensembl chr11:84,581,216...84,631,482
JBrowse link
G Dnmt1 DNA methyltransferase 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DNMT1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of DNMT1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of DNMT1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:19,440,611...19,486,659
Ensembl chr 8:19,440,611...19,486,659
JBrowse link
G Dock8 dedicator of cytokinesis 8 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DOCK8 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:222,649,309...222,842,474
Ensembl chr 1:222,649,309...222,842,474
JBrowse link
G Donson DNA replication fork stabilization factor DONSON increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of DONSON mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DONSON mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of DONSON mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:30,919,834...30,933,150
Ensembl chr11:30,923,239...30,932,889
JBrowse link
G Dop1b DOP1 leucine zipper like protein B decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DOP1B mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:33,024,376...33,125,931
Ensembl chr11:33,024,411...33,125,931
JBrowse link
G Dpagt1 dolichyl-phosphate N-acetylglucosaminephosphotransferase 1 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of DPAGT1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:44,664,055...44,671,102
Ensembl chr 8:44,664,071...44,671,087
JBrowse link
G Dpm2 dolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase subunit 2, regulatory increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of DPM2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:15,855,952...15,858,867
Ensembl chr 3:15,856,182...15,869,165
Ensembl chr 3:15,856,182...15,869,165
JBrowse link
G Dpy19l1 dpy-19 like C-mannosyltransferase 1 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of DPY19L1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:22,933,163...23,021,461
Ensembl chr 8:22,933,163...23,021,751
JBrowse link
G Dsc2 desmocollin 2 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DSC2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr18:11,450,392...11,482,476
Ensembl chr18:11,450,390...11,482,392
JBrowse link
G Dscc1 DNA replication and sister chromatid cohesion 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DSCC1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of DSCC1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of DSCC1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:86,482,588...86,498,212
Ensembl chr 7:86,482,588...86,498,212
JBrowse link
G Dsn1 DSN1 component of MIS12 kinetochore complex multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DSN1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of DSN1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of DSN1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:145,652,741...145,668,025
Ensembl chr 3:145,652,737...145,665,856
JBrowse link
G Dtna dystrobrevin, alpha decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DTNA mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of DTNA mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of DTNA mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr18:14,687,193...14,944,232
Ensembl chr18:14,587,852...14,944,261
JBrowse link
G Dusp1 dual specificity phosphatase 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of DUSP1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of DUSP1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:16,680,478...16,683,275 JBrowse link
G Dusp10 dual specificity phosphatase 10 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DUSP10 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of DUSP10 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:95,613,716...95,651,716
Ensembl chr13:95,614,292...95,651,716
JBrowse link
G Dusp22 dual specificity phosphatase 22 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DUSP22 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:33,780,980...33,831,241
Ensembl chr17:33,780,981...33,831,321
JBrowse link
G Dut deoxyuridine triphosphatase increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of DUT mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DUT mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of DUT mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:112,498,864...112,509,994
Ensembl chr 3:112,498,982...112,510,771
JBrowse link
G Dync1li1 dynein cytoplasmic 1 light intermediate chain 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of DYNC1LI1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of DYNC1LI1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:114,376,649...114,410,297
Ensembl chr 8:114,376,662...114,410,934
JBrowse link
G Dync2i2 dynein 2 intermediate chain 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of DYNC2I2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:13,306,039...13,322,121
Ensembl chr 3:13,306,039...13,322,121
JBrowse link
G Dynlt3 dynein light chain Tctex-type 3 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of DYNLT3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr  X:13,327,933...13,337,139
Ensembl chr  X:13,327,892...13,337,139
JBrowse link
G E2f1 E2F transcription factor 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of E2F1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:143,064,535...143,075,362
Ensembl chr 3:143,049,478...143,075,361
JBrowse link
G E2f2 E2F transcription factor 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of E2F2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of E2F2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of E2F2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:148,399,193...148,422,595
Ensembl chr 5:148,399,642...148,421,217
JBrowse link
G E2f5 E2F transcription factor 5 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of E2F5 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of E2F5 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:86,997,331...87,012,908
Ensembl chr 2:86,997,332...87,012,990
JBrowse link
G E2f7 E2F transcription factor 7 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of E2F7 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of E2F7 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of E2F7 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:46,150,533...46,192,739
Ensembl chr 7:46,151,293...46,192,734
JBrowse link
G E2f8 E2F transcription factor 8 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of E2F8 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of E2F8 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of E2F8 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:98,565,717...98,584,265
Ensembl chr 1:98,565,717...98,584,098
JBrowse link
G Ebp EBP, cholestenol delta-isomerase increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of EBP mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of EBP mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of EBP mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr  X:14,299,427...14,305,826
Ensembl chr  X:14,299,448...14,305,826
JBrowse link
G Ect2 epithelial cell transforming 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ECT2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of ECT2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ECT2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:109,975,813...110,037,911
Ensembl chr 2:109,975,813...110,037,911
JBrowse link
G Edem3 ER degradation enhancing alpha-mannosidase like protein 3 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of EDEM3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:63,858,282...63,920,538
Ensembl chr13:63,858,716...63,920,523
JBrowse link
G Edil3 EGF like repeats and discoidin domains 3 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of EDIL3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:19,890,396...20,405,028
Ensembl chr 2:19,890,373...20,405,008
JBrowse link
G Edn1 endothelin 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of EDN1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of EDN1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:22,454,924...22,460,812
Ensembl chr17:22,454,420...22,460,885
JBrowse link
G Eed embryonic ectoderm development increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of EED mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of EED mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of EED mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:143,867,875...143,895,008
Ensembl chr 1:143,867,875...143,894,974
JBrowse link
G Eef1a1 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of EEF1A1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:79,341,554...79,344,784
Ensembl chr 8:79,341,557...79,344,839
JBrowse link
G Efemp1 EGF containing fibulin extracellular matrix protein 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of EFEMP1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:102,610,813...102,690,027
Ensembl chr14:102,610,908...102,690,018
JBrowse link
G Efhd1 EF-hand domain family, member D1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of EFHD1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of EFHD1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of EFHD1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:87,938,259...87,984,917
Ensembl chr 9:87,938,284...87,984,917
JBrowse link
G Efna1 ephrin A1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of EFNA1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of EFNA1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of EFNA1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:174,681,676...174,689,061
Ensembl chr 2:174,681,682...174,690,866
JBrowse link
G Efnb2 ephrin B2 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of EFNB2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of EFNB2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of EFNB2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr16:80,783,389...80,827,420
Ensembl chr16:80,783,417...80,824,391
JBrowse link
G Efnb3 ephrin B3 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of EFNB3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:54,274,506...54,281,951
Ensembl chr10:54,274,506...54,280,471
JBrowse link
G Eftud2 elongation factor Tu GTP binding domain containing 2 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of EFTUD2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:87,804,893...87,852,181
Ensembl chr10:87,804,892...87,846,079
JBrowse link
G Egr1 early growth response 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of EGR1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr18:26,462,967...26,466,766
Ensembl chr18:26,462,981...26,466,766
JBrowse link
