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The Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology is downloaded weekly from EMBL-EBI at The data is made available under the Creative Commons License (CC BY 3.0, For more information see: Degtyarenko et al. (2008) ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest. Nucleic Acids Res. 36, D344–D350.

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Accession:CHEBI:35154 term browser browse the term
Definition:An elemental manganese that has formula Mn.
Synonyms:related_synonym: Formula=Mn;   InChI=1S/Mn;   InChIKey=PWHULOQIROXLJO-UHFFFAOYSA-N;   Mn(0);   Mnn;   SMILES=[Mn];   colloidal manganese;   manganese
 xref: CAS:7439-96-5
 xref_mesh: MESH:D008345

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manganese(0) term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Abca5 ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 5 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of ABCA5 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr10:95,240,159...95,309,195
Ensembl chr10:95,240,154...95,308,976
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G Abca9 ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 9 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of ABCA9 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr10:95,077,615...95,137,751
Ensembl chr10:95,079,058...95,139,608
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G Abcb1a ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 1A increases activity
multiple interactions
increases expression
Manganese results in increased activity of ABCB1 protein
[Manganese results in increased activity of ABCB1 protein] which results in increased hydrolysis of Adenosine Triphosphate
Manganese results in increased expression of ABCB1A mRNA
CTD PMID:2900677 PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 4:25,357,467...25,529,941
Ensembl chr 4:25,158,362...25,442,709
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G Abcc6 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 6 multiple interactions EXP Manganese promotes the reaction [8-azidoadenosine 5'-triphosphate binds to ABCC6 protein]; Manganese promotes the reaction [beryllium fluoride promotes the reaction [8-azidoadenosine 5'-triphosphate binds to ABCC6 protein]] CTD PMID:12069597 NCBI chr 1:96,447,224...96,501,464
Ensembl chr 1:96,447,251...96,501,464
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G Abcc8 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 8 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of ABCC8 protein CTD PMID:32659473 NCBI chr 1:96,598,568...96,679,563
Ensembl chr 1:96,598,647...96,679,510
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G Abi2 abl-interactor 2 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of ABI2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 9:61,827,186...61,905,703
Ensembl chr 9:61,827,139...61,905,699
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G Acat2 acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase 2 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of ACAT2 mRNA CTD PMID:23499988 NCBI chr 1:47,695,833...47,713,879
Ensembl chr 1:47,695,788...47,752,821
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G Ache acetylcholinesterase multiple interactions
increases activity
[Aluminum co-treated with Lead co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Selenium co-treated with Zinc] results in increased activity of ACHE protein; [Aluminum co-treated with Lead co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Selenium] results in increased activity of ACHE protein; [Aluminum co-treated with Lead co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Manganese] results in increased activity of ACHE protein; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [Ethanol results in increased activity of ACHE protein]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased activity of ACHE protein; Ethanol promotes the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased activity of ACHE protein]; Taurine inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased activity of ACHE protein]
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased activity of ACHE protein; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased activity of ACHE protein; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of ACHE mRNA alternative form
CTD PMID:24885898 PMID:30738988 PMID:30844427 PMID:32445656 PMID:33314588 More... NCBI chr12:19,406,133...19,413,713
Ensembl chr12:19,407,360...19,413,651
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G Aco1 aconitase 1 decreases activity
increases activity
multiple interactions
Manganese results in decreased activity of ACO1 protein
Manganese results in increased activity of ACO1 protein
Manganese results in increased stability of [ACO1 protein binds to SLC11A2 mRNA]
CTD PMID:16386771 PMID:16545456 PMID:16568477 PMID:16729984 PMID:17469137 NCBI chr 5:55,259,841...55,315,872
Ensembl chr 5:55,259,827...55,316,391
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G Aco2 aconitase 2 multiple interactions
decreases activity
decreases expression
ferric ammonium citrate inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased activity of ACO2 protein]
Manganese results in decreased expression of ACO2 mRNA; Manganese results in decreased expression of ACO2 protein
Iron inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased activity of ACO2 protein]
CTD PMID:9675333 PMID:16625280 PMID:17469137 NCBI chr 7:113,385,677...113,428,794
Ensembl chr 7:113,385,646...113,428,261
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G Acta1 actin, alpha 1, skeletal muscle decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of ACTA1 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr19:51,883,709...51,886,735
Ensembl chr19:51,883,715...51,886,742
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G Actr3 actin related protein 3 affects expression EXP Manganese affects the expression of ACTR3 protein CTD PMID:24885898 NCBI chr13:36,800,739...36,843,837
Ensembl chr13:36,800,093...36,844,124
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G Adgre1 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor E1 increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of ADGRE1 mRNA CTD PMID:20224926 NCBI chr 9:2,242,476...2,398,000
Ensembl chr 9:2,242,474...2,398,000
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G Adm adrenomedullin increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of ADM mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 1:164,745,484...164,747,655
Ensembl chr 1:164,745,466...164,747,654
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G Afp alpha-fetoprotein decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of AFP mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr14:17,573,412...17,591,476
Ensembl chr14:17,573,412...17,591,480
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G Akap7 A-kinase anchoring protein 7 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of AKAP7 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 1:20,087,190...20,217,799
Ensembl chr 1:20,087,373...20,217,797
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G Akt1 AKT serine/threonine kinase 1 decreases expression
increases phosphorylation
multiple interactions
Manganese results in decreased expression of AKT1 protein
Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein
NTF3 protein inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein; benzyloxycarbonylvalyl-alanyl-aspartyl fluoromethyl ketone inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]
CTD PMID:17043766 PMID:24845367 PMID:31676349 NCBI chr 6:131,713,716...131,735,319
Ensembl chr 6:131,713,720...131,733,921
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G Alb albumin multiple interactions EXP [Zinc co-treated with Copper co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Potassium Dichromate co-treated with Nickel co-treated with Cadmium co-treated with Lead co-treated with Mercury] affects the expression of ALB protein CTD PMID:30090589 NCBI chr14:17,607,397...17,622,814
Ensembl chr14:17,607,381...17,622,836
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G Angpt2 angiopoietin 2 decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of ANGPT2 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr16:71,088,364...71,138,805
Ensembl chr16:71,088,364...71,138,804
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G Angptl4 angiopoietin-like 4 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of ANGPTL4 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 7:14,550,288...14,557,797
Ensembl chr 7:14,550,311...14,556,519
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G Anp32a acidic nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member A multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of ANP32A mRNA CTD PMID:35690225 NCBI chr 8:62,829,099...62,865,443
Ensembl chr 8:62,827,456...62,865,443
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G Ap3b2 adaptor related protein complex 3 subunit beta 2 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of AP3B2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 1:135,412,580...135,445,191
Ensembl chr 1:135,412,580...135,445,191
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G Apol2 apolipoprotein L2 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of APOL2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 7:109,331,367...109,338,632
Ensembl chr 7:109,331,392...109,338,558
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G App amyloid beta precursor protein increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of APP mRNA CTD PMID:18583042 NCBI chr11:24,019,774...24,236,584
Ensembl chr11:24,019,778...24,236,561
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G Aqp4 aquaporin 4 multiple interactions EXP Antioxidants inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of AQP4 protein] CTD PMID:20648640 NCBI chr18:6,507,903...6,524,558
Ensembl chr18:6,507,903...6,524,856
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G Arg1 arginase 1 affects binding
multiple interactions
Manganese binds to ARG1 protein
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of ARG1 mRNA
CTD PMID:15248756 PMID:18802628 PMID:34018660 NCBI chr 1:20,475,878...20,488,422
Ensembl chr 1:20,475,968...20,488,422
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G Arhgdia Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor alpha decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of ARHGDIA mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr10:105,854,526...105,858,020
Ensembl chr10:105,854,533...105,858,023
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G Arhgef4 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 4 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of ARHGEF4 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 9:36,861,800...37,005,079
Ensembl chr 9:36,861,835...37,005,075
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G Atf1 activating transcription factor 1 increases phosphorylation
multiple interactions
EXP Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of ATF1 protein
SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of ATF1 protein]
CTD PMID:16787641 NCBI chr 7:131,361,962...131,404,677
Ensembl chr 7:131,362,450...131,404,670
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G Atf6 activating transcription factor 6 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of ATF6 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr13:82,927,579...83,106,381
Ensembl chr13:82,930,034...83,107,177
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G Atm ATM serine/threonine kinase decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of ATM mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 8:53,828,741...53,932,773
Ensembl chr 8:53,831,093...53,932,437
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G Atoh8 atonal bHLH transcription factor 8 decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of ATOH8 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 4:104,259,992...104,292,168
Ensembl chr 4:104,259,992...104,292,168
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G Atp13a2 ATPase cation transporting 13A2 affects response to substance
decreases response to substance
ISO ATP13A2 gene polymorphism affects the susceptibility to Manganese
ATP13A2 protein results in decreased susceptibility to Manganese
CTD PMID:22285144 PMID:22847264 PMID:25461191 NCBI chr 5:153,292,722...153,312,143
Ensembl chr 5:153,292,751...153,312,139
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G Atp1a2 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 2 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of ATP1A2 protein CTD PMID:37598760 NCBI chr13:84,729,597...84,754,544
Ensembl chr13:84,729,601...84,754,544
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G Atp1a3 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 3 decreases expression
increases methylation
multiple interactions
ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of ATP1A3 mRNA
Manganese results in increased methylation of ATP1A3 promoter
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which affects the expression of ATP1A3 protein
CTD PMID:23976782 PMID:37598760 NCBI chr 1:80,572,790...80,601,936
Ensembl chr 1:80,572,796...80,601,918
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G Atp6v1h ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit H multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of ATP6V1H mRNA; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of ATP6V1H mRNA] CTD PMID:31690173 NCBI chr 5:14,379,029...14,484,703
