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The Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology is downloaded weekly from EMBL-EBI at The data is made available under the Creative Commons License (CC BY 3.0, For more information see: Degtyarenko et al. (2008) ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest. Nucleic Acids Res. 36, D344–D350.

Term:carboxylic acid dianion
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Accession:CHEBI:38716 term browser browse the term
Definition:Any dianion containing at least one carboxy group.
Synonyms:related_synonym: carboxylic acid dianions

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calcium oxalate term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Bax BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO SIRT1 protein inhibits the reaction [Calcium Oxalate results in increased expression of BAX protein] CTD PMID:34333021 NCBI chr 1:95,940,001...95,945,407
Ensembl chr 1:95,938,808...95,945,368
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G Bcl2 BCL2, apoptosis regulator multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO SIRT1 protein inhibits the reaction [Calcium Oxalate results in decreased expression of BCL2 protein] CTD PMID:34333021 NCBI chr13:22,689,783...22,853,920
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
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G Casp3 caspase 3 multiple interactions
increases cleavage
ISO SIRT1 protein inhibits the reaction [Calcium Oxalate results in increased cleavage of CASP3 protein] CTD PMID:34333021 NCBI chr16:45,662,910...45,681,171
Ensembl chr16:45,662,910...45,684,648
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G Cat catalase multiple interactions
decreases expression
EXP 2-aminoethyl diphenylborinate inhibits the reaction [Calcium Oxalate results in decreased expression of CAT protein] CTD PMID:37454925 NCBI chr 3:89,842,393...89,874,577
Ensembl chr 3:89,842,399...89,874,478
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G Ccl2 C-C motif chemokine ligand 2 decreases expression
multiple interactions
EXP Calcium Oxalate results in decreased expression of CCL2 protein
2-aminoethyl diphenylborinate inhibits the reaction [Calcium Oxalate results in decreased expression of CCL2 protein]; [Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of CCL2 mRNA; [Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of CCL2 protein; Butyric Acid inhibits the reaction [[Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of CCL2 mRNA]; Butyric Acid inhibits the reaction [[Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of CCL2 protein]
CTD PMID:37414240 PMID:37454925 NCBI chr10:67,005,424...67,007,222
Ensembl chr10:67,005,424...67,007,226
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G Cd44 CD44 molecule multiple interactions
decreases expression
EXP 2-aminoethyl diphenylborinate inhibits the reaction [Calcium Oxalate results in decreased expression of CD44 protein]; [Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of CD44 mRNA; [Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of CD44 protein; Butyric Acid inhibits the reaction [[Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of CD44 mRNA]; Butyric Acid inhibits the reaction [[Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of CD44 protein] CTD PMID:37414240 PMID:37454925 NCBI chr 3:89,155,850...89,244,615
Ensembl chr 3:89,157,058...89,244,620
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G Cybb cytochrome b-245 beta chain multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP 2-aminoethyl diphenylborinate inhibits the reaction [Calcium Oxalate results in increased expression of NOX2 protein] CTD PMID:37454925 NCBI chr  X:13,358,101...13,392,570
Ensembl chr  X:13,359,430...13,392,586
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G Cyp2c7 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 7 multiple interactions EXP [Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of CYP2C9 mRNA; Butyric Acid inhibits the reaction [[Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of CYP2C9 mRNA] CTD PMID:37414240 NCBI chr 1:237,332,641...237,388,714
Ensembl chr 1:237,332,659...237,388,709
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G Hdac1 histone deacetylase 1 multiple interactions EXP [Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of HDAC1 mRNA; Butyric Acid inhibits the reaction [[Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of HDAC1 mRNA] CTD PMID:37414240 NCBI chr 5:141,853,992...141,881,057
Ensembl chr 5:141,853,989...141,881,111
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G Hdac2 histone deacetylase 2 multiple interactions EXP [Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of HDAC2 mRNA; Butyric Acid inhibits the reaction [[Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of HDAC2 mRNA] CTD PMID:37414240 NCBI chr20:40,548,244...40,571,609
Ensembl chr20:40,548,250...40,571,609
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G Hdac3 histone deacetylase 3 multiple interactions EXP [Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of HDAC3 mRNA; Butyric Acid inhibits the reaction [[Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of HDAC3 mRNA] CTD PMID:37414240 NCBI chr18:29,770,637...29,789,850
Ensembl chr18:29,770,636...29,793,856
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G Hdac8 histone deacetylase 8 multiple interactions EXP [Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of HDAC8 mRNA; Butyric Acid inhibits the reaction [[Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of HDAC8 mRNA] CTD PMID:37414240 NCBI chr  X:67,385,288...67,593,014
Ensembl chr  X:67,385,289...67,592,923
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G Hmox1 heme oxygenase 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO phenyl-N-tert-butylnitrone inhibits the reaction [Calcium Oxalate results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein] CTD PMID:34333021 NCBI chr19:13,466,287...13,474,082
Ensembl chr19:13,467,244...13,474,079
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G Itpr1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, type 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
EXP Calcium Oxalate results in increased expression of ITPR1 protein
Losartan inhibits the reaction [Calcium Oxalate results in increased expression of ITPR1 protein]
CTD PMID:37454925 NCBI chr 4:141,187,377...141,554,240
Ensembl chr 4:141,187,418...141,510,491
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G Itpr2 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, type 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP Losartan inhibits the reaction [Calcium Oxalate results in increased expression of ITPR2 protein] CTD PMID:37454925 NCBI chr 4:179,028,594...179,434,657
Ensembl chr 4:179,027,281...179,404,164
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G Itpr3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, type 3 increases expression EXP Calcium Oxalate results in increased expression of ITPR3 protein CTD PMID:37454925 NCBI chr20:5,136,968...5,202,339
Ensembl chr20:5,136,441...5,202,337
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G Nox4 NADPH oxidase 4 increases expression
multiple interactions
EXP Calcium Oxalate results in increased expression of NOX4 protein
2-aminoethyl diphenylborinate inhibits the reaction [Calcium Oxalate results in increased expression of NOX4 protein]
CTD PMID:37454925 NCBI chr 1:140,900,886...141,078,844
Ensembl chr 1:140,901,097...141,077,406
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G Sirt1 sirtuin 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO phenyl-N-tert-butylnitrone inhibits the reaction [Calcium Oxalate results in decreased expression of SIRT1 protein]; SIRT1 protein inhibits the reaction [Calcium Oxalate results in decreased expression of BCL2 protein]; SIRT1 protein inhibits the reaction [Calcium Oxalate results in increased cleavage of CASP3 protein]; SIRT1 protein inhibits the reaction [Calcium Oxalate results in increased expression of BAX protein] CTD PMID:34333021 NCBI chr20:25,307,225...25,329,273
Ensembl chr20:25,306,917...25,329,260
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G Sod1 superoxide dismutase 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
EXP 2-aminoethyl diphenylborinate inhibits the reaction [Calcium Oxalate results in decreased expression of SOD1 protein] CTD PMID:37454925 NCBI chr11:29,456,673...29,462,249
Ensembl chr11:29,456,558...29,462,249
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G Spp1 secreted phosphoprotein 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
EXP 2-aminoethyl diphenylborinate inhibits the reaction [Calcium Oxalate results in decreased expression of SPP1 protein]; [Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of SPP1 mRNA; [Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of SPP1 protein; Butyric Acid inhibits the reaction [[Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of SPP1 mRNA]; Butyric Acid inhibits the reaction [[Ethylene Glycol co-treated with Calcium Oxalate] results in increased expression of SPP1 protein] CTD PMID:37414240 PMID:37454925 NCBI chr14:5,308,885...5,315,120
Ensembl chr14:5,308,885...5,315,162
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carboplatin term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Abcb1a ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 1A decreases expression ISO Carboplatin results in decreased expression of ABCB1 mRNA; Carboplatin results in decreased expression of ABCB1 protein CTD PMID:27692344 NCBI chr 4:25,357,467...25,529,941
Ensembl chr 4:25,158,362...25,442,709
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G Abcb4 ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 4 decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of ABCB4 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 4:25,150,998...25,209,489
Ensembl chr 4:25,151,953...25,209,202
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G Abcc1 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 1 decreases expression ISO Carboplatin results in decreased expression of ABCC1 mRNA; Carboplatin results in decreased expression of ABCC1 protein CTD PMID:27692344 NCBI chr10:528,961...655,179
Ensembl chr10:531,812...655,114
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G Abcc2 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 2 decreases expression ISO Carboplatin results in decreased expression of ABCC2 mRNA; Carboplatin results in decreased expression of ABCC2 protein CTD PMID:27692344 NCBI chr 1:242,664,657...242,723,239
Ensembl chr 1:242,664,657...242,723,238
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G Abcg2 ATP binding cassette subfamily G member 2 decreases expression ISO Carboplatin results in decreased expression of ABCG2 mRNA; Carboplatin results in decreased expression of ABCG2 protein CTD PMID:27692344 NCBI chr 4:87,676,241...87,802,757
Ensembl chr 4:87,745,319...87,802,409
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G Acvr1c activin A receptor type 1C increases response to substance ISO ACVR1C results in increased susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:21224400 NCBI chr 3:42,815,490...42,892,423
Ensembl chr 3:42,822,610...42,892,327
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G Ahr aryl hydrocarbon receptor decreases expression ISO Carboplatin results in decreased expression of AHR mRNA CTD PMID:36536508 NCBI chr 6:52,234,089...52,271,568
Ensembl chr 6:52,234,089...52,271,568
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G Akr1b1 aldo-keto reductase family 1 member B1 increases expression EXP Carboplatin results in increased expression of AKR1B1 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 4:62,932,033...62,946,126
Ensembl chr 4:62,932,031...62,946,157