G Egr3 early growth response 3 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of EGR3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of EGR3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:45,150,335...45,156,052
Ensembl chr15:45,150,567...45,154,627
JBrowse link
G Ehmt1 euchromatic histone lysine methyltransferase 1 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of EHMT1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:7,580,680...7,729,046
Ensembl chr 3:7,580,683...7,729,007
JBrowse link
G Eif2ak3 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase 3 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of EIF2AK3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:102,805,495...102,866,914
Ensembl chr 4:102,805,510...102,866,911
JBrowse link
G Eif2s1 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit alpha increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of EIF2S1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:97,672,829...97,697,499
Ensembl chr 6:97,672,766...97,706,225
JBrowse link
G Eif4ebp2 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E binding protein 2 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of EIF4EBP2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr20:29,379,444...29,400,110
Ensembl chr20:29,382,668...29,399,946
JBrowse link
G Eif4g3 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma, 3 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of EIF4G3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:150,197,410...150,418,862
Ensembl chr 5:150,195,226...150,418,363
JBrowse link
G Elapor1 endosome-lysosome associated apoptosis and autophagy regulator 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in decreased expression of ELAPOR1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:196,089,199...196,169,055
Ensembl chr 2:196,091,646...196,168,716
JBrowse link
G Elf5 E74 like ETS transcription factor 5 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ELF5 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:89,808,837...89,836,977
Ensembl chr 3:89,797,880...89,836,973
JBrowse link
G Elk1 ETS transcription factor ELK1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ELK1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr  X:1,138,826...1,155,713
Ensembl chr  X:1,139,756...1,155,713
JBrowse link
G Elk3 ETS transcription factor ELK3 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ELK3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:27,768,582...27,831,088
Ensembl chr 7:27,768,599...27,804,084
JBrowse link
G Elmo2 engulfment and cell motility 2 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ELMO2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:154,023,661...154,061,259
Ensembl chr 3:154,023,661...154,061,185
JBrowse link
G Elovl2 ELOVL fatty acid elongase 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ELOVL2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of ELOVL2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ELOVL2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:23,544,598...23,584,855
Ensembl chr17:23,544,568...23,584,848
JBrowse link
G Elovl5 ELOVL fatty acid elongase 5 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of ELOVL5 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of ELOVL5 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:78,790,846...78,857,307
Ensembl chr 8:78,790,846...78,857,284
JBrowse link
G Elovl6 ELOVL fatty acid elongase 6 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ELOVL6 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of ELOVL6 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ELOVL6 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:218,063,682...218,174,767
Ensembl chr 2:218,063,804...218,171,186
JBrowse link
G Elovl7 ELOVL fatty acid elongase 7 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ELOVL7 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of ELOVL7 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ELOVL7 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:39,789,229...39,858,579
Ensembl chr 2:39,789,250...39,856,845
JBrowse link
G Elp5 elongator acetyltransferase complex subunit 5 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of ELP5 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ELP5 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:54,692,526...54,704,255
Ensembl chr10:54,692,530...54,704,923
JBrowse link
G Elp6 elongator acetyltransferase complex subunit 6 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ELP6 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ELP6 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:110,280,059...110,295,070
Ensembl chr 8:110,279,979...110,295,067
JBrowse link
G Emc9 ER membrane protein complex subunit 9 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of EMC9 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of EMC9 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of EMC9 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:29,071,881...29,076,098
Ensembl chr15:29,071,883...29,076,098
JBrowse link
G Emd emerin increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of EMD mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr  X:152,038,990...152,042,190
Ensembl chr  X:152,038,998...152,045,807
JBrowse link
G Eme1 essential meiotic structure-specific endonuclease 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of EME1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:79,586,718...79,595,515
Ensembl chr10:79,586,729...79,595,435
JBrowse link
G Enc1 ectodermal-neural cortex 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ENC1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ENC1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of ENC1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:28,550,670...28,562,591
Ensembl chr 2:28,550,464...28,562,713
JBrowse link
G Endod1 endonuclease domain containing 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of ENDOD1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ENDOD1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of ENDOD1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:11,209,113...11,238,507
Ensembl chr 8:11,211,110...11,238,892
JBrowse link
G Enosf1 enolase superfamily member 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ENOSF1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:113,275,267...113,314,842 JBrowse link
G Entpd2 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 2 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ENTPD2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:8,213,575...8,219,094
Ensembl chr 3:8,213,663...8,226,866
JBrowse link
G Entpd4 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 4 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ENTPD4 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:44,630,878...44,658,654
Ensembl chr15:44,630,873...44,658,706
JBrowse link
G Entrep1 endosomal transmembrane epsin interactor 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ENTREP1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:221,592,500...221,646,603
Ensembl chr 1:221,592,503...221,646,758
JBrowse link
G Epb41l2 erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1-like 2 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of EPB41L2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:19,863,010...20,037,795
Ensembl chr 1:19,863,009...20,037,721
JBrowse link
G Epb41l5 erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 like 5 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of EPB41L5 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of EPB41L5 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of EPB41L5 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:30,670,792...30,770,213
Ensembl chr13:30,669,764...30,768,360
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G Epha4 Eph receptor A4 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of EPHA4 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:78,815,460...78,958,139
Ensembl chr 9:78,815,460...78,958,139
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G Eps15l1 epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 15-like 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of EPS15L1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of EPS15L1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr16:17,426,345...17,501,677
Ensembl chr16:17,426,421...17,501,677
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G Erbb2 erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of ERBB2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:83,411,197...83,435,078
Ensembl chr10:83,411,313...83,435,078
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G Erbb3 erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 3 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ERBB3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:994,549...1,015,876
Ensembl chr 7:996,225...1,015,525
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G Erbb4 erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 4 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of ERBB4 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:69,523,733...70,596,743
Ensembl chr 9:69,531,481...70,596,595
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G Ercc6l ERCC excision repair 6 like, spindle assembly checkpoint helicase increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of ERCC6L mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ERCC6L mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of ERCC6L mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr  X:67,245,414...67,261,222
Ensembl chr  X:67,245,414...67,280,756
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G Eri2 ERI1 exoribonuclease family member 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ERI2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:174,140,831...174,168,757
Ensembl chr 1:174,141,993...174,168,665
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G Errfi1 ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ERRFI1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of ERRFI1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of ERRFI1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:161,323,981...161,337,289
Ensembl chr 5:161,323,998...161,337,282
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G Esco2 establishment of sister chromatid cohesion N-acetyltransferase 2 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of ESCO2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:40,034,566...40,052,295
Ensembl chr15:40,034,568...40,055,306
Ensembl chr15:40,034,568...40,055,306
