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The Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology is downloaded weekly from EMBL-EBI at The data is made available under the Creative Commons License (CC BY 3.0, For more information see: Degtyarenko et al. (2008) ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest. Nucleic Acids Res. 36, D344–D350.

Term:nitrogen oxide
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Accession:CHEBI:35196 term browser browse the term
Synonyms:related_synonym: nitrogen oxides;   oxides of nitrogen

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dinitrogen oxide term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cntf ciliary neurotrophic factor multiple interactions
decreases activity
ISO Nitrous Oxide inhibits the reaction [CNTF protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of STAT1 protein]; Nitrous Oxide inhibits the reaction [CNTF protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of STAT3 protein]
Nitrous Oxide inhibits the reaction [CNTF protein results in increased activity of STAT3 protein]
Nitrous Oxide results in decreased activity of CNTF protein
CTD PMID:15748169 NCBI chr 1:209,887,854...209,889,877
Ensembl chr 1:209,887,854...209,889,877
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G Gabra4 gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor subunit alpha 4 multiple interactions ISO [Isoflurane co-treated with Nitrous Oxide] affects the expression of GABRA4 mRNA CTD PMID:16733821 NCBI chr14:36,590,782...36,667,724
Ensembl chr14:36,590,782...36,665,844
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G Grin2a glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit 2A multiple interactions ISO GRIN2A protein affects the susceptibility to [Nitrous Oxide co-treated with sevoflurane] CTD PMID:15731593 NCBI chr10:5,629,683...6,053,262
Ensembl chr10:5,631,369...6,044,637
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G Mtr 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase decreases activity ISO Nitrous Oxide results in decreased activity of MTR protein CTD PMID:18472229 NCBI chr17:58,219,998...58,308,560
Ensembl chr17:58,220,071...58,304,822
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G Pla2g7 phospholipase A2 group VII affects expression ISO Nitrous Oxide affects the expression of PLA2G7 CTD PMID:21356620 NCBI chr 9:17,362,214...17,404,476
Ensembl chr 9:17,362,225...17,404,476
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G Pomc proopiomelanocortin increases secretion EXP Nitrous Oxide results in increased secretion of POMC protein CTD PMID:2846107 NCBI chr 6:26,939,844...26,945,666
Ensembl chr 6:26,939,837...26,945,664
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G Stat1 signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 multiple interactions ISO Nitrous Oxide inhibits the reaction [CNTF protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of STAT1 protein] CTD PMID:15748169 NCBI chr 9:49,419,561...49,459,969
Ensembl chr 9:49,419,340...49,588,540
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G Stat3 signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 multiple interactions ISO Nitrous Oxide inhibits the reaction [CNTF protein results in increased activity of STAT3 protein]
Nitrous Oxide inhibits the reaction [CNTF protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of STAT3 protein]
CTD PMID:15748169 NCBI chr10:85,811,206...85,863,057
Ensembl chr10:85,811,218...85,863,057
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nitric oxide term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Abcc1 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 1 multiple interactions ISO ABCC1 protein affects the reaction [AGT protein results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; ABCC1 protein promotes the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in increased secretion of Glutathione]; ABCC1 protein promotes the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in increased secretion of Iron] CTD PMID:16679408 PMID:17272743 NCBI chr10:528,961...655,179
Ensembl chr10:531,812...655,114
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G Abcc2 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 2 multiple interactions EXP
ABCC2 affects the reaction [Ursodeoxycholic Acid results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]
ABCC2 gene SNP affects the susceptibility to [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]
CTD PMID:20683964 PMID:29681089 NCBI chr 1:242,664,657...242,723,239
Ensembl chr 1:242,664,657...242,723,238
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G Acbd3 acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3 multiple interactions EXP Nitric Oxide promotes the reaction [[RASD1 protein binds to ACBD3 protein binds to SLC11A2 protein] which results in increased uptake of Iron] CTD PMID:16908409 NCBI chr13:92,455,813...92,484,556
Ensembl chr13:92,455,655...92,483,380
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G Ace angiotensin I converting enzyme multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP Hydralazine inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of ACE mRNA]; Hydrochlorothiazide inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of ACE mRNA] CTD PMID:10948087 PMID:16326922 NCBI chr10:90,910,316...90,930,437
Ensembl chr10:90,910,316...90,931,131
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G Aco1 aconitase 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of ACO1 mRNA
STAT5A protein affects the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of ACO1 mRNA]; STAT5B protein affects the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of ACO1 mRNA]
CTD PMID:16886906 NCBI chr 5:55,259,841...55,315,872
Ensembl chr 5:55,259,827...55,316,391
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G Acta1 actin, alpha 1, skeletal muscle multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP Hydralazine inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of ACTA1 mRNA]; Hydrochlorothiazide inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of ACTA1 mRNA] CTD PMID:10397678 PMID:16326922 NCBI chr19:51,883,709...51,886,735
Ensembl chr19:51,883,715...51,886,742
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G Actb actin, beta decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of ACTB mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr12:11,663,112...11,666,697
Ensembl chr12:11,663,109...11,672,877
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G Adm adrenomedullin increases expression EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of ADM mRNA CTD PMID:16326922 NCBI chr 1:164,745,484...164,747,655
Ensembl chr 1:164,745,466...164,747,654
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G Adm2 adrenomedullin 2 increases expression EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of ADM2 mRNA CTD PMID:16326922 NCBI chr 7:120,393,179...120,394,965
Ensembl chr 7:120,393,179...120,396,331
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G Adrb2 adrenoceptor beta 2 decreases abundance ISO ADRB2 protein results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:10580815 NCBI chr18:55,642,459...55,644,501
Ensembl chr18:55,502,903...55,644,512
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G Agt angiotensinogen decreases secretion
increases chemical synthesis
increases activity
increases abundance
increases secretion
decreases abundance
multiple interactions
AGT protein modified form results in decreased secretion of Nitric Oxide
AGT protein modified form results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased activity of AGT protein modified form
AGT protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide
AGT protein alternative form results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide
AGT protein results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide
AGT protein alternative form promotes the reaction [NOS3 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; PD 123319 inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; theaflavin-3,3'-digallate inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Valsartan inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Valsartan inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]
ABCC1 protein affects the reaction [AGT protein results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide]
candesartan inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Hydrogen Sulfide promotes the reaction [AGT protein modified form results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Losartan inhibits the reaction [AGT protein modified form results in decreased secretion of Nitric Oxide]; troglitazone inhibits the reaction [AGT protein modified form results in decreased secretion of Nitric Oxide]
CTD PMID:12198334 PMID:14597853 PMID:14620932 PMID:17272743 PMID:17666345 More... NCBI chr19:52,529,139...52,549,618
Ensembl chr19:52,529,185...52,540,977
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G Agtr1a angiotensin II receptor, type 1a affects abundance EXP AGTR1A protein affects the abundance of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:19151255 NCBI chr17:34,173,446...34,226,892
Ensembl chr17:34,174,429...34,226,946
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G Agtr1b angiotensin II receptor, type 1b affects abundance EXP AGTR1B protein affects the abundance of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:19151255 NCBI chr 2:102,844,969...102,920,232
Ensembl chr 2:102,844,969...102,920,232
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G Agtr2 angiotensin II receptor, type 2 affects response to substance EXP AGTR2 protein affects the susceptibility to Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:9374809 NCBI chr  X:112,119,876...112,124,060
Ensembl chr  X:112,120,228...112,124,057
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G Aifm1 apoptosis inducing factor, mitochondria associated 1 affects localization ISO Nitric Oxide affects the localization of AIFM1 protein CTD PMID:15126337 NCBI chr  X:127,650,223...127,689,356
Ensembl chr  X:127,650,226...127,689,256
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G Aimp1 aminoacyl tRNA synthetase complex-interacting multifunctional protein 1 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of AIMP1 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 2:221,151,907...221,175,458
Ensembl chr 2:221,151,904...221,175,728
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G Aip aryl-hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of AIP mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 1:201,408,002...201,419,220
Ensembl chr 1:201,407,288...201,419,122
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G Akt1 AKT serine/threonine kinase 1 multiple interactions EXP AKT1 protein inhibits the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:18245901 NCBI chr 6:131,713,716...131,735,319
Ensembl chr 6:131,713,720...131,733,921
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G Aldh2 aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 family member multiple interactions ISO [ALDH2 protein affects the metabolism of and results in increased susceptibility to Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:21156756 NCBI chr12:34,949,549...34,982,527
Ensembl chr12:34,901,219...34,982,521
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G Alox5 arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase multiple interactions EXP Nitric Oxide promotes the reaction [Reactive Oxygen Species results in decreased activity of ALOX5 protein] CTD PMID:12388339 NCBI chr 4:149,531,329...149,578,696
Ensembl chr 4:149,531,515...149,578,743
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G Angptl2 angiopoietin-like 2 decreases chemical synthesis ISO ANGPTL2 gene mutant form results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:27402837 NCBI chr 3:16,517,185...16,547,024
Ensembl chr 3:16,517,420...16,548,178
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G Anxa5 annexin A5 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of ANXA5 protein CTD PMID:16024610 NCBI chr 2:119,314,007...119,344,703
Ensembl chr 2:119,314,007...119,353,369
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G Apoe apolipoprotein E decreases chemical synthesis ISO APOE gene mutant form results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:11397713 NCBI chr 1:79,353,924...79,357,852
Ensembl chr 1:79,353,916...79,357,932
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G App amyloid beta precursor protein multiple interactions ISO [APP protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; Ibuprofen inhibits the reaction [[APP protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [[APP protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:11080519 NCBI chr11:24,019,774...24,236,584
Ensembl chr11:24,019,778...24,236,561
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G Aqp2 aquaporin 2 decreases expression EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of AQP2 protein CTD PMID:17940347 NCBI chr 7:130,711,433...130,716,468
Ensembl chr 7:130,711,413...130,716,468
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G Ass1 argininosuccinate synthase 1 increases response to substance ISO ASS1 protein results in increased susceptibility to Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:25033204 NCBI chr 3:14,747,355...14,796,909
Ensembl chr 3:14,747,368...14,796,903
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G Atp1a1 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 1 multiple interactions EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency inhibits the reaction [Clofibrate results in increased expression of ATP1A1 protein] CTD PMID:15018640 NCBI chr 2:189,020,722...189,048,826
Ensembl chr 2:189,020,722...189,048,837
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G Atp5f1b ATP synthase F1 subunit beta increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of ATP5F1B mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 7:515,454...521,858
Ensembl chr 7:515,460...567,273
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G Avp arginine vasopressin affects metabolic processing
increases expression
multiple interactions
EXP AVP protein affects the metabolism of Nitric Oxide
Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of AVP mRNA
IL1B protein affects the reaction [AVP protein affects the metabolism of Nitric Oxide]
CTD PMID:10460269 PMID:21171372 NCBI chr 3:117,793,447...117,805,091
Ensembl chr 3:117,793,457...117,795,425
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G Axl Axl receptor tyrosine kinase decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of AXL mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 1:81,265,088...81,296,278
Ensembl chr 1:81,265,088...81,296,265
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G B2m beta-2 microglobulin increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of B2M protein CTD PMID:15764486 NCBI chr 3:109,095,740...109,101,764
Ensembl chr 3:109,095,729...109,101,766
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G Bax BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator affects localization
multiple interactions
decreases expression
Nitric Oxide affects the localization of BAX protein
Nitric Oxide inhibits the reaction [Hydrogen Peroxide results in increased expression of and affects the localization of BAX protein]
[Nitroprusside results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which affects the localization of BAX protein; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [[Nitroprusside results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which affects the localization of BAX protein]
Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of BAX protein
[S-Nitrosoglutathione results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of BAX protein
CTD PMID:10828028 PMID:14634119 PMID:22878015 PMID:25726415 NCBI chr 1:95,940,001...95,945,407
Ensembl chr 1:95,938,808...95,945,368
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G Bbc3 Bcl-2 binding component 3 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of BBC3 mRNA CTD PMID:15126337 NCBI chr 1:77,013,281...77,022,509
Ensembl chr 1:77,014,543...77,022,509
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G Bcar1 BCAR1 scaffold protein, Cas family member multiple interactions
decreases phosphorylation
EXP Nitric Oxide inhibits the reaction [BCAR1 protein binds to CRK protein]
Nitric Oxide results in decreased phosphorylation of BCAR1 protein
CTD PMID:12714323 NCBI chr19:39,679,215...39,713,907
Ensembl chr19:39,679,204...39,713,907
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G Bcl2 BCL2, apoptosis regulator decreases expression
affects expression
multiple interactions
ISO Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of BCL2 protein
Nitric Oxide affects the expression of BCL2 mRNA
[3,5-dimethoxy-4'-hydroxystilbene results in decreased expression of NOS2 mRNA] inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of BCL2 mRNA]; [linsidomine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of BCL2 mRNA; [linsidomine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of BCL2 protein; [Quercetin results in decreased expression of NOS2 mRNA] inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of BCL2 mRNA]
1,3-dihydroxy-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-2-(4-carboxyphenyl)tetrahydroimidazole inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in increased nitrosation of and results in decreased degradation of BCL2 protein]; [S-Nitrosoglutathione results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased expression of BCL2 protein; Nitric Oxide results in increased nitrosation of and results in decreased degradation of BCL2 protein; pimagedine inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in increased nitrosation of and results in decreased degradation of BCL2 protein]
CTD PMID:7706495 PMID:10828028 PMID:15126337 PMID:16980304 PMID:17135264 NCBI chr13:22,689,783...22,853,920
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
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G Bcl2l1 Bcl2-like 1 decreases expression
increases expression
multiple interactions
Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of BCL2L1 protein
Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of BCL2L1 mRNA
GATA5 protein promotes the reaction [Nitric Oxide inhibits the reaction [Hydrogen Peroxide results in decreased expression of BCL2L1 mRNA]]; GATA5 protein promotes the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of BCL2L1 mRNA]; Nitric Oxide inhibits the reaction [Hydrogen Peroxide results in decreased expression of BCL2L1 mRNA]; Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of and affects the localization of BCL2L1 protein
CTD PMID:15126337 PMID:25726415 NCBI chr 3:141,253,508...141,304,582
Ensembl chr 3:141,253,523...141,303,479
Ensembl chr 1:141,253,523...141,303,479
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G Bdkrb2 bradykinin receptor B2 multiple interactions EXP [kallidin, des-Arg(10)- binds to and results in increased activity of BDKRB2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [KNG1 protein modified form binds to and results in increased activity of BDKRB2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:29775649 NCBI chr 6:124,472,317...124,502,497
Ensembl chr 6:124,472,566...124,502,497
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G Bdnf brain-derived neurotrophic factor increases chemical synthesis
multiple interactions
ISO BDNF protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide
2-(4-morpholinyl)-8-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [BDNF protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]
CTD PMID:17172126 NCBI chr 3:96,165,042...96,215,621
Ensembl chr 3:96,165,042...96,215,615
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G Bid BH3 interacting domain death agonist increases cleavage ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased cleavage of BID protein CTD PMID:15126337 NCBI chr 4:154,113,198...154,136,353
Ensembl chr 4:154,113,198...154,134,720
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G Birc2 baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 2 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of BIRC2 protein CTD PMID:14634119 NCBI chr 8:4,968,856...4,989,325
Ensembl chr 8:4,968,842...4,988,732
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G Birc3 baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 3 increases expression
decreases expression
ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of BIRC3 protein
Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of BIRC3 mRNA
CTD PMID:14634119 PMID:15126337 NCBI chr 8:5,000,844...5,028,470
Ensembl chr 8:5,000,845...5,015,802
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G Birc5 baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 5 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of BIRC5 mRNA
Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of BIRC5 protein
CTD PMID:15126337 PMID:16166326 NCBI chr10:103,072,530...103,081,382
Ensembl chr10:103,073,408...103,081,380
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G Bmp1 bone morphogenetic protein 1 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of BMP1 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr15:45,551,603...45,595,862
Ensembl chr15:45,551,603...45,595,776
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G Bnip3 BCL2 interacting protein 3 increases expression
decreases expression
Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of BNIP3 protein
Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of BNIP3 mRNA
CTD PMID:11592958 PMID:16002567 NCBI chr 1:193,708,164...193,725,348
Ensembl chr 1:193,708,167...193,725,359
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G Cacna1a calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 A multiple interactions EXP CACNA1A protein affects the reaction [Potassium Chloride results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:12770949 NCBI chr19:23,520,741...23,819,971
Ensembl chr19:23,520,741...23,823,225
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G Cacna1b calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 B multiple interactions EXP CACNA1B protein affects the reaction [Potassium Chloride results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:12770949 NCBI chr 3:7,380,892...7,546,104
Ensembl chr 3:7,380,922...7,546,091
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G Calcrl calcitonin receptor like receptor increases expression EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of CALCRL mRNA; Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of CALCRL protein CTD PMID:16326922 NCBI chr 3:69,428,348...69,525,910
Ensembl chr 3:69,430,120...69,525,910
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G Calm1 calmodulin 1 multiple interactions EXP [Calcium binds to CALM1 protein] promotes the reaction [NOS1 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:17098364 NCBI chr 6:119,487,691...119,495,759
Ensembl chr 6:119,487,621...119,498,227
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G Casp1 caspase 1 multiple interactions ISO [S-Nitroso-N-Acetylpenicillamine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased activity of and results in increased cleavage of CASP1 protein CTD PMID:10903723 NCBI chr 8:2,587,812...2,597,403
Ensembl chr 8:2,587,831...2,597,383
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G Casp12 caspase 12 multiple interactions EXP [Nitroprusside results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of CASP12 protein CTD PMID:18675883 NCBI chr 8:2,642,296...2,669,549
Ensembl chr 8:2,642,434...2,674,037
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G Casp3 caspase 3 multiple interactions
increases activity
increases metabolic processing
decreases activity
decreases cleavage
[NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]; [NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased activity of CASP3 protein; [NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased metabolism of CASP3 protein; [S-Nitroso-N-Acetylpenicillamine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [N-caproylsphingosine promotes the reaction [CASP3 protein results in increased cleavage of PARP1 protein]]; [S-Nitroso-N-Acetylpenicillamine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [N-caproylsphingosine results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]; [S-Nitrosoglutathione results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased activity of CASP3 protein; [S-Nitrosoglutathione results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased metabolism of CASP3 protein; Dithiothreitol inhibits the reaction [[NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]]; Dithiothreitol inhibits the reaction [[NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased activity of CASP3 protein]; Dithiothreitol inhibits the reaction [[NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased metabolism of CASP3 protein]; Dithiothreitol inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in decreased activity of CASP3 protein]; Nitric Oxide inhibits the reaction [Glycochenodeoxycholic Acid results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]
Nitric Oxide results in increased activity of CASP3 protein
Nitric Oxide results in increased metabolism of CASP3 protein
[Nitric Oxide Donors results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased activity of CASP3 protein; Cyclic GMP affects the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in decreased activity of CASP3 protein]; Dithiothreitol inhibits the reaction [1H-(1,2,3)oxadiazolo(4,4-a)quinoxalin-1-one inhibits the reaction [[Nitric Oxide Donors results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased activity of CASP3 protein]]; Nitric Oxide affects the activity of and affects the cleavage of CASP3 protein; Nitric Oxide results in decreased cleavage of and results in decreased activity of CASP3 protein
[Nitric Oxide Donors results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with Galactosamine] results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]; [Nitroprusside results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased activity of CASP3 protein; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [[Nitroprusside results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [[Nitroprusside results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]
Nitric Oxide results in decreased cleavage of CASP3 protein
CTD PMID:9388267 PMID:9706149 PMID:9755104 PMID:10222263 PMID:10358093 More... NCBI chr16:45,662,910...45,681,171
Ensembl chr16:45,662,910...45,684,648
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G Casp7 caspase 7 decreases cleavage ISO Nitric Oxide results in decreased cleavage of CASP7 protein CTD PMID:10222263 NCBI chr 1:255,437,438...255,476,737
Ensembl chr 1:255,437,172...255,476,729
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G Casp8 caspase 8 multiple interactions
increases activity
Nitric Oxide results in decreased cleavage of and results in decreased activity of CASP8 protein
[Nitroprusside results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased activity of CASP8 protein
Nitric Oxide results in increased activity of CASP8 protein
CTD PMID:10358093 PMID:15126337 PMID:22878015 NCBI chr 9:60,263,863...60,312,542
Ensembl chr 9:60,264,075...60,312,542
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G Casp9 caspase 9 decreases activity
multiple interactions
increases activity
ISO Nitric Oxide results in decreased activity of CASP9 protein
[Nitroprusside results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased activity of CASP9 protein
Nitric Oxide results in increased activity of CASP9 protein
CTD PMID:14634119 PMID:15126337 PMID:22878015 NCBI chr 5:154,108,872...154,126,628
Ensembl chr 5:154,109,046...154,126,626
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G Cat catalase multiple interactions EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency inhibits the reaction [Formaldehyde results in increased expression of CAT mRNA]; Nitric Oxide promotes the reaction [Sertraline inhibits the reaction [3-nitropropionic acid results in decreased activity of CAT protein]]; Nitric Oxide promotes the reaction [Venlafaxine Hydrochloride inhibits the reaction [3-nitropropionic acid results in decreased activity of CAT protein]] CTD PMID:20305041 PMID:21983654 NCBI chr 3:89,842,393...89,874,577
Ensembl chr 3:89,842,399...89,874,478