Ensembl chr 5:14,378,257...14,537,962
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G Atp7a ATPase copper transporting alpha affects localization
decreases expression
EXP Manganese affects the localization of ATP7A protein
Manganese results in decreased expression of ATP7A mRNA; Manganese results in decreased expression of ATP7A protein
CTD PMID:24614235 NCBI chr  X:71,094,144...71,201,550
Ensembl chr  X:71,094,202...71,198,354
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G Atp7b ATPase copper transporting beta increases phosphorylation
affects localization
decreases expression
Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of ATP7B protein
Manganese affects the localization of ATP7B protein
Manganese results in decreased expression of ATP7B mRNA; Manganese results in decreased expression of ATP7B protein
CTD PMID:19405516 PMID:24614235 NCBI chr16:69,952,286...70,024,404
Ensembl chr16:69,951,778...70,023,636
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G Atp8a1 ATPase phospholipid transporting 8A1 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of ATP8A1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr14:40,315,013...40,557,572
Ensembl chr14:40,315,049...40,554,611
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G Bace1 beta-secretase 1 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of BACE1 mRNA CTD PMID:18583042 NCBI chr 8:46,142,060...46,166,268
Ensembl chr 8:46,142,116...46,165,876
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G Bax BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator multiple interactions
increases expression
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [Ethanol results in increased expression of BAX protein]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of BAX protein; [Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in increased expression of BAX protein; Ethanol promotes the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of BAX protein]; PPM1D protein inhibits the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in increased expression of BAX protein]; Rolipram inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of BAX protein]
[Lead co-treated with Cadmium co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Copper co-treated with Zinc co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Chromium co-treated with Nickel] results in increased expression of BAX protein; Luteolin affects the reaction [[Lead co-treated with Cadmium co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Copper co-treated with Zinc co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Chromium co-treated with Nickel] results in increased expression of BAX protein]; NTF3 protein inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of BAX protein]
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of BAX protein; benzyloxycarbonylvalyl-alanyl-aspartyl fluoromethyl ketone inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of BAX protein]
CTD PMID:25027559 PMID:25791630 PMID:29115570 PMID:30844427 PMID:30951808 More... NCBI chr 1:95,940,001...95,945,407
Ensembl chr 1:95,938,808...95,945,368
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G Bcl2 BCL2, apoptosis regulator multiple interactions
decreases expression
[Lead co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Cadmium co-treated with Arsenic] results in decreased expression of BCL2 mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [Ethanol results in decreased expression of BCL2 protein]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of BCL2 protein; [Streptozocin co-treated with Lead co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Cadmium co-treated with Arsenic] results in decreased expression of BCL2 mRNA; [Streptozocin co-treated with Manganese] results in decreased expression of BCL2 mRNA; Ethanol promotes the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of BCL2 protein]; Rolipram inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of BCL2 protein]
Manganese results in decreased expression of BCL2 mRNA; Manganese results in decreased expression of BCL2 protein
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of BCL2 mRNA
CTD PMID:30844427 PMID:30951808 PMID:31161640 PMID:31676349 PMID:32246071 More... NCBI chr13:22,689,783...22,853,920
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
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G Bcl2l1 Bcl2-like 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of BCL2L1 protein
[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in decreased expression of BCL2L1 protein; PPM1D protein inhibits the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in decreased expression of BCL2L1 protein]
CTD PMID:25791630 NCBI chr 3:141,253,508...141,304,582
Ensembl chr 3:141,253,523...141,303,479
Ensembl chr 1:141,253,523...141,303,479
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G Bdnf brain-derived neurotrophic factor multiple interactions
decreases expression
[Curcumin co-treated with Manganese] inhibits the reaction [Kainic Acid results in increased expression of BDNF mRNA]; [diacetylcurcumin co-treated with Manganese] inhibits the reaction [Kainic Acid results in increased expression of BDNF mRNA]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of BDNF protein; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of BDNF mRNA; CREB1 protein affects the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of BDNF mRNA]; Rolipram inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of BDNF protein]
Manganese results in decreased expression of BDNF mRNA; Manganese results in decreased expression of BDNF protein
CTD PMID:17827730 PMID:25099302 PMID:29205667 PMID:30951808 PMID:31161640 More... NCBI chr 3:96,165,042...96,215,621
Ensembl chr 3:96,165,042...96,215,615
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G Bnip3 BCL2 interacting protein 3 multiple interactions ISO Antioxidants inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of BNIP3 protein] CTD PMID:19442826 NCBI chr 1:193,708,164...193,725,348
Ensembl chr 1:193,708,167...193,725,359
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G Bub1 BUB1 mitotic checkpoint serine/threonine kinase decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of BUB1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 3:115,020,254...115,051,650
Ensembl chr 3:115,020,254...115,051,650
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G Calcoco2 calcium binding and coiled-coil domain 2 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of CALCOCO2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr10:81,055,467...81,069,298 JBrowse link
G Calr calreticulin affects expression EXP Manganese affects the expression of CALR protein CTD PMID:24885898 NCBI chr19:23,308,525...23,313,420
Ensembl chr19:23,308,351...23,313,414
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G Camk2a calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II alpha decreases phosphorylation EXP Manganese results in decreased phosphorylation of CAMK2A protein CTD PMID:26616912 NCBI chr18:54,378,642...54,441,120
Ensembl chr18:54,378,784...54,438,994
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G Capn1 calpain 1 increases activity
multiple interactions
EXP Manganese results in increased activity of CAPN1 protein
calpain inhibitor III inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased activity of CAPN1 protein]
CTD PMID:21985864 NCBI chr 1:203,275,912...203,300,848
Ensembl chr 1:203,277,344...203,300,177
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G Car8 carbonic anhydrase 8 increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of CAR8 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 5:21,302,940...21,402,395
Ensembl chr 5:21,305,383...21,402,374
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G Casp3 caspase 3 multiple interactions
increases cleavage
increases expression
increases activity
[Aluminum co-treated with Lead co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Manganese] results in increased expression of CASP3 protein; [Lead co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Cadmium co-treated with Arsenic] results in increased expression of CASP3 mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [Ethanol results in increased expression of CASP3 protein]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased cleavage of CASP3 protein; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of CASP3 protein; [Streptozocin co-treated with Lead co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Cadmium co-treated with Arsenic] results in increased expression of CASP3 mRNA; [Streptozocin co-treated with Manganese] results in increased expression of CASP3 mRNA; aspartyl-glutamyl-valyl-aspartal inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]; Deferoxamine inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]; Ethanol promotes the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of CASP3 protein]; GW 506033X inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased cleavage of CASP3 protein]; Manganese promotes the reaction [SP1 protein modified form binds to CASP3 promoter]; Manganese results in increased expression of and results in increased cleavage of CASP3 protein; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased cleavage of CASP3 protein]; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased cleavage of CASP3 protein]; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of CASP3 protein]; quinoline-val-asp(OMe)-CH2-OPH inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]; rhodioloside inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased cleavage of CASP3 protein]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of CASP3 mRNA]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of CASP3 protein]
Manganese results in increased expression of CASP3 mRNA; Manganese results in increased expression of CASP3 protein
[Lead co-treated with Cadmium co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Copper co-treated with Zinc co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Chromium co-treated with Nickel] results in increased cleavage of CASP3 protein; Luteolin inhibits the reaction [[Lead co-treated with Cadmium co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Copper co-treated with Zinc co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Chromium co-treated with Nickel] results in increased cleavage of CASP3 protein]; SNCA protein inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]
CTD PMID:11933051 PMID:16787641 PMID:21985864 PMID:22427945 PMID:22841634 More... NCBI chr16:45,662,910...45,681,171
Ensembl chr16:45,662,910...45,684,648
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G Casp7 caspase 7 increases activity EXP Manganese results in increased activity of CASP7 protein CTD PMID:22427945 NCBI chr 1:255,437,438...255,476,737
Ensembl chr 1:255,437,172...255,476,729
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G Casp8 caspase 8 increases activity
multiple interactions
EXP Manganese results in increased activity of CASP8 protein
Rolipram inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased activity of CASP8 protein]
CTD PMID:31161640 NCBI chr 9:60,263,863...60,312,542
Ensembl chr 9:60,264,075...60,312,542
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G Casp9 caspase 9 increases cleavage
multiple interactions
increases activity
Manganese results in increased cleavage of CASP9 protein
[Lead co-treated with Cadmium co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Copper co-treated with Zinc co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Chromium co-treated with Nickel] results in increased cleavage of CASP9 protein; Luteolin inhibits the reaction [[Lead co-treated with Cadmium co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Copper co-treated with Zinc co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Chromium co-treated with Nickel] results in increased cleavage of CASP9 protein]; SNCA protein inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased activity of CASP9 protein]
CTD PMID:16787641 PMID:25416158 PMID:29115570 NCBI chr 5:154,108,872...154,126,628
Ensembl chr 5:154,109,046...154,126,626
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G Cat catalase multiple interactions
decreases activity
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased activity of CAT protein; CAT protein inhibits the reaction [[[PRNP protein binds to Manganese] which co-treated with Hydrogen Peroxide] results in increased cleavage of [PRNP protein binds to PRNP protein]]
[Aluminum co-treated with Lead co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Selenium] results in decreased activity of CAT protein; [Aluminum co-treated with Lead co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Zinc] results in decreased activity of CAT protein; [Aluminum co-treated with Lead co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Manganese] results in decreased activity of CAT protein; [Arsenic co-treated with Cadmium co-treated with Lead co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Chromium co-treated with Nickel co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Iron] results in decreased activity of CAT protein; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [Ethanol results in decreased activity of CAT protein]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased activity of CAT protein; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of CAT protein; CAT protein inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of SLC12A2 protein]; CAT protein inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of SLC12A2 protein]; Ethanol promotes the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased activity of CAT protein]; Silymarin inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased activity of CAT protein]