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G Akt1 AKT serine/threonine kinase 1 multiple interactions ISO Carboplatin inhibits the reaction [1,2-Dimethylhydrazine results in increased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]; Carboplatin promotes the reaction [Pulsatilla saponin A inhibits the reaction [1,2-Dimethylhydrazine results in increased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]]; Pravastatin inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in increased activity of and results in increased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]; Pulsatilla saponin A promotes the reaction [Carboplatin inhibits the reaction [1,2-Dimethylhydrazine results in increased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]] CTD PMID:18483861 PMID:33190582 NCBI chr 6:131,713,716...131,735,319
Ensembl chr 6:131,713,720...131,733,921
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G Alas2 5'-aminolevulinate synthase 2 decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of ALAS2 mRNA CTD PMID:21296123 NCBI chr  X:19,463,146...19,486,526
Ensembl chr  X:19,463,171...19,486,519
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G Aldh1a1 aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family, member A1 affects response to substance ISO ALDH1A1 protein affects the susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:18854779 NCBI chr 1:218,000,470...218,152,962
Ensembl chr 1:218,042,127...218,152,961
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G Aldh3a1 aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 family, member A1 affects response to substance ISO ALDH3A1 protein affects the susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:18854779 NCBI chr10:45,892,993...45,902,680
Ensembl chr10:45,892,924...45,902,681
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G Anxa4 annexin A4 decreases response to substance
affects localization
multiple interactions
ISO ANXA4 protein results in decreased susceptibility to Carboplatin
Carboplatin affects the localization of ANXA4 protein
ATP7A protein promotes the reaction [ANXA4 protein results in decreased susceptibility to Carboplatin]
CTD PMID:24150977 NCBI chr 4:119,184,378...119,241,183
Ensembl chr 4:119,184,374...119,241,161
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G Arfgef1 ARF guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1 increases response to substance ISO ARFGEF1 results in increased susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:21755009 NCBI chr 5:8,982,061...9,076,326
Ensembl chr 5:8,981,540...9,076,326
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G Arl4c ARF like GTPase 4C affects response to substance ISO ARL4C protein affects the susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:36366750 NCBI chr 9:89,300,335...89,303,770
Ensembl chr 9:89,298,005...89,304,513
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G Atp1a1 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 1 decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of ATP1A1 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 2:189,020,722...189,048,826
Ensembl chr 2:189,020,722...189,048,837
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G Atp7a ATPase copper transporting alpha affects localization
multiple interactions
ISO Carboplatin affects the localization of ATP7A protein
[MIR495 mRNA results in decreased expression of ATP7A protein] which results in increased susceptibility to Carboplatin; ATP7A protein promotes the reaction [ANXA4 protein results in decreased susceptibility to Carboplatin]
CTD PMID:24038379 PMID:24150977 NCBI chr  X:71,094,144...71,201,550
Ensembl chr  X:71,094,202...71,198,354
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G Atp7b ATPase copper transporting beta multiple interactions ISO ATP7B protein binds to and results in increased metabolism of Carboplatin CTD PMID:23751120 NCBI chr16:69,952,286...70,024,404
Ensembl chr16:69,951,778...70,023,636
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G Bax BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator decreases expression
increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Carboplatin results in decreased expression of BAX mRNA
Carboplatin results in increased expression of BAX mRNA; Carboplatin results in increased expression of BAX protein
[Carboplatin co-treated with Gallic Acid] results in increased expression of BAX protein; [Gallic Acid co-treated with Carboplatin] results in increased expression of BAX mRNA; [Paclitaxel co-treated with Carboplatin co-treated with Gallic Acid] results in increased expression of BAX mRNA; [Paclitaxel co-treated with Carboplatin co-treated with Gallic Acid] results in increased expression of BAX protein; [Paclitaxel co-treated with Carboplatin] results in increased expression of BAX mRNA; [Paclitaxel co-treated with Carboplatin] results in increased expression of BAX protein; Carboplatin results in increased cleavage of and results in increased expression of BAX protein
CTD PMID:15131059 PMID:15576332 PMID:33002289 NCBI chr 1:95,940,001...95,945,407
Ensembl chr 1:95,938,808...95,945,368
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G Bcl2 BCL2, apoptosis regulator decreases expression ISO Carboplatin results in decreased expression of BCL2 mRNA; Carboplatin results in decreased expression of BCL2 protein CTD PMID:9664115 PMID:15576332 PMID:15996812 PMID:17404015 NCBI chr13:22,689,783...22,853,920
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
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G Bcl2l1 Bcl2-like 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
Carboplatin results in decreased expression of BCL2L1 protein
Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in decreased expression of BCL2L1 protein]
CTD PMID:18483861 NCBI chr 3:141,253,508...141,304,582
Ensembl chr 3:141,253,523...141,303,479
Ensembl chr 1:141,253,523...141,303,479
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G Bcl2l12 Bcl2 like 12 increases expression ISO Carboplatin results in increased expression of BCL2L12 mRNA CTD PMID:15576332 NCBI chr 1:95,472,272...95,480,991
Ensembl chr 1:95,472,272...95,480,991
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G Becn1 beclin 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Carboplatin results in decreased expression of BECN1 protein
Carboplatin promotes the reaction [Chloroquine results in decreased expression of BECN1 protein]; Chloroquine promotes the reaction [Carboplatin results in decreased expression of BECN1 protein]
CTD PMID:27692344 NCBI chr10:86,231,387...86,246,742
Ensembl chr10:86,231,388...86,246,742
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G Birc2 baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 2 decreases response to substance ISO BIRC2 protein results in decreased susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:10815900 NCBI chr 8:4,968,856...4,989,325
Ensembl chr 8:4,968,842...4,988,732
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G Blmh bleomycin hydrolase decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of BLMH mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr10:61,772,112...61,815,212
Ensembl chr10:61,758,478...61,815,212
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G Brca1 BRCA1, DNA repair associated decreases activity ISO Carboplatin results in decreased activity of BRCA1 protein CTD PMID:20878461 NCBI chr10:86,417,441...86,477,762
Ensembl chr10:86,418,000...86,477,304
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G Camkk2 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 2 affects response to substance ISO CAMKK2 protein affects the susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:28634229 NCBI chr12:33,791,023...33,845,000
Ensembl chr12:33,791,052...33,843,279
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G Canx calnexin decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of CANX mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr10:34,623,865...34,656,866
Ensembl chr10:34,625,191...34,656,821
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G Casp2 caspase 2 decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of CASP2 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 4:71,149,632...71,167,388
Ensembl chr 4:71,149,669...71,167,379
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G Casp3 caspase 3 multiple interactions
increases activity
increases expression
2-(4-morpholinyl)-8-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one promotes the reaction [Carboplatin results in increased cleavage of and results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]; [Carboplatin co-treated with Gallic Acid] results in increased expression of CASP3 protein; [Gallic Acid co-treated with Carboplatin] results in increased expression of CASP3 mRNA; [Paclitaxel co-treated with Carboplatin co-treated with Gallic Acid] results in increased expression of CASP3 mRNA; [Paclitaxel co-treated with Carboplatin co-treated with Gallic Acid] results in increased expression of CASP3 protein; [Paclitaxel co-treated with Carboplatin] results in increased expression of CASP3 mRNA; [Paclitaxel co-treated with Carboplatin] results in increased expression of CASP3 protein; Carboplatin results in increased cleavage of and results in increased activity of CASP3 protein; palbociclib inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]
Carboplatin results in increased expression of CASP3 protein
Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in increased expression of CASP3 protein]; Pravastatin inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in increased expression of CASP3 protein]
[Carboplatin co-treated with 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine] results in increased expression of CASP3 protein; Carboplatin promotes the reaction [[Pulsatilla saponin A co-treated with 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine] results in increased expression of CASP3 protein]; Pravastatin inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in increased expression of CASP3 protein]; Pulsatilla saponin A promotes the reaction [[Carboplatin co-treated with 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine] results in increased expression of CASP3 protein]
Carboplatin results in increased expression of CASP3 mRNA; Carboplatin results in increased expression of CASP3 protein
CTD PMID:15576332 PMID:16275998 PMID:18483861 PMID:20368269 PMID:22302033 More... NCBI chr16:45,662,910...45,681,171
Ensembl chr16:45,662,910...45,684,648
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G Casp7 caspase 7 increases activity
multiple interactions
ISO Carboplatin results in increased activity of CASP7 protein
palbociclib inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in increased activity of CASP7 protein]
CTD PMID:22302033 NCBI chr 1:255,437,438...255,476,737
Ensembl chr 1:255,437,172...255,476,729
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G Casp9 caspase 9 increases activity
decreases expression
multiple interactions
increases expression
Carboplatin results in increased activity of CASP9 protein
Carboplatin results in decreased expression of CASP9 mRNA
Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in increased expression of CASP9 protein]; Pravastatin inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in increased expression of CASP9 protein]
CTD PMID:15576332 PMID:15996812 PMID:17404015 PMID:18483861 NCBI chr 5:154,108,872...154,126,628
Ensembl chr 5:154,109,046...154,126,626
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G Cat catalase decreases activity
decreases expression
multiple interactions
EXP Carboplatin results in decreased activity of CAT protein
Carboplatin results in decreased expression of CAT protein
Carboplatin results in decreased expression of and results in decreased activity of CAT protein
CTD PMID:11124453 PMID:15109710 PMID:15225673 NCBI chr 3:89,842,393...89,874,577
Ensembl chr 3:89,842,399...89,874,478