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G Cav1 caveolin 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [resveratrol promotes the reaction [ESR1 protein binds to CAV1 protein binds to SRC protein]] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; Nitric Oxide results in decreased ubiquitination of and results in decreased degradation of CAV1 protein; Nitric Oxide results in increased metabolism of and results in increased stability of CAV1 protein
Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of CAV1 protein
CTD PMID:18296501 PMID:19706615 NCBI chr 4:45,640,624...45,673,708
Ensembl chr 4:45,634,918...45,673,705
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G Ccl5 C-C motif chemokine ligand 5 decreases secretion
multiple interactions
ISO Nitric Oxide results in decreased secretion of CCL5 protein
2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [[CCL5 protein binds to and results in increased activity of CCR5 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; [CCL5 protein binds to and results in increased activity of CCR5 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; Disulfiram inhibits the reaction [[CCL5 protein binds to and results in increased activity of CCR5 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; wortmannin inhibits the reaction [[CCL5 protein binds to and results in increased activity of CCR5 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]
CTD PMID:13678430 PMID:19016906 NCBI chr10:68,322,826...68,327,380
Ensembl chr10:68,322,829...68,327,377
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G Ccn2 cellular communication network factor 2 multiple interactions ISO [[[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased expression of CCN2 protein CTD PMID:24412304 NCBI chr 1:20,802,199...20,805,315
Ensembl chr 1:20,802,199...20,805,734
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G Ccr5 C-C motif chemokine receptor 5 multiple interactions ISO 2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [[CCL5 protein binds to and results in increased activity of CCR5 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; [CCL5 protein binds to and results in increased activity of CCR5 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; Disulfiram inhibits the reaction [[CCL5 protein binds to and results in increased activity of CCR5 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; wortmannin inhibits the reaction [[CCL5 protein binds to and results in increased activity of CCR5 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:19016906 NCBI chr 8:123,752,423...123,757,538
Ensembl chr 8:123,752,325...123,759,260
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G Cd14 CD14 molecule multiple interactions EXP CD14 protein affects the reaction [G(M1) Ganglioside results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]; CD14 protein affects the reaction [ganglioside, GD1a results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]; CD14 protein affects the reaction [Gangliosides results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]; CD14 protein affects the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]; CD14 protein affects the reaction [trisialoganglioside GT1 results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:16651628 NCBI chr18:28,335,522...28,337,383
Ensembl chr18:28,335,340...28,337,261
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G Cd28 Cd28 molecule multiple interactions
increases abundance
ISO 1,3-dihydroxy-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-2-(4-carboxyphenyl)tetrahydroimidazole inhibits the reaction [CD28 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; 2-aminoethoxydiphenylborane inhibits the reaction [CD28 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; 5-diisopropoxyphosphoryl-5-methyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide inhibits the reaction [CD28 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; manganese(III)-tetrakis(4-benzoic acid)porphyrin inhibits the reaction [CD28 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:14607919 NCBI chr 9:62,166,324...62,194,674
Ensembl chr 9:62,166,192...62,194,685
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G Cd86 CD86 molecule decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of CD86 protein CTD PMID:13678430 NCBI chr11:64,142,193...64,200,816
Ensembl chr11:64,163,828...64,200,818
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G Cdh1 cadherin 1 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of CDH1 mRNA CTD PMID:20179380 NCBI chr19:34,492,371...34,561,775
Ensembl chr19:34,492,371...34,561,775
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G Cdx2 caudal type homeo box 2 increases chemical synthesis ISO CDX2 gene mutant form results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:29439001 NCBI chr12:7,726,798...7,733,142
Ensembl chr12:7,726,798...7,733,142
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G Cftr CF transmembrane conductance regulator multiple interactions EXP Nitric Oxide inhibits the reaction [CFTR protein promotes the reaction [Cyclic AMP results in increased transport of Chlorine]] CTD PMID:12612912 NCBI chr 4:46,561,269...46,728,759
Ensembl chr 4:46,560,885...46,728,756
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G Chrm1 cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 1 multiple interactions EXP [(4-(m-Chlorophenylcarbamoyloxy)-2-butynyl)trimethylammonium Chloride binds to CHRM1 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [muscarinic toxin 7 binds to and results in decreased activity of CHRM1 protein] inhibits the reaction [Amphetamine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:18991861 NCBI chr 1:205,567,226...205,583,001
Ensembl chr 1:205,567,220...205,582,356
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G Cnr1 cannabinoid receptor 1 multiple interactions ISO
[3-(2-hydroxy-4-(1,1-dimethylheptyl)phenyl)-4-(3-hydroxypropyl)cyclohexanol binds to and results in increased activity of CNR1 protein] inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; [anandamide binds to and results in increased activity of CNR1 protein] inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; rimonabant inhibits the reaction [[3-(2-hydroxy-4-(1,1-dimethylheptyl)phenyl)-4-(3-hydroxypropyl)cyclohexanol binds to and results in increased activity of CNR1 protein] inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased transport of Nitric Oxide]]; rimonabant inhibits the reaction [[anandamide binds to and results in increased activity of CNR1 protein] inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased transport of Nitric Oxide]]; SR 144528 inhibits the reaction [[anandamide binds to and results in increased activity of CNR1 protein] inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased transport of Nitric Oxide]]
[3-(2-hydroxy-4-(1,1-dimethylheptyl)phenyl)-4-(3-hydroxypropyl)cyclohexanol binds to and results in increased activity of CNR1 protein] inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein affects the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; CNR1 protein affects the reaction [3-(2-hydroxy-4-(1,1-dimethylheptyl)phenyl)-4-(3-hydroxypropyl)cyclohexanol results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Rimonabant inhibits the reaction [[3-(2-hydroxy-4-(1,1-dimethylheptyl)phenyl)-4-(3-hydroxypropyl)cyclohexanol binds to and results in increased activity of CNR1 protein] inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein affects the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]]; Rimonabant inhibits the reaction [[3-(2-hydroxy-4-(1,1-dimethylheptyl)phenyl)-4-(3-hydroxypropyl)cyclohexanol binds to and results in increased activity of CNR1 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide]
CTD PMID:10027878 PMID:11727767 PMID:11891798 NCBI chr 5:48,408,543...48,436,099
Ensembl chr 5:48,408,574...48,435,099
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G Col1a2 collagen type I alpha 2 chain multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP Amlodipine inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of COL1A2 mRNA] CTD PMID:10445667 NCBI chr 4:32,563,938...32,598,868
Ensembl chr 4:32,563,381...32,598,867
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G Col5a3 collagen type V alpha 3 chain decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of COL5A3 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 8:19,304,564...19,349,809
Ensembl chr 8:19,304,571...19,349,853
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G Cox4i1 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 4i1 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of COX4I1 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr19:48,721,680...48,727,920
Ensembl chr19:48,721,199...48,727,921
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G Cpd carboxypeptidase D affects chemical synthesis
multiple interactions
ISO CPD affects the chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide
[PRL results in increased expression of CPD mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Testosterone results in increased expression of CPD mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide
CTD PMID:21688280 NCBI chr10:61,623,528...61,687,491
Ensembl chr10:61,623,526...61,687,491
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G Cps1 carbamoyl-phosphate synthase 1 affects abundance ISO CPS1 gene SNP affects the abundance of Nitric Oxide metabolite CTD PMID:14718356 NCBI chr 9:68,614,153...68,737,037
Ensembl chr 9:68,614,153...68,737,033
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G Crh corticotropin releasing hormone multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP CRH protein affects the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in increased secretion of POMC protein alternative form]
Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of CRH mRNA
CTD PMID:10460269 NCBI chr 2:102,143,055...102,144,919
Ensembl chr 2:102,143,055...102,144,919
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G Crhr1 corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1 increases expression EXP Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of CRHR1 mRNA CTD PMID:10460269 NCBI chr10:89,040,186...89,083,481
Ensembl chr10:89,040,203...89,083,481
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G Crk CRK proto-oncogene, adaptor protein multiple interactions EXP Nitric Oxide inhibits the reaction [BCAR1 protein binds to CRK protein] CTD PMID:12714323 NCBI chr10:60,530,469...60,556,703
Ensembl chr10:60,530,464...60,553,406
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G Csf1 colony stimulating factor 1 multiple interactions
decreases activity
ISO [CSF1 protein co-treated with CSF2 protein] promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with CSF1 protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; Benzene promotes the reaction [[[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] co-treated with CSF1 protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Benzene promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with CSF1 protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; CSF1 protein promotes the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; CSF1 protein promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Enzyme Inhibitors inhibits the reaction [CSF1 protein promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; Enzyme Inhibitors inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in decreased activity of CSF1 protein]
[Benzene promotes the reaction [[CSF1 protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide
CTD PMID:8193360 NCBI chr 2:195,377,215...195,396,608
Ensembl chr 2:195,377,215...195,411,704
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G Csf1r colony stimulating factor 1 receptor multiple interactions ISO [CSF1R protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; Benzene promotes the reaction [[CSF1R protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; hydroquinone promotes the reaction [[CSF1R protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; hydroxyhydroquinone promotes the reaction [[CSF1R protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; quinone promotes the reaction [[CSF1R protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:7884313 NCBI chr18:54,546,673...54,590,418
Ensembl chr18:54,546,659...54,590,415
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G Csf2 colony stimulating factor 2 multiple interactions EXP
[CSF2 protein results in increased expression of ITGB2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; CSF2 protein promotes the reaction [ITGB2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Ozone promotes the reaction [[CSF2 protein results in increased expression of ITGB2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]
[CSF1 protein co-treated with CSF2 protein] promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]
[Benzene co-treated with Enzyme Inhibitors] promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with CSF2 protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; [CSF2 protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with CSF2 protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; Benzene promotes the reaction [[[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] co-treated with CSF2 protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Benzene promotes the reaction [[CSF2 protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Benzene promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with CSF2 protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; hydroquinone promotes the reaction [[CSF2 protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; hydroxyhydroquinone promotes the reaction [[CSF2 protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; quinone promotes the reaction [[CSF2 protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]
CTD PMID:7884313 PMID:8193360 PMID:8600936 NCBI chr10:38,386,945...38,388,926
Ensembl chr10:38,386,945...38,389,199
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G Ctf1 cardiotrophin 1 increases chemical synthesis EXP CTF1 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:11304496 NCBI chr 1:182,328,035...182,336,346
Ensembl chr 1:182,328,090...182,333,335
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G Cth cystathionine gamma-lyase decreases expression EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of CTH mRNA CTD PMID:14508194 NCBI chr 2:246,975,888...247,002,234
Ensembl chr 2:246,975,894...247,002,234
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G Ctsd cathepsin D increases secretion EXP Nitric Oxide results in increased secretion of CTSD protein CTD PMID:15040013 NCBI chr 1:197,527,467...197,539,343
Ensembl chr 1:197,527,467...197,539,488
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G Cxcl10 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 10 decreases secretion ISO Nitric Oxide results in decreased secretion of CXCL10 protein CTD PMID:13678430 NCBI chr14:15,704,772...15,706,969
Ensembl chr14:15,704,758...15,706,975
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G Cxcl12 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 12 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of CXCL12 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 4:150,388,326...150,401,173
Ensembl chr 4:150,388,325...150,401,168
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G Cxcr4 C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of CXCR4 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr13:40,077,976...40,081,883
Ensembl chr13:40,077,976...40,081,883
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G Cycs cytochrome c, somatic decreases secretion
affects localization
Nitric Oxide results in decreased secretion of CYCS protein
Nitric Oxide affects the localization of CYCS protein
CTD PMID:10222263 PMID:10356289 PMID:10358093 PMID:16024610 NCBI chr 4:79,651,894...79,653,994
Ensembl chr 4:79,651,378...79,654,054
Ensembl chr18:79,651,378...79,654,054
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G Cyp2e1 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily e, polypeptide 1 multiple interactions ISO [CYP2E1 protein results in increased metabolism of Ethanol] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:18845238 NCBI chr 1:195,840,330...195,850,728
Ensembl chr 1:195,840,058...195,864,023
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G Dab1 DAB adaptor protein 1 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of DAB1 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 5:118,392,953...119,513,625
Ensembl chr 5:119,140,533...119,510,552
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G Ddah2 DDAH family member 2, ADMA-independent multiple interactions ISO DDAH2 promotes the reaction [tetramethylpyrazine inhibits the reaction [Iron-Dextran Complex results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide]] CTD PMID:32135237 NCBI chr20:3,761,460...3,764,718
Ensembl chr20:3,761,465...3,764,511
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G Ddc dopa decarboxylase increases activity EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased activity of DDC protein CTD PMID:7541690 NCBI chr14:86,378,685...86,469,189
Ensembl chr14:86,378,685...86,469,208
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G Dffb DNA fragmentation factor subunit beta increases activity EXP Nitric Oxide results in increased activity of DFFB protein CTD PMID:15040013 NCBI chr 5:164,522,446...164,534,733
Ensembl chr 5:164,522,463...164,534,628
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G Diablo diablo, IAP-binding mitochondrial protein affects localization ISO Nitric Oxide affects the localization of DIABLO protein CTD PMID:15126337 NCBI chr12:33,055,784...33,070,401
Ensembl chr12:33,055,263...33,070,387
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G Dusp1 dual specificity phosphatase 1 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of DUSP1 mRNA CTD PMID:9699677 NCBI chr10:16,680,478...16,683,275 JBrowse link
G Ech1 enoyl-CoA hydratase 1 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of ECH1 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 1:84,114,494...84,120,788
Ensembl chr 1:84,112,751...84,120,795
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G Edn1 endothelin 1 increases chemical synthesis
increases expression
increases secretion
decreases activity
increases abundance
multiple interactions
decreases expression
EDN1 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide
Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of EDN1 mRNA
Nitric Oxide results in increased secretion of EDN1 protein
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of EDN1 mRNA
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased activity of EDN1 protein
EDN1 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide
[EDN1 protein results in increased activity of EDNRB protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [EDN1 protein results in increased activity of NOS1 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; BQ 788 inhibits the reaction [EDN1 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Hydralazine inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of EDN1 mRNA]; Hydrochlorothiazide inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of EDN1 mRNA]; Nitric Oxide inhibits the reaction [EDN1 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; Nitric Oxide inhibits the reaction [EDN1 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; S-methylthiocitrulline inhibits the reaction [EDN1 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]
Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of EDN1 protein
Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of EDN1 protein
CTD PMID:11187978 PMID:15640287 PMID:15838368 PMID:16326922 PMID:16380457 More... NCBI chr17:22,454,924...22,460,812
Ensembl chr17:22,454,420...22,460,885
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G Ednrb endothelin receptor type B multiple interactions EXP [EDN1 protein results in increased activity of EDNRB protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:16380457 NCBI chr15:80,640,839...80,672,115
Ensembl chr15:80,643,043...80,672,115
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G Eef1a1 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of EEF1A1 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 8:79,341,554...79,344,784
Ensembl chr 8:79,341,557...79,344,839
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G Eef1b2 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 beta 2 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of EEF1B2 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 9:64,580,163...64,582,737
Ensembl chr 9:64,579,893...64,582,737
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G Ehmt2 euchromatic histone lysine methyltransferase 2 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of EHMT2 protein CTD PMID:23546878 NCBI chr20:3,919,623...3,936,751
Ensembl chr20:3,919,624...3,941,547
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G Eif1a eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of EIF1A mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr18:39,325,695...39,338,043
Ensembl chr18:39,325,202...39,338,696
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G Eif2ak1 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase 1 multiple interactions ISO Nitric Oxide inhibits the reaction [Mercury results in decreased activity of EIF2AK1 protein] CTD PMID:17689536 NCBI chr12:10,710,771...10,744,597
Ensembl chr12:10,705,874...10,744,573
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G Eif2b4 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit delta decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of EIF2B4 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 6:25,183,177...25,188,832
Ensembl chr 6:25,183,186...25,188,829
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G Eif3g eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit G increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of EIF3G mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 8:19,429,728...19,433,760
Ensembl chr 8:19,429,643...19,433,808
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G Epas1 endothelial PAS domain protein 1 multiple interactions ISO EPAS1 protein affects the reaction [Cobalt results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; EPAS1 protein affects the reaction [Nickel results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:23788631 NCBI chr 6:7,790,236...7,871,717
Ensembl chr 6:7,790,647...7,871,228
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G Epo erythropoietin decreases response to substance EXP EPO protein results in decreased susceptibility to Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:15816862 NCBI chr12:19,204,258...19,207,948
Ensembl chr12:19,204,508...19,207,946
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G Esr1 estrogen receptor 1 multiple interactions ISO [resveratrol promotes the reaction [ESR1 protein binds to CAV1 protein binds to SRC protein]] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:18296501 NCBI chr 1:41,106,335...41,499,104
Ensembl chr 1:41,210,475...41,495,002
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G Ezh1 enhancer of zeste 1 polycomb repressive complex 2 subunit decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of EZH1 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr10:86,126,023...86,162,001
Ensembl chr10:86,126,015...86,161,921
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G Ezr ezrin increases phosphorylation EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased phosphorylation of EZR protein CTD PMID:14732730 NCBI chr 1:46,967,961...47,011,505
Ensembl chr 1:46,967,658...47,011,505
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G F2 coagulation factor II, thrombin multiple interactions
increases abundance
ISO arsenite inhibits the reaction [F2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; F2 protein promotes the reaction [Heparin results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:8408661 PMID:22244921 NCBI chr 3:77,596,196...77,609,486
Ensembl chr 3:77,596,198...77,609,486
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G Fas Fas cell surface death receptor increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of FAS mRNA; Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of FAS protein CTD PMID:15126337 NCBI chr 1:231,798,963...231,832,591
Ensembl chr 1:231,798,960...231,832,591
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G Faslg Fas ligand multiple interactions ISO [linsidomine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [Etoposide results in increased activity of FASLG promoter]; [linsidomine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [N-caproylsphingosine results in increased activity of FASLG promoter]; [S-Nitroso-N-Acetylpenicillamine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [Etoposide results in increased activity of FASLG promoter]; [S-Nitroso-N-Acetylpenicillamine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [N-caproylsphingosine results in increased activity of FASLG promoter]; [S-Nitrosoglutathione results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [Etoposide results in increased activity of FASLG promoter]; [S-Nitrosoglutathione results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [N-caproylsphingosine results in increased activity of FASLG promoter]; [spermine nitric oxide complex results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [Etoposide results in increased activity of FASLG promoter]; [spermine nitric oxide complex results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [N-caproylsphingosine results in increased activity of FASLG promoter]; Nitric Oxide inhibits the reaction [Etoposide results in increased activity of FASLG promoter] CTD PMID:10811113 NCBI chr13:74,151,519...74,172,760
Ensembl chr13:74,154,954...74,162,215
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G Fgf1 fibroblast growth factor 1 increases abundance
multiple interactions
EXP FGF1 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide
PD 166866 inhibits the reaction [FGF1 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]
CTD PMID:16524372 NCBI chr18:30,686,555...30,772,667
Ensembl chr18:30,686,581...30,772,357
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G Fosb FosB proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit increases activity EXP Nitric Oxide results in increased activity of FOSB protein CTD PMID:15949472 NCBI chr 1:78,954,312...78,961,492
Ensembl chr 1:78,954,115...78,961,465
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G Ftl1 ferritin light chain 1 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of FTL1 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 1:95,936,387...95,938,234
Ensembl chr 1:95,936,387...95,939,725
Ensembl chr10:95,936,387...95,939,725
Ensembl chr 2:95,936,387...95,939,725
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G Gapdh glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase multiple interactions
increases expression
[7-nitroindazole results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [Paraquat affects the localization of GAPDH protein]
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of GAPDH mRNA
CTD PMID:15878706 PMID:20478973 NCBI chr 4:157,962,312...157,967,158
Ensembl chr 4:157,962,343...157,966,235
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G Gata5 GATA binding protein 5 multiple interactions
increases expression
increases response to substance
EXP GATA5 protein promotes the reaction [Nitric Oxide inhibits the reaction [Hydrogen Peroxide results in decreased expression of BCL2L1 mRNA]]; GATA5 protein promotes the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of BCL2L1 mRNA]; Nitric Oxide inhibits the reaction [Hydrogen Peroxide results in decreased expression of GATA5 mRNA]; Nitric Oxide inhibits the reaction [Hydrogen Peroxide results in decreased expression of GATA5 protein]
Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of GATA5 mRNA; Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of GATA5 protein
GATA5 protein results in increased susceptibility to Nitric Oxide
CTD PMID:25726415 NCBI chr 3:167,418,563...167,426,751
Ensembl chr 3:167,418,565...167,426,751
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G Gclc glutamate-cysteine ligase, catalytic subunit decreases expression EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of GCLC mRNA; Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of GCLC protein CTD PMID:19631198 NCBI chr 8:78,629,899...78,668,547
Ensembl chr 8:78,630,127...78,668,544