CTD PMID:16595185 PMID:17176674 PMID:23339144 PMID:25817889 PMID:30844427 More... NCBI chr 3:89,842,393...89,874,577
Ensembl chr 3:89,842,399...89,874,478
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G Cav1 caveolin 1 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of CAV1 mRNA; Manganese results in decreased expression of CAV1 protein CTD PMID:23499988 PMID:23597857 NCBI chr 4:45,640,624...45,673,708
Ensembl chr 4:45,634,918...45,673,705
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G Cav3 caveolin 3 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of CAV3 mRNA; Manganese results in decreased expression of CAV3 protein CTD PMID:23597857 NCBI chr 4:145,582,168...145,598,142
Ensembl chr 4:145,582,060...145,598,137
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G Ccl2 C-C motif chemokine ligand 2 increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of CCL2 mRNA CTD PMID:19782702 NCBI chr10:67,005,424...67,007,222
Ensembl chr10:67,005,424...67,007,226
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G Ccl7 C-C motif chemokine ligand 7 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of CCL7 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr10:67,016,446...67,018,296
Ensembl chr10:67,016,446...67,018,303
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G Ccna1 cyclin A1 increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of CCNA1 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 2:139,231,738...139,278,066
Ensembl chr 2:139,201,074...139,243,157
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G Ccnb1 cyclin B1 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of CCNB1 mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of CCNB1 protein CTD PMID:34822792 PMID:38503349 NCBI chr 2:31,912,190...31,921,163
Ensembl chr 2:31,912,193...31,921,172
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G Ccnb2 cyclin B2 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of CCNB2 mRNA
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of CCNB2 mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of CCNB2 protein; YTHDC2 protein inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of CCNB2 mRNA]; YTHDC2 protein inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of CCNB2 protein]
CTD PMID:17175027 PMID:34822792 NCBI chr 8:71,087,594...71,100,794
Ensembl chr 8:71,087,595...71,100,874
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G Ccnd1 cyclin D1 increases expression
multiple interactions
Manganese results in increased expression of CCND1 mRNA
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of CCND1 mRNA
CTD PMID:23997110 PMID:38503349 NCBI chr 1:200,089,002...200,098,524
Ensembl chr 1:200,089,002...200,098,602
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G Ccne1 cyclin E1 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of CCNE1 mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of CCNE1 protein CTD PMID:38503349 NCBI chr 1:90,781,947...90,791,188
Ensembl chr 1:90,781,949...90,791,101
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G Cd48 Cd48 molecule increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of CD48 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr13:84,184,884...84,209,144
Ensembl chr13:84,185,532...84,209,142
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G Cd8b CD8 subunit beta increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of CD8B mRNA; Manganese results in increased expression of CD8B1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 4:103,312,596...103,328,523
Ensembl chr 4:103,312,578...103,328,553
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G Cdkn2c cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2C decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of CDKN2C mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 5:124,411,123...124,416,278
Ensembl chr 5:124,411,124...124,416,278
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G Cdkn3 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 3 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of CDKN3 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr15:20,022,522...20,033,948
Ensembl chr15:20,022,664...20,033,945
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G Cebpd CCAAT/enhancer binding protein delta increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of CEBPD mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr11:84,764,670...84,765,808
Ensembl chr11:84,764,565...84,765,829
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G Celsr1 cadherin, EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 1 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of CELSR1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 7:116,987,616...117,125,035
Ensembl chr 7:116,987,605...117,125,164
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G Cep128 centrosomal protein 128 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of CEP128 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 6:109,951,009...110,328,686
Ensembl chr 6:109,951,061...110,328,713
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G Chat choline O-acetyltransferase decreases activity
multiple interactions
Manganese results in decreased activity of CHAT protein
Taurine inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased activity of CHAT protein]
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased activity of CHAT protein
CTD PMID:24885898 PMID:30738988 NCBI chr16:7,657,362...7,717,093
Ensembl chr16:7,657,362...7,717,093
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G Chd7 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 7 increases expression
decreases methylation
ISO Manganese results in increased expression of CHD7 mRNA
Manganese results in decreased methylation of CHD7 gene
CTD PMID:26586927 NCBI chr 5:21,812,007...21,995,358
Ensembl chr 5:21,812,070...21,995,358
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G Chmp4b charged multivesicular body protein 4B multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of CHMP4B protein CTD PMID:35690225 NCBI chr 3:143,170,859...143,211,376
Ensembl chr 3:143,170,902...143,210,844
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G Cks2 CDC28 protein kinase regulatory subunit 2 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of CKS2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr17:13,570,611...13,575,770 JBrowse link
G Cldn23 claudin 23 increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of CLDN23 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr16:56,413,677...56,415,401
Ensembl chr16:56,413,381...56,415,523
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G Cldnd1 claudin domain containing 1 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of CLDND1 mRNA CTD PMID:35690225 NCBI chr11:41,883,120...41,889,471
Ensembl chr11:41,883,134...41,889,354
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G Cln6 CLN6, transmembrane ER protein increases abundance ISO CLN6 gene mutant form results in increased abundance of Manganese CTD PMID:23789114 NCBI chr 8:63,303,356...63,318,360
Ensembl chr 8:63,303,029...63,318,360
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G Cnot2 CCR4-NOT transcription complex, subunit 2 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of CNOT2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 7:52,130,445...52,222,338
Ensembl chr 7:52,130,441...52,223,575
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G Cnot6l CCR4-NOT transcription complex, subunit 6-like increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of CNOT6L mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr14:13,410,499...13,502,511
Ensembl chr14:13,411,281...13,498,203
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G Col12a1 collagen type XII alpha 1 chain decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of COL12A1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 8:80,547,592...80,665,665
Ensembl chr 8:80,547,593...80,665,686
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G Cpm carboxypeptidase M decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of CPM mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 7:53,225,647...53,286,220
Ensembl chr 7:53,225,696...53,286,220
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G Creb1 cAMP responsive element binding protein 1 increases phosphorylation
multiple interactions
decreases expression
decreases phosphorylation
Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein
1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid acetoxymethyl ester inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein; CREB1 protein affects the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of BDNF mRNA]; N-(2-(4-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]; Rolipram inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]
Manganese results in decreased expression of CREB1 mRNA; Manganese results in decreased expression of CREB1 protein
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein; benzyloxycarbonylvalyl-alanyl-aspartyl fluoromethyl ketone inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of CREB1 protein; NTF3 protein inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]
CTD PMID:16787641 PMID:29205667 PMID:30951808 PMID:31161640 PMID:31676349 More... NCBI chr 9:65,903,511...65,972,562
Ensembl chr 9:65,903,547...65,970,816
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G Crh corticotropin releasing hormone multiple interactions EXP CRH protein inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased chemical synthesis of Cyclic AMP] CTD PMID:2153673 NCBI chr 2:102,143,055...102,144,919
Ensembl chr 2:102,143,055...102,144,919
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G Crym crystallin, mu affects expression EXP Manganese affects the expression of CRYM protein CTD PMID:24885898 NCBI chr 1:174,560,423...174,575,660
Ensembl chr 1:174,560,416...174,575,633
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G Csrp3 cysteine and glycine rich protein 3 increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of CSRP3 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 1:98,528,067...98,546,647
Ensembl chr 1:98,528,068...98,546,653
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G Ctnna1 catenin alpha 1 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of CTNNA1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr18:26,728,246...26,860,911
Ensembl chr18:26,728,485...26,860,910
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G Ctnnb1 catenin beta 1 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of CTNNB1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 8:120,640,008...120,667,110
Ensembl chr 8:120,639,995...120,667,111
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G Ctsd cathepsin D multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased activity of CTSD protein CTD PMID:31690173 NCBI chr 1:197,527,467...197,539,343
Ensembl chr 1:197,527,467...197,539,488
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G Cxcl12 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 12 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of CXCL12 mRNA CTD PMID:23499988 NCBI chr 4:150,388,326...150,401,173
Ensembl chr 4:150,388,325...150,401,168
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G Cxcl14 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 14 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of CXCL14 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr17:8,317,930...8,325,956
Ensembl chr17:8,317,933...8,324,839
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G Cxcl2 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 2 increases expression ISO
Manganese results in increased expression of CXCL2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 PMID:19782702 PMID:20224926 NCBI chr14:17,181,030...17,183,075
Ensembl chr14:17,181,062...17,183,075
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G Cxcl6 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 6 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of CXCL6 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr14:17,310,790...17,312,250
Ensembl chr14:17,310,426...17,313,093
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G Cycs cytochrome c, somatic multiple interactions
affects localization
SNCA protein inhibits the reaction [Manganese affects the localization of CYCS protein] CTD PMID:25416158 NCBI chr 4:79,651,894...79,653,994
Ensembl chr 4:79,651,378...79,654,054
Ensembl chr18:79,651,378...79,654,054
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G Cyp11a1 cytochrome P450, family 11, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of CYP11A1 protein CTD PMID:25981801 NCBI chr 8:58,422,807...58,434,342
Ensembl chr 8:58,404,669...58,434,338
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G Cyp26b1 cytochrome P450, family 26, subfamily b, polypeptide 1 decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of CYP26B1 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 4:117,041,808...117,058,628
Ensembl chr 4:117,041,808...117,058,628
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G Cyp2d4 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 4 decreases response to substance ISO CYP2D6 gene polymorphism results in decreased susceptibility to Manganese CTD PMID:12171760 NCBI chr 7:113,882,584...113,891,754
Ensembl chr 7:113,881,618...113,891,759
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G Cyp7a1 cytochrome P450 family 7 subfamily A member 1 multiple interactions