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G Ccnd1 cyclin D1 multiple interactions ISO Carboplatin inhibits the reaction [1,2-Dimethylhydrazine results in increased expression of CCND1 protein]; Carboplatin promotes the reaction [Pulsatilla saponin A inhibits the reaction [1,2-Dimethylhydrazine results in increased expression of CCND1 protein]]; Pulsatilla saponin A promotes the reaction [Carboplatin inhibits the reaction [1,2-Dimethylhydrazine results in increased expression of CCND1 protein]] CTD PMID:33190582 NCBI chr 1:200,089,002...200,098,524
Ensembl chr 1:200,089,002...200,098,602
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G Cd274 CD274 molecule decreases expression ISO Carboplatin results in decreased expression of CD274; Carboplatin results in decreased expression of CD274 protein CTD PMID:21765211 PMID:27692344 NCBI chr 1:227,116,674...227,137,379
Ensembl chr 1:227,116,649...227,134,450
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G Cd44 CD44 molecule decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of CD44 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 3:89,155,850...89,244,615
Ensembl chr 3:89,157,058...89,244,620
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G Cdc25b cell division cycle 25B decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of CDC25B mRNA CTD PMID:21296123 NCBI chr 3:118,407,127...118,417,272
Ensembl chr 3:118,407,128...118,417,272
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G Cdc42 cell division cycle 42 decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of CDC42 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 5:149,555,069...149,593,239
Ensembl chr 5:149,553,724...149,593,111
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G Cdkn1a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A increases expression ISO
Carboplatin results in increased expression of CDKN1A protein
Carboplatin results in increased expression of CDKN1A mRNA
CTD PMID:9664115 PMID:18172885 NCBI chr20:7,149,177...7,159,727
Ensembl chr20:7,149,217...7,159,585
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G Cited2 Cbp/p300-interacting transactivator, with Glu/Asp-rich carboxy-terminal domain, 2 increases expression EXP Carboplatin results in increased expression of CITED2 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 1:12,312,426...12,314,869
Ensembl chr 1:12,312,160...12,314,897
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G Clu clusterin decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of CLU mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr15:40,161,068...40,200,315
Ensembl chr15:40,174,617...40,200,315
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G Cops5 COP9 signalosome subunit 5 increases response to substance ISO COPS5 results in increased susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:21755009 NCBI chr 5:9,192,233...9,210,498
Ensembl chr 5:9,192,100...9,210,731
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G Cycs cytochrome c, somatic multiple interactions EXP Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in increased expression of CYCS protein]; Pravastatin inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in increased expression of CYCS protein] CTD PMID:18483861 NCBI chr 4:79,651,894...79,653,994
Ensembl chr 4:79,651,378...79,654,054
Ensembl chr18:79,651,378...79,654,054
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G Dct dopachrome tautomerase decreases response to substance ISO DCT protein results in decreased susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:15897911 NCBI chr15:95,062,006...95,100,863
Ensembl chr15:95,062,003...95,100,836
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G Ddit3 DNA-damage inducible transcript 3 increases expression EXP Carboplatin results in increased expression of DDIT3 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 7:63,115,645...63,121,203
Ensembl chr 7:63,116,380...63,121,201
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G Dpyd dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase multiple interactions ISO PCNA mRNA affects the reaction [DPYD mRNA affects the susceptibility to Carboplatin] CTD PMID:16685392 NCBI chr 2:206,609,043...207,474,982
Ensembl chr 2:206,609,122...207,474,982
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G Eif2s1 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit alpha affects phosphorylation ISO Carboplatin affects the phosphorylation of EIF2S1 protein CTD PMID:29053414 NCBI chr 6:97,672,829...97,697,499
Ensembl chr 6:97,672,766...97,706,225
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G Epcam epithelial cell adhesion molecule multiple interactions ISO [Paclitaxel co-treated with Carboplatin] results in increased expression of EPCAM protein CTD PMID:12695858 NCBI chr 6:6,880,142...6,896,103
Ensembl chr 6:6,878,237...6,896,127
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G Epo erythropoietin increases expression EXP Carboplatin results in increased expression of EPO protein CTD PMID:17891399 NCBI chr12:19,204,258...19,207,948
Ensembl chr12:19,204,508...19,207,946
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G Erbb2 erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 2 multiple interactions ISO ERBB2 protein results in decreased susceptibility to [Cyclophosphamide co-treated with Thiotepa co-treated with Carboplatin] CTD PMID:16446318 NCBI chr10:83,411,197...83,435,078
Ensembl chr10:83,411,313...83,435,078
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G Fas Fas cell surface death receptor increases expression ISO Carboplatin results in increased expression of FAS mRNA CTD PMID:15576332 NCBI chr 1:231,798,963...231,832,591
Ensembl chr 1:231,798,960...231,832,591
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G Fshb follicle stimulating hormone subunit beta increases expression EXP Carboplatin results in increased expression of FSHB protein CTD PMID:8776818 NCBI chr 3:93,548,560...93,552,370
Ensembl chr 3:93,548,560...93,552,370
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G Gsr glutathione-disulfide reductase decreases activity EXP Carboplatin results in decreased activity of GSR protein CTD PMID:11124453 NCBI chr16:58,482,209...58,525,256
Ensembl chr16:58,482,505...58,525,661
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G Gstp1 glutathione S-transferase pi 1 affects response to substance ISO GSTP1 gene affects the susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:12360105 NCBI chr 1:201,337,762...201,340,230
Ensembl chr 1:201,321,672...201,340,226
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G H2ax H2A.X variant histone increases expression
increases phosphorylation
multiple interactions
ISO Carboplatin results in increased expression of H2AX protein
Carboplatin results in increased phosphorylation of H2AX protein
palbociclib inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in increased expression of H2AX protein]; phellopterin promotes the reaction [[Carboplatin results in increased phosphorylation of H2AX protein] which results in increased susceptibility to Carboplatin]; phellopterin promotes the reaction [Carboplatin results in increased phosphorylation of H2AX protein]
CTD PMID:22302033 PMID:37708916 NCBI chr 8:44,671,907...44,673,262
Ensembl chr 8:44,671,786...44,673,239
Ensembl chr 4:44,671,786...44,673,239
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G Hax1 HCLS1 associated protein X-1 multiple interactions EXP Pravastatin inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in decreased expression of HAX1 protein] CTD PMID:18483861 NCBI chr 2:175,434,242...175,437,926
Ensembl chr 2:175,434,238...175,437,714
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G Hbb hemoglobin subunit beta decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of HBB mRNA CTD PMID:21296123 NCBI chr 1:158,250,421...158,251,832
Ensembl chr 1:158,120,200...158,252,012
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G Hmox1 heme oxygenase 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
decreases response to substance
decreases expression
HMOX1 protein inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in increased activity of NFATC4]
Carboplatin results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA
HMOX1 protein results in decreased susceptibility to Carboplatin
Carboplatin results in decreased expression of HMOX1 mRNA
CTD PMID:18172885 PMID:20368269 PMID:21198546 PMID:26260164 NCBI chr19:13,466,287...13,474,082
Ensembl chr19:13,467,244...13,474,079
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G Hsd17b4 hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 4 decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of HSD17B4 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr18:43,328,903...43,417,950
Ensembl chr18:43,328,824...43,417,952
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G Hspa1a heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1A increases expression EXP Carboplatin results in increased expression of HSPA1A mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr20:3,870,765...3,873,221
Ensembl chr20:3,856,006...3,873,227
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G Hspa1b heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1B increases expression EXP Carboplatin results in increased expression of HSPA1B mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr20:3,855,104...3,859,148
Ensembl chr20:3,856,006...3,873,240
Ensembl chr20:3,856,006...3,873,240
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G Hspa5 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 5 decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of HSPA5 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 3:18,055,507...18,059,969
Ensembl chr 3:18,055,405...18,059,891
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G Hspb1 heat shock protein family B (small) member 1 increases expression EXP Carboplatin results in increased expression of HSPB1 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr12:20,794,014...20,795,675
Ensembl chr12:20,794,028...20,795,743
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G Igf2r insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of IGF2R mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 1:47,979,109...48,067,501
Ensembl chr 1:47,979,109...48,067,501
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G Il6 interleukin 6 decreases response to substance ISO IL6 protein results in decreased susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:7834629 NCBI chr 4:5,214,602...5,219,178
Ensembl chr 4:5,213,394...5,219,178
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G Il6r interleukin 6 receptor decreases response to substance ISO IL6R protein results in decreased susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:7834629 NCBI chr 2:175,289,157...175,347,719
Ensembl chr 2:175,298,686...175,347,536
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G Jun Jun proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of JUN mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 5:109,894,175...109,897,268
Ensembl chr 5:109,893,145...109,897,656
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G Klk1c10 kallikrein 1-related peptidase C10 multiple interactions ISO [Paclitaxel co-treated with Carboplatin] results in decreased expression of KLK3 protein CTD PMID:16442593 NCBI chr 1:94,402,993...94,407,052
Ensembl chr 1:94,402,993...94,407,052
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G Map3k1 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1 decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of MAP3K1 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 2:43,348,572...43,414,706
Ensembl chr 2:43,350,098...43,414,463
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G Map3k12 mitogen activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of MAP3K12 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 7:133,630,267...133,648,464
Ensembl chr 7:133,630,835...133,640,789