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G Gclm glutamate cysteine ligase, modifier subunit multiple interactions ISO GCLM gene SNP affects the abundance of and affects the activity of and affects the susceptibility to Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:12975258 NCBI chr 2:210,347,482...210,367,537
Ensembl chr 2:210,347,482...210,367,535
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G Gdi2 GDP dissociation inhibitor 2 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of GDI2 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr17:66,649,616...66,676,299
Ensembl chr17:66,649,619...66,676,366
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G Gfap glial fibrillary acidic protein decreases expression EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of GFAP protein CTD PMID:15763998 NCBI chr10:87,852,891...87,861,631
Ensembl chr10:87,852,890...87,861,589
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G Gja1 gap junction protein, alpha 1 decreases expression EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of GJA1 mRNA; Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of GJA1 protein; Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of GJA1 protein CTD PMID:10397678 PMID:11856964 PMID:20004189 NCBI chr20:35,756,007...35,768,481
Ensembl chr20:35,755,991...35,768,582
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G Glb1 galactosidase, beta 1 decreases activity ISO Nitric Oxide results in decreased activity of GLB1 protein CTD PMID:17075048 NCBI chr 8:114,085,508...114,158,127
Ensembl chr 8:114,085,508...114,158,127
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G Gltp glycolipid transfer protein increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of GLTP mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr12:41,907,168...41,927,321
Ensembl chr12:41,907,144...41,927,319
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G Gpc1 glypican 1 increases nitrosation
multiple interactions
ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased nitrosation of GPC1 protein
[Ascorbic Acid co-treated with Nitric Oxide] results in increased degradation of GPC1 protein modified form; Zinc promotes the reaction [[Ascorbic Acid co-treated with Nitric Oxide] results in increased degradation of GPC1 protein modified form]
CTD PMID:15677459 PMID:16923158 NCBI chr 9:93,396,234...93,424,047
Ensembl chr 9:93,396,234...93,424,047
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G Gpi glucose-6-phosphate isomerase increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of GPI1 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 1:86,828,211...86,856,077
Ensembl chr 1:86,828,216...86,856,086
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G Gpx1 glutathione peroxidase 1 affects metabolic processing
multiple interactions
ISO GPX1 protein affects the metabolism of Nitric Oxide
GPX1 protein affects the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased metabolism of Nitric Oxide]
CTD PMID:11498278 NCBI chr 8:109,026,905...109,028,031
Ensembl chr 8:109,026,905...109,028,024
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G Gpx2 glutathione peroxidase 2 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of GPX2 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 6:95,493,589...95,496,877
Ensembl chr 6:95,493,589...95,496,877
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G Gpx3 glutathione peroxidase 3 increases expression
multiple interactions
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of GPX3 mRNA
Nitric Oxide deficiency inhibits the reaction [Formaldehyde results in increased expression of GPX3 mRNA]
CTD PMID:15878706 PMID:21983654 NCBI chr10:39,028,624...39,036,695
Ensembl chr10:39,028,570...39,037,035
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G Grb2 growth factor receptor bound protein 2 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of GRB2 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr10:100,881,404...100,949,193
Ensembl chr10:100,869,718...100,949,309
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G Gsn gelsolin increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of GSN mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 3:18,585,166...18,638,404
Ensembl chr 3:18,585,172...18,638,402
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G Gsr glutathione-disulfide reductase increases expression
multiple interactions
affects activity
EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of GSR protein
tempol inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of GSR protein]
Nitric Oxide deficiency affects the activity of GSR protein
CTD PMID:15925750 PMID:19631198 NCBI chr16:58,482,209...58,525,256
Ensembl chr16:58,482,505...58,525,661
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G Gstm1 glutathione S-transferase mu 1 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of GSTM1 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 2:195,649,845...195,655,402
Ensembl chr 2:195,649,845...195,655,411
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G Gstm2 glutathione S-transferase mu 2 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of GSTM2 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 2:195,624,015...195,628,774
Ensembl chr 2:195,544,426...195,628,961
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G Gucy1a1 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha 1 multiple interactions
increases response to substance
ISO 1H-(1,2,4)oxadiazolo(4,3-a)quinoxalin-1-one affects the folding of [Nitric Oxide binds to [GUCY1A1 protein binds to GUCY1B1 protein]]; 3-(5'-hydroxymethyl-2'-furyl)-1-benzylindazole affects the folding of [Nitric Oxide binds to [GUCY1A1 protein binds to GUCY1B1 protein]]
GUCY1A1 gene mutant form results in increased susceptibility to Nitric Oxide
CTD PMID:11744065 PMID:25373139 NCBI chr 2:167,418,615...167,482,293
Ensembl chr 2:167,418,640...167,481,671
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G Gucy1b1 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit beta 1 multiple interactions ISO 1H-(1,2,4)oxadiazolo(4,3-a)quinoxalin-1-one affects the folding of [Nitric Oxide binds to [GUCY1A1 protein binds to GUCY1B1 protein]]; 3-(5'-hydroxymethyl-2'-furyl)-1-benzylindazole affects the folding of [Nitric Oxide binds to [GUCY1A1 protein binds to GUCY1B1 protein]] CTD PMID:11744065 NCBI chr 2:167,348,824...167,398,983
Ensembl chr 2:167,348,825...167,398,916
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G Hadh hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of HADH mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 2:219,787,935...219,830,335
Ensembl chr 2:219,787,927...219,830,353
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G Havcr1 hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1 increases expression EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of HAVCR1 protein CTD PMID:19834340 NCBI chr10:31,118,667...31,151,730
Ensembl chr10:31,119,088...31,151,698
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G Hbs1l HBS1-like translational GTPase decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of HBS1L mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 1:16,092,529...16,170,082
Ensembl chr 1:16,092,547...16,170,074
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G Hcrt hypocretin neuropeptide precursor increases abundance EXP HCRT results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:18378017 NCBI chr10:85,689,979...85,691,214
Ensembl chr10:85,689,465...85,691,210
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G Hif1a hypoxia inducible factor 1 subunit alpha multiple interactions ISO Nitric Oxide results in decreased stability of and results in decreased expression of HIF1A protein; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in decreased degradation of and results in increased activity of HIF1A protein] CTD PMID:16310922 PMID:18424783 NCBI chr 6:92,624,059...92,669,262
Ensembl chr 6:92,624,390...92,669,261
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G Hmox1 heme oxygenase 1 decreases response to substance
increases expression
affects activity
multiple interactions
affects response to substance
HMOX1 protein results in decreased susceptibility to Nitric Oxide
Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein
Nitric Oxide affects the activity of HMOX1 protein
Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA; Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein
HMOX1 protein promotes the reaction [[Raloxifene Hydrochloride results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Nitric Oxide results in increased stability of and results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA
HMOX1 protein affects the susceptibility to Nitric Oxide
CTD PMID:9699677 PMID:15220209 PMID:17020887 PMID:17401437 PMID:18178725 More... NCBI chr19:13,466,287...13,474,082
Ensembl chr19:13,467,244...13,474,079
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G Hprt1 hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1 increases mutagenesis ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased mutagenesis of HPRT1 gene CTD PMID:22303861 PMID:28454271 NCBI chr  X:132,736,175...132,768,149
Ensembl chr  X:132,736,096...132,768,154
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G Hspa5 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 5 multiple interactions ISO
[NOS3 protein polymorphism results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased expression of HSPA5 mRNA; [NOS3 protein polymorphism results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased expression of HSPA5 protein
[Nitroprusside results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased expression of HSPA5 protein
CTD PMID:18675883 PMID:19320461 NCBI chr 3:18,055,507...18,059,969
Ensembl chr 3:18,055,405...18,059,891
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G Hspa8 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 8 multiple interactions EXP [sodium arsenite results in increased expression of HSPA8 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:10216529 NCBI chr 8:41,183,397...41,187,260
Ensembl chr 8:41,183,264...41,187,259
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G Hyal2 hyaluronidase 2 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of HYAL2 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 8:108,241,895...108,246,853
Ensembl chr 8:108,243,133...108,246,850
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G Icam1 intercellular adhesion molecule 1 multiple interactions ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency inhibits the reaction [nitroaspirin inhibits the reaction [[lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased expression of ICAM1 protein]] CTD PMID:14762100 NCBI chr 8:19,553,063...19,565,438
Ensembl chr 8:19,553,645...19,565,438
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G Ido1 indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 multiple interactions ISO Nitric Oxide binds to and affects the folding of and results in increased degradation of and results in decreased activity of IDO1 protein CTD PMID:16834326 NCBI chr16:67,430,654...67,442,726
Ensembl chr16:67,430,578...67,442,730
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G Ifnb1 interferon beta 1 multiple interactions ISO [IFNB1 protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; Dexamethasone inhibits the reaction [[IFNB1 protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Quercetin inhibits the reaction [[IFNB1 protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; tocotrienol, delta inhibits the reaction [[IFNB1 protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:22185406 NCBI chr 5:103,020,758...103,021,595
Ensembl chr 5:103,020,969...103,021,523
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G Ifng interferon gamma increases secretion
increases chemical synthesis
multiple interactions
increases abundance
Nitric Oxide results in increased secretion of IFNG protein
IFNG protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide
1-(2-cyano-3,12-dioxooleana-1,9-dien-28-oyl) imidazole inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; 2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoic acid inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased metabolism of Nitric Oxide]; [[[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased expression of CCN2 protein; [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] affects the expression of NOS2 mRNA] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] affects the expression of NOS2 protein] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [APP protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IFNG protein co-treated with hydroxyhydroquinone] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with quinone] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; [IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of NOS2 protein; [IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [lead acetate results in increased abundance of Lead] inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]; [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased metabolism of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [TNF co-treated with IL1B co-treated with IFNG] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; [TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide; alpha-cyano-(3,4-dihydroxy)-N-benzylcinnamide inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Aminosalicylic Acids inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; aristolochic acid I inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Benzene promotes the reaction [[[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] co-treated with CSF2 protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Benzene promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Benzene promotes the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Capsaicin inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; Capsaicin inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; capsazepine inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; capsazepine inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; catalpol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; chromous chloride inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; ciglitazone inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; cobaltiprotoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; cobaltous chloride promotes the reaction [[[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; cupric chloride inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; Dexamethasone inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Dexamethasone inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Diquat promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased metabolism of Nitric Oxide]; Ditiocarb inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased metabolism of Nitric Oxide]; Dronabinol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Estriol inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Genistein inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Glyburide inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; GPX1 protein affects the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased metabolism of Nitric Oxide]; GW 1929 inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Ibuprofen inhibits the reaction [[APP protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; IFNG promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; IFNG protein inhibits the reaction [Cyclophosphamide results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; IFNG protein promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with Benzene] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; IFNG protein promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with hydroquinone] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; IFNG protein promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with hydroxyhydroquinone] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; IFNG protein promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]; IL4 protein inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [[APP protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; JAK2 protein promotes the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; lead chloride inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; lead chloride inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Lipopolysaccharides promotes the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with hydroxyhydroquinone] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Lipopolysaccharides promotes the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; manganese chloride promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; manganese chloride promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Manganese promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Mangifera indica extract inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; mangiferin inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; MK 473 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased metabolism of Nitric Oxide]; NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [manganese chloride promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; nickel chloride promotes the reaction [[[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Nitric Oxide affects the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] affects the localization of Zinc]; Nitric Oxide affects the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of MT1 mRNA]; Nitric Oxide affects the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of MT2 mRNA]; NOS2 protein promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; NOS2 protein promotes the reaction [cobaltous chloride promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; NOS2 protein promotes the reaction [nickel chloride promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; NS 1652 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased metabolism of Nitric Oxide]; NS-3728 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased metabolism of Nitric Oxide]; peroxyvanadate inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; peroxyvanadate promotes the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; pimagedine inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased metabolism of Nitric Oxide]; pimagedine inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; pimagedine inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides promotes the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; PPARG protein affects the reaction [[IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Progesterone inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Quercetin inhibits the reaction [[[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Quercetin inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; resiniferatoxin inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; resiniferatoxin inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; sodium arsenite inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Sulfasalazine inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Tamoxifen inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased metabolism of Nitric Oxide]; TBE 31 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; tocotrienol, delta inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; wogonin inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; zinc chloride inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]
[IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IL1A protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IL5 protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide; [NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] affects the susceptibility to [IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein]; Benzene promotes the reaction [[[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] co-treated with CSF1 protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Ciprofloxacin inhibits the reaction [[IL1A protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Clofibrate inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; CSF1 protein promotes the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; deoxynivalenol inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Ditiocarb inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]; Gemfibrozil inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; morin inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; pimagedine inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]; pterostilbene inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Quercetin inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; wortmannin inhibits the reaction [Ciprofloxacin inhibits the reaction [[IL1A protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]
IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; IFNG results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide
(3R)-((2,3-dihydro-5-methyl-3-((4-morpholinyl)methyl)pyrrolo-(1,2,3-de)-1,4-benzoxazin-6-yl)(1-naphthalenyl))methanone inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; 1,2-Dihydroxybenzene-3,5-Disulfonic Acid Disodium Salt inhibits the reaction [Manganese inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; [3-(2-hydroxy-4-(1,1-dimethylheptyl)phenyl)-4-(3-hydroxypropyl)cyclohexanol binds to and results in increased activity of CNR1 protein] inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein affects the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; [IFNG protein co-treated with lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with Manganese] results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [pyrazolanthrone co-treated with Manganese] inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; [SB 203580 co-treated with Manganese] inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; [TNF co-treated with IL1B co-treated with IFNG] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [U 0126 co-treated with Manganese] inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Apigenin inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Cannabinol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Chenodeoxycholic Acid inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Deoxycholic Acid inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Diclofenac promotes the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Genistein inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; IFNG promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; IFNG protein affects the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Luteolin inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Manganese inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Nitric Oxide affects the susceptibility to [IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides]; Ozone promotes the reaction [[IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Ozone promotes the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; pimagedine inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Polyphenols inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Quercetin inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Rimonabant inhibits the reaction [(3R)-((2,3-dihydro-5-methyl-3-((4-morpholinyl)methyl)pyrrolo-(1,2,3-de)-1,4-benzoxazin-6-yl)(1-naphthalenyl))methanone inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; Rimonabant inhibits the reaction [[3-(2-hydroxy-4-(1,1-dimethylheptyl)phenyl)-4-(3-hydroxypropyl)cyclohexanol binds to and results in increased activity of CNR1 protein] inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein affects the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]]; Rimonabant inhibits the reaction [Cannabinol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; S-methylisothiopseudouronium inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Ursodeoxycholic Acid inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]
CTD PMID:7519435 PMID:7689037 PMID:7884313 PMID:8193360 PMID:8341679 More... NCBI chr 7:53,903,339...53,907,375
Ensembl chr 7:53,903,337...53,907,375
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G Il10 interleukin 10 decreases secretion ISO Nitric Oxide results in decreased secretion of IL10 protein CTD PMID:13678430 NCBI chr13:42,472,625...42,477,308
Ensembl chr13:42,472,839...42,477,313
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G Il12b interleukin 12B decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of IL12B protein CTD PMID:13678430 NCBI chr10:28,888,832...28,903,802
Ensembl chr10:28,893,008...28,902,903
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G Il12rb2 interleukin 12 receptor subunit beta 2 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of IL12RB2 mRNA CTD PMID:12451176 NCBI chr 4:96,426,396...96,515,251
Ensembl chr 4:96,426,842...96,515,289
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G Il1a interleukin 1 alpha multiple interactions
increases abundance
[IL1A protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; Ciprofloxacin inhibits the reaction [[IL1A protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; wortmannin inhibits the reaction [Ciprofloxacin inhibits the reaction [[IL1A protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]
geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate inhibits the reaction [Simvastatin inhibits the reaction [IL1A results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; Mevalonic Acid inhibits the reaction [Simvastatin inhibits the reaction [IL1A results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; Simvastatin inhibits the reaction [IL1A results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Y 27632 inhibits the reaction [Simvastatin inhibits the reaction [IL1A results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]
CTD PMID:15705589 PMID:16968468 NCBI chr 3:116,526,601...116,537,055
Ensembl chr 3:116,526,604...116,536,822
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G Il1b interleukin 1 beta multiple interactions
increases chemical synthesis
increases abundance
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; [IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IL1B protein co-treated with Fatty Acids, Nonesterified] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] affects the susceptibility to [IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein]; Asbestos, Crocidolite promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Asbestos, Serpentine promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; bisphenol A inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Clofibrate inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; cordycepin inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Cytochalasin B inhibits the reaction [Asbestos, Crocidolite promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; Cytochalasin B inhibits the reaction [Asbestos, Serpentine promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; Dactinomycin inhibits the reaction [IL1B results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; deoxynivalenol inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Estradiol inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Gemfibrozil inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Glucosamine analog affects the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Glucosamine inhibits the reaction [IL1B results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Gold Sodium Thiomalate inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Hydroxychloroquine inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; IL1B protein promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; IL4 protein inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Leflunomide inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; LEP protein affects the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Methotrexate inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Nitric Oxide deficiency inhibits the reaction [nitroaspirin inhibits the reaction [[lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased expression of ICAM1 protein]]; Nitric Oxide deficiency inhibits the reaction [nitroaspirin inhibits the reaction [[lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased expression of SELE protein]]; nitroaspirin inhibits the reaction [[lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; pimagedine inhibits the reaction [Asbestos, Crocidolite promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; pimagedine inhibits the reaction [Asbestos, Serpentine promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; sauchinone inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; sodium arsenite inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Triglycerides affects the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Troglitazone inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Troglitazone inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]