increases activity
EXP [Manganese co-treated with Bilirubin] results in decreased activity of CYP7A1 protein
Manganese results in increased activity of CYP7A1 protein
CTD PMID:12700418 NCBI chr 5:19,376,979...19,386,676
Ensembl chr 5:19,376,974...19,386,688
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G Dach2 dachshund family transcription factor 2 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of DACH2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr  X:78,718,963...79,018,023
Ensembl chr  X:78,451,593...79,017,592
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G Dctn3 dynactin subunit 3 affects expression EXP Manganese affects the expression of DCTN3 protein CTD PMID:24885898 NCBI chr 5:56,881,085...56,889,041
Ensembl chr 5:56,881,085...56,889,102
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G Ddah1 dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Manganese deficiency results in decreased expression of DDAH1 protein
Paroxetine inhibits the reaction [Manganese deficiency results in decreased expression of DDAH1 protein]
CTD PMID:21312047 NCBI chr 2:234,667,499...234,800,322
Ensembl chr 2:234,667,491...234,799,339
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G Ddit3 DNA-damage inducible transcript 3 increases expression
multiple interactions
Manganese results in increased expression of DDIT3 protein
Manganese results in increased expression of DDIT3 mRNA
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of DDIT3 mRNA
CTD PMID:21477646 PMID:23499988 PMID:32574669 NCBI chr 7:63,115,645...63,121,203
Ensembl chr 7:63,116,380...63,121,201
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G Dld dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of DLD protein CTD PMID:25981801 NCBI chr 6:47,904,153...47,924,814
Ensembl chr 6:47,903,914...47,924,795
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G Dnah14 dynein axonemal heavy chain 14 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of DNAH14 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr13:93,322,653...93,540,706
Ensembl chr13:93,322,711...93,538,646
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G Dnph1 2'-deoxynucleoside 5'-phosphate N-hydrolase 1 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of DNPH1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 9:14,481,296...14,484,034
Ensembl chr 9:14,481,066...14,484,022
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G Dpp4 dipeptidylpeptidase 4 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of DPP4 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 3:46,962,233...47,043,870
Ensembl chr 3:46,962,243...47,043,901
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G Dr1 down-regulator of transcription 1 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of DR1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr14:1,458,223...1,469,578
Ensembl chr14:1,458,223...1,469,638
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G Drd2 dopamine receptor D2 decreases expression
affects expression
Manganese results in decreased expression of DRD2 mRNA
Manganese affects the expression of DRD2 protein
CTD PMID:20224926 PMID:33881537 NCBI chr 8:49,708,927...49,772,876
Ensembl chr 8:49,708,927...49,772,875
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G Dscaml1 DS cell adhesion molecule-like 1 increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of DSCAML1 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 8:45,740,298...46,057,322
Ensembl chr 8:45,740,298...46,057,320
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G Dspp dentin sialophosphoprotein increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of DSPP mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr14:5,565,562...5,571,669
Ensembl chr14:5,565,629...5,571,672
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G Dusp1 dual specificity phosphatase 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Manganese co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in decreased expression of DUSP1 mRNA; [Manganese co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in decreased expression of DUSP1 protein
Manganese results in decreased expression of DUSP1 mRNA; Manganese results in decreased expression of DUSP1 protein
CTD PMID:20589745 NCBI chr10:16,680,478...16,683,275 JBrowse link
G Eif2a eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2A increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of EIF2A protein CTD PMID:21477646 NCBI chr 2:142,761,303...142,794,767
Ensembl chr 2:142,761,416...142,795,068
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G Eif2ak2 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2-alpha kinase 2 multiple interactions EXP [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased cleavage of EIF2AK2 protein; GW 506033X inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased cleavage of EIF2AK2 protein]; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased cleavage of EIF2AK2 protein] CTD PMID:32574669 NCBI chr 6:16,189,000...16,224,972
Ensembl chr 6:16,188,979...16,224,971
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G Eif2ak3 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase 3 multiple interactions EXP [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of EIF2AK3 protein CTD PMID:32574669 NCBI chr 4:102,805,495...102,866,914
Ensembl chr 4:102,805,510...102,866,911
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G Eif2s1 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit alpha multiple interactions EXP [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of EIF2S1 protein CTD PMID:32574669 NCBI chr 6:97,672,829...97,697,499
Ensembl chr 6:97,672,766...97,706,225
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G Elf1 E74 like ETS transcription factor 1 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of ELF1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr15:54,890,644...54,986,721
Ensembl chr15:54,865,616...54,986,699
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G Eml2 EMAP like 2 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of EML2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 1:78,827,595...78,859,342
Ensembl chr 1:78,828,080...78,859,341
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G Eno1 enolase 1 decreases activity ISO Manganese results in decreased activity of ENO1 protein CTD PMID:22191580 NCBI chr 5:160,719,951...160,731,337
Ensembl chr 5:160,719,951...160,731,336
Ensembl chr 3:160,719,951...160,731,336
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G Epo erythropoietin increases glycosylation ISO Manganese results in increased glycosylation of EPO protein CTD PMID:16937399 NCBI chr12:19,204,258...19,207,948
Ensembl chr12:19,204,508...19,207,946
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G Ercc6l ERCC excision repair 6 like, spindle assembly checkpoint helicase decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of ERCC6L mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr  X:67,245,414...67,261,222
Ensembl chr  X:67,245,414...67,280,756
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G Ereg epiregulin increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of EREG mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr14:17,027,287...17,041,062
Ensembl chr14:17,027,287...17,041,062
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G Erich1 glutamate-rich 1 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of ERICH1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr16:75,501,322...75,569,129
Ensembl chr16:75,501,384...75,569,128
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G Esr1 estrogen receptor 1 increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of ESR1 protein CTD PMID:24845367 NCBI chr 1:41,106,335...41,499,104
Ensembl chr 1:41,210,475...41,495,002
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G Exoc6 exocyst complex component 6 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of EXOC6 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 1:235,314,612...235,457,824
Ensembl chr 1:235,300,369...235,457,015
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G Eya4 EYA transcriptional coactivator and phosphatase 4 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of EYA4 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 1:22,172,275...22,415,978
Ensembl chr 1:22,172,275...22,415,976
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G F2 coagulation factor II, thrombin multiple interactions
increases uptake
ISO 1-Methyl-3-isobutylxanthine inhibits the reaction [F2 protein results in increased uptake of Manganese]; Colforsin inhibits the reaction [F2 protein results in increased uptake of Manganese]; Nickel inhibits the reaction [F2 protein results in increased uptake of Manganese]; Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate inhibits the reaction [F2 protein results in increased uptake of Manganese] CTD PMID:2125206 NCBI chr 3:77,596,196...77,609,486
Ensembl chr 3:77,596,198...77,609,486
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G Fa2h fatty acid 2-hydroxylase increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of FA2H mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr19:39,312,904...39,364,153
Ensembl chr19:39,312,906...39,364,153
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G Fam107a family with sequence similarity 107, member A decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of FAM107A mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr15:16,608,362...16,630,398
Ensembl chr15:16,607,205...16,630,396
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G Fam180a family with sequence similarity 180, member A decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of FAM180A mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 4:63,992,867...64,008,047
Ensembl chr 4:63,992,867...64,008,047
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G Fancf FA complementation group F decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of FANCF mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 1:101,449,120...101,451,936
Ensembl chr 1:101,450,389...101,451,923
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G Fcgr1a Fc gamma receptor 1A decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of FCGR1A mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 2:183,851,075...183,860,077
Ensembl chr 2:183,851,077...183,859,994
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G Fgfbp1 fibroblast growth factor binding protein 1 decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of FGFBP1 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr14:67,103,686...67,107,492
Ensembl chr14:67,104,545...67,107,496
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G Fhl1 four and a half LIM domains 1 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of FHL1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr  X:134,555,399...134,614,930
Ensembl chr  X:134,555,479...134,614,928
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G Fibin fin bud initiation factor homolog increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of FIBIN mRNA CTD PMID:21615908 NCBI chr 3:96,942,405...96,944,676
Ensembl chr 3:96,942,406...96,944,676
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G Flcn folliculin increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of FLCN mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr10:44,588,621...44,607,808
Ensembl chr10:44,588,624...44,607,769
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G Fos Fos proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit multiple interactions
decreases expression
[Curcumin co-treated with Manganese] inhibits the reaction [Kainic Acid results in increased expression of FOS protein]; [diacetylcurcumin co-treated with Manganese] inhibits the reaction [Kainic Acid results in increased expression of FOS protein]
Manganese results in decreased expression of FOS protein
Manganese promotes the reaction [Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased activity of [JUN protein binds to FOS protein]]; Manganese promotes the reaction [Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased expression of FOS protein]
CTD PMID:17043766 PMID:17827730 PMID:22561169 NCBI chr 6:105,121,170...105,124,036
Ensembl chr 6:105,121,170...105,124,036
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G Foxn4 forkhead box N4 increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of FOXN4 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr12:42,336,706...42,359,932
Ensembl chr12:42,340,323...42,359,921
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G Foxo3 forkhead box O3 multiple interactions
affects localization
EXP 2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of FOXO3 protein]; 2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid inhibits the reaction [Manganese affects the localization of FOXO3 protein]; 2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of FOXO3 protein]; Manganese results in increased expression of and results in increased phosphorylation of FOXO3 protein; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of FOXO3 protein] CTD PMID:24787138 NCBI chr20:45,669,708...45,764,606
Ensembl chr20:45,672,995...45,764,561
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G Foxp2 forkhead box P2 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of FOXP2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 4:43,133,827...43,712,442
Ensembl chr 4:43,133,912...43,711,683
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G Fth1 ferritin heavy chain 1 decreases expression
increases expression
EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of FTH1 mRNA; Manganese results in decreased expression of FTH1 protein
Manganese results in increased expression of FTH1 protein
CTD PMID:16545456 PMID:16568477 PMID:16740617 PMID:17469137 NCBI chr 1:206,627,142...206,629,430
Ensembl chr 1:206,627,103...206,725,424
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G Fxyd2 FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 2 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of FXYD2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 8:45,712,901...45,720,032
Ensembl chr 8:45,712,903...45,720,203
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G Gabbr2 gamma-aminobutyric acid type B receptor subunit 2 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of GABBR2 protein CTD PMID:32659473 NCBI chr 5:60,947,517...61,288,104
Ensembl chr 5:60,947,526...61,288,104
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G Gabra1 gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor subunit alpha 1 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of GABRA1 protein CTD PMID:32659473 NCBI chr10:26,595,151...26,650,611
Ensembl chr10:26,595,160...26,650,864
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G Gabrg2 gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor subunit gamma 2 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of GABRG2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr10:26,374,693...26,463,937
Ensembl chr10:26,374,694...26,464,346
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G Gadd45a growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible, alpha increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of GADD45A mRNA CTD PMID:23499988 NCBI chr 4:96,154,789...96,157,091
Ensembl chr 4:96,154,789...96,157,115
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G Gal galanin and GMAP prepropeptide increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of GAL mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 1:200,650,439...200,655,302
Ensembl chr 1:200,650,439...200,654,959
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G Gcfc2 GC-rich sequence DNA-binding factor 2 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of GCFC2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 4:114,481,613...114,519,268
Ensembl chr 4:114,481,607...114,519,962
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G Gclm glutamate cysteine ligase, modifier subunit multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of GCLM mRNA CTD PMID:38503349 NCBI chr 2:210,347,482...210,367,537
Ensembl chr 2:210,347,482...210,367,535
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G Gdap2 ganglioside-induced differentiation-associated-protein 2 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of GDAP2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 2:187,528,514...187,585,270
Ensembl chr 2:187,528,513...187,585,270
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G Gdf15 growth differentiation factor 15 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of GDF15 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr16:18,804,457...18,808,043
Ensembl chr16:18,805,239...18,808,055
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G Gfap glial fibrillary acidic protein decreases expression
increases expression
affects expression
Manganese results in decreased expression of GFAP mRNA
Manganese results in increased expression of GFAP mRNA; Manganese results in increased expression of GFAP protein
Manganese affects the expression of GFAP protein
CTD PMID:19782702 PMID:20224926 PMID:23832297 PMID:24885898 NCBI chr10:87,852,891...87,861,631
Ensembl chr10:87,852,890...87,861,589
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G Ggt1 gamma-glutamyltransferase 1 multiple interactions EXP [Zinc co-treated with Copper co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Potassium Dichromate co-treated with Nickel co-treated with Cadmium co-treated with Lead co-treated with Mercury] affects the expression of GGT1 protein CTD PMID:30090589 NCBI chr20:13,074,695...13,104,095
Ensembl chr20:13,074,700...13,108,442
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G Gja5 gap junction protein, alpha 5 decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of GJA5 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 2:184,602,407...184,621,952
Ensembl chr 2:184,564,475...184,621,952
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G Gldn gliomedin decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of GLDN mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 8:54,679,015...54,723,198
Ensembl chr 8:54,679,119...54,723,196
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G Glud1 glutamate dehydrogenase 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Manganese deficiency results in decreased expression of GLUD1 protein
Paroxetine inhibits the reaction [Manganese deficiency results in decreased expression of GLUD1 protein]
CTD PMID:21312047 NCBI chr16:9,640,312...9,673,961
Ensembl chr16:9,640,312...9,673,957
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G Glul glutamate-ammonia ligase affects expression
decreases expression
EXP Manganese affects the expression of GLUL mRNA; Manganese affects the expression of GLUL protein
Manganese results in decreased expression of GLUL mRNA; Manganese results in decreased expression of GLUL protein
CTD PMID:16842851 PMID:16943606 NCBI chr13:65,969,053...66,035,121
Ensembl chr13:66,025,630...66,035,108
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G Gnrh1 gonadotropin releasing hormone 1 increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of GNRH1 mRNA CTD PMID:23997110 NCBI chr15:41,972,482...41,976,690
Ensembl chr15:41,972,905...41,973,581
Ensembl chr15:41,972,905...41,973,581
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G Gper1 G protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1 multiple interactions EXP [1-(4-(6-bromobenzo(1,3)dioxol-5-yl)-3a,4,5,9b-tetrahydro-3H-cyclopenta(c)quinolin-8-yl)ethanone binds to and results in increased activity of GPER1 protein] which results in decreased susceptibility to Manganese CTD PMID:22645130 NCBI chr12:15,217,217...15,222,679
Ensembl chr12:15,217,442...15,221,889
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G Gpr18 G protein-coupled receptor 18 decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of GPR18 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr15:98,997,427...99,001,177
Ensembl chr15:98,997,259...99,001,470
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G Gpr34 G protein-coupled receptor 34 decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of GPR34 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr  X:9,104,829...9,113,796
Ensembl chr  X:9,104,565...9,148,601
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G Grin1 glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit 1 decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of GRIN1 mRNA; Manganese results in decreased expression of GRIN1 protein CTD PMID:19643132 PMID:29205667 NCBI chr 3:8,103,680...8,130,603
Ensembl chr 3:8,103,680...8,130,603
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G Grin2a glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit 2A decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of GRIN2A mRNA; Manganese results in decreased expression of GRIN2A protein CTD PMID:19643132 PMID:29205667 NCBI chr10:5,629,683...6,053,262
Ensembl chr10:5,631,369...6,044,637
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G Grin2b glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit 2B decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of GRIN2B mRNA; Manganese results in decreased expression of GRIN2B protein CTD PMID:19643132 PMID:29205667 NCBI chr 4:168,580,824...169,044,110
Ensembl chr 4:168,599,546...169,042,279
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G Gsr glutathione-disulfide reductase decreases expression
multiple interactions
Manganese results in decreased expression of GSR mRNA
[Arsenic co-treated with Cadmium co-treated with Lead co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Chromium co-treated with Nickel co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Iron] results in decreased activity of GSR protein
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased activity of GSR protein
CTD PMID:17175027 PMID:17176674 PMID:32445656 NCBI chr16:58,482,209...58,525,256
Ensembl chr16:58,482,505...58,525,661
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G Gsto1 glutathione S-transferase omega 1 multiple interactions EXP [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of GSTO1 mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of GSTO1 protein CTD PMID:38129942 NCBI chr 1:246,721,089...246,731,228
Ensembl chr 1:246,721,221...246,731,468
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G Gstp1 glutathione S-transferase pi 1 affects response to substance ISO GSTP1 gene polymorphism affects the susceptibility to Manganese CTD PMID:30930959 NCBI chr 1:201,337,762...201,340,230
Ensembl chr 1:201,321,672...201,340,226
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G Gtf2h1 general transcription factor IIH subunit 1 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of GTF2H1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 1:97,321,417...97,349,455
Ensembl chr 1:97,321,394...97,349,455
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G Gucy1a1 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha 1 multiple interactions ISO Manganese results in increased activity of [GUCY1A1 protein binds to GUCY1B1 protein] CTD PMID:22171090 NCBI chr 2:167,418,615...167,482,293
Ensembl chr 2:167,418,640...167,481,671
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G Gucy1b1 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit beta 1 multiple interactions ISO Manganese results in increased activity of [GUCY1A1 protein binds to GUCY1B1 protein] CTD PMID:22171090 NCBI chr 2:167,348,824...167,398,983
Ensembl chr 2:167,348,825...167,398,916
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G Hamp hepcidin antimicrobial peptide decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of HAMP mRNA
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [Ethanol results in decreased expression of HAMP protein]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of HAMP protein
CTD PMID:29020610 PMID:34590183 NCBI chr 1:86,170,926...86,172,865
Ensembl chr 1:86,170,901...86,172,891
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G Hdac1 histone deacetylase 1 multiple interactions EXP
Manganese promotes the reaction [RELA protein binds to HDAC1 protein]; Manganese promotes the reaction [YY1 protein binds to HDAC1 protein]
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [YY1 protein binds to HDAC1 protein]; Hesperidin inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [YY1 protein binds to HDAC1 protein]]
CTD PMID:24469401 PMID:34800614 NCBI chr 5:141,853,992...141,881,057
Ensembl chr 5:141,853,989...141,881,111
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G Hdac3 histone deacetylase 3 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [YY1 protein binds to HDAC3 protein]; silmitasertib inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [YY1 protein binds to HDAC3 protein]] CTD PMID:34800614 NCBI chr18:29,770,637...29,789,850
Ensembl chr18:29,770,636...29,793,856
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G Heph hephaestin increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of HEPH mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr  X:61,151,131...61,402,980
Ensembl chr  X:61,296,345...61,402,980
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G Hexd hexosaminidase D multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of HEXD mRNA CTD PMID:35690225 NCBI chr10:106,479,781...106,498,799
Ensembl chr10:106,480,194...106,498,799
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G Hfe homeostatic iron regulator affects abundance ISO HFE protein affects the abundance of Manganese CTD PMID:18317567 NCBI chr17:41,413,451...41,421,502
Ensembl chr17:41,413,451...41,421,502
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G Hif1a hypoxia inducible factor 1 subunit alpha multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO Manganese results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of HIF1A protein
Manganese results in increased expression of HIF1A mRNA
[[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which co-treated with Ethanol] results in increased expression of HIF1A protein; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of HIF1A protein
CTD PMID:16386771 PMID:17175027 PMID:34590183 NCBI chr 6:92,624,059...92,669,262
Ensembl chr 6:92,624,390...92,669,261
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G Hif1an hypoxia inducible factor 1 subunit alpha inhibitor decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of HIF1AN mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 1:243,419,175...243,440,464
Ensembl chr 1:243,419,194...243,434,327
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G Hmgcr 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase multiple interactions
increases activity
EXP [Manganese co-treated with Bilirubin] results in decreased activity of HMGCR protein
Manganese results in increased activity of HMGCR protein
CTD PMID:12700418 NCBI chr 2:27,997,523...28,018,983
Ensembl chr 2:27,997,525...28,019,703
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G Hmgcs2 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase 2 decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of HMGCS2 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 2:185,875,609...185,903,505
Ensembl chr 2:185,875,616...185,902,130