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G Mapk14 mitogen activated protein kinase 14 decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of MAPK14 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr20:6,749,646...6,810,590
Ensembl chr20:6,749,670...6,810,589
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G Mapk6 mitogen-activated protein kinase 6 decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of MAPK6 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 8:76,146,650...76,169,767
Ensembl chr 8:76,146,690...76,169,720
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G Mgmt O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of MGMT mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 1:191,710,980...191,937,760
Ensembl chr 1:191,710,930...191,937,756
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G Mir155 microRNA 155 multiple interactions ISO [Carboplatin co-treated with Chloroquine] results in increased expression of MIR155 mRNA CTD PMID:27692344 NCBI chr11:23,774,654...23,774,718
Ensembl chr11:23,774,654...23,774,718
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G Mki67 marker of proliferation Ki-67 multiple interactions ISO Carboplatin inhibits the reaction [1,2-Dimethylhydrazine results in increased expression of MKI67 protein]; Carboplatin promotes the reaction [Pulsatilla saponin A inhibits the reaction [1,2-Dimethylhydrazine results in increased expression of MKI67 protein]]; Pulsatilla saponin A promotes the reaction [Carboplatin inhibits the reaction [1,2-Dimethylhydrazine results in increased expression of MKI67 protein]] CTD PMID:33190582 NCBI chr 1:190,496,319...190,522,983
Ensembl chr 1:190,496,319...190,522,762
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G Mpo myeloperoxidase multiple interactions EXP [Carboplatin co-treated with Carnitine deficiency] results in increased expression of MPO protein CTD PMID:18852009 NCBI chr10:72,594,883...72,608,862
Ensembl chr10:72,594,661...72,604,819
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G Msh2 mutS homolog 2 decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of MSH2 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 6:6,813,793...6,872,960
Ensembl chr 6:6,813,795...6,872,938
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G Msh6 mutS homolog 6 affects response to substance ISO MSH6 protein affects the susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:39168426 NCBI chr 6:6,562,631...6,579,995
Ensembl chr 6:6,562,632...6,579,956
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G Mt1 metallothionein 1 decreases expression
increases expression
Carboplatin results in decreased expression of MT1A mRNA
Carboplatin results in increased expression of MT1A mRNA
CTD PMID:18172885 PMID:35027733 NCBI chr19:10,826,032...10,827,048
Ensembl chr19:10,826,032...10,827,049
Ensembl chr17:10,826,032...10,827,049
Ensembl chr  X:10,826,032...10,827,049
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G Myc MYC proto-oncogene, bHLH transcription factor increases response to substance ISO MYC protein results in increased susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:21324178 NCBI chr 7:93,593,705...93,598,633
Ensembl chr 7:93,593,705...93,598,630
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G Nanog Nanog homeobox increases expression ISO Carboplatin results in increased expression of NANOG mRNA CTD PMID:25605917 NCBI chr 4:155,943,737...155,951,116
Ensembl chr 4:155,943,737...155,951,116
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G Nbas NBAS subunit of NRZ tethering complex affects response to substance ISO NBAS intron polymorphism affects the susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:21844884 NCBI chr 6:36,048,357...36,353,206
Ensembl chr 6:36,048,191...36,352,984
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G Nckap1 NCK-associated protein 1 decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of NCKAP1 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 3:65,417,450...65,491,769
Ensembl chr 3:65,417,453...65,492,217
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G Nfatc4 nuclear factor of activated T-cells 4 multiple interactions
increases activity
HMOX1 protein inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in increased activity of NFATC4] CTD PMID:21198546 NCBI chr15:29,286,998...29,314,610
Ensembl chr15:29,305,535...29,314,610
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G Nfkb1 nuclear factor kappa B subunit 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
Carboplatin results in increased activity of [NFKB1 protein binds to NFKB1 protein]; Carboplatin results in increased activity of [NFKB1 protein binds to RELA protein]; NFKBIA gene mutant form inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in increased activity of [NFKB1 protein binds to NFKB1 protein]]; NFKBIA gene mutant form inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in increased activity of [NFKB1 protein binds to RELA protein]]
Carboplatin results in decreased expression of NFKB1 mRNA
CTD PMID:12675310 PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 2:224,016,214...224,132,135
Ensembl chr 2:224,016,214...224,110,404
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G Nfkbia NFKB inhibitor alpha decreases phosphorylation
multiple interactions
ISO Carboplatin results in decreased phosphorylation of NFKBIA protein
NFKBIA gene mutant form inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in increased activity of [NFKB1 protein binds to NFKB1 protein]]; NFKBIA gene mutant form inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in increased activity of [NFKB1 protein binds to RELA protein]]
CTD PMID:12675310 PMID:15120608 NCBI chr 6:72,858,713...72,861,941
Ensembl chr 6:72,858,712...72,861,941
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G Nodal nodal growth differentiation factor increases response to substance ISO NODAL results in increased susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:21224400 NCBI chr20:29,368,436...29,376,837
Ensembl chr20:29,368,436...29,376,837
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G Nqo1 NAD(P)H quinone dehydrogenase 1 increases expression EXP Carboplatin results in increased expression of NQO1 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr19:35,295,633...35,310,528
Ensembl chr19:35,295,573...35,310,557
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G Nras NRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of NRAS mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 2:190,582,885...190,593,509
Ensembl chr 2:190,582,918...190,591,626
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G Or4d6 olfactory receptor family 4 subfamily D member 6 affects response to substance ISO OR4D6 gene SNP affects the susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:26378035 NCBI chr 1:209,039,073...209,040,017
Ensembl chr 1:209,037,992...209,045,985
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G Osm oncostatin M increases expression ISO Carboplatin results in increased expression of OSM mRNA CTD PMID:36536508 NCBI chr14:79,103,638...79,108,500
Ensembl chr14:79,104,344...79,108,313
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G Parp1 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 increases cleavage ISO Carboplatin results in increased cleavage of PARP1 protein CTD PMID:15996812 NCBI chr13:92,307,593...92,339,406
Ensembl chr13:92,307,586...92,339,404
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G Pawr pro-apoptotic WT1 regulator decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of PAWR mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 7:43,645,028...43,725,033
Ensembl chr 7:43,645,084...43,725,028
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G Pcna proliferating cell nuclear antigen multiple interactions
increases expression
PCNA mRNA affects the reaction [DPYD mRNA affects the susceptibility to Carboplatin]; PCNA mRNA affects the reaction [TYMS mRNA affects the susceptibility to Carboplatin]
Carboplatin results in increased expression of PCNA mRNA
CTD PMID:16685392 PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 3:119,499,039...119,502,911
Ensembl chr 3:119,498,810...119,502,995
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G Pdcd1lg2 programmed cell death 1 ligand 2 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Carboplatin results in decreased expression of PDCD1LG2
STAT6 gene mutant form inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in decreased expression of PDCD1LG2]
CTD PMID:21765211 NCBI chr 1:227,158,941...227,223,938
Ensembl chr 1:227,158,941...227,223,938
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G Pdia4 protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 4 decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of PDIA4 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 4:76,803,198...76,822,245
Ensembl chr 4:76,803,198...76,822,107
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G Pdia6 protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 6 decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of PDIA6 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 6:40,062,980...40,080,223
Ensembl chr 6:40,062,926...40,080,613
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G Pmaip1 phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-induced protein 1 increases expression ISO Carboplatin results in increased expression of PMAIP1 protein CTD PMID:20802529 NCBI chr18:59,986,020...59,992,434
Ensembl chr18:59,986,017...59,992,429
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G Prkd2 protein kinase D2 affects response to substance ISO PRKD2 protein affects the susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:37951334 NCBI chr 1:77,513,625...77,542,386
Ensembl chr 1:77,513,986...77,542,376
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G Psmb2 proteasome 20S subunit beta 2 increases expression EXP Carboplatin results in increased expression of PSMB2 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 5:138,970,564...139,002,715
Ensembl chr 5:138,970,533...139,021,137
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G Psmb4 proteasome 20S subunit beta 4 decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of PSMB4 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 2:182,442,757...182,445,532
Ensembl chr 2:182,442,756...182,445,746
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G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 decreases response to substance
multiple interactions
ISO PTGS2 protein results in decreased susceptibility to Carboplatin
wortmannin inhibits the reaction [PTGS2 protein results in decreased susceptibility to Carboplatin]
CTD PMID:18089846 NCBI chr13:62,163,936...62,172,193
Ensembl chr13:62,163,932...62,172,188
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G Rab10 RAB10, member RAS oncogene family decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of RAB10 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 6:26,267,081...26,319,739
Ensembl chr 6:26,266,859...26,320,193
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G Rbm17 RNA binding motif protein 17 decreases response to substance ISO RBM17 protein results in decreased susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:16061639 NCBI chr17:66,937,140...66,954,034
Ensembl chr17:66,937,140...66,954,014
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G Rela RELA proto-oncogene, NF-kB subunit multiple interactions ISO Carboplatin results in decreased localization of and results in decreased activity of RELA protein; Carboplatin results in increased activity of [NFKB1 protein binds to RELA protein]; NFKBIA gene mutant form inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in increased activity of [NFKB1 protein binds to RELA protein]] CTD PMID:12675310 PMID:15120608 NCBI chr 1:202,925,001...202,935,484
Ensembl chr 1:202,924,945...202,935,484
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G Scd2 stearoyl-Coenzyme A desaturase 2 decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of SCD2 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 1:243,169,171...243,182,231