[TNF co-treated with IL1B co-treated with IFNG] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; IL1B protein promotes the reaction [Cobalt results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; IL1B protein promotes the reaction [Nickel results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Nitric Oxide affects the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] affects the localization of Zinc]; Nitric Oxide affects the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of MT1 mRNA]; Nitric Oxide affects the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of MT2 mRNA]
IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; IL1B results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide
[Enzyme Inhibitors results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in decreased secretion of INS1 protein]; [IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [IL1B protein results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [TNF co-treated with IL1B co-treated with IFNG] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; Active Hexose Correlated Compound inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Active Hexose Correlated Compound inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Adenosine inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Apigenin inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Diclofenac promotes the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Edaravone inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Glucosamine inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; IL1B protein affects the reaction [AVP protein affects the metabolism of Nitric Oxide]; Luteolin inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Ozone promotes the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Ozone promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Quercetin inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Rotenone inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; SOD2 protein inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Vitamin E inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]
CTD PMID:7519435 PMID:8903404 PMID:8982730 PMID:9312173 PMID:9576743 More... NCBI chr 3:116,577,005...116,583,386
Ensembl chr 3:116,577,010...116,583,415
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G Il4 interleukin 4 multiple interactions ISO IL4 protein inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]
IL4 protein inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]
CTD PMID:12115740 PMID:12612912 NCBI chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
Ensembl chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
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G Il5 interleukin 5 multiple interactions
decreases secretion
ISO [IL5 protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide
Nitric Oxide results in decreased secretion of IL5 protein
CTD PMID:13678430 PMID:18206661 NCBI chr10:37,874,342...37,877,213
Ensembl chr10:37,874,342...37,877,213
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G Il6 interleukin 6 multiple interactions ISO
Plant Extracts inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of IL6 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]
Nitric Oxide deficiency inhibits the reaction [Formaldehyde results in increased expression of IL6 protein]
CTD PMID:20708382 PMID:21983654 NCBI chr 4:5,214,602...5,219,178
Ensembl chr 4:5,213,394...5,219,178
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G Ins1 insulin 1 multiple interactions EXP [Enzyme Inhibitors results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in decreased secretion of INS1 protein] CTD PMID:24425765 NCBI chr 1:251,244,973...251,245,540
Ensembl chr 1:251,244,973...251,245,536
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G Ins2 insulin 2 increases secretion
decreases secretion
multiple interactions
increases chemical synthesis
ISO INS protein results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide
INS protein results in decreased secretion of Nitric Oxide
[INS protein co-treated with Glucose] results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Orotic Acid inhibits the reaction [INS protein results in increased phosphorylation of NOS3 protein]] which results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide; Glucose inhibits the reaction [INS protein results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]; Kynurenic Acid inhibits the reaction [[INS protein co-treated with Glucose] results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Orotic Acid inhibits the reaction [INS protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Palmitates inhibits the reaction [INS protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; PIK3CA protein inhibits the reaction [[Orotic Acid inhibits the reaction [INS protein results in increased phosphorylation of NOS3 protein]] which results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; quercetin 3-O-glucuronide inhibits the reaction [Palmitates inhibits the reaction [INS protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; Quercetin inhibits the reaction [Palmitates inhibits the reaction [INS protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; resveratrol inhibits the reaction [Glucose inhibits the reaction [INS protein results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]]; SIRT1 protein affects the reaction [INS protein results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]; SIRT1 protein affects the reaction [resveratrol inhibits the reaction [Glucose inhibits the reaction [INS protein results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]]]; Sodium Salicylate inhibits the reaction [Palmitates inhibits the reaction [INS protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]
CTD PMID:20960276 PMID:23504962 PMID:25601987 PMID:26364587 PMID:28951307 NCBI chr 1:197,843,277...197,992,522
Ensembl chr 1:197,843,281...197,864,775
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G Itga6 integrin subunit alpha 6 multiple interactions
decreases abundance
EXP AG 1879 inhibits the reaction [ITGA6 protein results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:36731809 NCBI chr 3:56,604,512...56,689,428
Ensembl chr 3:56,617,268...56,689,428
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G Itgb2 integrin subunit beta 2 multiple interactions
increases abundance
Nitric Oxide promotes the reaction [ITGB2 protein results in increased activity of RAP1A protein]; Nitric Oxide promotes the reaction [ITGB2 protein results in increased activity of RAP2A protein]
ITGB2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide
[CSF2 protein results in increased expression of ITGB2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [ITGB2 protein results in increased susceptibility to Ozone] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; CSF2 protein promotes the reaction [ITGB2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Ozone promotes the reaction [[CSF2 protein results in increased expression of ITGB2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]
CTD PMID:8600936 PMID:16963453 NCBI chr20:11,061,394...11,097,656
Ensembl chr20:11,061,430...11,097,600
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G Itgb3 integrin subunit beta 3 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of ITGB3 protein CTD PMID:21332719 NCBI chr10:89,509,917...89,564,679
Ensembl chr10:89,509,989...89,564,679
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G Jak1 Janus kinase 1 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of JAK1 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 5:115,780,248...115,888,841
Ensembl chr 5:115,780,248...115,888,926
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G Jak2 Janus kinase 2 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO JAK2 protein promotes the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of JAK2 mRNA
CTD PMID:12847270 PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 1:226,995,334...227,054,381
Ensembl chr 1:226,995,334...227,054,189
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G Jun Jun proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit increases activity EXP Nitric Oxide results in increased activity of JUN protein CTD PMID:15949472 NCBI chr 5:109,894,175...109,897,268
Ensembl chr 5:109,893,145...109,897,656
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G Junb JunB proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit increases activity EXP Nitric Oxide results in increased activity of JUNB protein CTD PMID:15949472 NCBI chr19:23,176,265...23,178,049
Ensembl chr19:23,176,294...23,178,035
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G Kdm1a lysine demethylase 1A increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of KDM1A mRNA CTD PMID:23546878 NCBI chr 5:148,782,976...148,838,319
Ensembl chr 5:148,782,976...148,838,319
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G Kdm3a lysine demethylase 3A increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of KDM3A mRNA; Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of KDM3A protein CTD PMID:23546878 NCBI chr 4:103,630,907...103,675,073
Ensembl chr 4:103,630,908...103,675,073
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G Kdm3b lysine demethylase 3B increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of KDM3B mRNA CTD PMID:23546878 NCBI chr18:26,380,859...26,436,701
Ensembl chr18:26,380,964...26,436,628
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G Kdm4a lysine demethylase 4A increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of KDM4A mRNA CTD PMID:23546878 NCBI chr 5:131,672,754...131,719,534
Ensembl chr 5:131,672,754...131,719,501
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G Kdm4b lysine demethylase 4B increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of KDM4B mRNA CTD PMID:23546878 NCBI chr 9:1,158,737...1,237,233
Ensembl chr 9:1,158,752...1,236,543
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G Kdm4c lysine demethylase 4C increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of KDM4C mRNA CTD PMID:23546878 NCBI chr 5:88,100,710...88,306,821
Ensembl chr 5:88,100,733...88,306,818
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G Kdm4d lysine demethylase 4D increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of KDM4D mRNA CTD PMID:23546878 NCBI chr 8:11,279,756...11,304,920
Ensembl chr 8:11,268,859...11,305,290
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G Kdm7a lysine demethylase 7A increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of KDM7A mRNA CTD PMID:23546878 NCBI chr 4:67,899,407...67,974,264
Ensembl chr 4:67,904,307...67,966,998
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G Klk1 kallikrein 1 multiple interactions
increases abundance
EXP icatibant inhibits the reaction [KLK1 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; KLK1 protein inhibits the reaction [Gentamicins results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:16401625 NCBI chr 1:94,642,644...94,646,760
Ensembl chr 1:94,642,687...94,646,754
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G Kng1 kininogen 1 increases secretion
multiple interactions
increases abundance
affects abundance
KNG1 protein results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide
PD 123319 affects the reaction [KNG1 affects the abundance of Nitric Oxide]
KNG1 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide
[KNG1 protein modified form binds to and results in increased activity of BDKRB2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; Lipopolysaccharides promotes the reaction [KNG1 protein modified form results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]
CTD PMID:10535458 PMID:16514058 PMID:16733097 PMID:29775649 NCBI chr11:77,812,757...77,835,555
Ensembl chr11:77,812,752...77,835,555
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G Lep leptin multiple interactions ISO LEP protein affects the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:9312173 NCBI chr 4:57,661,127...57,675,262
Ensembl chr 4:57,661,131...57,675,262
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G Lif LIF, interleukin 6 family cytokine multiple interactions ISO LIF protein affects the reaction [Progesterone inhibits the reaction [lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; LIF protein inhibits the reaction [lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:23409146 NCBI chr14:79,131,049...79,140,486
Ensembl chr14:79,134,574...79,140,482
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G Ltf lactotransferrin increases chemical synthesis
decreases activity
EXP LTF protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased activity of LTF protein
CTD PMID:14563657 NCBI chr 8:110,999,948...111,022,795
Ensembl chr 8:110,999,948...111,022,795
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G Mapk1 mitogen activated protein kinase 1 multiple interactions
decreases phosphorylation
decreases expression
EXP Nitric Oxide affects the reaction [Ditiocarb results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; Nitric Oxide affects the reaction [NGF protein results in increased activity of MAPK1 protein]; Nitric Oxide inhibits the reaction [EDN1 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]
Nitric Oxide results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein
Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of MAPK1 protein
CTD PMID:14713289 PMID:15640287 PMID:16389725 PMID:16575906 PMID:16603213 NCBI chr11:83,957,813...84,023,629
Ensembl chr11:83,957,813...84,023,616
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G Mapk3 mitogen activated protein kinase 3 multiple interactions
decreases phosphorylation
decreases expression
EXP Nitric Oxide affects the reaction [Ditiocarb results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; Nitric Oxide affects the reaction [NGF protein results in increased activity of MAPK3 protein]; Nitric Oxide inhibits the reaction [EDN1 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]
Nitric Oxide results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein
Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of MAPK3 protein
CTD PMID:14713289 PMID:15640287 PMID:16389725 PMID:16575906 PMID:16603213 NCBI chr 1:181,366,646...181,372,863
Ensembl chr 1:181,366,637...181,372,863
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G Mbp myelin basic protein increases abundance
multiple interactions
EXP MBP protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide
Testosterone inhibits the reaction [MBP protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]
CTD PMID:18579221 NCBI chr18:75,855,878...75,966,404
Ensembl chr18:75,855,878...75,966,404
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G Mef2a myocyte enhancer factor 2a decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of MEF2A mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 1:120,847,874...120,982,488
Ensembl chr 1:120,850,080...120,981,948
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G Mgst1 microsomal glutathione S-transferase 1 multiple interactions EXP [1-hydroxy-2-oxo-3-(3-aminopropyl)-3-isopropyl-1-triazene results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased activity of MGST1 protein; [S-nitrosocysteine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased activity of MGST1 protein; [S-Nitrosoglutathione results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased activity of MGST1 protein; Dithiothreitol inhibits the reaction [[1-hydroxy-2-oxo-3-(3-aminopropyl)-3-isopropyl-1-triazene results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased activity of MGST1 protein]; Dithiothreitol inhibits the reaction [[S-nitrosocysteine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased activity of MGST1 protein]; Dithiothreitol inhibits the reaction [[S-Nitrosoglutathione results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased activity of MGST1 protein] CTD PMID:16386761 NCBI chr 4:171,029,666...171,044,893
Ensembl chr 4:171,029,630...171,044,892
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G Mmp2 matrix metallopeptidase 2 decreases expression
multiple interactions
Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of MMP2 protein
Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of MMP2 protein
CTD PMID:16575906 PMID:18796497 NCBI chr19:14,154,657...14,182,870
Ensembl chr19:14,154,657...14,182,870
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G Mmp9 matrix metallopeptidase 9 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of MMP9 mRNA CTD PMID:20197249 NCBI chr 3:153,684,158...153,692,118
Ensembl chr 3:153,683,858...153,692,120
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G Mpo myeloperoxidase increases expression
multiple interactions
increases oxidation
Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of MPO protein
4-amino-TEMPO inhibits the reaction [MPO protein results in increased oxidation of Nitric Oxide]; [1,6-diaminohexane binds to TEMPO] inhibits the reaction [MPO protein results in increased oxidation of Nitric Oxide]; [Cadaverine binds to TEMPO] inhibits the reaction [MPO protein results in increased oxidation of Nitric Oxide]; [ethylenediamine binds to TEMPO] inhibits the reaction [MPO protein results in increased oxidation of Nitric Oxide]; [Putrescine binds to TEMPO] inhibits the reaction [MPO protein results in increased oxidation of Nitric Oxide]; [Spermine binds to TEMPO] inhibits the reaction [MPO protein results in increased oxidation of Nitric Oxide]; [trimethylenediamine binds to TEMPO] inhibits the reaction [MPO protein results in increased oxidation of Nitric Oxide]
[Paraquat co-treated with Nitric Oxide] results in increased activity of MPO protein
CTD PMID:10706834 PMID:15820443 PMID:34085520 NCBI chr10:72,594,883...72,608,862
Ensembl chr10:72,594,661...72,604,819
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G Mrps7 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S7 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of MRPS7 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr10:100,843,691...100,846,838
Ensembl chr10:100,843,356...100,847,129
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G Msn moesin increases phosphorylation EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased phosphorylation of MSN protein CTD PMID:14732730 NCBI chr  X:60,996,043...61,064,011
Ensembl chr  X:60,995,951...61,065,628
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G Mt-co1 mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase I affects activity
affects expression
EXP Nitric Oxide affects the activity of COX1 protein
Nitric Oxide affects the expression of COX1 mRNA
CTD PMID:17936468 NCBI chr MT:5,323...6,867
NCBI chr MT:5,323...6,867
NCBI chr MT:5,323...6,867
NCBI chr MT:5,323...6,867
NCBI chr MT:5,323...6,867
NCBI chr MT:5,323...6,867
NCBI chr MT:5,323...6,867
NCBI chr MT:5,323...6,867
NCBI chr MT:5,323...6,867
NCBI chr MT:5,323...6,867
NCBI chr MT:5,323...6,867
Ensembl chr MT:5,323...6,867
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G Mt1 metallothionein 1 multiple interactions ISO Nitric Oxide binds to and results in decreased activity of MT1A protein
Nitric Oxide affects the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of MT1 mRNA]
CTD PMID:10548558 PMID:14617770 NCBI chr19:10,826,032...10,827,048
Ensembl chr19:10,826,032...10,827,049
Ensembl chr17:10,826,032...10,827,049
Ensembl chr  X:10,826,032...10,827,049
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G Mt2A metallothionein 2A multiple interactions ISO Nitric Oxide affects the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of MT2 mRNA] CTD PMID:14617770 NCBI chr19:10,832,009...10,832,783
Ensembl chr19:10,832,002...10,832,784
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G Mt3 metallothionein 3 decreases response to substance EXP MT3 protein results in decreased susceptibility to Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:10854270 NCBI chr19:10,848,754...10,850,158
Ensembl chr19:10,848,755...10,850,158
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G Mtor mechanistic target of rapamycin kinase multiple interactions ISO [Sirolimus results in decreased activity of MTOR protein] inhibits the reaction [resveratrol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]] CTD PMID:22363816 NCBI chr 5:158,884,856...158,994,311
Ensembl chr 5:158,884,804...158,994,311
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G Myh6 myosin heavy chain 6 decreases expression EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of MYH6 mRNA CTD PMID:16326922 NCBI chr15:28,418,120...28,442,316
Ensembl chr15:28,417,616...28,441,720
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G Myh7 myosin heavy chain 7 increases expression
multiple interactions
EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of MYH7 mRNA
Hydralazine inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of MYH7 mRNA]; Hydrochlorothiazide inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of MYH7 mRNA]
CTD PMID:16326922 NCBI chr15:28,446,550...28,469,888
Ensembl chr15:28,446,550...28,468,217
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G Ndn necdin, MAGE family member decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of NDN mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 1:115,849,168...115,850,767
Ensembl chr 1:115,849,105...115,850,767
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G Ndrg1 N-myc downstream regulated 1 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of NDRG1 mRNA; Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of NDRG1 protein CTD PMID:21976667 NCBI chr 7:98,684,487...98,725,869
Ensembl chr 7:98,684,487...98,725,880
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G Ndufa13 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A13 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of NDUFA13 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr16:19,526,633...19,533,567
Ensembl chr16:19,526,565...19,535,726
Ensembl chr 7:19,526,565...19,535,726
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G Nfkb1 nuclear factor kappa B subunit 1 multiple interactions ISO NFKB1 protein promotes the reaction [[Ozone results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:12162464 NCBI chr 2:224,016,214...224,132,135
Ensembl chr 2:224,016,214...224,110,404
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G Nfkbia NFKB inhibitor alpha multiple interactions ISO NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [manganese chloride promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]] CTD PMID:16168523 NCBI chr 6:72,858,713...72,861,941
Ensembl chr 6:72,858,712...72,861,941
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G Ngf nerve growth factor multiple interactions EXP Nitric Oxide affects the reaction [NGF protein results in increased activity of MAPK1 protein]; Nitric Oxide affects the reaction [NGF protein results in increased activity of MAPK3 protein] CTD PMID:14713289 NCBI chr 2:189,901,058...189,954,452
Ensembl chr 2:189,901,058...189,954,452
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G Nos1 nitric oxide synthase 1 multiple interactions
increases chemical synthesis
decreases expression
7-nitroindazole inhibits the reaction [[N-isopropylbenzylamine results in increased expression of NOS1 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; [N-isopropylbenzylamine results in increased expression of NOS1 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; PLAT protein affects the reaction [NOS1 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of NOS1 protein
[Calcium binds to CALM1 protein] promotes the reaction [NOS1 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; [Cisplatin results in increased expression of NOS1 mRNA] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [EDN1 protein results in increased activity of NOS1 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Formaldehyde results in increased expression of NOS1 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [NOS1 protein results in increased reduction of Trinitrotoluene] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide
CTD PMID:15223068 PMID:15249212 PMID:16380457 PMID:17098364 PMID:18195371 More... NCBI chr12:38,615,111...38,795,492
Ensembl chr12:38,626,714...38,710,945
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G Nos2 nitric oxide synthase 2 increases abundance
affects abundance
multiple interactions
increases chemical synthesis
decreases expression
affects expression
increases expression
NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide
NOS2 promoter polymorphism affects the abundance of Nitric Oxide