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G Espl1 extra spindle pole bodies like 1, separase multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of ESPL1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of ESPL1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ESPL1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:133,424,027...133,450,984
Ensembl chr 7:133,424,130...133,450,984
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G Esr1 estrogen receptor 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
affects response to substance
increases activity
affects binding
2,2-bis(4-glycidyloxyphenyl)propane analog inhibits the reaction [Coumestrol binds to ESR1 protein]; 2,2-bis(4-glycidyloxyphenyl)propane inhibits the reaction [Coumestrol binds to ESR1 protein]; 2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1,1,1-trichloroethane inhibits the reaction [Coumestrol binds to ESR1 protein modified form]; 4,4'-hexafluorisopropylidene diphenol inhibits the reaction [Coumestrol binds to ESR1 protein modified form]; [Coumestrol binds to ESR1 protein] which results in increased activity of ALPL protein; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ADRA2A mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ANLN mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ANP32E mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ASPM mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of AURKA mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of BIN3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CCNA2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CDCA3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CDKN2C mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CDKN3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CENPF mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CLCC1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CTNNAL1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CXCL12 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of DEPDC1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of DEPDC1B mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of DHRS2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of EXOSC9 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of FABP5 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of FCMR mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of FHL1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of GAL mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of GPSM2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of GREB1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of GTSE1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of HMGB2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of HMMR mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of IGFBP4 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of IL17RB mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of IL20 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of IRS1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of KCNK5 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of KIF14 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of KIF15 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of KIF18A mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of KIF20A mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of MKI67 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of MYB mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of MYC mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of NCAPG mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of NEK2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of NPY1R mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of NUSAP1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of PDLIM3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of PDZK1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of PIF1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of PKIB mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of PLK1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of RACGAP1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of RASGRP1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of RERG mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of SLC26A2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of SPC25 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ST8SIA6 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of STC2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of TFF1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of TMPRSS3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of TOP2A mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of TRAF4 mRNA; Benzo(a)pyrene inhibits the reaction [Coumestrol binds to ESR1 protein modified form]; bisphenol F diglycidyl ether analog inhibits the reaction [Coumestrol binds to ESR1 protein]; bisphenol F diglycidyl ether inhibits the reaction [Coumestrol binds to ESR1 protein]; CCND1 protein promotes the reaction [Coumestrol results in increased activity of ESR1 protein]; Coumestrol binds to and results in increased activity of ESR1 protein; Coumestrol inhibits the reaction [16 alpha-iodoestradiol binds to ESR1 protein]; Coumestrol inhibits the reaction [Estradiol binds to ESR1 protein]; Coumestrol promotes the reaction [NCOA2 protein binds to ESR1 protein]; Diethylstilbestrol inhibits the reaction [Coumestrol binds to ESR1 protein]; ESR1 protein inhibits the reaction [Coumestrol results in increased expression of CCN5 mRNA]; ESR1 protein inhibits the reaction [Coumestrol results in increased expression of CXCL12 mRNA]; ESR1 protein inhibits the reaction [Coumestrol results in increased expression of PGR mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ADRA2A mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ANLN mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ANP32E mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ASPM mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of AURKA mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of BIN3 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CCNA2 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CDCA3 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CENPF mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CLCC1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CTNNAL1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CXCL12 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of DEPDC1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of DEPDC1B mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of DHRS2 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of EXOSC9 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of FABP5 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of FCMR mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of FHL1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of GAL mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of GPSM2 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of GREB1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of GTSE1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of HMGB2 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of HMMR mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of IGFBP4 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of IL17RB mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of IL20 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of IRS1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of KCNK5 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of KIF18A mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of MKI67 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of MYB mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of MYC mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of NCAPG mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of NEK2 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of NPY1R mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of NUSAP1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of PDLIM3 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of PDZK1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of PIF1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of PKIB mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of PLK1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of RACGAP1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of RASGRP1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of RERG mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of SLC26A2 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of SPC25 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ST8SIA6 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of STC2 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of TFF1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of TMPRSS3 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of TRAF4 mRNA]; ESR2 protein promotes the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CDKN2C mRNA]; ESR2 protein promotes the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CDKN3 mRNA]; ESR2 protein promotes the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of KIF14 mRNA]; ESR2 protein promotes the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of KIF15 mRNA]; ESR2 protein promotes the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of KIF20A mRNA]; ESR2 protein promotes the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of TOP2A mRNA]; Estradiol inhibits the reaction [Coumestrol binds to ESR1 protein]; Fulvestrant inhibits the reaction [[Coumestrol binds to ESR1 protein] which results in increased activity of ALPL protein]; Fulvestrant inhibits the reaction [Coumestrol results in increased activity of ESR1 protein]; Tamoxifen inhibits the reaction [Coumestrol results in increased activity of ESR1 protein]; Tamoxifen promotes the reaction [Coumestrol results in increased activity of ESR1 protein mutant form]; tetrabromobisphenol A inhibits the reaction [Coumestrol binds to ESR1 protein modified form]; tetrachlorodian inhibits the reaction [Coumestrol binds to ESR1 protein modified form]
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ESR1 protein
[Fulvestrant co-treated with Coumestrol] results in increased expression of ESR1 mRNA; Fulvestrant inhibits the reaction [Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ESR1 protein]
ESR1 protein affects the susceptibility to Coumestrol
Coumestrol binds to ESR1 protein; Coumestrol binds to ESR1 protein modified form
CTD PMID:9048584 PMID:9751507 PMID:10397250 PMID:11162928 PMID:11518614 More... NCBI chr 1:41,106,335...41,499,104
Ensembl chr 1:41,210,475...41,495,002
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G Esr2 estrogen receptor 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
affects binding