Ensembl chr 1:243,169,236...243,182,232
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G Sik1 salt-inducible kinase 1 increases response to substance ISO SIK1 results in increased susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:21755009 NCBI chr20:9,949,407...9,959,036
Ensembl chr20:9,947,396...9,958,991
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G Slc31a1 solute carrier family 31 member 1 decreases response to substance
multiple interactions
increases import
increases uptake
increases response to substance
SLC31A1 gene mutant form results in decreased susceptibility to Carboplatin
[Penicillamine results in increased expression of SLC31A1 mRNA] which results in increased susceptibility to Carboplatin; [tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of SLC31A1 mRNA] which results in increased susceptibility to Carboplatin; [Trientine results in increased expression of SLC31A1 mRNA] which results in increased susceptibility to Carboplatin
SLC31A1 protein results in increased import of Carboplatin
SLC31A1 protein results in increased uptake of Carboplatin
SLC31A1 protein results in increased susceptibility to Carboplatin
CTD PMID:15634647 PMID:16847145 PMID:19509135 PMID:22914438 PMID:23123662 NCBI chr 5:75,814,744...75,844,241
Ensembl chr 5:75,814,743...75,844,228
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G Slc31a2 solute carrier family 31 member 2 decreases uptake ISO SLC31A2 protein results in decreased uptake of Carboplatin CTD PMID:19509135 NCBI chr 5:75,738,008...75,748,542
Ensembl chr 5:75,738,024...75,748,542
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G Smo smoothened, frizzled class receptor increases expression ISO Carboplatin results in increased expression of SMO mRNA CTD PMID:25605917 NCBI chr 4:58,343,626...58,373,823
Ensembl chr 4:58,343,529...58,373,829
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G Sod1 superoxide dismutase 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of and results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein
Carboplatin results in decreased expression of SOD1 protein
CTD PMID:15109710 PMID:15225673 NCBI chr11:29,456,673...29,462,249
Ensembl chr11:29,456,558...29,462,249
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G Sod2 superoxide dismutase 2 multiple interactions
decreases expression
EXP Carboplatin results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of SOD2 protein
Carboplatin results in decreased expression of SOD2 protein
CTD PMID:15109710 PMID:15225673 NCBI chr 1:47,638,318...47,645,163
Ensembl chr 1:47,636,528...47,645,189
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G Sox2 SRY-box transcription factor 2 increases expression ISO Carboplatin results in increased expression of SOX2 mRNA CTD PMID:25605917 NCBI chr 2:117,536,929...117,539,340
Ensembl chr 2:117,536,929...117,539,338
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G Stat6 signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 multiple interactions ISO STAT6 gene mutant form inhibits the reaction [Carboplatin results in decreased expression of PDCD1LG2] CTD PMID:21765211 NCBI chr 7:63,480,229...63,497,551
Ensembl chr 7:63,479,642...63,498,495
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G Stk39 serine threonine kinase 39 decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of STK39 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 3:52,913,583...53,179,060
Ensembl chr 3:52,913,585...53,179,060
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G Stx2 syntaxin 2 increases response to substance ISO STX2 protein results in increased susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:24039787 NCBI chr12:27,678,744...27,714,751
Ensembl chr12:27,689,819...27,714,751
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G Tfap2a transcription factor AP-2 alpha increases response to substance ISO TFAP2A protein results in increased susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:16204029 NCBI chr17:24,028,716...24,047,507
Ensembl chr17:24,024,432...24,047,507
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G Tnf tumor necrosis factor multiple interactions EXP [Carboplatin co-treated with Carnitine deficiency] results in increased expression of TNF protein CTD PMID:18852009 NCBI chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
Ensembl chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
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G Top2a DNA topoisomerase II alpha multiple interactions ISO TOP2A results in decreased susceptibility to [Carboplatin co-treated with Etoposide co-treated with Ifosfamide] CTD PMID:11325482 NCBI chr10:83,945,731...83,976,874
Ensembl chr10:83,945,735...83,976,874
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G Tp53 tumor protein p53 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Carboplatin results in increased expression of TP53 mRNA; Carboplatin results in increased expression of TP53 protein
[Carboplatin co-treated with Gallic Acid] results in increased expression of TP53 protein; [Gallic Acid co-treated with Carboplatin] results in increased expression of TP53 mRNA; [Paclitaxel co-treated with Carboplatin co-treated with Gallic Acid] results in increased expression of TP53 mRNA; [Paclitaxel co-treated with Carboplatin co-treated with Gallic Acid] results in increased expression of TP53 protein; [Paclitaxel co-treated with Carboplatin] results in increased expression of TP53 mRNA; [Paclitaxel co-treated with Carboplatin] results in increased expression of TP53 protein
CTD PMID:9664115 PMID:15131059 PMID:33002289 NCBI chr10:54,300,070...54,311,525
Ensembl chr10:54,300,048...54,311,524
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G Tyms thymidylate synthetase multiple interactions ISO PCNA mRNA affects the reaction [TYMS mRNA affects the susceptibility to Carboplatin] CTD PMID:16685392 NCBI chr 9:113,313,454...113,329,551
Ensembl chr 9:113,313,452...113,329,536
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G Ugt1a6 UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A6 decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of UGT1A6 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 9:88,747,213...88,808,465
Ensembl chr 9:88,713,184...88,808,465
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G Vim vimentin decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of VIM mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr17:76,668,701...76,677,186
Ensembl chr17:76,668,647...76,677,187
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G Xdh xanthine dehydrogenase affects activity EXP Carboplatin affects the activity of XDH protein CTD PMID:15225673 NCBI chr 6:21,530,463...21,592,172
Ensembl chr 6:21,530,113...21,592,268
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G Xpc XPC complex subunit, DNA damage recognition and repair factor decreases response to substance ISO XPC results in decreased susceptibility to Carboplatin CTD PMID:19372135 NCBI chr 4:123,993,670...124,020,922
Ensembl chr 4:123,993,666...124,021,010
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G Zfp36l1 zinc finger protein 36, C3H type-like 1 decreases expression EXP Carboplatin results in decreased expression of ZFP36L1 mRNA CTD PMID:18172885 NCBI chr 6:98,930,705...98,935,748
Ensembl chr 6:98,930,718...98,935,748
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cromoglycate(2-) term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Nme2 NME/NM23 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 2 affects binding EXP Chromoglycate binds to Nme2 protein RGD PMID:20082612 RGD:4107023 NCBI chr10:78,898,097...78,903,514
Ensembl chr10:78,897,770...78,903,538
Ensembl chr20:78,897,770...78,903,538
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disodium cromoglycate term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Abcc4 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 4 multiple interactions EXP [adefovir co-treated with Probenecid co-treated with Cromolyn Sodium] affects the expression of ABCC4 protein; Cromolyn Sodium inhibits the reaction [Purines analog results in decreased expression of MRP4 protein] CTD PMID:35114312 PMID:36464070 NCBI chr15:95,541,186...95,774,898
Ensembl chr15:95,542,315...95,774,283
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G Abcg2 ATP binding cassette subfamily G member 2 increases expression
multiple interactions
Cromolyn Sodium results in increased expression of ABCG2 protein
Cromolyn Sodium inhibits the reaction [Purines analog results in decreased expression of ABCG2 protein]
CTD PMID:36464070 NCBI chr 4:87,676,241...87,802,757
Ensembl chr 4:87,745,319...87,802,409
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G Acta2 actin alpha 2, smooth muscle multiple interactions EXP Cromolyn Sodium inhibits the reaction [[adefovir co-treated with Probenecid] results in increased expression of ACTA2 protein] CTD PMID:35114312 NCBI chr 1:231,746,527...231,759,307
Ensembl chr 1:231,746,548...231,759,554
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G Adipoq adiponectin, C1Q and collagen domain containing increases expression ISO Cromolyn Sodium results in increased expression of ADIPOQ protein CTD PMID:23784744 NCBI chr11:77,721,912...77,735,644
Ensembl chr11:77,721,912...77,735,564
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G Adora3 adenosine A3 receptor decreases activity EXP Cromolyn Sodium results in decreased activity of ADORA3 protein CTD PMID:15641640 NCBI chr 2:193,352,759...193,392,946
Ensembl chr 2:193,388,713...193,392,357
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G Agt angiotensinogen multiple interactions EXP Cromolyn Sodium inhibits the reaction [[Probenecid co-treated with adefovir] results in increased expression of AGT protein]; Cromolyn Sodium inhibits the reaction [Purines analog results in increased secretion of AGT protein] CTD PMID:35114312 PMID:36464070 NCBI chr19:52,529,139...52,549,618
Ensembl chr19:52,529,185...52,540,977
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G Akt1 AKT serine/threonine kinase 1 multiple interactions EXP [Cromolyn Sodium co-treated with Chitosan] inhibits the reaction [Dimethylhydrazines results in increased expression of AKT1 protein] CTD PMID:28732690 NCBI chr 6:131,713,716...131,735,319
Ensembl chr 6:131,713,720...131,733,921
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G Bcl2 BCL2, apoptosis regulator multiple interactions EXP [Cromolyn Sodium co-treated with Chitosan] inhibits the reaction [Dimethylhydrazines results in increased expression of BCL2 protein] CTD PMID:28732690 NCBI chr13:22,689,783...22,853,920
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
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G Calca calcitonin-related polypeptide alpha multiple interactions EXP Cromolyn Sodium inhibits the reaction [Paclitaxel results in increased expression of CALCA protein] CTD PMID:15033348 NCBI chr 1:168,878,212...168,883,176
Ensembl chr 1:168,878,214...168,883,105
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G Cst3 cystatin C multiple interactions EXP Cromolyn Sodium inhibits the reaction [[adefovir co-treated with Probenecid] results in increased expression of CST3 protein] CTD PMID:35114312 NCBI chr 3:136,336,923...136,340,796
Ensembl chr 3:136,336,920...136,340,822
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G Ctnnb1 catenin beta 1 multiple interactions EXP [Cromolyn Sodium co-treated with Chitosan] inhibits the reaction [Dimethylhydrazines results in increased expression of CTNNB1 protein] CTD PMID:28732690 NCBI chr 8:120,640,008...120,667,110
Ensembl chr 8:120,639,995...120,667,111
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G Ctsd cathepsin D multiple interactions ISO [pristane co-treated with Cromolyn Sodium] results in increased expression of CTSD protein CTD PMID:8812242 NCBI chr 1:197,527,467...197,539,343