1,2-naphthoquinone inhibits the reaction [[lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; 3-methylquercetin inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; 5,7-dihydroxy-6-methoxy-2-phenylchromen-4-one analog inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; [3,5-dimethoxy-4'-hydroxystilbene results in decreased expression of NOS2 mRNA] inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of BCL2 mRNA]; [5,6,7-trimethoxyflavone inhibits the reaction [lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]] which results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [[[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased expression of CCN2 protein; [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] affects the expression of NOS2 mRNA] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] affects the expression of NOS2 protein] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [[TNF protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased expression of RETN mRNA; [Acetaminophen results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Aspirin results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Benzene promotes the reaction [[CSF1 protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Cisplatin results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [cobaltous chloride results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Deferoxamine results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [diferuloylputrescine results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [ferulic acid results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of NOS2 protein; [IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of NOS2 protein; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Mycoplasma arthritidis mitogen results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Nicotine results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Nitroprusside results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased expression of TJP1 mRNA; [Ozone results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [p-coumaric acid results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [pimobendan results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Plant Extracts results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [prunetin results in decreased expression of NOS2 mRNA] inhibits the reaction [lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; [Putrescine metabolite results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Quercetin results in decreased expression of NOS2 mRNA] inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of BCL2 mRNA]; [S100B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Selenium inhibits the reaction [lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Sodium Salicylate results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Thiourea analog results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; [TNF protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [TNF protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Zoledronic Acid results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; Arsenic Trioxide inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Bee Venoms inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Bee Venoms inhibits the reaction [[Nitroprusside results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Bee Venoms inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; bepafant inhibits the reaction [[Mycoplasma arthritidis mitogen results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; bisphenol A inhibits the reaction [[lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Caffeine inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Capsaicin inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; Capsaicin inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; capsazepine inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; capsazepine inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; Carthamus yellow inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Chalcone analog inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; chromous chloride inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; ciglitazone inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; cobaltiprotoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; cobaltous chloride promotes the reaction [[[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; cupric chloride inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; Cyclosporine inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; diphenylmethyl selenocyanate inhibits the reaction [[Cisplatin results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Drugs, Chinese Herbal inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; ent-1,3,6,11-tetrahydroxykaur-16-ene-15-one 3,11-diacetate inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of and results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; erythraline inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; ethyl N-allyl-N-(2-methyl-3-(4-(4-amidinophenoxycarbonyl)phenyl)propenoyl)aminoacetate methanesulfonate inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; flavokawain A inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; Fluoxetine analog inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Ginkgo biloba extract inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; GW 1929 inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; hinokiresinol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; lead chloride inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; Lipopolysaccharides promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of and results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Lipopolysaccharides promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; manganese chloride promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; Manganese promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; matairesinol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Melitten inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Melitten inhibits the reaction [[Nitroprusside results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Melitten inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; naringenin inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; NFKB1 protein promotes the reaction [[Ozone results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; nickel chloride promotes the reaction [[[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; nimesulide inhibits the reaction [bepafant inhibits the reaction [[Mycoplasma arthritidis mitogen results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; Nitroprusside inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; NOS2 protein promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; NOS2 protein promotes the reaction [cobaltous chloride promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; NOS2 protein promotes the reaction [nickel chloride promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of and results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; panaxytriol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Plant Extracts inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; PPARG protein affects the reaction [[IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; praeruptorin A inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Pyrazines inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [[Nitroprusside results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Quercetin analog inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; Quercetin inhibits the reaction [[[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Quercetin inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Quercetin inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Quercetin inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; quercetin pentaacetate inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; resiniferatoxin inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; resiniferatoxin inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; Resveratrol metabolite inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; Rutin inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; STAT1 protein promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Tacrolimus inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; timosaponin BIII inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; zinc chloride inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein
Nitric Oxide deficiency affects the expression of NOS2 protein
[Endotoxins results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Ethanol results in decreased expression of and results in decreased activity of NOS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Formaldehyde results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Fructose results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Gentamicins results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [IL1B protein results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Indomethacin results in increased activity of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Isoproterenol results in increased expression of NOS2] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of TP53 protein; [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased susceptibility to endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization factor; [notoginsenoside R1 results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Ozone results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [S100B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Taurocholic Acid results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; Active Hexose Correlated Compound inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Edaravone inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Endotoxins inhibits the reaction [[Ozone results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Lipopolysaccharides promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; natakalim inhibits the reaction [[Isoproterenol results in increased expression of NOS2] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Nitric Oxide deficiency inhibits the reaction [Formaldehyde results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; NOS2 protein affects the reaction [Adenosine Triphosphate results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Ozone promotes the reaction [[IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Ozone promotes the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; pyrrolidine dithiocarbamic acid inhibits the reaction [[Ozone results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[Taurocholic Acid results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Rotenone inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; wuzi yanzong analog inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]
[[Fluvastatin results in increased expression of NOS2] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased expression of TFRC; [[Particulate Matter results in increased abundance of Ammonium Compounds] which results in decreased methylation of NOS2 promoter] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [[Particulate Matter results in increased abundance of Carbon] which results in decreased methylation of NOS2 promoter] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [[Particulate Matter results in increased abundance of Nitrates] which results in decreased methylation of NOS2 promoter] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Acetaldehyde results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Ethanol results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Fluvastatin results in increased expression of NOS2] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [N-(3-(aminomethyl)benzyl)acetamidine results in decreased activity of NOS2 protein] inhibits the reaction [Fluvastatin results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; [Nitroprusside results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] affects the susceptibility to [IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein]; [NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]; [NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased activity of CASP3 protein; [NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased metabolism of CASP3 protein; [Raloxifene Hydrochloride results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Resveratrol results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Tobacco Smoke Pollution results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Trichloroethylene results in increased activity of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants] inhibits the reaction [NOS2 promoter polymorphism affects the abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Bee Venoms inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Bee Venoms inhibits the reaction [[Nitroprusside results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Cyclosporine inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Dithiothreitol inhibits the reaction [[NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]]; Dithiothreitol inhibits the reaction [[NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased activity of CASP3 protein]; Dithiothreitol inhibits the reaction [[NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased metabolism of CASP3 protein]; Gold Sodium Thiomalate inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; HMOX1 protein promotes the reaction [[Raloxifene Hydrochloride results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Hydroxychloroquine inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; IL1B protein promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Leflunomide inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; lornoxicam inhibits the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Melitten inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Melitten inhibits the reaction [[Nitroprusside results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Methotrexate inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Nicotine promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Peptides inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [[Nitroprusside results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Tacrolimus inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; XDH protein promotes the reaction [[Raloxifene Hydrochloride results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]
Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA; Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of NOS2 protein
CTD PMID:7519435 PMID:7705308 PMID:8193360 PMID:8652180 PMID:8975779 More... NCBI chr10:63,815,308...63,851,208
Ensembl chr10:63,815,308...63,851,210
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G Nos3 nitric oxide synthase 3 decreases chemical synthesis
multiple interactions
increases chemical synthesis
affects chemical synthesis
decreases expression
affects expression
increases abundance
NOS3 gene mutant form results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide
1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid acetoxymethyl ester inhibits the reaction [[puerarin results in increased phosphorylation of NOS3 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; 2-(4-morpholinyl)-8-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [[puerarin results in increased phosphorylation of NOS3 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; 2-(4-morpholinyl)-8-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [[resveratrol results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of NOS3 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; 2-(4-morpholinyl)-8-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [rosiglitazone inhibits the reaction [[Glucose results in decreased phosphorylation of NOS3 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; [[resveratrol results in increased activity of PPARA protein] which results in increased expression of NOS3 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Estradiol results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of NOS3 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Glucose results in decreased phosphorylation of NOS3 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Glycochenodeoxycholic Acid results in decreased expression of NOS3 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Hydrogen Peroxide results in decreased activity of NOS3 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Hydrogen Peroxide results in decreased expression of NOS3 protein] which results in decreased secretion of Nitric Oxide; [NOS3 protein polymorphism results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] which affects the expression of RCN1 protein; [NOS3 protein polymorphism results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] which affects the expression of TXNDC5 protein; [NOS3 protein polymorphism results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased expression of HSPA5 mRNA; [NOS3 protein polymorphism results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased expression of HSPA5 protein; [NOS3 protein polymorphism results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of SOD2 mRNA; [NOS3 protein polymorphism results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of SOD2 protein; [Orotic Acid inhibits the reaction [INS protein results in increased phosphorylation of NOS3 protein]] which results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Orotic Acid inhibits the reaction [Metformin results in increased phosphorylation of NOS3 protein]] which results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [puerarin results in increased phosphorylation of NOS3 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [resveratrol results in increased activity of NOS3 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [resveratrol results in increased expression of NOS3 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [resveratrol results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of NOS3 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [resveratrol results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of NOS3 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Trichloroethylene results in increased activity of NOS3 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; Amiodarone promotes the reaction [NOS3 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; desethylamiodarone promotes the reaction [NOS3 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; fulvestrant inhibits the reaction [[puerarin results in increased phosphorylation of NOS3 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; icariin promotes the reaction [NOS3 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Nifedipine inhibits the reaction [[Hydrogen Peroxide results in decreased expression of NOS3 protein] which results in decreased secretion of Nitric Oxide]; Nifedipine promotes the reaction [Simvastatin inhibits the reaction [[Hydrogen Peroxide results in decreased expression of NOS3 protein] which results in decreased secretion of Nitric Oxide]]; NOX5 protein promotes the reaction [NOS3 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; PIK3CA protein inhibits the reaction [[Orotic Acid inhibits the reaction [INS protein results in increased phosphorylation of NOS3 protein]] which results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[Hydrogen Peroxide results in decreased activity of NOS3 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; rosiglitazone inhibits the reaction [[Glucose results in decreased phosphorylation of NOS3 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Simvastatin inhibits the reaction [[Hydrogen Peroxide results in decreased expression of NOS3 protein] which results in decreased secretion of Nitric Oxide]; Simvastatin promotes the reaction [Nifedipine inhibits the reaction [[Hydrogen Peroxide results in decreased expression of NOS3 protein] which results in decreased secretion of Nitric Oxide]]; SOD1 protein inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in decreased activity of NOS3 protein]; Stilbenes inhibits the reaction [[Hydrogen Peroxide results in decreased activity of NOS3 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Tretinoin promotes the reaction [NOS3 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [[resveratrol results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of NOS3 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; W 7 inhibits the reaction [[puerarin results in increased phosphorylation of NOS3 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; wortmannin inhibits the reaction [rosiglitazone inhibits the reaction [[Glucose results in decreased phosphorylation of NOS3 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]
NOS3 protein affects the chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide
[Bezafibrate results in increased phosphorylation of NOS3 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [GULO protein co-treated with NOS3 protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Resveratrol results in increased expression of NOS3 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; dorsomorphin inhibits the reaction [[Bezafibrate results in increased phosphorylation of NOS3 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of NOS3 mRNA; Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of NOS3 protein
Nitric Oxide deficiency affects the expression of NOS3 protein
[Sildenafil Citrate results in increased expression of NOS3 protein] which results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide; AGT protein alternative form promotes the reaction [NOS3 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Enalapril inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of NOS3 protein]; Hydrochlorothiazide inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of NOS3 protein]; Nitric Oxide deficiency inhibits the reaction [Formaldehyde results in increased expression of NOS3 mRNA]; Thioacetamide promotes the reaction [NOS3 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]
NOS3 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide
CTD PMID:10445667 PMID:11740345 PMID:12270858 PMID:12489993 PMID:15207323 More... NCBI chr 4:10,793,834...10,814,170
Ensembl chr 4:10,793,834...10,814,166
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G Npc1 NPC intracellular cholesterol transporter 1 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of NPC1 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr18:3,379,482...3,425,100
Ensembl chr18:3,379,482...3,425,049
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G Nppa natriuretic peptide A multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP Losartan inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of NPPA mRNA]
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of NPPA mRNA; Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of NPPA protein
CTD PMID:10397678 PMID:12198334 PMID:14700747 PMID:15177930 NCBI chr 5:158,429,042...158,430,351
Ensembl chr 5:158,429,042...158,430,351
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G Nppb natriuretic peptide B multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP Hydralazine inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of NPPB mRNA]; Hydrochlorothiazide inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of NPPB mRNA]; Losartan inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of NPPB mRNA]
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of NPPB mRNA; Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of NPPB protein
CTD PMID:12198334 PMID:16326922 NCBI chr 5:158,416,813...158,418,175
Ensembl chr 5:158,416,866...158,418,168
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G Nr2f2 nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 2 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of NR2F2 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 1:124,008,282...124,022,521
Ensembl chr 1:124,009,181...124,022,031
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G Nr3c1 nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1 multiple interactions ISO [ginsenoside Re results in increased activity of NR3C1 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:17490654 NCBI chr18:31,271,681...31,393,320
Ensembl chr18:31,271,681...31,393,375
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G Nr4a1 nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 1 increases expression EXP Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of NR4A1 mRNA CTD PMID:10460269 NCBI chr 7:132,368,399...132,389,300
Ensembl chr 7:132,374,840...132,389,297
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G Nupr1 nuclear protein 1, transcriptional regulator decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of NUPR1 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 1:181,213,292...181,215,327
Ensembl chr 1:181,213,368...181,215,281
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G Ocln occludin decreases expression EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of OCLN protein CTD PMID:15763998 NCBI chr 2:31,657,217...31,707,466
Ensembl chr 2:31,657,220...31,764,150
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G P4ha1 prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha 1 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of P4HA1 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr20:27,302,046...27,352,098
Ensembl chr20:27,302,141...27,352,786
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G Parp1 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 multiple interactions
increases cleavage
ISO [S-Nitroso-N-Acetylpenicillamine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [N-caproylsphingosine promotes the reaction [CASP3 protein results in increased cleavage of PARP1 protein]]
PARP1 gene mutant form inhibits the reaction [S100B protein results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]
Nitric Oxide results in increased cleavage of PARP1 protein
CTD PMID:10811113 PMID:15126337 PMID:16024610 PMID:27444121 NCBI chr13:92,307,593...92,339,406
Ensembl chr13:92,307,586...92,339,404
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G Pdcd6ip programmed cell death 6 interacting protein decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of PDCD6IP mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 8:113,590,998...113,646,795
Ensembl chr 8:113,590,998...113,646,773
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G Pde5a phosphodiesterase 5A increases expression
affects response to substance
EXP Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of PDE5A mRNA; Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of PDE5A protein
PDE5A protein affects the susceptibility to Nitric Oxide
CTD PMID:19374906 NCBI chr 2:210,858,515...211,003,480
Ensembl chr 2:210,858,063...210,999,701
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G Phf8 PHD finger protein 8 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of PHF8 mRNA CTD PMID:23546878 NCBI chr  X:20,524,103...20,623,459
Ensembl chr  X:20,524,558...20,623,410
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G Pik3ca phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase, catalytic subunit alpha multiple interactions ISO PIK3CA protein inhibits the reaction [[Orotic Acid inhibits the reaction [INS protein results in increased phosphorylation of NOS3 protein]] which results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:25601987 NCBI chr 2:115,175,275...115,249,034
Ensembl chr 2:115,174,984...115,249,032
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G Pla2g4a phospholipase A2 group 4A multiple interactions EXP Nitric Oxide affects the reaction [Ditiocarb results in increased expression of PLA2G4A mRNA]; Nitric Oxide affects the reaction [Ditiocarb results in increased expression of PLA2G4A protein] CTD PMID:16603213 NCBI chr13:61,877,818...62,022,261
Ensembl chr13:61,877,813...62,022,266
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G Plat plasminogen activator, tissue type multiple interactions
increases secretion
ISO PLAT protein affects the reaction [NOS1 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]
PLAT protein results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide
CTD PMID:18195371 NCBI chr16:69,240,582...69,265,177
Ensembl chr16:69,240,585...69,268,223
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G Pmaip1 phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-induced protein 1 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of PMAIP1 mRNA CTD PMID:15126337 NCBI chr18:59,986,020...59,992,434
Ensembl chr18:59,986,017...59,992,429
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G Pms2 PMS1 homolog 2, mismatch repair system component increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of PMS2 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr12:10,676,818...10,701,161
Ensembl chr12:10,676,764...10,701,066
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G Pnoc prepronociceptin decreases activity EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased activity of PNOC protein CTD PMID:10794074 NCBI chr15:39,624,635...39,652,463
Ensembl chr15:39,624,641...39,651,867
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G Pomc proopiomelanocortin multiple interactions
decreases abundance
increases secretion
EXP CRH protein affects the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in increased secretion of POMC protein alternative form]
POMC protein results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide
CTD PMID:10460269 PMID:11193135 PMID:11703388 NCBI chr 6:26,939,844...26,945,666
Ensembl chr 6:26,939,837...26,945,664
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G Ppara peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha affects activity
multiple interactions
increases expression
Nitric Oxide affects the activity of PPARA protein
[[resveratrol results in increased activity of PPARA protein] which results in increased expression of NOS3 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide
[Bezafibrate binds to and results in increased activity of PPARA protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Clofibrate binds to and results in increased activity of PPARA protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; Nitric Oxide deficiency inhibits the reaction [Clofibrate results in increased expression of PPARA protein]
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of PPARA mRNA; Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of PPARA protein
CTD PMID:15018640 PMID:16054168 PMID:16411023 PMID:19834340 PMID:21791144 NCBI chr 7:116,832,405...116,900,878
Ensembl chr 7:116,832,756...116,895,346
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G Pparg peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma multiple interactions
increases expression
[rosiglitazone binds to and affects the activity of PPARG protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide
[1,1-bis(3'-indolyl)-1-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)methane binds to and results in increased activity of PPARG protein] inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of PPARG protein
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [PPARG protein affects the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; ciglitazone inhibits the reaction [PPARG protein affects the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; GW 1929 inhibits the reaction [PPARG protein affects the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; PPARG protein affects the reaction [[IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; PPARG protein affects the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]
CTD PMID:12847270 PMID:16527820 PMID:17063326 PMID:18041089 NCBI chr 4:148,423,102...148,548,471
Ensembl chr 4:148,423,194...148,548,468
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G Ppm1d protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent, 1D increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of PPM1D mRNA CTD PMID:15126337 NCBI chr10:70,172,603...70,208,607
Ensembl chr10:70,172,603...70,208,607
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G Ppm1g protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent, 1G decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of PPM1G mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 6:25,153,556...25,173,763