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G Hmox1 heme oxygenase 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
Manganese results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein; GW 506033X promotes the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein]
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA
CTD PMID:11181820 PMID:18948096 PMID:23832297 PMID:32574669 PMID:38503349 NCBI chr19:13,466,287...13,474,082
Ensembl chr19:13,467,244...13,474,079
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G Hoxb9 homeo box B9 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of HOXB9 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr10:81,237,312...81,240,818
Ensembl chr10:81,237,312...81,240,818
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G Hspa5 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 5 increases expression
multiple interactions
Manganese results in increased expression of HSPA5 protein
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of HSPA5 mRNA
CTD PMID:21477646 PMID:32574669 NCBI chr 3:18,055,507...18,059,969
Ensembl chr 3:18,055,405...18,059,891
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G Hspa8 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 8 multiple interactions ISO [Manganese binds to N'-((2-hydroxyphenyl)carbonothioyl)pyridine-2-carbohydrazide] which results in increased expression of HSPA8 protein CTD PMID:16600465 NCBI chr 8:41,183,397...41,187,260
Ensembl chr 8:41,183,264...41,187,259
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G Htr1a 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1A multiple interactions EXP Manganese affects the reaction [Serotonin inhibits the reaction [N-(2-(4-(2-methoxyphenyl)-1-piperazinyl)ethyl)-N-(2-pyridinyl)cyclohexanecarboxamide binds to HTR1A protein]]; Manganese inhibits the reaction [Guanosine Triphosphate affects the reaction [Serotonin binds to HTR1A protein]] CTD PMID:21126535 NCBI chr 2:36,693,462...36,698,026
Ensembl chr 2:36,694,174...36,695,442
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G Htt huntingtin decreases uptake
decreases abundance
decreases response to substance
multiple interactions
HTT protein mutant form results in decreased uptake of Manganese
HTT gene mutant form results in decreased abundance of Manganese
HTT gene mutant form results in decreased susceptibility to Manganese
HTT protein mutant form inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of UBQLN1 protein]; HTT protein mutant form inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of NEFL protein]; Manganese inhibits the reaction [HTT protein mutant form affects the expression of SAE1 protein]
Manganese results in decreased phosphorylation of and results in increased expression of HTT protein
CTD PMID:19845833 PMID:20547568 PMID:22191580 PMID:25099302 NCBI chr14:75,845,836...75,996,094
Ensembl chr14:75,845,836...75,995,070
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G Id2 inhibitor of DNA binding 2 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of ID2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 6:41,740,556...41,742,393
Ensembl chr 6:41,728,946...41,744,400
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G Idh3a isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 3 catalytic subunit alpha affects binding ISO Manganese binds to IDH3A protein CTD PMID:16737955 NCBI chr 8:54,971,694...54,991,085
Ensembl chr 8:54,971,740...54,991,084
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G Idh3g isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 3 non-catalytic subunit gamma affects binding
multiple interactions
ISO Manganese binds to IDH3G protein
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of IDH3G mRNA
CTD PMID:16737955 PMID:35690225 NCBI chr  X:151,515,244...151,524,175
Ensembl chr  X:151,515,247...151,524,171
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G Ifng interferon gamma multiple interactions EXP
1,2-Dihydroxybenzene-3,5-Disulfonic Acid Disodium Salt inhibits the reaction [Manganese inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; 1,2-Dihydroxybenzene-3,5-Disulfonic Acid Disodium Salt inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Free Radicals]]; 1,2-Dihydroxybenzene-3,5-Disulfonic Acid Disodium Salt inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]]; 1,2-Dihydroxybenzene-3,5-Disulfonic Acid Disodium Salt inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of TNF mRNA]]; 1,2-Dihydroxybenzene-3,5-Disulfonic Acid Disodium Salt inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of TNF protein]]; [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with Manganese] results in decreased abundance of Nitric Oxide; [pyrazolanthrone co-treated with Manganese] inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; [SB 203580 co-treated with Manganese] inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; [U 0126 co-treated with Manganese] inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Manganese inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Free Radicals]; Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased degradation of NFKBIA protein]; Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of TNF mRNA]; Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of TNF protein]; Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]]; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of TNF protein]]; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]]; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of TNF protein]]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of TNF protein]]
Manganese promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]]; NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]]
CTD PMID:16168523 PMID:16488514 NCBI chr 7:53,903,339...53,907,375
Ensembl chr 7:53,903,337...53,907,375
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G Ikbkb inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa B kinase subunit beta multiple interactions ISO IKBKB gene mutant form results in increased susceptibility to [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese]
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of IKBKB protein; Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of IKBKB protein]; alpha-Tocopherol inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of IKBKB protein]; IkK-16 compound inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of IKBKB protein]
CTD PMID:32692843 PMID:34310962 NCBI chr16:69,319,487...69,373,251
Ensembl chr16:69,319,554...69,373,250
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G Il12a interleukin 12A increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of IL12A mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 2:152,965,769...152,973,035
Ensembl chr 2:152,965,769...152,972,734
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G Il1b interleukin 1 beta increases expression
multiple interactions
Manganese results in increased expression of IL1B mRNA
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of IL1B protein; Ethanol promotes the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of IL1B protein]
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of IL1B mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of IL1B protein
CTD PMID:19782702 PMID:33314588 PMID:34018660 NCBI chr 3:116,577,005...116,583,386
Ensembl chr 3:116,577,010...116,583,415
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G Il1rl1 interleukin 1 receptor-like 1 decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of IL1RL1 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 9:42,661,694...42,727,266
Ensembl chr 9:42,697,192...42,727,256
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G Il2 interleukin 2 multiple interactions ISO Manganese promotes the reaction [Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased expression of IL2 mRNA]; Manganese promotes the reaction [Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased expression of IL2 protein] CTD PMID:22561169 NCBI chr 2:120,004,862...120,009,566
Ensembl chr 2:120,004,862...120,009,566
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G Il4 interleukin 4 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of IL4 mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of IL4 protein CTD PMID:34018660 NCBI chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
Ensembl chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
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G Il6 interleukin 6 increases expression
multiple interactions
increases secretion
increases uptake
Manganese results in increased expression of IL6 mRNA; Manganese results in increased expression of IL6 protein
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of IL6 mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of IL6 protein; [Manganese co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased expression of IL6 mRNA
Manganese results in increased secretion of IL6 protein
[IL6 protein results in decreased expression of SLC30A10 mRNA] which results in decreased export of Manganese; [IL6 protein results in decreased expression of SLC30A10 protein] which results in decreased export of Manganese
IL6 protein results in increased uptake of Manganese
[Aluminum co-treated with Lead co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Manganese] results in increased expression of IL6 protein
CTD PMID:17065364 PMID:19263519 PMID:20224926 PMID:20589745 PMID:24576911 More... NCBI chr 4:5,214,602...5,219,178
Ensembl chr 4:5,213,394...5,219,178
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G Il7 interleukin 7 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of IL7 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 2:94,235,219...94,280,075
Ensembl chr 2:94,234,766...94,280,075
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G Ins1 insulin 1 multiple interactions EXP [Manganese co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of INSR protein; [Manganese co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of IRS4 protein; Manganese deficiency inhibits the reaction [INS1 protein results in increased oxidation of Glucose]; Manganese deficiency inhibits the reaction [INS1 protein results in increased uptake of 3-O-Methylglucose] CTD PMID:1321133 PMID:2204694 NCBI chr 1:251,244,973...251,245,540
Ensembl chr 1:251,244,973...251,245,536
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G Ins2 insulin 2 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] inhibits the reaction [Glucose results in increased secretion of INS protein]; [Manganese co-treated with Magnesium co-treated with INS protein] results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of INSR protein; [Polylysine co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Magnesium] promotes the reaction [INS protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of INSR protein modified form]; [Polylysine co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Magnesium] promotes the reaction [INS protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of INSR protein] CTD PMID:2542339 PMID:31555879 NCBI chr 1:197,843,277...197,992,522
Ensembl chr 1:197,843,281...197,864,775
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G Insr insulin receptor multiple interactions
decreases expression
[Manganese co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of INSR protein
[Manganese co-treated with Magnesium co-treated with INS protein] results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of INSR protein; [Polylysine co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Magnesium] promotes the reaction [INS protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of INSR protein modified form]; [Polylysine co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Magnesium] promotes the reaction [INS protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of INSR protein]
Manganese deficiency results in decreased expression of INSR protein
CTD PMID:1321133 PMID:2204694 PMID:2542339 NCBI chr12:1,193,193...1,330,976
Ensembl chr12:1,197,100...1,330,883
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G Ireb2 iron responsive element binding protein 2 decreases activity
increases expression
EXP Manganese results in decreased activity of IREB2 protein
Manganese results in increased expression of IREB2 protein
CTD PMID:16568477 PMID:17469137 NCBI chr 8:55,228,080...55,311,613
Ensembl chr 8:55,228,085...55,311,611
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G Irs4 insulin receptor substrate 4 multiple interactions EXP [Manganese co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of IRS4 protein CTD PMID:1321133 NCBI chr  X:105,344,020...105,360,004 JBrowse link
G Itga3 integrin subunit alpha 3 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of ITGA3 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr10:79,990,160...80,022,206
Ensembl chr10:79,990,161...80,022,118
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G Itgam integrin subunit alpha M increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of ITGAM mRNA CTD PMID:20224926 NCBI chr 1:182,659,047...182,709,501
Ensembl chr 1:182,659,000...182,709,503
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G Itgb1 integrin subunit beta 1 increases activity EXP Manganese results in increased activity of ITGB1 protein CTD PMID:10820171 PMID:16606368 NCBI chr19:56,705,123...56,753,199
Ensembl chr19:56,705,171...56,753,195
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G Itgb5 integrin subunit beta 5 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of ITGB5 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr11:66,828,428...66,944,231
Ensembl chr11:66,829,285...66,944,472