affects response to substance
increases activity
Coumestrol binds to and results in increased activity of ESR2 protein; Coumestrol inhibits the reaction [Estradiol binds to ESR2 protein]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ADRA2A mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ANLN mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ANP32E mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ASPM mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of AURKA mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of BIN3 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CCNA2 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CDCA3 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CENPF mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CLCC1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CTNNAL1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CXCL12 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of DEPDC1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of DEPDC1B mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of DHRS2 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of EXOSC9 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of FABP5 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of FCMR mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of FHL1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of GAL mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of GPSM2 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of GREB1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of GTSE1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of HMGB2 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of HMMR mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of IGFBP4 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of IL17RB mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of IL20 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of IRS1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of KCNK5 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of KIF18A mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of MKI67 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of MYB mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of MYC mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of NCAPG mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of NEK2 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of NPY1R mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of NUSAP1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of PDLIM3 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of PDZK1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of PIF1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of PKIB mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of PLK1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of RACGAP1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of RASGRP1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of RERG mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of SLC26A2 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of SPC25 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of ST8SIA6 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of STC2 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of TFF1 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of TMPRSS3 mRNA]; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of TRAF4 mRNA]; ESR2 protein promotes the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CDKN2C mRNA]; ESR2 protein promotes the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of CDKN3 mRNA]; ESR2 protein promotes the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of KIF14 mRNA]; ESR2 protein promotes the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of KIF15 mRNA]; ESR2 protein promotes the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of KIF20A mRNA]; ESR2 protein promotes the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of TOP2A mRNA]
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ESR2 mRNA
Coumestrol binds to Esr2 protein
Coumestrol results in increased expression of ESR2 protein; Coumestrol results in increased expression of ESR2 protein alternative form
ESR2 protein affects the susceptibility to Coumestrol
ESR2 protein affects the reaction [Coumestrol results in increased expression of SOD2 protein]
Coumestrol binds to ESR2 protein
[Fulvestrant co-treated with Coumestrol] results in increased expression of ESR2 mRNA; Coumestrol inhibits the reaction [16 alpha-iodoestradiol binds to ESR2 protein]; Coumestrol inhibits the reaction [Estradiol binds to ESR2 protein alternative form]
Coumestrol results in increased activity of ESR2 protein
PMID:9048584 PMID:9492041 PMID:9751507 PMID:11518614 PMID:12224631 More... RGD:8694130, RGD:8694130 NCBI chr 6:94,858,438...94,909,630
Ensembl chr 6:94,809,547...94,908,919
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G Esyt2 extended synaptotagmin 2 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ESYT2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:137,219,653...137,312,590
Ensembl chr 6:137,219,707...137,312,590
JBrowse link
G Etnk1 ethanolamine kinase 1 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of ETNK1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:176,126,056...176,170,325
Ensembl chr 4:176,126,180...176,193,770
JBrowse link
G Evi5 ecotropic viral integration site 5 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of EVI5 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:1,875,601...2,021,678
Ensembl chr14:1,875,647...2,021,678
JBrowse link
G Exo1 exonuclease 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of EXO1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of EXO1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of EXO1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:87,809,725...87,834,654
Ensembl chr13:87,809,810...87,834,654
JBrowse link
G Exoc2 exocyst complex component 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of EXOC2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:33,506,289...33,698,246
Ensembl chr17:33,506,338...33,693,289
JBrowse link
G Exosc2 exosome component 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of EXOSC2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:14,962,930...14,973,645
Ensembl chr 3:14,962,917...14,973,575
JBrowse link
G Exosc3 exosome component 3 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of EXOSC3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:59,573,849...59,579,065
Ensembl chr 5:59,573,886...59,579,060
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G Exosc8 exosome component 8 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of EXOSC8 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:138,930,405...138,937,009
Ensembl chr 2:138,930,405...138,936,928
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G Exosc9 exosome component 9 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of EXOSC9 mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of EXOSC9 mRNA] CTD PMID:18310284 NCBI chr 2:119,416,028...119,426,981
Ensembl chr 2:119,388,715...119,427,051
JBrowse link
G Ext1 exostosin glycosyltransferase 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of EXT1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of EXT1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:84,375,769...84,654,625
Ensembl chr 7:84,375,784...84,655,357
JBrowse link
G Ezh2 enhancer of zeste 2 polycomb repressive complex 2 subunit increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of EZH2 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of EZH2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of EZH2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:76,624,399...76,687,362
Ensembl chr 4:76,624,399...76,687,362
JBrowse link
G Ezr ezrin multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of EZR mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:46,967,961...47,011,505
Ensembl chr 1:46,967,658...47,011,505
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G F2r coagulation factor II (thrombin) receptor decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of F2R mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:26,869,343...26,885,856
Ensembl chr 2:26,868,404...26,885,870
JBrowse link
G F2rl1 F2R like trypsin receptor 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of F2RL1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of F2RL1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:26,772,274...26,785,226
Ensembl chr 2:26,772,278...26,785,226
JBrowse link
G Fabp5 fatty acid binding protein 5 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of FABP5 mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of FABP5 mRNA] CTD PMID:18310284 NCBI chr 2:91,765,056...91,768,716
Ensembl chr 2:91,765,056...91,853,773
JBrowse link
G Fads1 fatty acid desaturase 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of FADS1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of FADS1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:206,827,724...206,842,734
Ensembl chr 1:206,827,765...206,842,734
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G Fah fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of FAH mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:138,548,830...138,571,599
Ensembl chr 1:138,548,834...138,571,505
JBrowse link
G Fam107b family with sequence similarity 107, member B multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of FAM107B mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in decreased expression of FAM107B mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FAM107B mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:74,478,608...74,685,027
Ensembl chr17:74,478,608...74,684,989
JBrowse link
G Fam110b family with sequence similarity 110, member B multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of FAM110B mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of FAM110B mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FAM110B mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:18,789,362...18,929,647
Ensembl chr 5:18,789,389...18,929,828
JBrowse link
G Fam110c family with sequence similarity 110, member C decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FAM110C mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of FAM110C mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:47,638,466...47,644,723
Ensembl chr 6:47,638,276...47,644,634
JBrowse link
G Fam111a FAM111 trypsin like peptidase A multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of FAM111A mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of FAM111A mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of FAM111A mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:209,640,865...209,656,551