Ensembl chr 6:25,153,556...25,173,761
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G Ppp3ca protein phosphatase 3 catalytic subunit alpha decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of PPP3CA mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 2:225,165,981...225,440,978
Ensembl chr 2:225,165,766...225,438,974
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G Ppp5c protein phosphatase 5, catalytic subunit decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of PPP5C mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 1:77,690,203...77,714,507
Ensembl chr 1:77,690,208...77,714,456
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G Prdm2 PR/SET domain 2 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of PRDM2 mRNA CTD PMID:23546878 NCBI chr 5:155,421,066...155,531,884
Ensembl chr 5:155,422,134...155,531,825
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G Prim2 DNA primase subunit 2 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of PRIM2 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 9:35,692,376...35,904,521
Ensembl chr 9:35,692,376...35,903,030
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G Prkaa1 protein kinase AMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha 1 multiple interactions ISO PRKAA1 protein affects the reaction [Fenofibrate results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:20580385 NCBI chr 2:54,240,298...54,275,978
Ensembl chr 2:54,240,137...54,275,978
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G Prkca protein kinase C, alpha multiple interactions EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency promotes the reaction [Brimonidine Tartrate affects the localization of PRKCA protein] CTD PMID:12388232 NCBI chr10:92,889,390...93,288,013
Ensembl chr10:92,894,012...93,288,012
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G Prkcd protein kinase C, delta multiple interactions EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency inhibits the reaction [Brimonidine Tartrate affects the localization of PRKCD protein] CTD PMID:12388232 NCBI chr16:5,769,217...5,799,380
Ensembl chr16:5,769,215...5,799,352
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G Prl prolactin multiple interactions ISO 2-mercaptomethyl-3-guanidinoethylthiopropionic acid inhibits the reaction [[PRL co-treated with furylacryloylalanylarginine co-treated with Testosterone] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; [PRL co-treated with furylacryloylalanylarginine co-treated with Testosterone] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [PRL co-treated with furylacryloylalanylarginine] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [PRL results in increased expression of CPD mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:21688280 NCBI chr17:37,859,999...37,870,062
Ensembl chr17:37,860,007...37,870,062
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G Ptgs1 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1 multiple interactions EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency inhibits the reaction [Formaldehyde results in increased expression of PTGS1 mRNA] CTD PMID:21983654 NCBI chr 3:19,584,015...19,605,589
Ensembl chr 3:19,584,015...19,605,586
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G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 multiple interactions
decreases expression
EXP [Ouabain results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of PTGS2 mRNA
CTD PMID:18976649 PMID:21983654 NCBI chr13:62,163,936...62,172,193
Ensembl chr13:62,163,932...62,172,188
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G Ptk2 protein tyrosine kinase 2 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of PTK2 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 7:105,126,725...105,331,848
Ensembl chr 7:105,126,728...105,331,783
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G Pttg1 PTTG1 regulator of sister chromatid separation, securin increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of PTTG1 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr10:27,893,466...27,904,965
Ensembl chr10:27,893,689...27,904,837
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G Raf1 Raf-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase multiple interactions EXP [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased activity of RAF1 protein] which results in decreased secretion of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:19039081 NCBI chr 4:148,679,534...148,740,265
Ensembl chr 4:148,679,530...148,740,317
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G Ramp1 receptor activity modifying protein 1 increases expression EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RAMP1 mRNA; Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RAMP1 protein CTD PMID:16326922 NCBI chr 9:91,765,481...91,816,152
Ensembl chr 9:91,781,285...91,816,151
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G Ramp2 receptor activity modifying protein 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP Hydralazine inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RAMP2 protein]; Hydrochlorothiazide inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RAMP2 protein]
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RAMP2 mRNA; Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RAMP2 protein
CTD PMID:16326922 NCBI chr10:86,187,366...86,190,692
Ensembl chr10:86,188,812...86,231,829
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G Ramp3 receptor activity modifying protein 3 multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP Hydralazine inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RAMP3 protein]; Hydrochlorothiazide inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RAMP3 protein]
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RAMP3 mRNA; Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RAMP3 protein
CTD PMID:16326922 NCBI chr14:81,527,404...81,544,905
Ensembl chr14:81,527,385...81,544,902
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G Rap1a RAP1A, member of RAS oncogene family multiple interactions ISO Nitric Oxide promotes the reaction [ITGB2 protein results in increased activity of RAP1A protein] CTD PMID:16963453 NCBI chr 2:193,208,631...193,286,513
Ensembl chr 2:193,208,635...193,286,501
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G Rap2a RAP2A, member of RAS oncogene family multiple interactions ISO Nitric Oxide promotes the reaction [ITGB2 protein results in increased activity of RAP2A protein] CTD PMID:16963453 NCBI chr15:97,596,848...97,597,338
Ensembl chr15:97,596,020...97,624,138
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G Rasd1 ras related dexamethasone induced 1 multiple interactions EXP Nitric Oxide promotes the reaction [[RASD1 protein binds to ACBD3 protein binds to SLC11A2 protein] which results in increased uptake of Iron] CTD PMID:16908409 NCBI chr10:44,766,451...44,775,773
Ensembl chr10:44,766,455...44,768,186
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G Rbbp6 RB binding protein 6, ubiquitin ligase decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of RBBP6 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 1:177,503,988...177,537,397
Ensembl chr 1:177,503,313...177,535,678
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G Rcn1 reticulocalbin 1 multiple interactions ISO [NOS3 protein polymorphism results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] which affects the expression of RCN1 protein CTD PMID:19320461 NCBI chr 3:91,841,052...91,855,295
Ensembl chr 3:91,841,052...91,855,295
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G Rdx radixin increases phosphorylation EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased phosphorylation of RDX protein CTD PMID:14732730 NCBI chr 8:52,379,494...52,437,673
Ensembl chr 8:52,379,494...52,437,678
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G Rela RELA proto-oncogene, NF-kB subunit affects localization EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency affects the localization of RELA protein CTD PMID:19631198 NCBI chr 1:202,925,001...202,935,484
Ensembl chr 1:202,924,945...202,935,484
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G Ren renin multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP [Nitric Oxide deficiency co-treated with Sodium Chloride, Dietary] results in increased expression of REN protein; Nebivolol inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of REN protein] CTD PMID:7541960 PMID:10679504 PMID:12806161 PMID:15123544 NCBI chr13:44,796,260...44,807,491
Ensembl chr13:44,796,091...44,807,489
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G Retn resistin multiple interactions
increases expression
[[TNF protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased expression of RETN mRNA
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RETN mRNA
CTD PMID:17063326 PMID:18369347 NCBI chr12:1,710,881...1,712,621
Ensembl chr12:1,710,881...1,712,620
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G Rhoa ras homolog family member A multiple interactions EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency affects the localization of and results in increased activity of RHOA protein CTD PMID:14732730 NCBI chr 8:108,991,926...109,025,746
Ensembl chr 8:108,991,954...109,025,746
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G Rpl10a ribosomal protein L10A increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RPL10A mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr20:6,388,800...6,391,358
Ensembl chr20:6,385,823...6,391,357
Ensembl chr 9:6,385,823...6,391,357
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G Rpl12 ribosomal protein L12 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RPL12 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 3:16,264,269...16,266,645
Ensembl chr 3:16,264,251...16,266,642
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G Rpl3 ribosomal protein L3 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of RPL3 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 7:111,622,255...111,627,640
Ensembl chr 7:111,621,610...111,636,468
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G Rpl8 ribosomal protein L8 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RPL8 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 7:108,626,194...108,628,485
Ensembl chr 7:108,622,324...108,628,482
Ensembl chr 3:108,622,324...108,628,482
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G Rplp0 ribosomal protein lateral stalk subunit P0 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RPLP0 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr12:41,054,363...41,057,632
Ensembl chr12:41,054,179...41,057,632
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G Rplp1 ribosomal protein lateral stalk subunit P1 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RPLP1 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 8:62,394,008...62,395,341
Ensembl chr 8:62,393,177...62,395,339
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G Rps12 ribosomal protein S12 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RPS12 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 1:21,680,854...21,683,010
Ensembl chr 1:21,680,852...21,683,014
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G Rps14 ribosomal protein S14 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RPS14 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr18:54,227,854...54,232,638
Ensembl chr18:54,227,854...54,233,166
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G Rps15 ribosomal protein S15 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RPS15 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 7:9,416,003...9,417,442
Ensembl chr 7:9,416,004...9,417,450
Ensembl chr 7:9,416,004...9,417,450
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G Rps20 ribosomal protein S20 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RPS20 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 5:16,819,095...16,820,476
Ensembl chr 5:16,819,304...16,820,475
Ensembl chr 9:16,819,304...16,820,475
Ensembl chr 3:16,819,304...16,820,475
Ensembl chr 5:16,819,304...16,820,475
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G Rps26 ribosomal protein S26 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RPS26 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 7:1,057,332...1,058,882
Ensembl chr  X:107,822,178...107,822,525
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G Rps6 ribosomal protein S6 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RPS6 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 5:101,371,716...101,374,576
Ensembl chr 5:101,371,136...101,374,602
Ensembl chr 5:101,371,136...101,374,602
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G Rps6kb1 ribosomal protein S6 kinase B1 multiple interactions ISO [resveratrol results in decreased activity of RPS6KB1 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Sirolimus results in decreased activity of RPS6KB1 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:21544240 NCBI chr10:71,323,777...71,367,908
Ensembl chr10:71,323,777...71,367,908
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G Rps7 ribosomal protein S7 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RPS7 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 6:45,266,200...45,271,064
Ensembl chr 6:45,223,980...45,271,145
Ensembl chr 5:45,223,980...45,271,145
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G Rps8 ribosomal protein S8 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of RPS8 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 5:130,630,362...130,632,932
Ensembl chr 5:130,629,716...130,633,268
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G RT1-Db1 RT1 class II, locus Db1 increases abundance ISO HLA-DRB1 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:17075829 NCBI chr20:4,548,664...4,558,237
Ensembl chr20:4,548,666...4,558,258
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G S100b S100 calcium binding protein B multiple interactions
increases secretion
[S100B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; PARP1 gene mutant form inhibits the reaction [S100B protein results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:16376947 PMID:27444121 NCBI chr20:12,372,866...12,381,619
Ensembl chr20:12,372,881...12,394,743
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G Sap30bp SAP30 binding protein decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of SAP30BP mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr10:101,165,777...101,198,503
Ensembl chr10:101,165,856...101,198,502
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G Scgb1a1 secretoglobin family 1A member 1 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of SCGB1A1 protein CTD PMID:15764486 NCBI chr 1:205,977,060...205,980,610
Ensembl chr 1:205,977,060...205,980,610
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G Sdc2 syndecan 2 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of SDC2 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 7:64,127,185...64,239,885
Ensembl chr 7:64,127,110...64,241,081
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G Sele selectin E multiple interactions ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency inhibits the reaction [nitroaspirin inhibits the reaction [[lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased expression of SELE protein]] CTD PMID:14762100 NCBI chr13:76,402,841...76,412,741
Ensembl chr13:76,403,304...76,412,741
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G Setdb2 SET domain bifurcated histone lysine methyltransferase 2 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of SETDB2 mRNA CTD PMID:23546878 NCBI chr15:33,553,657...33,606,586
Ensembl chr15:33,453,952...33,606,470
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G Sftpa1 surfactant protein A1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
EXP bosentan inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of SFTPA1 mRNA]; PD 156707 inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of SFTPA1 mRNA] CTD PMID:15640287 NCBI chr16:17,008,180...17,011,686
Ensembl chr16:17,008,180...17,011,685
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G Sftpb surfactant protein B multiple interactions
decreases expression
EXP bosentan inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of SFTPB mRNA]; PD 156707 inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of SFTPB mRNA] CTD PMID:15640287 NCBI chr 4:104,359,303...104,368,439
Ensembl chr 4:104,359,396...104,368,436
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G Sftpc surfactant protein C multiple interactions
decreases expression
EXP bosentan inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of SFTPC mRNA]; PD 156707 inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of SFTPC mRNA] CTD PMID:15640287 NCBI chr15:45,596,565...45,599,615
Ensembl chr15:45,596,574...45,610,777
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G Sirt1 sirtuin 1 multiple interactions ISO SIRT1 protein affects the reaction [INS protein results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]; SIRT1 protein affects the reaction [resveratrol inhibits the reaction [Glucose inhibits the reaction [INS protein results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]]] CTD PMID:20960276 NCBI chr20:25,307,225...25,329,273
Ensembl chr20:25,306,917...25,329,260
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G Slc11a2 solute carrier family 11 member 2 multiple interactions
affects expression
Nitric Oxide promotes the reaction [[RASD1 protein binds to ACBD3 protein binds to SLC11A2 protein] which results in increased uptake of Iron]
Nitric Oxide affects the expression of SLC11A2 protein alternative form
CTD PMID:16232120 PMID:16908409 NCBI chr 7:131,503,076...131,540,246
Ensembl chr 7:131,503,081...131,540,145
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G Slc40a1 solute carrier family 40 member 1 decreases expression EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of SLC40A1 protein CTD PMID:24184442 NCBI chr 9:48,033,526...48,053,876
Ensembl chr 9:48,033,526...48,051,481
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G Slc4a2 solute carrier family 4 member 2 multiple interactions EXP Nitric Oxide inhibits the reaction [SLC4A2 protein promotes the reaction [Cyclic AMP results in increased transport of Bicarbonates]] CTD PMID:12612912 NCBI chr 4:10,736,419...10,754,407
Ensembl chr 4:10,736,425...10,752,965
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G Slc5a2 solute carrier family 5 member 2 decreases activity EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased activity of SLC5A2 protein CTD PMID:17940347 NCBI chr 1:182,847,185...182,853,309
Ensembl chr 1:182,847,106...182,853,306
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G Slc7a7 solute carrier family 7 member 7 decreases abundance ISO SLC7A7 protein results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:11544277 NCBI chr15:27,822,088...27,873,121
Ensembl chr15:27,822,091...27,865,648
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G Smad3 SMAD family member 3 multiple interactions EXP [SMAD4 protein co-treated with SMAD3 protein] affects the susceptibility to Nitric Oxide; Nitric Oxide results in increased activity of [SMAD4 protein binds to SMAD3 protein] CTD PMID:15949472 NCBI chr 8:64,126,829...64,236,960
Ensembl chr 8:64,110,039...64,236,960
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G Smad4 SMAD family member 4 multiple interactions EXP [SMAD4 protein co-treated with SMAD3 protein] affects the susceptibility to Nitric Oxide; Nitric Oxide results in increased activity of [SMAD4 protein binds to SMAD3 protein] CTD PMID:15949472 NCBI chr18:67,243,742...67,274,438
Ensembl chr18:67,243,742...67,274,438
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G Snca synuclein alpha multiple interactions ISO [Maneb promotes the reaction [SNCA gene mutant form results in increased susceptibility to Paraquat]] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Paraquat promotes the reaction [SNCA gene mutant form results in increased susceptibility to Maneb]] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:24290359 NCBI chr 4:89,696,420...89,797,240
Ensembl chr 4:89,696,420...89,796,262
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G Snta1 syntrophin, alpha 1 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of SNTA1 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 3:142,876,285...142,906,737
Ensembl chr 3:142,876,296...142,906,709
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G Sod1 superoxide dismutase 1 increases abundance
multiple interactions
decreases response to substance
SOD1 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide
Nitric Oxide deficiency inhibits the reaction [Formaldehyde results in increased expression of SOD1 mRNA]
SOD1 protein inhibits the reaction [[spermine nitric oxide complex results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased abundance of Superoxides]; SOD1 protein inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in decreased activity of NOS3 protein]; SOD1 protein inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in increased abundance of Peroxynitrous Acid]
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased susceptibility to SOD1 protein mutant form
CTD PMID:12489993 PMID:19845829 PMID:21443684 PMID:21983654 NCBI chr11:29,456,673...29,462,249
Ensembl chr11:29,456,558...29,462,249
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G Sod2 superoxide dismutase 2 increases expression
decreases abundance
affects abundance
multiple interactions
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of SOD2 protein
SOD2 protein results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide
SOD2 protein affects the abundance of Nitric Oxide
[NOS3 protein polymorphism results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of SOD2 mRNA; [NOS3 protein polymorphism results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of SOD2 protein
1H-(1,2,4)oxadiazolo(4,3-a)quinoxalin-1-one inhibits the reaction [[2,2'-(hydroxynitrosohydrazono)bis-ethanamine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of SOD2 protein]; 1H-(1,2,4)oxadiazolo(4,3-a)quinoxalin-1-one inhibits the reaction [[2,2'-(hydroxynitrosohydrazono)bis-ethanamine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of SOD2 mRNA]; [2,2'-(hydroxynitrosohydrazono)bis-ethanamine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of SOD2 protein; [2,2'-(hydroxynitrosohydrazono)bis-ethanamine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of SOD2 mRNA; [S-Nitroso-N-Acetylpenicillamine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of SOD2 protein; [S-Nitroso-N-Acetylpenicillamine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of SOD2 mRNA; Dactinomycin inhibits the reaction [[2,2'-(hydroxynitrosohydrazono)bis-ethanamine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of SOD2 mRNA]; Nitric Oxide deficiency inhibits the reaction [Formaldehyde results in increased expression of SOD2 mRNA]; SOD2 protein inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; tempol inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of SOD2 protein]
CTD PMID:9576743 PMID:14996425 PMID:15925750 PMID:19320461 PMID:20110409 More... NCBI chr 1:47,638,318...47,645,163
Ensembl chr 1:47,636,528...47,645,189
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G Spp1 secreted phosphoprotein 1 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of SPP1 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr14:5,308,885...5,315,120
Ensembl chr14:5,308,885...5,315,162
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G Src SRC proto-oncogene, non-receptor tyrosine kinase multiple interactions ISO [resveratrol promotes the reaction [ESR1 protein binds to CAV1 protein binds to SRC protein]] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:18296501 NCBI chr 3:146,091,969...146,139,492
Ensembl chr 3:146,091,841...146,139,476
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G Stat1 signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 multiple interactions ISO STAT1 protein promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:23106696 NCBI chr 9:49,419,561...49,459,969
Ensembl chr 9:49,419,340...49,588,540
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G Stat5a signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of STAT5A protein
STAT5A protein affects the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of ACO1 mRNA]
CTD PMID:16886906 NCBI chr10:85,785,537...85,809,869
Ensembl chr10:85,785,537...85,809,866
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G Stat5b signal transducer and activator of transcription 5B multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO STAT5B protein affects the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of ACO1 mRNA]
Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of STAT5B protein
CTD PMID:16886906 NCBI chr10:85,704,841...85,775,856
Ensembl chr10:85,705,670...85,775,668
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G Suv39h2 SUV39H2 histone lysine methyltransferase increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of SUV39H2 mRNA CTD PMID:23546878 NCBI chr17:74,756,290...74,775,332
Ensembl chr17:74,756,306...74,775,332
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G Syn1 synapsin I increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of SYN1 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr  X:1,172,208...1,227,400
Ensembl chr  X:1,172,208...1,227,396
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G Taldo1 transaldolase 1 multiple interactions
decreases abundance
ISO Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [TALDO1 gene mutant form results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:19436114 NCBI chr 1:196,493,634...196,503,965
Ensembl chr 1:196,493,589...196,503,974
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G Tbca tubulin folding cofactor A increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of TBCA mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 2:26,011,714...26,065,909
Ensembl chr 2:26,011,795...26,065,907
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G Tfrc transferrin receptor multiple interactions
decreases expression
[[fluvastatin results in increased expression of NOS2] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased expression of TFRC
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of TFRC protein
CTD PMID:24184442 PMID:24964743 NCBI chr11:68,163,413...68,185,257
Ensembl chr11:68,163,413...68,185,257
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G Tgfb1 transforming growth factor, beta 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP candesartan inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of TGFB1 mRNA]; Nitric Oxide inhibits the reaction [Paraquat results in increased expression of TGFB1 protein] CTD PMID:15820443 PMID:16778335 NCBI chr 1:81,196,532...81,212,848
Ensembl chr 1:81,196,532...81,212,847
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G Thbd thrombomodulin multiple interactions
decreases expression
EXP candesartan inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of THBD protein]; Hydralazine inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of THBD protein] CTD PMID:16778335 NCBI chr 3:135,863,366...135,867,018
Ensembl chr 3:135,862,835...135,867,193
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G Timp2 TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 2 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of TIMP2 mRNA; Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of TIMP2 protein CTD PMID:18796497 NCBI chr10:103,541,199...103,590,611
Ensembl chr10:103,531,505...103,590,611
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G Tinf2 TERF1 interacting nuclear factor 2 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of TINF2 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr15:29,170,663...29,178,015
Ensembl chr15:29,170,652...29,176,984
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G Tjp1 tight junction protein 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of TJP1 protein
[NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased expression of TJP1 mRNA
CTD PMID:15763998 PMID:25870319 NCBI chr 1:118,849,838...119,094,492
Ensembl chr 1:118,849,838...119,094,432
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G Tk1 thymidine kinase 1 increases mutagenesis ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased mutagenesis of TK1 gene CTD PMID:22303861 PMID:28454271 NCBI chr10:103,034,755...103,046,125
Ensembl chr10:103,031,521...103,046,920