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G Itih1 inter-alpha trypsin inhibitor, heavy chain 1 multiple interactions ISO Manganese promotes the reaction [ITIH1 protein binds to TNFAIP6 protein] CTD PMID:16768462 NCBI chr16:6,122,246...6,136,363
Ensembl chr16:6,122,248...6,136,363
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G Itih2 inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 2 multiple interactions ISO Manganese promotes the reaction [ITIH2 protein binds to TNFAIP6 protein] CTD PMID:16768462 NCBI chr17:68,375,574...68,411,849
Ensembl chr17:68,375,567...68,411,841
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G Jun Jun proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit decreases expression
multiple interactions
Manganese results in decreased expression of JUN protein
[Curcumin co-treated with Manganese] inhibits the reaction [Kainic Acid results in increased expression of JUN mRNA]; [diacetylcurcumin co-treated with Manganese] inhibits the reaction [Kainic Acid results in increased expression of JUN mRNA]; NEPP11 compound inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of JUN protein]
Manganese promotes the reaction [Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased activity of [JUN protein binds to FOS protein]]; Manganese promotes the reaction [Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased expression of JUN protein]; Manganese promotes the reaction [Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased phosphorylation of JUN protein]
[Copper co-treated with Lead co-treated with Cadmium co-treated with Zinc co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Chromium co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Nickel] results in increased expression of JUN protein
CTD PMID:15342272 PMID:17043766 PMID:17827730 PMID:22561169 PMID:28035397 NCBI chr 5:109,894,175...109,897,268
Ensembl chr 5:109,893,145...109,897,656
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G Kcnip3 potassium voltage-gated channel interacting protein 3 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of KCNIP3 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 3:114,677,027...114,742,923
Ensembl chr 3:114,677,030...114,743,556
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G Kcnj11 potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 11 multiple interactions ISO KCNJ11 protein affects the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with Dobutamine] results in increased abundance of Calcium]
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of KCNJ11 protein
CTD PMID:17189350 PMID:32659473 NCBI chr 1:96,591,048...96,594,574
Ensembl chr 1:96,591,049...96,594,082
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G Kcnj3 potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 3 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of KCNJ3 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 3:39,944,896...40,106,646
Ensembl chr 3:39,945,351...40,109,124
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G Kcnj8 potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 8 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of KCNJ8 protein CTD PMID:32659473 NCBI chr 4:175,508,908...175,515,829
Ensembl chr 4:175,508,912...175,515,603
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G Kera keratocan increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of KERA mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 7:32,397,382...32,404,837
Ensembl chr 7:32,397,382...32,404,837
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G Khsrp KH-type splicing regulatory protein multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP KHSRP protein affects the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of TP53 protein]
Manganese results in increased expression of KHSRP protein
CTD PMID:25027559 NCBI chr 9:1,862,555...1,872,403
Ensembl chr 9:1,862,899...1,872,451
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G Kiss1 KiSS-1 metastasis-suppressor increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of KISS1 mRNA CTD PMID:23997110 NCBI chr13:44,775,106...44,780,707
Ensembl chr13:44,774,823...44,780,612
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G Kiss1r KISS1 receptor increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of KISS1R mRNA CTD PMID:23997110 NCBI chr 7:9,785,135...9,790,283
Ensembl chr 7:9,785,135...9,788,793
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G Klf4 KLF transcription factor 4 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of KLF4 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 5:70,278,843...70,283,751
Ensembl chr 5:70,278,972...70,283,602
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G Klf9 KLF transcription factor 9 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of KLF9 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 1:220,700,108...220,725,110
Ensembl chr 1:220,700,108...220,725,037
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G Lamp1 lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of LAMP1 mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of LAMP1 protein; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of LAMP1 mRNA]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of LAMP1 protein] CTD PMID:31690173 NCBI chr16:76,355,982...76,380,700
Ensembl chr16:76,355,984...76,381,883
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G Lamp2 lysosomal-associated membrane protein 2 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of LAMP2 protein CTD PMID:31690173 NCBI chr  X:117,173,097...117,222,090
Ensembl chr  X:117,057,606...117,260,522
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G Ldhb lactate dehydrogenase B affects expression EXP Manganese affects the expression of LDHB protein CTD PMID:24885898 NCBI chr 4:175,428,382...175,446,403
Ensembl chr 4:175,428,385...175,446,403
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G Lep leptin decreases abundance ISO LEP gene mutant form results in decreased abundance of Manganese CTD PMID:10965932 NCBI chr 4:57,661,127...57,675,262
Ensembl chr 4:57,661,131...57,675,262
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G Lman2 lectin, mannose-binding 2 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of LMAN2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr17:9,269,236...9,286,923
Ensembl chr17:9,269,022...9,287,265
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G Lrat lecithin retinol acyltransferase increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of LRAT mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 2:168,264,093...168,273,155
Ensembl chr 2:168,266,877...168,273,619
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G Lrrk2 leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 increases response to substance
multiple interactions
ISO LRRK2 mutant form results in increased susceptibility to Manganese
LRRK2 mutant form results in increased susceptibility to [Manganese co-treated with SLC6A3 protein]
CTD PMID:23628791 NCBI chr 7:122,826,696...122,987,711
Ensembl chr 7:122,826,696...122,987,703
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G Lsm2 LSM2 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of LSM2 mRNA CTD PMID:35690225 NCBI chr20:3,843,467...3,847,217
Ensembl chr20:3,843,466...3,847,266
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G Maf MAF bZIP transcription factor increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of MAF mRNA CTD PMID:23997110 NCBI chr19:43,353,867...43,713,162
Ensembl chr19:43,360,342...43,712,365
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G Maged2 MAGE family member D2 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of MAGED2 mRNA CTD PMID:23499988 NCBI chr  X:19,733,593...19,741,769
Ensembl chr  X:19,733,597...19,740,477
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G Mall mal, T-cell differentiation protein-like decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of MALL mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 3:114,927,897...114,950,840
Ensembl chr 3:114,927,897...114,950,785
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G Map1lc3b microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 beta multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of MAP1LC3B mRNA; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of MAP1LC3B mRNA] CTD PMID:31690173 NCBI chr19:49,665,795...49,673,655
Ensembl chr19:49,665,791...49,677,690
Ensembl chr16:49,665,791...49,677,690
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G Map2k4 mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 4 multiple interactions
decreases phosphorylation
ISO [Manganese co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased activity of and results in increased phosphorylation of MAP2K4 protein; Lipopolysaccharides promotes the reaction [Manganese results in increased activity of MAP2K4 protein]; Manganese promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased activity of MAP2K4 protein]; Manganese results in increased activity of and results in increased phosphorylation of MAP2K4 protein
Manganese results in decreased phosphorylation of MAP2K4 protein
CTD PMID:20589745 NCBI chr10:50,343,227...50,447,956
Ensembl chr10:50,344,915...50,447,993
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G Map3k14 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 14 multiple interactions EXP MAP3K14 protein affects the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased phosphorylation of NFKBIA protein]] CTD PMID:15010209 NCBI chr10:88,165,349...88,215,558
Ensembl chr10:88,165,351...88,215,523
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G Mapk1 mitogen activated protein kinase 1 multiple interactions
decreases phosphorylation
increases phosphorylation
Manganese inhibits the reaction [Cadmium results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; NTF3 protein inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]
Manganese results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein
Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein
6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein; Deferoxamine promotes the reaction [Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; GW 506033X promotes the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein; benzyloxycarbonylvalyl-alanyl-aspartyl fluoromethyl ketone inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]
CTD PMID:11933051 PMID:16488514 PMID:16787641 PMID:17043766 PMID:17045426 More... NCBI chr11:83,957,813...84,023,629
Ensembl chr11:83,957,813...84,023,616
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G Mapk14 mitogen activated protein kinase 14 decreases phosphorylation ISO Manganese results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK14 protein CTD PMID:17043766 NCBI chr20:6,749,646...6,810,590
Ensembl chr20:6,749,670...6,810,589
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G Mapk3 mitogen activated protein kinase 3 multiple interactions
decreases phosphorylation
increases phosphorylation
Manganese inhibits the reaction [Cadmium results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; NTF3 protein inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]
Manganese results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein
Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein
6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein; Deferoxamine promotes the reaction [Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; GW 506033X promotes the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein; benzyloxycarbonylvalyl-alanyl-aspartyl fluoromethyl ketone inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]
CTD PMID:11933051 PMID:16488514 PMID:16787641 PMID:17043766 PMID:17045426 More... NCBI chr 1:181,366,646...181,372,863
Ensembl chr 1:181,366,637...181,372,863
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G Mapk8 mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 increases phosphorylation
multiple interactions
Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK8 protein
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK8 protein; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK8 protein]
CTD PMID:17045426 PMID:30951808 PMID:32574669 NCBI chr16:8,638,897...8,721,960
Ensembl chr16:8,638,924...8,721,981
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G Mapk9 mitogen-activated protein kinase 9 increases phosphorylation
multiple interactions
ISO Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK9 protein
Manganese promotes the reaction [Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK9 protein]
CTD PMID:17045426 PMID:22561169 NCBI chr10:34,169,661...34,211,138
Ensembl chr10:34,169,675...34,210,178
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G Mbp myelin basic protein increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of MBP mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr18:75,855,878...75,966,404
Ensembl chr18:75,855,878...75,966,404
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G Mchr1 melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of MCHR1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 7:112,761,554...112,764,746
Ensembl chr 7:112,761,554...112,764,032
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G Mcm4 minichromosome maintenance complex component 4 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of MCM4 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr11:85,258,443...85,272,144
Ensembl chr11:85,258,443...85,272,144
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G Mcm5 minichromosome maintenance complex component 5 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of MCM5 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr19:13,483,030...13,504,389