Ensembl chr 1:209,640,953...209,656,547
JBrowse link
G Fam149b1 family with sequence similarity 149, member B1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of FAM149B1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in decreased expression of FAM149B1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FAM149B1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:3,929,190...3,967,140
Ensembl chr15:3,929,190...3,966,997
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G Fam161b FAM161 centrosomal protein B decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FAM161B mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of FAM161B mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:103,990,603...104,007,754
Ensembl chr 6:103,992,170...104,018,776
JBrowse link
G Fam169a family with sequence similarity 169, member A decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FAM169A mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:28,384,162...28,441,361
Ensembl chr 2:28,383,784...28,438,910
JBrowse link
G Fam171b family with sequence similarity 171, member B multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of FAM171B mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:68,930,755...68,986,113
Ensembl chr 3:68,930,822...68,986,127
JBrowse link
G Fam174b family with sequence similarity 174, member B decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FAM174B mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:127,515,393...127,618,591
Ensembl chr 1:127,514,041...127,596,128
Ensembl chr 1:127,514,041...127,596,128
JBrowse link
G Fam210b family with sequence similarity 210, member B decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FAM210B mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:161,118,228...161,128,400
Ensembl chr 3:161,118,239...161,128,397
JBrowse link
G Fam216a family with sequence similarity 216, member A increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of FAM216A mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr12:34,198,526...34,207,673
Ensembl chr12:34,198,526...34,207,665
JBrowse link
G Fam222b family with sequence similarity 222, member B decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FAM222B mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:62,986,571...63,052,350
Ensembl chr10:62,986,571...63,052,350
JBrowse link
G Fam43a family with sequence similarity 43, member A multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of FAM43A mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of FAM43A mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FAM43A mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:70,128,253...70,131,401
Ensembl chr11:70,128,253...70,131,401
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G Fanca FA complementation group A multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of FANCA mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:51,304,126...51,362,586
Ensembl chr19:51,304,021...51,362,527
JBrowse link
G Fancd2 FA complementation group D2 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of FANCD2 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of FANCD2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of FANCD2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:146,679,014...146,743,422
Ensembl chr 4:146,679,179...146,743,412
JBrowse link
G Fancg FA complementation group G multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of FANCG mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of FANCG mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of FANCG mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:57,230,287...57,240,067
Ensembl chr 5:57,231,685...57,240,029
JBrowse link
G Fanci FA complementation group I multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of FANCI mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of FANCI mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of FANCI mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:133,327,264...133,383,661
Ensembl chr 1:133,327,297...133,383,640
JBrowse link
G Fancl FA complementation group L multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of FANCL mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of FANCL mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:100,249,733...100,317,958
Ensembl chr14:100,248,875...100,314,255
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G Farsb phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase subunit beta increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of FARSB mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:79,887,852...79,947,082
Ensembl chr 9:79,887,842...79,947,045
JBrowse link
G Fblim1 filamin binding LIM protein 1 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FBLIM1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:153,883,945...153,915,524
Ensembl chr 5:153,883,960...153,913,757
JBrowse link
G Fbxl5 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 5 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FBXL5 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:67,305,109...67,347,383
Ensembl chr14:67,267,801...67,347,383
JBrowse link
G Fbxo38 F-box protein 38 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of FBXO38 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr18:55,956,950...56,004,013
Ensembl chr18:55,956,959...56,003,961
JBrowse link
G Fbxo5 F-box protein 5 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of FBXO5 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of FBXO5 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of FBXO5 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:42,196,068...42,202,437
Ensembl chr 1:42,196,068...42,202,437
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G Fcf1 Fcf1 rRNA-processing protein increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of FCF1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:104,617,780...104,629,643
Ensembl chr 6:104,617,770...104,629,643
JBrowse link
G Fcmr Fc mu receptor multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of FCMR mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of FCMR mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of FCMR mRNA] CTD PMID:18310284 PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:42,337,363...42,351,706
Ensembl chr13:42,337,414...42,351,653
JBrowse link
G Fdft1 farnesyl diphosphate farnesyl transferase 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of FDFT1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of FDFT1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of FDFT1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:37,412,143...37,440,198
Ensembl chr15:37,412,146...37,440,287
JBrowse link
G Fdps farnesyl diphosphate synthase multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of FDPS mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of FDPS mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:174,497,402...174,507,031
Ensembl chr 2:174,486,665...174,507,776
JBrowse link
G Fen1 flap structure-specific endonuclease 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of FEN1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of FEN1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of FEN1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:206,845,126...206,849,821
Ensembl chr 1:206,844,884...206,850,003
JBrowse link
G Fermt2 FERM domain containing kindlin 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of FERMT2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:18,682,927...18,751,959
Ensembl chr15:18,682,927...18,751,811
JBrowse link
G Fgfr1 Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FGFR1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr16:66,491,930...66,547,161
Ensembl chr16:66,494,042...66,547,350
JBrowse link
G Fh fumarate hydratase increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of FH mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:87,524,331...87,550,215
Ensembl chr13:87,524,337...87,550,266
JBrowse link
G Fhl1 four and a half LIM domains 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of FHL1 mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of FHL1 mRNA] CTD PMID:18310284 NCBI chr  X:134,555,399...134,614,930
Ensembl chr  X:134,555,479...134,614,928
JBrowse link
G Fhl2 four and a half LIM domains 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of FHL2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of FHL2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:45,388,979...45,462,421
Ensembl chr 9:45,388,981...45,431,192
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G Fibp FGF1 intracellular binding protein multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of FIBP mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:202,768,065...202,772,405
Ensembl chr 1:202,768,078...202,772,399
JBrowse link
G Fignl1 fidgetin-like 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of FIGNL1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of FIGNL1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of FIGNL1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:86,368,670...86,381,728
Ensembl chr14:86,368,675...86,377,455
JBrowse link
G Filip1l filamin A interacting protein 1-like multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of FILIP1L mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:42,937,353...43,177,085
Ensembl chr11:42,940,467...43,177,415
JBrowse link
G Firrm FIGNL1 interacting regulator of recombination and mitosis multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of FIRRM mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of FIRRM mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of FIRRM mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr13:76,301,914...76,345,842
Ensembl chr13:76,301,918...76,345,804
JBrowse link
G Fkbp11 FKBP prolyl isomerase 11 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of FKBP11 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of FKBP11 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of FKBP11 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:129,871,870...129,877,760
Ensembl chr 7:129,871,870...129,875,303
JBrowse link
G Fkbp4 FKBP prolyl isomerase 4 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of FKBP4 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of FKBP4 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of FKBP4 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:161,703,379...161,711,833
Ensembl chr 4:161,703,379...161,711,833
JBrowse link
G Fkbp5 FKBP prolyl isomerase 5 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of FKBP5 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of FKBP5 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr20:6,457,207...6,575,404