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G Tle5 TLE family member 5, transcriptional modulator increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of TLE5 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 7:8,143,357...8,150,295
Ensembl chr 7:8,143,357...8,150,113
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G Tlr4 toll-like receptor 4 multiple interactions ISO TLR4 gene mutant form inhibits the reaction [Fungal Polysaccharides results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; TLR4 protein affects the reaction [Plant Extracts results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; TLR4 protein affects the reaction [Polysaccharides results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:22687552 PMID:23246459 NCBI chr 5:80,145,867...80,159,501
Ensembl chr 5:80,145,826...80,159,628
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G Tnf tumor necrosis factor multiple interactions
increases abundance
increases expression
increases metabolic processing
decreases abundance
increases secretion
2-(4-morpholinyl)-8-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one promotes the reaction [rhodojaponin II inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]]; [IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IL1A protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IL5 protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] affects the susceptibility to [IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein]; Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [TNF results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Alginic Acid inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; allicin inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Ascorbic Acid inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Ciprofloxacin inhibits the reaction [[IL1A protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Dactinomycin inhibits the reaction [TNF results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; deoxynivalenol inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; ethyl 6-(N-(2-chloro-4-fluorophenyl)sulfamoyl)cyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxylate promotes the reaction [rhodojaponin II inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]]; martentoxin, Buthus martensi inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; N,N-diacetylcystine inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; pyrrolidine dithiocarbamic acid promotes the reaction [rhodojaponin II inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]]; rhodojaponin II inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]; Wortmannin inhibits the reaction [Ciprofloxacin inhibits the reaction [[IL1A protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]
[[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] affects the expression of NOS2 mRNA] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] affects the expression of NOS2 protein] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [[TNF protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in decreased expression of RETN mRNA; [IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with TNF] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [Nitric Oxide Donors results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with Galactosamine] results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]; [TNF co-treated with IL1B co-treated with IFNG] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; [TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide; [TNF protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [TNF protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; Bee Venoms inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; cobaltous chloride promotes the reaction [[[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Dexamethasone inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Estriol inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate inhibits the reaction [Simvastatin promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with TNF] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; Guanidines analog inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with TNF] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Guanidines inhibits the reaction [Simvastatin promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with TNF] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; IL4 protein inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; lead chloride inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; manganese chloride promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; manganese chloride promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Manganese promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Melitten inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Mevalonic Acid inhibits the reaction [Simvastatin promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with TNF] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [manganese chloride promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; nickel chloride promotes the reaction [[[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Nitric Oxide affects the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] affects the localization of Zinc]; Nitric Oxide affects the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of MT1 mRNA]; Nitric Oxide affects the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of MT2 mRNA]; NOS2 protein promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; NOS2 protein promotes the reaction [cobaltous chloride promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; NOS2 protein promotes the reaction [nickel chloride promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; pimagedine inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Plant Extracts inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNF protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Pravastatin promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with TNF] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Progesterone inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Quercetin inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Simvastatin promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with TNF] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; sodium arsenite inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Y 27632 promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with TNF] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]
Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of TNF protein; Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of TNF protein
TNF protein results in increased metabolism of Nitric Oxide
7-(2-(4-(4-nitrobenzene)piperazinyl)ethyl)-1,3-dimethylxanthine inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; [IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide; [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [TNF co-treated with IL1B co-treated with IFNG] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of TNF protein]; Diclofenac promotes the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Genistein inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; KMUP 1 inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Polyphenols inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; S-methylisothiopseudouronium inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; TNF protein affects the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide]; Vitamin E inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; zaprinast inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]
TNF protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide; TNF results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide
Nitric Oxide results in increased secretion of TNF protein; TNF protein results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide
CTD PMID:7519435 PMID:8341679 PMID:8903404 PMID:8975779 PMID:9388267 More... NCBI chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
Ensembl chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
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G Tp53 tumor protein p53 multiple interactions
increases phosphorylation
decreases expression
affects response to substance
increases glutathionylation
increases expression
2-(4-morpholinyl)-8-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in increased phosphorylation of TP53 protein]; [Nitric Oxide Donors results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of TP53 protein; Caffeine inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in increased phosphorylation of TP53 protein]; wortmannin inhibits the reaction [Nitric Oxide results in increased phosphorylation of TP53 protein]
[S-Nitroso-N-Acetylpenicillamine results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of TRP53 mRNA
Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of TRP53 protein
[7-nitroindazole results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] inhibits the reaction [Paraquat results in increased phosphorylation of TP53 protein]; [NOS2 protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of TP53 protein; [S-Nitrosoglutathione results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide] which results in increased expression of TP53 protein
TP53 protein affects the susceptibility to Nitric Oxide
Nitric Oxide results in increased glutathionylation of TP53 protein
Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of TP53 protein
CTD PMID:7673702 PMID:8982730 PMID:9743513 PMID:10608825 PMID:14634119 More... NCBI chr10:54,300,070...54,311,525
Ensembl chr10:54,300,048...54,311,524
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G Tp53bp1 tumor protein p53 binding protein 1 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of TRP53BP1 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 3:108,166,574...108,270,229
Ensembl chr 3:108,169,980...108,269,822
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G Tp53i3 tumor protein p53 inducible protein 3 increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of TP53I3 mRNA CTD PMID:15126337 NCBI chr 6:27,818,327...27,825,753 JBrowse link
G Txndc5 thioredoxin domain containing 5 multiple interactions ISO [NOS3 protein polymorphism results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] which affects the expression of TXNDC5 protein CTD PMID:19320461 NCBI chr17:26,289,880...26,318,025
Ensembl chr17:26,289,880...26,318,025
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G Ubc ubiquitin C increases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in increased expression of UBC mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr12:31,239,149...31,243,924
Ensembl chr12:31,239,152...31,243,925
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G Ube2l3 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2L 3 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of UBE2L3 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr11:83,797,722...83,838,862
Ensembl chr11:83,797,722...83,838,862
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G Ucn urocortin increases abundance EXP UCN protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:20237592 NCBI chr 6:25,238,120...25,238,950
Ensembl chr 6:25,238,120...25,238,950
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G Vegfa vascular endothelial growth factor A decreases expression
increases secretion
EXP Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of VEGFA mRNA
VEGFA protein results in increased secretion of Nitric Oxide
CTD PMID:15249212 PMID:16733097 NCBI chr 9:14,955,300...14,970,641
Ensembl chr 9:14,955,300...14,970,641
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G Wt1 WT1 transcription factor increases expression EXP Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of WT1 mRNA CTD PMID:21443142 NCBI chr 3:91,566,540...91,613,653
Ensembl chr 3:91,567,001...91,613,643
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G Xdh xanthine dehydrogenase multiple interactions ISO XDH protein promotes the reaction [[Raloxifene Hydrochloride results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:20888885 NCBI chr 6:21,530,463...21,592,172
Ensembl chr 6:21,530,113...21,592,268
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G Xiap X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis decreases expression
increases expression
ISO Nitric Oxide results in decreased expression of XIAP mRNA
Nitric Oxide results in increased expression of XIAP protein
CTD PMID:14634119 PMID:15126337 NCBI chr  X:120,890,537...120,938,413
Ensembl chr  X:120,897,907...120,934,700
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G Zfp422 zinc finger protein 422 decreases expression ISO Nitric Oxide deficiency results in decreased expression of ZFP422 mRNA CTD PMID:15878706 NCBI chr 4:149,885,805...149,893,287
Ensembl chr 4:149,885,600...149,893,257
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nitrogen dioxide term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Aamdc adipogenesis associated, Mth938 domain containing multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased methylation of AAMDC 5' UTR CTD PMID:28843141 NCBI chr 1:151,861,990...151,893,621
Ensembl chr 1:151,845,255...151,892,398
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G Abcc2 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 2 multiple interactions ISO ABCC2 gene SNP affects the susceptibility to [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] CTD PMID:29681089 NCBI chr 1:242,664,657...242,723,239
Ensembl chr 1:242,664,657...242,723,238
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G Adgra1 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor A1 multiple interactions ISO [[Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of ADGRA1 gene CTD PMID:38573328 NCBI chr 1:194,629,744...194,673,254
Ensembl chr 1:194,629,726...194,672,550
JBrowse link
G Adora2b adenosine A2B receptor multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of ADORA2B gene CTD PMID:29935799 NCBI chr10:46,940,394...46,956,772
Ensembl chr10:46,940,384...46,956,772
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G Alb albumin increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of ALB mRNA CTD PMID:27206323 NCBI chr14:17,607,397...17,622,814
Ensembl chr14:17,607,381...17,622,836
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G Ankrd45 ankyrin repeat domain 45 multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of ANKRD45 gene CTD PMID:29935799 NCBI chr13:73,424,766...73,450,466
Ensembl chr13:73,424,480...73,450,466
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G Aox1 aldehyde oxidase 1 increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of AOX1 mRNA CTD PMID:27206323 NCBI chr 9:59,579,621...59,658,772
Ensembl chr 9:59,579,649...59,658,770
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G Aqp1 aquaporin 1 decreases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased expression of AQP1 mRNA CTD PMID:27206323 NCBI chr 4:84,482,512...84,494,690
Ensembl chr 4:84,482,512...84,494,690
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G Aurkc aurora kinase C multiple interactions ISO [[Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of AURKC gene CTD PMID:38573328 NCBI chr 1:66,843,653...66,849,775
Ensembl chr 1:66,843,653...66,864,386
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G B3galt4 Beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase 4 multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of B3GALT4 gene CTD PMID:29935799 NCBI chr20:4,936,089...4,937,664
Ensembl chr20:4,931,768...4,938,315
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G Bax BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator increases expression
multiple interactions
Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of BAX mRNA; Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of BAX protein
[Particulate Matter co-treated with Sulfur Dioxide co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in increased expression of BAX protein
CTD PMID:22621880 PMID:27521637 NCBI chr 1:95,940,001...95,945,407
Ensembl chr 1:95,938,808...95,945,368
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G Bbc3 Bcl-2 binding component 3 increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of BBC3 mRNA CTD PMID:27206323 NCBI chr 1:77,013,281...77,022,509
Ensembl chr 1:77,014,543...77,022,509
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G Bnip3 BCL2 interacting protein 3 increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of BNIP3 mRNA CTD PMID:27206323 NCBI chr 1:193,708,164...193,725,348
Ensembl chr 1:193,708,167...193,725,359
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G Cacna2d1 calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit alpha2delta 1 multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased methylation of CACNA2D1 gene CTD PMID:28843141 NCBI chr 4:18,950,611...19,374,969
Ensembl chr 4:18,951,002...19,374,969
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G Cat catalase increases expression
multiple interactions
Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of CAT mRNA
CAT protein inhibits the reaction [Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased expression of CCND1 mRNA]
[Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased expression of CAT mRNA; [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in increased methylation of CAT gene; [Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased expression of CAT mRNA; [Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in increased methylation of CAT gene
CTD PMID:12600834 PMID:15336314 PMID:27448387 NCBI chr 3:89,842,393...89,874,577
Ensembl chr 3:89,842,399...89,874,478
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G Cbs cystathionine beta synthase decreases activity ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased activity of CBS protein CTD PMID:19733148 NCBI chr20:9,708,089...9,732,623
Ensembl chr20:9,708,090...9,732,764
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G Ccl11 C-C motif chemokine ligand 11 increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of CCL11 mRNA CTD PMID:10715624 NCBI chr10:67,028,328...67,032,929
Ensembl chr10:67,028,328...67,032,926
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G Ccl2 C-C motif chemokine ligand 2 increases expression
decreases expression
ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of CCL2 mRNA; Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of CCL2 protein
Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased expression of CCL2 mRNA
CTD PMID:10715624 PMID:11498801 PMID:27206323 NCBI chr10:67,005,424...67,007,222
Ensembl chr10:67,005,424...67,007,226
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G Ccl3 C-C motif chemokine ligand 3 increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of CCL3 mRNA CTD PMID:10715624 NCBI chr10:68,451,388...68,452,938
Ensembl chr10:68,451,388...68,452,938
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G Ccl5 C-C motif chemokine ligand 5 increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of CCL5 mRNA CTD PMID:27206323 NCBI chr10:68,322,826...68,327,380
Ensembl chr10:68,322,829...68,327,377
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G Ccnd1 cyclin D1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO CAT protein inhibits the reaction [Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased expression of CCND1 mRNA]
Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased expression of CCND1 mRNA; Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased expression of CCND1 protein
CTD PMID:12600834 NCBI chr 1:200,089,002...200,098,524
Ensembl chr 1:200,089,002...200,098,602
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G Cd72 Cd72 molecule multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased methylation of CD72 3' UTR CTD PMID:28843141 NCBI chr 5:57,697,361...57,704,980
Ensembl chr 5:57,697,367...57,704,725
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G Cdkn2a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A multiple interactions EXP [Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in increased methylation of CDKN2A gene CTD PMID:26778509 NCBI chr 5:103,984,949...103,992,143
Ensembl chr 5:103,984,949...104,003,149
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G Crp C-reactive protein increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of CRP protein CTD PMID:18629312 PMID:22306530 NCBI chr13:85,135,384...85,175,178
Ensembl chr13:85,124,977...85,175,178
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G Csde1 cold shock domain containing E1 increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of CSDE1 mRNA CTD PMID:27206323 NCBI chr 2:190,546,015...190,582,787
Ensembl chr 2:190,554,980...190,582,784
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G Csf2 colony stimulating factor 2 increases secretion ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased secretion of CSF2 protein CTD PMID:8398164 NCBI chr10:38,386,945...38,388,926
Ensembl chr10:38,386,945...38,389,199
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G Cxcl2 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
[Ozone co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in increased expression of CXCL2 mRNA
Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of CXCL2 mRNA; Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of CXCL2 protein
CTD PMID:10715624 PMID:10986008 PMID:11498801 NCBI chr14:17,181,030...17,183,075
Ensembl chr14:17,181,062...17,183,075
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G Dgkk diacylglycerol kinase kappa increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of DGKK mRNA CTD PMID:27206323 NCBI chr  X:15,581,991...15,713,814
Ensembl chr  X:15,583,572...15,712,987
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G Dnm1l dynamin 1-like multiple interactions ISO [Particulate Matter co-treated with Sulfur Dioxide co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in increased expression of DNM1L protein CTD PMID:27521637 NCBI chr11:84,581,216...84,632,382
Ensembl chr11:84,581,216...84,631,482
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G Drd2 dopamine receptor D2 increases expression EXP Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of DRD2 mRNA CTD PMID:19733627 NCBI chr 8:49,708,927...49,772,876
Ensembl chr 8:49,708,927...49,772,875
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G E2f2 E2F transcription factor 2 decreases activity ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased activity of E2F2 protein CTD PMID:12600834 NCBI chr 5:148,399,193...148,422,595
Ensembl chr 5:148,399,642...148,421,217
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G Edn1 endothelin 1 multiple interactions ISO [Particulate Matter co-treated with Sulfur Dioxide co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in increased expression of EDN1 protein CTD PMID:30090456 NCBI chr17:22,454,924...22,460,812
Ensembl chr17:22,454,420...22,460,885
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G Ephb2 Eph receptor B2 multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased methylation of EPHB2 gene CTD PMID:28843141 NCBI chr 5:148,889,574...149,077,027
Ensembl chr 5:148,897,246...149,077,059
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G Ezr ezrin multiple interactions ISO [[Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased expression of EZR protein CTD PMID:37141245 NCBI chr 1:46,967,961...47,011,505
Ensembl chr 1:46,967,658...47,011,505
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G Faap20 FA core complex associated protein 20 multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of FAAP20 gene CTD PMID:29935799 NCBI chr 5:165,808,370...165,815,291
Ensembl chr 5:165,808,657...165,815,333
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G Fam124b family with sequence similarity 124 member B multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of FAM124B gene CTD PMID:29935799 NCBI chr 9:81,513,018...81,533,621
Ensembl chr 9:81,515,399...81,533,341
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G Fis1 fission, mitochondrial 1 multiple interactions ISO [Particulate Matter co-treated with Sulfur Dioxide co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in increased expression of FIS1 protein CTD PMID:27521637 NCBI chr12:19,708,560...19,723,392
Ensembl chr12:19,708,558...19,723,377
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G Flt1 Fms related receptor tyrosine kinase 1 multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the expression of FLT1 protein; [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased expression of FLT1 protein CTD PMID:37556304 NCBI chr12:7,296,899...7,468,626
Ensembl chr12:7,297,292...7,468,626
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G Fn1 fibronectin 1 decreases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased expression of FN1 mRNA CTD PMID:33064461 NCBI chr 9:73,196,044...73,264,695
Ensembl chr 9:73,196,044...73,264,678
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G Fos Fos proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit increases expression EXP Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of FOS protein CTD PMID:22621880 NCBI chr 6:105,121,170...105,124,036
Ensembl chr 6:105,121,170...105,124,036
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G Foxm1 forkhead box M1 increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of FOXM1 mRNA CTD PMID:27206323 NCBI chr 4:161,639,538...161,652,012
Ensembl chr 4:161,638,816...161,650,684
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G Foxp3 forkhead box P3 multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in increased methylation of FOXP3 promoter CTD PMID:29317916 NCBI chr  X:14,908,494...14,924,994
Ensembl chr  X:14,908,494...14,923,838
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G Gclm glutamate cysteine ligase, modifier subunit decreases expression EXP Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased expression of GCLM mRNA CTD PMID:16049373 NCBI chr 2:210,347,482...210,367,537
Ensembl chr 2:210,347,482...210,367,535
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G Ggt1 gamma-glutamyltransferase 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
EXP Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of GGT1 mRNA
Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of GGT1 protein
CTD PMID:9144455 PMID:16049373 NCBI chr20:13,074,695...13,104,095
Ensembl chr20:13,074,700...13,108,442
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G Gpr55 G protein-coupled receptor 55 multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased expression of GPR55 mRNA; [Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased expression of GPR55 mRNA CTD PMID:27448387 NCBI chr 9:86,584,906...86,640,601
Ensembl chr 9:86,590,885...86,640,613
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G Gpr75 G protein-coupled receptor 75 multiple interactions ISO [[Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of GPR75 gene CTD PMID:38573328 NCBI chr14:104,609,542...104,618,885
Ensembl chr14:104,611,089...104,620,370
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G Gpx3 glutathione peroxidase 3 increases expression
decreases expression
EXP Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of GPX3 mRNA
Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased expression of GPX3 mRNA
CTD PMID:15336314 PMID:16049373 NCBI chr10:39,028,624...39,036,695
Ensembl chr10:39,028,570...39,037,035
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G Gpx4 glutathione peroxidase 4 affects expression EXP Nitrogen Dioxide affects the expression of GPX4 mRNA CTD PMID:16049373 NCBI chr 7:9,650,186...9,652,982
Ensembl chr 7:9,650,185...9,652,982
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G Gpx5 glutathione peroxidase 5 increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of GPX5 mRNA CTD PMID:27206323 NCBI chr17:43,436,126...43,443,074
Ensembl chr17:43,416,340...43,443,074
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G Gsr glutathione-disulfide reductase increases activity
increases expression
EXP Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased activity of GSR protein
Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of GSR mRNA
CTD PMID:16049373 NCBI chr16:58,482,209...58,525,256
Ensembl chr16:58,482,505...58,525,661
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G Gss glutathione synthetase decreases expression EXP Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased expression of GSS mRNA CTD PMID:16049373 NCBI chr 3:144,047,849...144,078,197
Ensembl chr 3:144,047,850...144,078,198
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G Gstm1 glutathione S-transferase mu 1 affects response to substance ISO GSTM1 gene polymorphism affects the susceptibility to Nitrogen Dioxide CTD PMID:22732554 NCBI chr 2:195,649,845...195,655,402