Ensembl chr 1:197,527,467...197,539,488
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G Dnmt1 DNA methyltransferase 1 decreases expression ISO Cromolyn Sodium results in decreased expression of DNMT1 mRNA; Cromolyn Sodium results in decreased expression of DNMT1 protein CTD PMID:35961540 NCBI chr 8:19,440,611...19,486,659
Ensembl chr 8:19,440,611...19,486,659
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G Gpr35 G protein-coupled receptor 35 affects localization
multiple interactions
Cromolyn Sodium affects the localization of GPR35 protein
2-hydroxy-4-(4-(5-(2-methyl-3-phenylprop-2-enylidene)-4-oxo-2-sulfanylidene-1,3-thiazolidin-3-yl)butanoylamino)benzoic acid inhibits the reaction [Cromolyn Sodium affects the localization of GPR35 protein]; 2-hydroxy-4-(4-(5-(2-methyl-3-phenylprop-2-enylidene)-4-oxo-2-sulfanylidene-1,3-thiazolidin-3-yl)butanoylamino)benzoic acid inhibits the reaction [Cromolyn Sodium binds to and results in increased activity of GPR35 protein]; Cromolyn Sodium binds to and results in increased activity of GPR35 protein; methyl 5-((tert-butylcarbamothioylhydrazinylidene)methyl)-1-(2,4-difluorophenyl)pyrazole-4-carboxylate inhibits the reaction [Cromolyn Sodium affects the localization of GPR35 protein]; methyl 5-((tert-butylcarbamothioylhydrazinylidene)methyl)-1-(2,4-difluorophenyl)pyrazole-4-carboxylate inhibits the reaction [Cromolyn Sodium binds to and results in increased activity of GPR35 protein]
CTD PMID:20919992 PMID:22967846 NCBI chr 9:93,527,165...93,539,573
Ensembl chr 9:93,527,127...93,539,299
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G Gpx1 glutathione peroxidase 1 multiple interactions EXP Cromolyn Sodium inhibits the reaction [Purines analog results in decreased expression of GPX1 protein] CTD PMID:36464070 NCBI chr 8:109,026,905...109,028,031
Ensembl chr 8:109,026,905...109,028,024
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G Gsk3b glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta multiple interactions EXP [Cromolyn Sodium co-treated with Chitosan] inhibits the reaction [Dimethylhydrazines results in increased expression of GSK3B protein] CTD PMID:28732690 NCBI chr11:62,498,997...62,648,665
Ensembl chr11:62,504,316...62,648,646
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G Ins1 insulin 1 increases expression ISO Cromolyn Sodium results in increased expression of INS1 protein CTD PMID:23784744 NCBI chr 1:251,244,973...251,245,540
Ensembl chr 1:251,244,973...251,245,536
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G Mapk1 mitogen activated protein kinase 1 decreases phosphorylation ISO Cromolyn Sodium results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein CTD PMID:35961540 NCBI chr11:83,957,813...84,023,629
Ensembl chr11:83,957,813...84,023,616
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G Mapk3 mitogen activated protein kinase 3 multiple interactions
decreases phosphorylation
[Cromolyn Sodium co-treated with Chitosan] inhibits the reaction [Dimethylhydrazines results in increased expression of MAPK3 protein]
Cromolyn Sodium results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein
CTD PMID:28732690 PMID:35961540 NCBI chr 1:181,366,646...181,372,863
Ensembl chr 1:181,366,637...181,372,863
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G Mettl3 methyltransferase 3, N6-adenosine-methyltransferase complex catalytic subunit decreases expression ISO Cromolyn Sodium results in decreased expression of METTL3 mRNA; Cromolyn Sodium results in decreased expression of METTL3 protein CTD PMID:35961540 NCBI chr15:25,002,505...25,014,097
Ensembl chr15:25,003,172...25,014,041
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G Mmp2 matrix metallopeptidase 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP Cromolyn Sodium inhibits the reaction [Norepinephrine results in increased expression of MMP2 mRNA]
Cromolyn Sodium results in increased expression of MMP2 mRNA
CTD PMID:14577597 NCBI chr19:14,154,657...14,182,870
Ensembl chr19:14,154,657...14,182,870
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G Pomc proopiomelanocortin multiple interactions EXP Cromolyn Sodium inhibits the reaction [POMC results in increased secretion of Corticosterone] CTD PMID:1659878 NCBI chr 6:26,939,844...26,945,666
Ensembl chr 6:26,939,837...26,945,664
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G Rela RELA proto-oncogene, NF-kB subunit multiple interactions EXP [Cromolyn Sodium co-treated with Chitosan] inhibits the reaction [Dimethylhydrazines results in increased expression of RELA protein] CTD PMID:28732690 NCBI chr 1:202,925,001...202,935,484
Ensembl chr 1:202,924,945...202,935,484
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G Ren renin multiple interactions EXP Cromolyn Sodium inhibits the reaction [Purines analog results in increased secretion of REN protein] CTD PMID:36464070 NCBI chr13:44,796,260...44,807,491
Ensembl chr13:44,796,091...44,807,489
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G Retn resistin decreases expression ISO Cromolyn Sodium results in decreased expression of RETN protein CTD PMID:23784744 NCBI chr12:1,710,881...1,712,621
Ensembl chr12:1,710,881...1,712,620
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G Slc22a12 solute carrier family 22 member 12 multiple interactions EXP Cromolyn Sodium inhibits the reaction [Purines analog results in decreased expression of SLC22A12 protein] CTD PMID:36464070 NCBI chr 1:203,845,039...203,852,496
Ensembl chr 1:203,845,048...203,853,555
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G Slc22a6 solute carrier family 22 member 6 multiple interactions EXP [adefovir co-treated with Probenecid co-treated with Cromolyn Sodium] affects the expression of SLC22A6 protein; Cromolyn Sodium inhibits the reaction [Purines analog results in decreased expression of SLC22A6 protein] CTD PMID:35114312 PMID:36464070 NCBI chr 1:205,522,579...205,531,179
Ensembl chr 1:205,522,729...205,531,173
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G Slc22a8 solute carrier family 22 member 8 multiple interactions EXP [adefovir co-treated with Probenecid co-treated with Cromolyn Sodium] results in increased expression of SLC22A8 protein; Cromolyn Sodium inhibits the reaction [[adefovir co-treated with Probenecid] results in decreased expression of SLC22A8 protein]; Cromolyn Sodium inhibits the reaction [Purines analog results in decreased expression of SLC22A8 protein] CTD PMID:35114312 PMID:36464070 NCBI chr 1:205,496,331...205,516,378
Ensembl chr 1:205,498,084...205,517,450
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G Sod1 superoxide dismutase 1 multiple interactions EXP Cromolyn Sodium inhibits the reaction [Purines analog results in decreased expression of SOD1 protein] CTD PMID:36464070 NCBI chr11:29,456,673...29,462,249
Ensembl chr11:29,456,558...29,462,249
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G Tac1 tachykinin, precursor 1 multiple interactions EXP Cromolyn Sodium inhibits the reaction [Paclitaxel results in increased expression of TAC1 protein] CTD PMID:15033348 NCBI chr 4:35,679,183...35,687,180
Ensembl chr 4:35,679,704...35,687,178
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G Tgfb1 transforming growth factor, beta 1 multiple interactions
increases secretion
[1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine co-treated with Cromolyn Sodium] results in increased secretion of TGFB1 protein; [1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine co-treated with masitinib co-treated with Cromolyn Sodium] results in increased secretion of TGFB1 protein; [masitinib co-treated with Cromolyn Sodium] results in increased secretion of TGFB1 protein
Cromolyn Sodium inhibits the reaction [[adefovir co-treated with Probenecid] results in increased expression of TGFB1 protein]
Cromolyn Sodium results in increased secretion of TGFB1 protein
CTD PMID:35007524 PMID:35114312 NCBI chr 1:81,196,532...81,212,848
Ensembl chr 1:81,196,532...81,212,847
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G Tnf tumor necrosis factor multiple interactions ISO Cromolyn Sodium inhibits the reaction [[hydroquinone results in increased expression of TNF protein] which results in increased susceptibility to Methacholine Chloride] CTD PMID:22414385 NCBI chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
Ensembl chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
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glutamate(2-) term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Gria1 glutamate ionotropic receptor AMPA type subunit 1 increases localization EXP Glutamate increases localization of Gria1 protein within medium spiny neurons RGD PMID:15255976 RGD:405820209 NCBI chr10:41,210,713...41,527,283
Ensembl chr10:41,210,713...41,527,283
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sodium aurothiomalate term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ackr3 atypical chemokine receptor 3 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of ACKR3 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 9:90,799,682...90,811,246
Ensembl chr 9:90,799,686...90,811,237
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G Adora2a adenosine A2a receptor decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of ADORA2A mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr20:13,315,848...13,333,386
Ensembl chr20:13,315,853...13,333,386
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G Amigo2 adhesion molecule with Ig like domain 2 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of AMIGO2 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 7:128,391,493...128,394,589
Ensembl chr 7:128,390,412...128,394,695
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G Antxr1 ANTXR cell adhesion molecule 1 increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of ANTXR1 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 4:119,590,770...119,778,232
Ensembl chr 4:119,590,771...119,778,232
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G Aox1 aldehyde oxidase 1 increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of AOX1 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 9:59,579,621...59,658,772
Ensembl chr 9:59,579,649...59,658,770
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G Bcl2a1 BCL2-related protein A1 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of BCL2A1 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 8:89,716,914...89,724,998
Ensembl chr 8:89,716,914...89,724,998
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G Bst2 bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of BST2 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr16:18,216,605...18,220,979
Ensembl chr16:18,217,407...18,220,979
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G Ccl20 C-C motif chemokine ligand 20 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of CCL20 mRNA; Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of CCL20 protein CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 9:84,389,031...84,391,629
Ensembl chr 9:84,388,904...84,391,629
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G Ccn1 cellular communication network factor 1 increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of CCN1 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 2:234,562,410...234,565,370
Ensembl chr 2:234,562,408...234,565,484
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G Ccn5 cellular communication network factor 5 increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of CCN5 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 3:152,491,247...152,502,639
Ensembl chr 3:152,491,220...152,502,636
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G Cd28 Cd28 molecule multiple interactions
affects response to substance
ISO CD28 protein affects the reaction [Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased activity of FBL protein]
CD28 protein affects the susceptibility to Gold Sodium Thiomalate
CTD PMID:19077085 NCBI chr 9:62,166,324...62,194,674