Ensembl chr20:6,457,216...6,541,674
JBrowse link
G Fkbpl FKBP prolyl isomerase like increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of FKBPL mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr20:4,099,845...4,101,315
Ensembl chr20:4,099,806...4,101,368
JBrowse link
G Flcn folliculin decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FLCN mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of FLCN mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:44,588,621...44,607,808
Ensembl chr10:44,588,624...44,607,769
JBrowse link
G Fmnl2 formin-like 2 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FMNL2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:37,348,791...37,624,746
Ensembl chr 3:37,348,574...37,624,754
JBrowse link
G Fnbp1 formin binding protein 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of FNBP1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:14,309,067...14,424,378
Ensembl chr 3:14,309,640...14,424,881
JBrowse link
G Fnbp1l formin binding protein 1-like multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of FNBP1L mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FNBP1L mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:210,647,241...210,748,203
Ensembl chr 2:210,647,246...210,738,455
JBrowse link
G Fndc3b fibronectin type III domain containing 3B decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FNDC3B mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:110,311,439...110,617,504
Ensembl chr 2:110,312,694...110,547,830
JBrowse link
G Fos Fos proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of FOS mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:105,121,170...105,124,036
Ensembl chr 6:105,121,170...105,124,036
JBrowse link
G Foxd1 forkhead box D1 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FOXD1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:29,702,558...29,704,978
Ensembl chr 2:29,702,558...29,704,978
JBrowse link
G Foxm1 forkhead box M1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of FOXM1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of FOXM1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of FOXM1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:161,639,538...161,652,012
Ensembl chr 4:161,638,816...161,650,684
JBrowse link
G Foxo3 forkhead box O3 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of FOXO3 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FOXO3 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr20:45,669,708...45,764,606
Ensembl chr20:45,672,995...45,764,561
JBrowse link
G Foxp2 forkhead box P2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of FOXP2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:43,133,827...43,712,442
Ensembl chr 4:43,133,912...43,711,683
JBrowse link
G Foxred2 FAD-dependent oxidoreductase domain containing 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of FOXRED2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:109,521,761...109,538,300
Ensembl chr 7:109,521,761...109,540,874
JBrowse link
G Frmd3 FERM domain containing 3 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FRMD3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:87,764,755...88,031,091
Ensembl chr 5:87,764,604...88,031,091
JBrowse link
G Frmd6 FERM domain containing 6 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of FRMD6 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of FRMD6 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FRMD6 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:89,345,983...89,419,579
Ensembl chr 6:89,346,035...89,419,579
JBrowse link
G Fscn1 fascin actin-bundling protein 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of FSCN1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr12:11,597,042...11,610,183
Ensembl chr12:11,597,048...11,610,211
JBrowse link
G Ftsj1 FtsJ RNA 2'-O-methyltransferase 1 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of FTSJ1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr  X:14,243,684...14,256,555
Ensembl chr  X:14,244,050...14,252,030
JBrowse link
G Fuca1 alpha-L-fucosidase 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of FUCA1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FUCA1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:148,152,718...148,169,972
Ensembl chr 5:148,152,700...148,169,972
JBrowse link
G Fv1 Friend virus susceptibility 1 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of C19ORF48P mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:94,730,839...94,736,791
Ensembl chr 1:94,730,606...94,737,594
JBrowse link
G Fyb2 FYN binding protein 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of FYB2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:119,677,116...119,800,911
Ensembl chr 5:119,677,204...119,800,910
JBrowse link
G Fyco1 FYVE and coiled-coil domain autophagy adaptor 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of FYCO1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of FYCO1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 8:123,412,105...123,479,315
Ensembl chr 8:123,412,112...123,479,021
JBrowse link
G Fzd2 frizzled class receptor 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of FZD2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:87,561,866...87,563,776
Ensembl chr10:87,561,326...87,565,334
JBrowse link
G G2e3 G2/M-phase specific E3 ubiquitin protein ligase multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of G2E3 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of G2E3 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:68,763,847...68,795,305
Ensembl chr 6:68,764,185...68,793,924
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G G3bp2 G3BP stress granule assembly factor 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of G3BP2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:15,932,403...16,020,555
Ensembl chr14:15,987,417...16,020,548
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G Gabpb2 GA binding protein transcription factor subunit beta 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GABPB2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of GABPB2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:182,755,304...182,795,368
Ensembl chr 2:182,761,359...182,795,109
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G Gadd45a growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible, alpha decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of GADD45A mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of GADD45A mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:96,154,789...96,157,091
Ensembl chr 4:96,154,789...96,157,115
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G Gadd45gip1 GADD45G interacting protein 1 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of GADD45GIP1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:23,320,662...23,323,211
Ensembl chr19:23,320,159...23,323,236
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G Gal galanin and GMAP prepropeptide multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of GAL mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of GAL mRNA] CTD PMID:18310284 NCBI chr 1:200,650,439...200,655,302
Ensembl chr 1:200,650,439...200,654,959
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G Galns galactosamine (N-acetyl)-6-sulfatase multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of GALNS mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:50,628,639...50,662,477
Ensembl chr19:50,628,552...50,662,246
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G Galnt1 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of GALNT1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr18:15,489,015...15,568,849
Ensembl chr18:15,489,020...15,568,245
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G Galnt10 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 10 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of GALNT10 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of GALNT10 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of GALNT10 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:41,821,216...41,967,618
Ensembl chr10:41,820,158...41,967,013
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G Galnt7 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 7 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of GALNT7 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of GALNT7 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of GALNT7 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr16:32,578,643...32,703,189
Ensembl chr16:32,578,690...32,702,690
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G Ganab glucosidase II alpha subunit multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GANAB mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:205,793,910...205,813,704
Ensembl chr 1:205,793,895...205,813,695
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G Gart phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase, phosphoribosylglycinamide synthetase, phosphoribosylaminoimidazole synthetase increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of GART mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr11:30,864,896...30,891,125
Ensembl chr11:30,865,889...30,891,125
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G Gas2l3 growth arrest-specific 2 like 3 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GAS2L3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of GAS2L3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:23,803,578...23,836,816
Ensembl chr 7:23,806,310...23,836,411
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G Gata2 GATA binding protein 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of GATA2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:120,654,205...120,667,763
Ensembl chr 4:120,658,986...120,667,761
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G Gata3 GATA binding protein 3 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of GATA3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:68,643,760...68,666,000
Ensembl chr17:68,643,873...68,665,391
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G Gatad1 GATA zinc finger domain containing 1 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of GATAD1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:30,507,530...30,519,107
Ensembl chr 4:30,507,538...30,519,107
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G Gbp2 guanylate binding protein 2 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of GBP2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:231,332,488...231,348,573
Ensembl chr 2:231,332,284...231,348,571