Ensembl chr 2:195,649,845...195,655,411
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G Gstp1 glutathione S-transferase pi 1 affects response to substance
multiple interactions
ISO GSTP1 gene polymorphism affects the susceptibility to Nitrogen Dioxide
GSTP1 gene SNP results in increased susceptibility to [[Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide]
CTD PMID:22732554 PMID:29624745 NCBI chr 1:201,337,762...201,340,230
Ensembl chr 1:201,321,672...201,340,226
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G Gstt1 glutathione S-transferase theta 1 affects response to substance ISO GSTT1 gene polymorphism affects the susceptibility to Nitrogen Dioxide CTD PMID:22732554 NCBI chr20:12,856,613...12,873,586
Ensembl chr20:12,856,669...12,873,585
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G Hibadh 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased methylation of HIBADH gene; [Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased methylation of HIBADH gene CTD PMID:27448387 NCBI chr 4:81,649,180...81,747,244
Ensembl chr 4:81,649,175...81,780,617
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G Hmox1 heme oxygenase 1 increases expression
decreases expression
ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA
Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased expression of HMOX1 mRNA
CTD PMID:10715624 PMID:20197249 PMID:27206323 NCBI chr19:13,466,287...13,474,082
Ensembl chr19:13,467,244...13,474,079
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G Hoxa11 homeobox A11 multiple interactions ISO [[Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of HOXA11 gene CTD PMID:38573328 NCBI chr 4:81,342,527...81,346,189
Ensembl chr 4:81,342,528...81,346,232
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G Hoxa11-as HOXA11 antisense RNA multiple interactions ISO [[Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of HOXA11-AS gene CTD PMID:38573328 NCBI chr 4:81,346,416...81,350,190
Ensembl chr 4:81,346,416...81,350,179
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G Hoxa4 homeo box A4 multiple interactions ISO [[Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of HOXA4 gene CTD PMID:38573328 NCBI chr 4:81,289,677...81,291,685
Ensembl chr 4:81,289,682...81,291,685
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G Hoxa5 homeo box A5 multiple interactions ISO [[Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of HOXA5 gene CTD PMID:38573328 NCBI chr 4:81,302,341...81,306,234
Ensembl chr 4:81,302,353...81,306,234
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G Hoxa6 homeobox A6 multiple interactions ISO [[Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of HOXA6 gene CTD PMID:38573328 NCBI chr 4:81,304,918...81,313,184
Ensembl chr 4:81,306,407...81,308,850
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G Hoxb6 homeo box B6 multiple interactions ISO [[Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of HOXB6 gene CTD PMID:38573328 NCBI chr10:81,258,726...81,267,458
Ensembl chr10:81,265,056...81,267,449
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G Hsp90aa1 heat shock protein 90 alpha family class A member 1 multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of HSP90AA1 gene CTD PMID:29935799 NCBI chr 6:129,702,376...129,707,907
Ensembl chr 6:129,702,383...129,707,268
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G Icam1 intercellular adhesion molecule 1 increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of ICAM1 mRNA CTD PMID:22331494 NCBI chr 8:19,553,063...19,565,438
Ensembl chr 8:19,553,645...19,565,438
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G Ifng interferon gamma multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide
Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased expression of IFNG protein
CTD PMID:22303861 PMID:28935613 NCBI chr 7:53,903,339...53,907,375
Ensembl chr 7:53,903,337...53,907,375
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G Il10 interleukin 10 increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of IL10 mRNA; Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of IL10 protein CTD PMID:28669936 NCBI chr13:42,472,625...42,477,308
Ensembl chr13:42,472,839...42,477,313
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G Il13 interleukin 13 decreases methylation
increases expression
ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased methylation of IL13 promoter
Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of IL13 protein
Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of IL13 mRNA
CTD PMID:28669936 PMID:28935613 NCBI chr10:37,790,130...37,792,687
Ensembl chr10:37,790,130...37,792,737
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G Il1b interleukin 1 beta multiple interactions
decreases expression
[Ozone co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in increased expression of IL1B protein
Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased expression of IL1B mRNA
IL1B gene SNP results in increased susceptibility to [[Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Vehicle Emissions] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide]
CTD PMID:9363475 PMID:10986008 PMID:27640071 NCBI chr 3:116,577,005...116,583,386
Ensembl chr 3:116,577,010...116,583,415
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G Il4 interleukin 4 decreases methylation
multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased methylation of IL4 promoter
[Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased methylation of IL4 gene] which results in increased expression of IL4 promoter
Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of IL4 protein
CTD PMID:28935613 NCBI chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
Ensembl chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
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G Il6 interleukin 6 multiple interactions
increases expression
increases secretion
decreases expression
[Ozone co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in increased expression of IL6 protein
Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of IL6 mRNA; Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of IL6 protein
Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased secretion of IL6 protein
Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased expression of IL6 mRNA
IL6 gene SNP affects the susceptibility to [[Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Vehicle Emissions] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide]
CTD PMID:8584542 PMID:10986008 PMID:18629312 PMID:19750100 PMID:24056475 More... NCBI chr 4:5,214,602...5,219,178
Ensembl chr 4:5,213,394...5,219,178
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G Ipcef1 interaction protein for cytohesin exchange factors 1 decreases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased expression of IPCEF1 mRNA CTD PMID:27206323 NCBI chr 1:43,237,903...43,451,735
Ensembl chr 1:43,269,202...43,427,969
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G Jun Jun proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit increases expression EXP Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of JUN protein CTD PMID:22621880 NCBI chr 5:109,894,175...109,897,268
Ensembl chr 5:109,893,145...109,897,656
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G Klhl35 kelch-like family member 35 multiple interactions ISO [[Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of KLHL35 gene CTD PMID:38573328 NCBI chr 1:153,767,138...153,773,550
Ensembl chr 1:153,767,970...153,773,557
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G Lmf1 lipase maturation factor 1 multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of LMF1 gene CTD PMID:29935799 NCBI chr10:14,597,726...14,684,071
Ensembl chr10:14,597,594...14,684,119
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G Lonp1 lon peptidase 1, mitochondrial multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased methylation of LONP1 gene; [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in increased expression of LONP1 mRNA; [Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased methylation of LONP1 gene; [Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in increased expression of LONP1 mRNA CTD PMID:27448387 NCBI chr 9:1,447,444...1,459,771
Ensembl chr 9:1,447,447...1,459,771
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G Lztfl1 leucine zipper transcription factor-like 1 multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of LZTFL1 gene CTD PMID:29935799 NCBI chr 8:123,344,085...123,360,245
Ensembl chr 8:123,344,925...123,360,192
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G Mcf2l MCF.2 cell line derived transforming sequence-like multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased methylation of MCF2L gene CTD PMID:28843141 NCBI chr16:76,507,133...76,652,893
Ensembl chr16:76,507,133...76,652,733
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G Meis2 Meis homeobox 2 multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased methylation of MEIS2 gene CTD PMID:28843141 NCBI chr 3:102,742,904...102,944,833
Ensembl chr 3:102,742,900...102,949,696
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G Mfn1 mitofusin 1 multiple interactions ISO [Particulate Matter co-treated with Sulfur Dioxide co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in decreased expression of MFN1 protein CTD PMID:27521637 NCBI chr 2:115,313,380...115,359,651
Ensembl chr 2:115,313,401...115,359,640
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G Mfn2 mitofusin 2 multiple interactions ISO [Particulate Matter co-treated with Sulfur Dioxide co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in decreased expression of MFN2 protein CTD PMID:27521637 NCBI chr 5:158,304,285...158,335,502
Ensembl chr 5:158,304,287...158,335,342
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G Mgst3 microsomal glutathione S-transferase 3 increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of MGST3 mRNA CTD PMID:27206323 NCBI chr13:79,526,541...79,547,479
Ensembl chr13:79,526,541...79,547,411
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G Mir1249 microRNA 1249 multiple interactions ISO [Particulate Matter co-treated with Sulfur Dioxide co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in increased expression of MIR1249 mRNA CTD PMID:30090456 NCBI chr 7:116,075,593...116,075,712
Ensembl chr 7:116,075,593...116,075,712
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G Mir185 microRNA 185 multiple interactions ISO [Particulate Matter co-treated with Sulfur Dioxide co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in decreased expression of MIR185 mRNA CTD PMID:30090456 NCBI chr11:82,664,716...82,664,795
Ensembl chr11:82,664,716...82,664,795
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G Mir205 microRNA 205 multiple interactions ISO [Particulate Matter co-treated with Sulfur Dioxide co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in increased expression of MIR205 mRNA CTD PMID:30090456 NCBI chr13:105,035,878...105,035,985
Ensembl chr13:105,035,878...105,035,985
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G Mir30e microRNA 30e multiple interactions ISO [Particulate Matter co-treated with Sulfur Dioxide co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in increased expression of MIR30E mRNA CTD PMID:30090456 NCBI chr 5:134,352,232...134,352,323
Ensembl chr 5:134,352,232...134,352,323
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G Mir34b microRNA 34b multiple interactions ISO [Particulate Matter co-treated with Sulfur Dioxide co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in increased expression of MIR34B mRNA CTD PMID:30090456 NCBI chr 8:51,410,244...51,410,327
Ensembl chr 8:51,410,244...51,410,327
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G Mir375 microRNA 375 multiple interactions ISO [Particulate Matter co-treated with Sulfur Dioxide co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in decreased expression of MIR375 mRNA CTD PMID:30090456 NCBI chr 9:76,457,911...76,457,985
Ensembl chr 9:76,457,911...76,457,985
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G Mir425 microRNA 425 multiple interactions ISO [Particulate Matter co-treated with Sulfur Dioxide co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in decreased expression of MIR425 mRNA CTD PMID:30090456 NCBI chr 8:109,264,555...109,264,637
Ensembl chr 8:109,264,555...109,264,637
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G Mir500 microRNA 500 multiple interactions ISO [Particulate Matter co-treated with Sulfur Dioxide co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in decreased expression of MIR500 mRNA CTD PMID:30090456 NCBI chr  X:15,258,778...15,258,857
Ensembl chr  X:15,258,768...15,258,859
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G Mir504 microRNA 504 multiple interactions ISO [Particulate Matter co-treated with Sulfur Dioxide co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in decreased expression of MIR504 mRNA CTD PMID:30090456 NCBI chr  X:137,318,540...137,318,616
Ensembl chr  X:137,318,540...137,318,616
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G Mpo myeloperoxidase increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of MPO mRNA CTD PMID:27206323 NCBI chr10:72,594,883...72,608,862
Ensembl chr10:72,594,661...72,604,819
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G Mt3 metallothionein 3 increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of MT3 mRNA CTD PMID:27206323 NCBI chr19:10,848,754...10,850,158
Ensembl chr19:10,848,755...10,850,158
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G Myt1l myelin transcription factor 1-like multiple interactions ISO [[Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of MYT1L gene CTD PMID:38573328 NCBI chr 6:46,164,742...46,564,234
Ensembl chr 6:46,428,150...46,561,671
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G Nos2 nitric oxide synthase 2 increases expression
multiple interactions
Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA
[Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in increased methylation of NOS2 gene
CTD PMID:10715624 PMID:26778509 NCBI chr10:63,815,308...63,851,208
Ensembl chr10:63,815,308...63,851,210
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G Nos3 nitric oxide synthase 3 multiple interactions ISO [Particulate Matter co-treated with Sulfur Dioxide co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in decreased expression of NOS3 protein CTD PMID:30090456 NCBI chr 4:10,793,834...10,814,170
Ensembl chr 4:10,793,834...10,814,166
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G Nqo1 NAD(P)H quinone dehydrogenase 1 affects response to substance ISO NQO1 gene polymorphism affects the susceptibility to Nitrogen Dioxide CTD PMID:20049212 NCBI chr19:35,295,633...35,310,528
Ensembl chr19:35,295,573...35,310,557
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G Nudt1 nudix hydrolase 1 increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of NUDT1 mRNA CTD PMID:27206323 NCBI chr12:14,302,514...14,309,559
Ensembl chr12:14,302,694...14,305,826
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G Opa1 OPA1, mitochondrial dynamin like GTPase multiple interactions ISO [Particulate Matter co-treated with Sulfur Dioxide co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in decreased expression of OPA1 protein CTD PMID:27521637 NCBI chr11:71,108,100...71,185,170
Ensembl chr11:71,109,873...71,185,109
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G Or2l13 olfactory receptor family 2 subfamily L member 13 multiple interactions ISO [[Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of OR2L13 gene CTD PMID:38573328 NCBI chr11:81,400,197...81,401,135
Ensembl chr11:81,399,173...81,404,284
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G P2rx4 purinergic receptor P2X 4 multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of P2RX4 gene CTD PMID:29935799 NCBI chr12:33,844,609...33,862,265
Ensembl chr12:33,844,396...33,862,253
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G Pcna proliferating cell nuclear antigen decreases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased expression of PCNA protein CTD PMID:12600834 NCBI chr 3:119,499,039...119,502,911
Ensembl chr 3:119,498,810...119,502,995
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G Pgf placental growth factor multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the expression of PGF protein; [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased expression of PGF protein CTD PMID:37556304 NCBI chr 6:104,816,102...104,826,685
Ensembl chr 6:104,816,104...104,826,685
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G Piezo1 piezo-type mechanosensitive ion channel component 1 multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of PIEZO1 gene CTD PMID:29935799 NCBI chr19:50,544,580...50,606,812
Ensembl chr19:50,544,582...50,606,501
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G Piwil2 piwi-like RNA-mediated gene silencing 2 multiple interactions ISO [[Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of PIWIL2 gene CTD PMID:38573328 NCBI chr15:45,431,402...45,498,034
Ensembl chr15:45,431,703...45,497,702
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G Pla2g7 phospholipase A2 group VII affects expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide affects the expression of PLA2G7 CTD PMID:21356620 NCBI chr 9:17,362,214...17,404,476
Ensembl chr 9:17,362,225...17,404,476
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G Pold4 DNA polymerase delta 4, accessory subunit increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of POLD4 mRNA CTD PMID:33064461 NCBI chr 1:201,526,591...201,528,406
Ensembl chr 1:201,526,665...201,528,401
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G Ppargc1a PPARG coactivator 1 alpha decreases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased expression of PPARGC1A mRNA CTD PMID:33064461 NCBI chr14:58,860,752...59,516,525
Ensembl chr14:58,861,144...59,512,656
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G Prex1 phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate-dependent Rac exchange factor 1 increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of PREX1 mRNA CTD PMID:27206323 NCBI chr 3:155,306,950...155,456,688
Ensembl chr 3:155,306,950...155,456,688
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G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA CTD PMID:27206323 NCBI chr13:62,163,936...62,172,193
Ensembl chr13:62,163,932...62,172,188
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G Rb1 RB transcriptional corepressor 1 decreases phosphorylation ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased phosphorylation of RB1 protein CTD PMID:12600834 NCBI chr15:48,371,295...48,502,473
Ensembl chr15:48,371,296...48,502,302
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G Rnf2 ring finger protein 2 multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased methylation of RNF2 5' UTR CTD PMID:28843141 NCBI chr13:63,553,964...63,584,047
Ensembl chr13:63,554,862...63,583,099
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G Selp selectin P increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of SELP protein modified form CTD PMID:18629312 NCBI chr13:76,476,229...76,511,846
Ensembl chr13:76,476,295...76,511,845
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G Sftpd surfactant protein D multiple interactions ISO [[Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in increased expression of SFTPD protein CTD PMID:37141245 NCBI chr16:17,046,491...17,058,968
Ensembl chr16:17,046,483...17,059,927
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G Skap2 src kinase associated phosphoprotein 2 multiple interactions ISO [[Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of SKAP2 gene CTD PMID:38573328 NCBI chr 4:80,948,832...81,100,900
Ensembl chr 4:80,950,580...81,100,891
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G Slc25a28 solute carrier family 25 member 28 multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in increased methylation of SLC25A28 gene; [Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in increased methylation of SLC25A28 gene CTD PMID:27448387 NCBI chr 1:242,530,877...242,542,140
Ensembl chr 1:242,530,899...242,542,115
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G Sod1 superoxide dismutase 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
decreases expression
decreases activity
Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of SOD1 mRNA
[[SOD1 protein results in increased metabolism of Hydrogen Peroxide] which results in increased oxidation of Nitrites] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitrogen Dioxide
Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased expression of SOD1 protein
Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein
CTD PMID:15336314 PMID:18629312 PMID:19243126 PMID:22621880 NCBI chr11:29,456,673...29,462,249
Ensembl chr11:29,456,558...29,462,249
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G Sod2 superoxide dismutase 2 decreases activity
multiple interactions
Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased activity of SOD2 protein
[[Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of SOD2 promoter] which affects the methylation of SOD2 promoter; [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of SOD2 promoter
CTD PMID:22621880 PMID:31220783 NCBI chr 1:47,638,318...47,645,163
Ensembl chr 1:47,636,528...47,645,189
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G Spsb4 splA/ryanodine receptor domain and SOCS box containing 4 multiple interactions ISO [[Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which affects the methylation of SPSB4 gene CTD PMID:38573328 NCBI chr 8:97,536,519...97,609,757
Ensembl chr 8:97,536,520...97,609,787
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G Tgfb1 transforming growth factor, beta 1 multiple interactions EXP [Ozone co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in increased expression of TGFB1 mRNA CTD PMID:10986008 NCBI chr 1:81,196,532...81,212,848
Ensembl chr 1:81,196,532...81,212,847
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G Thap1 THAP domain containing 1 multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased methylation of THAP1 3' UTR CTD PMID:28843141 NCBI chr16:65,905,348...65,909,942
Ensembl chr16:65,904,230...65,909,942
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G Tnf tumor necrosis factor multiple interactions
affects response to substance
decreases secretion
increases secretion
increases expression
[Ozone co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in increased expression of TNF protein
TNF gene polymorphism affects the susceptibility to Nitrogen Dioxide
Nitrogen Dioxide results in decreased secretion of TNF protein
Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased secretion of TNF protein
Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of TNF mRNA
TNF gene SNP results in increased susceptibility to [[Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants] which results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide]
CTD PMID:8398164 PMID:9363475 PMID:10986008 PMID:20049212 PMID:28669936 More... NCBI chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
Ensembl chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
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G Tnfrsf1b TNF receptor superfamily member 1B increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of TNFRSF1B protein modified form CTD PMID:18629312 NCBI chr 5:157,070,642...157,104,216
Ensembl chr 5:157,070,642...157,104,206
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G Tp53 tumor protein p53 increases expression
multiple interactions
Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of TP53 mRNA; Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of TP53 protein
[Particulate Matter co-treated with Sulfur Dioxide co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in increased expression of TRP53 protein
CTD PMID:22621880 PMID:27521637 NCBI chr10:54,300,070...54,311,525
Ensembl chr10:54,300,048...54,311,524
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G Tpo thyroid peroxidase multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased methylation of TPO gene; [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in increased expression of TPO mRNA; [Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in decreased methylation of TPO gene; [Vehicle Emissions results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in increased expression of TPO mRNA CTD PMID:27448387 NCBI chr 6:46,698,402...46,768,199
Ensembl chr 6:46,698,414...46,768,199
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G Trmt10a tRNA methyltransferase 10A multiple interactions ISO [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Nitrogen Dioxide] which results in increased methylation of TRMT10A CTD PMID:28843141 NCBI chr 2:226,669,445...226,684,166
Ensembl chr 2:226,669,832...226,684,151
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G Ttn titin increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of TTN mRNA CTD PMID:27206323 NCBI chr 3:61,652,432...61,924,912
Ensembl chr 3:61,652,439...61,924,741
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G Txn1 thioredoxin 1 multiple interactions EXP [Ozone co-treated with Nitrogen Dioxide] results in increased expression of TXN1 mRNA CTD PMID:10986008 NCBI chr 5:72,712,334...72,724,564
Ensembl chr 5:72,711,933...72,724,629
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G Txndc2 thioredoxin domain containing 2 increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of TXNDC2 mRNA CTD PMID:27206323 NCBI chr 9:105,230,575...105,235,131
Ensembl chr 9:105,230,578...105,235,126
JBrowse link
G Txnrd1 thioredoxin reductase 1 increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of TXNRD1 mRNA CTD PMID:27206323 NCBI chr 7:20,830,042...20,914,990
Ensembl chr 7:20,830,045...20,907,863
JBrowse link
G Vcam1 vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 increases expression ISO Nitrogen Dioxide results in increased expression of VCAM1 mRNA CTD PMID:22331494 NCBI chr 2:204,038,120...204,057,852
Ensembl chr 2:204,038,114...204,057,958
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 19901
    chemical entity 19899
      molecular entity 19899
        inorganic molecular entity 19686
          inorganic oxide 7806
            nitrogen oxide 426
              1,2-dinitrosodioxidane 0
              bis(oxidonitrate)(N--N)(.1-) 0
              dinitrogen oxide 8
              dinitrogen pentaoxide 0
              dinitrogen tetraoxide 0
              dinitrogen trioxide 0
              dioxidonitrate(.2-) 0
              dioxidonitrogen(1+) 0
              dioxohydrazine 0
              mu-oxidobis(oxidonitrogen) 0
              nitric oxide 322
              nitrogen dioxide 130
              nitrooxidanyl 0
              oxidonitrate(1-) 0
              oxidonitrate(2.1-) (triplet) 0
              oxidonitrogen(1+) 0
              trioxido-1kappa(2)O,2kappaO-dinitrate(N--N)(2-) 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 19901
    subatomic particle 19899
      composite particle 19899
        hadron 19899
          baryon 19899
            nucleon 19899
              atomic nucleus 19899
                atom 19899
                  main group element atom 19838
                    p-block element atom 19838
                      chalcogen 19589
                        oxygen atom 19561
                          oxygen molecular entity 19561
                            oxide 12887
                              inorganic oxide 7806
                                nitrogen oxide 426
                                  1,2-dinitrosodioxidane 0
                                  bis(oxidonitrate)(N--N)(.1-) 0
                                  dinitrogen oxide 8
                                  dinitrogen pentaoxide 0
                                  dinitrogen tetraoxide 0
                                  dinitrogen trioxide 0
                                  dioxidonitrate(.2-) 0
                                  dioxidonitrogen(1+) 0
                                  dioxohydrazine 0
                                  mu-oxidobis(oxidonitrogen) 0
                                  nitric oxide 322
                                  nitrogen dioxide 130
                                  nitrooxidanyl 0
                                  oxidonitrate(1-) 0
                                  oxidonitrate(2.1-) (triplet) 0
                                  oxidonitrogen(1+) 0
                                  trioxido-1kappa(2)O,2kappaO-dinitrate(N--N)(2-) 0
paths to the root