Ensembl chr 9:62,166,192...62,194,685
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G Chuk component of inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa B kinase complex multiple interactions ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased activity of CHUK protein] CTD PMID:10820281 NCBI chr 1:242,959,539...242,995,066
Ensembl chr 1:242,959,760...242,995,065
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G Clgn calmegin decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of CLGN mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr19:24,695,140...24,728,542
Ensembl chr19:24,696,875...24,728,758
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G Col1a1 collagen type I alpha 1 chain increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of COL1A1 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr10:79,883,622...79,900,625
Ensembl chr10:79,883,622...79,900,624
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G Colec12 collectin sub-family member 12 increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of COLEC12 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr18:732,950...920,620
Ensembl chr18:732,950...920,618
JBrowse link
G Cxcl1 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 1 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of CXCL1 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr14:17,193,364...17,195,143
Ensembl chr14:17,193,365...17,195,215
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G Cxcl2 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 2 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of CXCL2 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr14:17,181,030...17,183,075
Ensembl chr14:17,181,062...17,183,075
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G Cxcl3 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 3 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of CXCL1 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr14:17,287,727...17,289,451
Ensembl chr14:17,270,146...17,289,511
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G Cxcr4 C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of CXCR4 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr13:40,077,976...40,081,883
Ensembl chr13:40,077,976...40,081,883
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G Ddx10 DEAD-box helicase 10 increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of DDX10 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 8:53,488,656...53,643,373
Ensembl chr 8:53,488,656...53,643,373
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G Dio1 iodothyronine deiodinase 1 decreases activity ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased activity of DIO1 protein CTD PMID:34662569 NCBI chr 5:122,074,285...122,090,983
Ensembl chr 5:122,074,279...122,090,970
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G Efemp1 EGF containing fibulin extracellular matrix protein 1 increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of EFEMP1 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr14:102,610,813...102,690,027
Ensembl chr14:102,610,908...102,690,018
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G Enpp2 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 2 increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of ENPP2 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 7:86,202,345...86,325,050
Ensembl chr 7:86,202,350...86,324,827
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G Entpd3 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 3 increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of ENTPD3 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 8:120,246,412...120,277,943
Ensembl chr 8:120,247,121...120,277,943
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G Fbl fibrillarin affects localization
decreases activity
multiple interactions
ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate affects the localization of FBL protein
Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased activity of FBL protein
CD28 protein affects the reaction [Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased activity of FBL protein]; IFNG protein affects the reaction [Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased activity of FBL protein]; IL4 protein affects the reaction [Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased activity of FBL protein]; IL6 protein affects the reaction [Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased activity of FBL protein]
CTD PMID:10942594 PMID:19077085 NCBI chr 1:83,469,832...83,478,932
Ensembl chr 1:83,469,832...83,478,932
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G Fbln1 fibulin 1 increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of FBLN1 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 7:116,310,582...116,390,075
Ensembl chr 7:116,310,582...116,390,075
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G Fgf7 fibroblast growth factor 7 increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of FGF7 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 3:113,280,448...113,333,279
Ensembl chr 3:113,281,283...113,332,929
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G Gbp1 guanylate binding protein 1 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of GBP1 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 2:231,398,136...231,432,773
Ensembl chr 2:231,398,163...231,432,131
Ensembl chr 2:231,398,163...231,432,131
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G Gpm6b glycoprotein m6b increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of GPM6B mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr  X:28,057,788...28,204,409
Ensembl chr  X:28,059,450...28,204,211
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G Gsdme gasdermin E decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of GSDME mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 4:79,258,799...79,321,129
Ensembl chr 4:79,257,804...79,320,806
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G Herc6 HECT and RLD domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase family member 6 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of HERC6 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 4:87,524,470...87,566,895
Ensembl chr 4:87,524,493...87,581,744
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G Hilpda hypoxia inducible lipid droplet-associated decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of HILPDA mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 4:57,871,088...57,874,048
Ensembl chr 4:57,871,110...57,874,557
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G Hsd11b1 hydroxysteroid 11-beta dehydrogenase 1 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of HSD11B1 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr13:104,728,539...104,798,884
Ensembl chr13:104,728,539...104,788,687
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G Ifi27 interferon, alpha-inducible protein 27 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of IFI27 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 6:122,590,461...122,596,996
Ensembl chr 6:122,590,472...122,779,294
JBrowse link
G Ifi35 interferon-induced protein 35 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of IFI35 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr10:86,381,023...86,389,279
Ensembl chr10:86,381,010...86,389,952
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G Ifi44 interferon-induced protein 44 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of IFI44 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 2:240,626,058...240,643,879
Ensembl chr 2:240,626,066...240,643,844
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G Ifi44l interferon-induced protein 44-like decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of IFI44L mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 2:240,668,742...240,706,425
Ensembl chr 2:240,668,713...240,706,359
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G Ifih1 interferon induced with helicase C domain 1 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of IFIH1 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 3:47,228,980...47,275,403
Ensembl chr 3:47,227,364...47,275,456
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G Ifit3 interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 3 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of IFIT3 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 1:232,114,166...232,119,311
Ensembl chr 1:232,114,166...232,119,307
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G Ifng interferon gamma multiple interactions
affects response to substance
ISO IFNG protein affects the reaction [Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased activity of FBL protein]
IFNG protein affects the susceptibility to Gold Sodium Thiomalate
CTD PMID:19077085 NCBI chr 7:53,903,339...53,907,375
Ensembl chr 7:53,903,337...53,907,375
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G Ikbkb inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa B kinase subunit beta multiple interactions ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased activity of IKBKB protein] CTD PMID:10820281 NCBI chr16:69,319,487...69,373,251
Ensembl chr16:69,319,554...69,373,250
JBrowse link
G Il10 interleukin 10 multiple interactions ISO [Gold Sodium Thiomalate co-treated with mercury nitrate analog] results in increased expression of IL10 protein CTD PMID:11824965 NCBI chr13:42,472,625...42,477,308
Ensembl chr13:42,472,839...42,477,313
JBrowse link
G Il1b interleukin 1 beta multiple interactions ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Gold Sodium Thiomalate inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGES] CTD PMID:16393772 PMID:25314295 NCBI chr 3:116,577,005...116,583,386
Ensembl chr 3:116,577,010...116,583,415
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G Il1rn interleukin 1 receptor antagonist decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of IL1RN mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 3:7,111,567...7,127,451
Ensembl chr 3:7,111,550...7,127,445
JBrowse link
G Il23a interleukin 23 subunit alpha decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of IL23A mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 7:721,809...723,923
Ensembl chr 7:721,809...723,923
JBrowse link
G Il4 interleukin 4 multiple interactions
affects response to substance
ISO IL4 protein affects the reaction [Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased activity of FBL protein]
IL4 protein affects the susceptibility to Gold Sodium Thiomalate
CTD PMID:19077085 NCBI chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
Ensembl chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
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G Il6 interleukin 6 multiple interactions
decreases expression
affects response to substance
ISO [Gold Sodium Thiomalate co-treated with mercury nitrate analog] results in increased expression of IL6 protein
Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of IL6 mRNA; Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of IL6 protein
IL6 protein affects the susceptibility to Gold Sodium Thiomalate
IL6 protein affects the reaction [Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased activity of FBL protein]
CTD PMID:11824965 PMID:19077085 PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 4:5,214,602...5,219,178
Ensembl chr 4:5,213,394...5,219,178
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G Irf7 interferon regulatory factor 7 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of IRF7 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 1:196,367,380...196,370,943
Ensembl chr 1:196,367,361...196,370,832
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G Isg15 ISG15 ubiquitin-like modifier decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of ISG15 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 5:166,784,148...166,785,435