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G Gchfr GTP cyclohydrolase I feedback regulator multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GCHFR mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of GCHFR mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of GCHFR mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:106,158,046...106,162,080
Ensembl chr 3:106,159,394...106,162,080
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G Gclm glutamate cysteine ligase, modifier subunit multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of GCLM mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:210,347,482...210,367,537
Ensembl chr 2:210,347,482...210,367,535
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G Gdf15 growth differentiation factor 15 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of GDF15 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of GDF15 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr16:18,804,457...18,808,043
Ensembl chr16:18,805,239...18,808,055
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G Gdpd3 glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 3 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of GDPD3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of GDPD3 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of GDPD3 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:181,373,505...181,383,063
Ensembl chr 1:181,366,626...181,383,063
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G Gem GTP binding protein overexpressed in skeletal muscle increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of GEM mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:25,214,309...25,225,222
Ensembl chr 5:25,214,309...25,225,222
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G Gemin2 gem (nuclear organelle) associated protein 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GEMIN2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of GEMIN2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:76,706,424...76,721,154
Ensembl chr 6:76,707,523...76,721,153
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G Gemin4 gem (nuclear organelle) associated protein 4 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of GEMIN4 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:61,062,420...61,073,529
Ensembl chr10:61,066,425...61,073,431
Ensembl chr10:61,066,425...61,073,431
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G Gemin6 gem (nuclear organelle) associated protein 6 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of GEMIN6 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:14,786,090...14,790,617
Ensembl chr 6:14,786,070...14,790,612
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G Gfra1 GDNF family receptor alpha 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of GFRA1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GFRA1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of GFRA1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:257,315,682...257,552,004
Ensembl chr 1:257,321,742...257,551,473
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G Gga2 golgi associated, gamma adaptin ear containing, ARF binding protein 2 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of GGA2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:176,552,046...176,585,332
Ensembl chr 1:176,552,046...176,585,361
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G Ggct gamma-glutamyl cyclotransferase multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GGCT mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:84,122,921...84,129,327
Ensembl chr 4:84,123,118...84,129,277
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G Ggh gamma-glutamyl hydrolase multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GGH mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of GGH mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of GGH mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:33,529,880...33,552,790
Ensembl chr 5:33,529,880...33,552,787
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G Gins1 GINS complex subunit 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GINS1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of GINS1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of GINS1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:139,724,513...139,745,930
Ensembl chr 3:139,724,490...139,745,936
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G Gins2 GINS complex subunit 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GINS2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of GINS2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of GINS2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:48,626,770...48,639,523
Ensembl chr19:48,626,770...48,639,339
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G Gins3 GINS complex subunit 3 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GINS3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of GINS3 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of GINS3 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr19:9,420,085...9,428,621
Ensembl chr19:9,420,086...9,428,687
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G Gins4 GINS complex subunit 4 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GINS4 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr16:68,787,572...68,799,938
Ensembl chr16:68,767,339...68,802,273
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G Gla galactosidase, alpha multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of GLA mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of GLA mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr  X:97,769,227...97,780,646
Ensembl chr  X:97,768,996...97,780,664
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G Gle1 GLE1 RNA export mediator increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of GLE1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GLE1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:13,209,312...13,237,018
Ensembl chr 3:13,209,322...13,237,379
JBrowse link
G Glmn glomulin, FKBP associated protein increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of GLMN mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:2,187,144...2,231,295
Ensembl chr14:2,187,642...2,230,420
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G Glmp glycosylated lysosomal membrane protein multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of GLMP mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:173,794,273...173,797,863
Ensembl chr 2:173,794,255...173,799,960
JBrowse link
G Gls glutaminase decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of GLS mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:49,344,616...49,416,900
Ensembl chr 9:49,344,781...49,416,900
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G Gmnn geminin, DNA replication inhibitor multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GMNN mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of GMNN mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of GMNN mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:40,301,771...40,310,054
Ensembl chr17:40,301,808...40,310,054
JBrowse link
G Gmps guanine monophosphate synthase multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GMPS mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:148,441,369...148,491,908
Ensembl chr 2:148,435,643...148,485,875
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G Gnai1 G protein subunit alpha i1 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of GNAI1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:16,814,000...16,898,119
Ensembl chr 4:16,814,001...16,896,417
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G Gnaq G protein subunit alpha q decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of GNAQ mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:213,425,631...213,671,947
Ensembl chr 1:213,424,465...213,667,672
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G Gnl3l G protein nucleolar 3 like decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of GNL3L mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr  X:19,961,277...19,994,454
Ensembl chr  X:19,958,603...19,994,508
JBrowse link
G Gns glucosamine (N-acetyl)-6-sulfatase decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of GNS mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:56,889,148...56,923,173
Ensembl chr 7:56,889,232...56,923,151
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G Golga2 golgin A2 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of GOLGA2 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of GOLGA2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:15,583,862...15,604,279
Ensembl chr 3:15,584,039...15,604,279
JBrowse link
G Got1 glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of GOT1 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GOT1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:242,357,293...242,381,535
Ensembl chr 1:242,357,306...242,380,633
JBrowse link
G Gpaa1 glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor attachment 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GPAA1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of GPAA1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:108,051,896...108,055,479
Ensembl chr 7:108,051,861...108,055,484
JBrowse link
G Gpat4 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 4 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GPAT4 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of GPAT4 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr16:68,819,031...68,852,903
Ensembl chr16:68,819,079...68,852,901
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G Gpatch11 G patch domain containing 11 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of GPATCH11 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:16,229,933...16,243,305
Ensembl chr 6:16,233,059...16,243,238
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G Gpatch2l G patch domain containing 2-like decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of GPATCH2L mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 6:105,883,383...105,935,644
Ensembl chr 6:105,883,460...105,934,888
JBrowse link
G Gpatch4 G patch domain containing 4 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of GPATCH4 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:173,499,700...173,520,346
Ensembl chr 2:173,509,897...173,518,684
JBrowse link
G Gpd2 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of GPD2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:41,800,552...41,937,729
Ensembl chr 3:41,801,930...41,936,901
JBrowse link
G Gper1 G protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of GPER1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr12:15,217,217...15,222,679
Ensembl chr12:15,217,442...15,221,889
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G Gpr137b G protein-coupled receptor 137B decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of GPR137B mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:86,003,635...86,041,841
Ensembl chr17:85,966,921...86,041,835
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G Gpr160 G protein-coupled receptor 160 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of GPR160 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:112,483,364...112,563,072
Ensembl chr 2:112,484,935...112,563,148
JBrowse link
G Gprc5a G protein-coupled receptor, class C, group 5, member A multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of GPRC5A mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of GPRC5A mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of GPRC5A mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 4:167,903,542...167,922,276
Ensembl chr 4:167,903,542...167,922,260
JBrowse link
G Gprc5c G protein-coupled receptor, class C, group 5, member C decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of GPRC5C mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of GPRC5C mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:99,886,900...99,908,928
Ensembl chr10:99,887,077...99,908,926
JBrowse link
G Gpsm2 G-protein signaling modulator 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GPSM2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of GPSM2 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of GPSM2 mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of GPSM2 mRNA]
Coumestrol results in increased expression of GPSM2 mRNA
CTD PMID:18310284 PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:196,327,149...196,375,322
Ensembl chr 2:196,327,149...196,375,154
JBrowse link
G Gpx8 glutathione peroxidase 8 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of GPX8 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of GPX8 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:44,676,448...44,680,042
Ensembl chr 2:44,676,454...44,680,195
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G Gramd1a GRAM domain containing 1A multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of GRAMD1A mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of GRAMD1A mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 1:86,367,001...86,393,348
Ensembl chr 1:86,367,001...86,393,336
JBrowse link
G Grb10 growth factor receptor bound protein 10 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of GRB10 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:86,495,051...86,602,800
Ensembl chr14:86,495,054...86,602,806
JBrowse link
G Greb1 growth regulating estrogen receptor binding 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GREB1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of GREB1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of GREB1 mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of GREB1 mRNA]
Coumestrol results in increased expression of GREB1 mRNA
CTD PMID:18310284 PMID:19167446 PMID:35307500 NCBI chr 6:39,440,522...39,562,364
Ensembl chr 6:39,440,504...39,581,633
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G Grhl3 grainyhead-like transcription factor 3 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of GRHL3 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of GRHL3 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 5:147,774,161...147,806,291
Ensembl chr 5:147,774,160...147,806,160
JBrowse link
G Grk6 G protein-coupled receptor kinase 6 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of GRK6 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:9,177,018...9,192,813
Ensembl chr17:9,177,019...9,192,644
JBrowse link
G Grn granulin precursor multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in decreased expression of GRN mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:87,387,672...87,393,777
Ensembl chr10:87,387,638...87,393,775
JBrowse link
G Grpel1 GrpE-like 1, mitochondrial increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of GRPEL1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:74,292,023...74,298,243
Ensembl chr14:74,292,023...74,298,200
JBrowse link
G Gtf2h4 general transcription factor 2H subunit 4 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of GTF2H4 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr20:3,071,328...3,076,990
Ensembl chr20:3,071,328...3,076,984
JBrowse link
G Gtf2ird1 GTF2I repeat domain containing 1 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of GTF2IRD1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr12:22,254,113...22,361,052
Ensembl chr12:22,254,221...22,361,040
JBrowse link
G Gtse1 G-2 and S-phase expressed 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of GTSE1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of GTSE1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of GTSE1 mRNA; ESR2 protein affects the reaction [[Coumestrol co-treated with ESR1 protein] results in increased expression of GTSE1 mRNA]
Coumestrol results in increased expression of GTSE1 mRNA
CTD PMID:18310284 PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 7:116,949,997...116,966,826
Ensembl chr 7:116,950,053...116,966,806
JBrowse link
G Gulp1 GULP PTB domain containing engulfment adaptor 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of GULP1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of GULP1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 9:46,622,699...46,899,005
Ensembl chr 9:46,622,669...46,899,005
JBrowse link
G H1f2 H1.2 linker histone, cluster member multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of H1-2 mRNA
Coumestrol results in decreased expression of H1-2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:41,391,106...41,392,597
Ensembl chr17:41,388,477...41,392,635
JBrowse link
G H2ac25 H2A clustered histone 25 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of H2AC25 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:43,733,702...43,735,254
Ensembl chr10:43,733,668...43,744,874
JBrowse link
G H2ax H2A.X variant histone multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of H2AX mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of H2AX mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of H2AX mRNA; Coumestrol results in increased expression of H2AX protein modified form
CTD PMID:19167446 PMID:28986287 NCBI chr 8:44,671,907...44,673,262
Ensembl chr 8:44,671,786...44,673,239
Ensembl chr 4:44,671,786...44,673,239
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G H2az1 H2A.Z variant histone 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of H2AZ1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in increased expression of H2AZ1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of H2AZ1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:226,355,668...226,357,984
Ensembl chr 2:226,355,708...226,358,485
JBrowse link
G H2az2 H2A.Z variant histone 2 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of H2AZ2 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of H2AZ2 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr14:81,293,304...81,312,209
Ensembl chr14:81,293,299...81,312,144
Ensembl chr 4:81,293,299...81,312,144
Ensembl chr16:81,293,299...81,312,144
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G H2bc12 H2B clustered histone 12 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of H2BC12 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:42,485,699...42,486,162 JBrowse link
G H2bc6 H2B clustered histone 6 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of H2BC6 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:41,520,775...41,521,238 JBrowse link
G H2bc8 H2B clustered histone 8 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of H2BC8 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of H2BC8 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with Resveratrol] results in decreased expression of H2BC8 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:42,708,658...42,709,408 JBrowse link
G H2bc9 H2B clustered histone 9 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of H2BC9 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of H2BC9 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr17:42,470,593...42,478,590 JBrowse link
G H3f3b H3.3 histone B multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in decreased expression of H3-3B mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:101,256,484...101,258,716
Ensembl chr10:101,256,480...101,258,709
Ensembl chr13:101,256,480...101,258,709
JBrowse link
G Hadh hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of HADH mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of HADH mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of HADH mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 2:219,787,935...219,830,335
Ensembl chr 2:219,787,927...219,830,353
JBrowse link
G Haspin histone H3 associated protein kinase multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of HASPIN mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr10:57,747,731...57,750,518
Ensembl chr10:57,747,573...57,750,512
JBrowse link
G Hat1 histone acetyltransferase 1 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of HAT1 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:56,217,344...56,265,021
Ensembl chr 3:56,217,342...56,275,517
JBrowse link
G Haus1 HAUS augmin-like complex, subunit 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of HAUS1 mRNA; [Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of HAUS1 mRNA
Coumestrol results in increased expression of HAUS1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr18:71,275,417...71,286,626
Ensembl chr18:71,273,537...71,286,660
JBrowse link
G Haus2 HAUS augmin like complex subunit 2 decreases expression ISO Coumestrol results in decreased expression of HAUS2 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr 3:107,553,146...107,565,982
Ensembl chr 3:107,553,161...107,565,157
JBrowse link
G Haus4 HAUS augmin-like complex, subunit 4 multiple interactions ISO [Coumestrol co-treated with 2,3-bis(3'-hydroxybenzyl)butyrolactone] results in increased expression of HAUS4 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr15:27,994,530...28,006,147
Ensembl chr15:27,994,532...28,005,938
JBrowse link
G Haus7 HAUS augmin-like complex, subunit 7 increases expression ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of HAUS7 mRNA CTD PMID:19167446 NCBI chr  X:151,154,979...151,174,441
Ensembl chr  X:151,154,979...151,180,577
JBrowse link
G Haus8 HAUS augmin-like complex, subunit 8 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Coumestrol results in increased expression of HAUS8 mRNA
[Coumestrol co-treated with resveratrol] results in increased expression of HAUS8 mRNA
CTD PMID:19167446