Ensembl chr 5:166,784,148...166,785,435
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G Isg20 interferon stimulated exonuclease gene 20 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of ISG20 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 1:132,829,303...132,837,027
Ensembl chr 1:132,815,123...132,837,027
JBrowse link
G Lamb3 laminin subunit beta 3 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of LAMB3 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr13:104,833,810...104,875,405
Ensembl chr13:104,833,873...104,875,405
JBrowse link
G Lxn latexin increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of LXN mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 2:151,727,556...151,733,426
Ensembl chr 2:151,727,102...151,733,460
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G Ly6e lymphocyte antigen 6 family member E decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of LY6E mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 7:106,935,530...106,939,689
Ensembl chr 7:106,935,761...106,939,689
JBrowse link
G Marcks myristoylated alanine rich protein kinase C substrate decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of MARCKS mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr20:40,685,315...40,691,012
Ensembl chr20:40,685,315...40,691,012
JBrowse link
G Met MET proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of MET mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 4:45,790,456...45,898,139
Ensembl chr 4:45,790,791...45,897,876
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G Mir99b microRNA 99b multiple interactions ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of MIR99B mRNA] CTD PMID:33109608 NCBI chr 1:58,677,015...58,677,084
Ensembl chr 1:58,677,011...58,677,090
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G Mmp10 matrix metallopeptidase 10 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of MMP10 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 8:4,689,840...4,697,748
Ensembl chr 8:4,689,840...4,697,748
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G Mx1 MX dynamin like GTPase 1 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of MX1 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr11:36,799,659...36,825,209
Ensembl chr11:36,799,660...36,823,507
JBrowse link
G Ndufa4l2 NDUFA4, mitochondrial complex associated like 2 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of NDUFA4L2 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 7:63,351,021...63,359,010
Ensembl chr 7:63,356,883...63,359,010
JBrowse link
G Nmb neuromedin B decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of NMB mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 1:134,869,446...134,875,507
Ensembl chr 1:134,869,446...134,872,190
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G Nos2 nitric oxide synthase 2 multiple interactions ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:16393772 NCBI chr10:63,815,308...63,851,208
Ensembl chr10:63,815,308...63,851,210
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G Nr4a3 nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 3 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of NR4A3 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 5:62,361,588...62,401,489
Ensembl chr 5:62,361,822...62,402,733
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G Oas1a 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase 1A decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of OAS1 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr12:35,669,798...35,680,505
Ensembl chr12:35,669,801...35,680,517
JBrowse link
G Oasl 2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase-like decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of OASL mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr12:41,682,900...41,695,641
Ensembl chr12:41,682,900...41,695,641
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G Olfml2b olfactomedin-like 2B increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of OLFML2B mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr13:82,869,414...82,906,607
Ensembl chr13:82,869,433...82,906,607
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G Phgdh phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of PHGDH mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 2:185,906,962...185,936,054
Ensembl chr 2:185,906,966...185,935,944
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G Plpp3 phospholipid phosphatase 3 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of PLPP3 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 5:119,927,085...120,002,206
Ensembl chr 5:119,927,085...120,002,205
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G Ppp4r2 protein phosphatase 4, regulatory subunit 2 increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of PPP4R2 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 4:133,454,555...133,495,486
Ensembl chr 4:133,454,555...133,495,486
JBrowse link
G Ptges prostaglandin E synthase multiple interactions ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGES] CTD PMID:25314295 NCBI chr 3:14,177,892...14,189,236 JBrowse link
G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of PTGS2 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr13:62,163,936...62,172,193
Ensembl chr13:62,163,932...62,172,188
JBrowse link
G Rarres1 retinoic acid receptor responder 1 increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of RARRES1 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 2:151,749,715...151,783,975
Ensembl chr 2:151,749,715...151,783,978
JBrowse link
G Rela RELA proto-oncogene, NF-kB subunit multiple interactions ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased phosphorylation of RELA protein] CTD PMID:33109608 NCBI chr 1:202,925,001...202,935,484
Ensembl chr 1:202,924,945...202,935,484
JBrowse link
G Rgs4 regulator of G-protein signaling 4 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of RGS4 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr13:81,936,775...81,943,103
Ensembl chr13:81,936,775...81,943,068
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G Rig1 RNA sensor RIG-1 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of RIGI mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 5:55,321,351...55,369,947
Ensembl chr 5:55,321,235...55,370,819
JBrowse link
G Ripk2 receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 2 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of RIPK2 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 5:29,630,806...29,662,804
Ensembl chr 5:29,631,570...29,662,657
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G Rnf19b ring finger protein 19B decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of RNF19B mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 5:141,406,085...141,431,376
Ensembl chr 5:141,406,118...141,431,380
JBrowse link
G Rsad2 radical S-adenosyl methionine domain containing 2 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of RSAD2 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 6:43,046,514...43,059,737
Ensembl chr 6:43,047,658...43,059,699
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G Slc7a11 solute carrier family 7 member 11 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of SLC7A11 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 2:134,382,002...134,517,622
Ensembl chr 2:133,963,107...134,517,536
JBrowse link
G Sms spermine synthase decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of SMS mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr  X:37,516,949...37,572,657
Ensembl chr  X:37,516,931...37,570,822
Ensembl chr 3:37,516,931...37,570,822
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G Sod2 superoxide dismutase 2 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of SOD2 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 1:47,638,318...47,645,163
Ensembl chr 1:47,636,528...47,645,189
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G Spon1 spondin 1 increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of SPON1 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 1:167,929,049...168,228,239
Ensembl chr 1:167,928,972...168,228,226
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G Stat1 signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of STAT1 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 9:49,419,561...49,459,969
Ensembl chr 9:49,419,340...49,588,540
JBrowse link
G Sts steroid sulfatase increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of STS mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr  X:42,225,131...42,233,403
Ensembl chr  X:42,225,372...42,233,402
JBrowse link
G Thbs1 thrombospondin 1 increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of THBS1 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 3:105,056,293...105,071,445
Ensembl chr 3:105,056,292...105,071,440
JBrowse link
G Thbs2 thrombospondin 2 increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of THBS2 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 1:55,670,394...55,699,789
Ensembl chr 1:55,670,394...55,699,789
JBrowse link
G Tlr2 toll-like receptor 2 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of TLR2 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 2:169,200,620...169,206,819
Ensembl chr 2:169,197,419...169,206,630
JBrowse link
G Tnfaip2 TNF alpha induced protein 2 decreases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased expression of TNFAIP2 mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 6:130,476,832...130,489,914
Ensembl chr 6:130,476,889...130,489,914
JBrowse link
G Txnip thioredoxin interacting protein increases expression ISO Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in increased expression of TXNIP mRNA CTD PMID:19192274 NCBI chr 2:184,093,079...184,096,882
Ensembl chr 2:184,092,991...184,096,886
JBrowse link
G Txnrd1 thioredoxin reductase 1 multiple interactions
decreases activity
Gold Sodium Thiomalate inhibits the reaction [TXNRD1 protein affects the metabolism of Dithionitrobenzoic Acid]
Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased activity of TXNRD1 protein
CTD PMID:16510263 PMID:17229725 NCBI chr 7:20,830,042...20,914,990
Ensembl chr 7:20,830,045...20,907,863
JBrowse link
G Txnrd2 thioredoxin reductase 2 decreases activity EXP Gold Sodium Thiomalate results in decreased activity of TXNRD2 protein CTD PMID:15458826 NCBI chr11:82,519,996...82,568,156
Ensembl chr11:82,519,999...82,568,156
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 19899
    chemical entity 19897
      molecular entity 19897
        ion 17101
          anion 16657
            organic anion 6858
              carboxylic acid anion 2500
                carboxylic acid dianion 253
                  2-phospho-L-lactate 0
                  dicarboxylic acid dianion + 253
                  nedocromil(2-) + 0
                  nocamycin E(2-) 0
                  primary fluorescent chlorophyll catabolite(2-) 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 19899
    subatomic particle 19897
      composite particle 19897
        hadron 19897
          baryon 19897
            nucleon 19897
              atomic nucleus 19897
                atom 19897
                  main group element atom 19835
                    p-block element atom 19835
                      carbon group element atom 19776
                        carbon atom 19772
                          organic molecular entity 19772
                            organic ion 11455
                              organic anion 6858
                                carboxylic acid anion 2500
                                  carboxylic acid dianion 253
                                    2-phospho-L-lactate 0
                                    dicarboxylic acid dianion + 253
                                    nedocromil(2-) + 0
                                    nocamycin E(2-) 0
                                    primary fluorescent chlorophyll catabolite(2-) 0
paths to the root