Ensembl chr19:13,483,066...13,504,389
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G Mcoln3 mucolipin TRP cation channel 3 increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of MCOLN3 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 2:235,008,716...235,042,885
Ensembl chr 2:234,966,010...235,043,047
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G Mdh1 malate dehydrogenase 1 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of MDH1 mRNA CTD PMID:35690225 NCBI chr14:95,630,625...95,645,920
Ensembl chr14:95,630,306...95,645,925
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G Mdm2 MDM2 proto-oncogene multiple interactions
decreases expression
EXP [Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in decreased expression of MDM2 protein; PPM1D protein inhibits the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in decreased expression of MDM2 protein]
Manganese results in decreased expression of MDM2 protein
CTD PMID:25791630 NCBI chr 7:53,290,660...53,315,205
Ensembl chr 7:53,290,664...53,314,915
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G Me3 malic enzyme 3 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of ME3 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 1:143,534,024...143,735,551
Ensembl chr 1:143,534,139...143,733,132
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G Mia MIA SH3 domain containing increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of MIA mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 1:82,473,677...82,476,378
Ensembl chr 1:82,473,678...82,475,370
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G Mid1 midline 1 decreases expression
increases methylation
ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of MID1 mRNA
Manganese results in increased methylation of MID1 promoter
CTD PMID:23976782 NCBI chr  X:24,116,674...24,491,205
Ensembl chr  X:24,120,293...24,248,353
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G Mir125b1 microRNA 125b-1 multiple interactions EXP [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of MIR125B1 mRNA CTD PMID:31555879 NCBI chr 8:41,952,966...41,953,052
Ensembl chr 8:41,952,966...41,953,052
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G Mir143 microRNA 143 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of MIR143 mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of MIR143 mRNA CTD PMID:38503349 NCBI chr18:55,101,006...55,101,110
Ensembl chr18:55,101,006...55,101,110
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G Mir150 microRNA 150 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of MIR150 mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of MIR150 mRNA CTD PMID:38503349 NCBI chr 1:95,605,024...95,605,108
Ensembl chr 1:95,605,024...95,605,108
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G Mir221 microRNA 221 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of MIR221 mRNA CTD PMID:38503349 NCBI chr  X:3,429,465...3,429,573
Ensembl chr  X:3,429,465...3,429,573
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G Mir31 microRNA 31 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of MIR31 mRNA CTD PMID:38503349 NCBI chr 5:103,599,038...103,599,143 JBrowse link
G Mir582 microRNA 582 multiple interactions EXP [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of MIR582 mRNA CTD PMID:31555879 NCBI chr 2:40,928,571...40,928,651
Ensembl chr 2:40,928,571...40,928,651
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G Mir99a microRNA 99a multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of MIR99A mRNA CTD PMID:38503349 NCBI chr11:16,200,443...16,200,523
Ensembl chr11:16,200,443...16,200,523
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G Mmp13 matrix metallopeptidase 13 increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of MMP13 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 8:4,497,960...4,508,239
Ensembl chr 8:4,497,960...4,508,239
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G Mmp14 matrix metallopeptidase 14 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of MMP14 protein CTD PMID:17043766 NCBI chr15:27,887,795...27,897,020
Ensembl chr15:27,887,727...27,899,864
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G Mmp2 matrix metallopeptidase 2 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of MMP2 protein CTD PMID:17043766 NCBI chr19:14,154,657...14,182,870
Ensembl chr19:14,154,657...14,182,870
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G Mmp3 matrix metallopeptidase 3 increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of MMP3 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 8:4,640,397...4,653,963
Ensembl chr 8:4,640,416...4,653,961
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G Mpo myeloperoxidase multiple interactions EXP [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [Ethanol results in increased activity of MPO protein]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased activity of MPO protein; Ethanol promotes the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased activity of MPO protein] CTD PMID:30844427 PMID:33314588 NCBI chr10:72,594,883...72,608,862
Ensembl chr10:72,594,661...72,604,819
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G Msh6 mutS homolog 6 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of MSH6 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 6:6,562,631...6,579,995
Ensembl chr 6:6,562,632...6,579,956
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G Mt1 metallothionein 1 multiple interactions ISO [MT1 protein affects the susceptibility to 3,4,5,3',4'-pentachlorobiphenyl] which results in decreased abundance of Manganese CTD PMID:26770886 NCBI chr19:10,826,032...10,827,048
Ensembl chr19:10,826,032...10,827,049
Ensembl chr17:10,826,032...10,827,049
Ensembl chr  X:10,826,032...10,827,049
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G Mt2A metallothionein 2A multiple interactions ISO [MT2 protein affects the susceptibility to 3,4,5,3',4'-pentachlorobiphenyl] which results in decreased abundance of Manganese CTD PMID:26770886 NCBI chr19:10,832,009...10,832,783
Ensembl chr19:10,832,002...10,832,784
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G Mtch2 mitochondrial carrier 2 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of MTCH2 mRNA CTD PMID:35690225 NCBI chr 3:76,830,549...76,850,189
Ensembl chr 3:76,830,413...76,850,189
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G Mtm1 myotubularin 1 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of MTM1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 6:488,923...506,882
Ensembl chr 6:488,969...506,860
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G Mtor mechanistic target of rapamycin kinase decreases phosphorylation
increases phosphorylation
increases expression
Manganese results in decreased phosphorylation of MTOR protein
Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of MTOR protein
Manganese results in increased expression of MTOR mRNA
CTD PMID:17043766 PMID:23997110 NCBI chr 5:158,884,856...158,994,311
Ensembl chr 5:158,884,804...158,994,311
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G Myh2 myosin heavy chain 2 decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of MYH2 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr10:51,856,738...51,883,236
Ensembl chr10:51,856,738...51,883,236
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G Myom1 myomesin 1 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of MYOM1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 9:110,916,156...111,039,344
Ensembl chr 9:110,915,943...111,039,344
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G Myt1l myelin transcription factor 1-like increases expression ISO
Manganese results in increased expression of MYT1L mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 6:46,164,742...46,564,234
Ensembl chr 6:46,428,150...46,561,671
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G Nampt nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of NAMPT mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 6:49,425,316...49,462,109
Ensembl chr 6:49,424,332...49,462,100
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G Ndrg1 N-myc downstream regulated 1 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of NDRG1 protein CTD PMID:16386771 NCBI chr 7:98,684,487...98,725,869
Ensembl chr 7:98,684,487...98,725,880
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G Nefl neurofilament light chain multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO HTT protein mutant form inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of NEFL protein] CTD PMID:22191580 NCBI chr15:42,301,920...42,305,793
Ensembl chr15:42,301,916...42,305,793
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G Nfe2l2 NFE2 like bZIP transcription factor 2 multiple interactions EXP
[Aluminum co-treated with Lead co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Selenium] results in decreased expression of NFE2L2 protein; [Aluminum co-treated with Lead co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Zinc] results in decreased expression of NFE2L2 protein; [Aluminum co-treated with Lead co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Manganese] results in decreased expression of NFE2L2 protein; Manganese results in increased expression of and results in increased localization of NFE2L2 protein
[NFE2L2 gene mutant form results in increased susceptibility to Maneb] which results in increased abundance of Manganese
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of NFE2L2 mRNA
CTD PMID:17573173 PMID:23764462 PMID:37415728 PMID:38503349 NCBI chr 3:60,594,239...60,621,712
Ensembl chr 3:60,594,242...60,621,737
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G Nfib nuclear factor I/B increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of NFIB mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 5:96,759,208...96,974,001
Ensembl chr 5:96,764,653...96,975,479
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G Nfix nuclear factor I X decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of NFIX mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr19:23,355,388...23,450,360
Ensembl chr19:23,355,498...23,448,265
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G Nfkb1 nuclear factor kappa B subunit 1 multiple interactions EXP [Aluminum co-treated with Lead co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Zinc] results in decreased expression of NFKB1 protein; [Aluminum co-treated with Lead co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Manganese] results in decreased expression of NFKB1 protein CTD PMID:37415728 NCBI chr 2:224,016,214...224,132,135
Ensembl chr 2:224,016,214...224,110,404
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G Nfkbia NFKB inhibitor alpha multiple interactions EXP
Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased degradation of NFKBIA protein]; MAP3K14 protein affects the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased phosphorylation of NFKBIA protein]]
NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]]; NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]]; NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]
CTD PMID:15010209 PMID:16168523 PMID:16488514 NCBI chr 6:72,858,713...72,861,941
Ensembl chr 6:72,858,712...72,861,941
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G Nfyb nuclear transcription factor Y subunit beta decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of NFYB mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 7:20,964,988...20,980,569
Ensembl chr 7:20,964,993...20,980,565
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G Ngf nerve growth factor multiple interactions EXP [Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in decreased expression of BCL2L1 protein; [Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in decreased expression of MDM2 protein; [Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in decreased expression of PPM1D protein; [Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in increased cleavage of PARP1 protein; [Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in increased expression of and affects the localization of TP53 protein; [Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in increased expression of BAX protein; [Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased expression of TP53 protein; PPM1D mutant form promotes the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in increased cleavage of PARP1 protein]; PPM1D mutant form promotes the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in increased phosphorylation of TP53 protein]; PPM1D protein inhibits the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in decreased cleavage of PARP1 protein]; PPM1D protein inhibits the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in decreased expression of BCL2L1 protein]; PPM1D protein inhibits the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in decreased expression of MDM2 protein]; PPM1D protein inhibits the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in increased expression of BAX protein]; PPM1D protein inhibits the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in increased phosphorylation of TP53 protein] CTD PMID:25448048 PMID:25791630 NCBI chr 2:189,901,058...189,954,452
Ensembl chr 2:189,901,058...189,954,452
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G Nmt1 N-myristoyltransferase 1 multiple interactions ISO [Manganese binds to N'-((2-hydroxyphenyl)carbonothioyl)pyridine-2-carbohydrazide] which results in decreased activity of NMT1 protein CTD PMID:16600465 NCBI chr10:87,988,826...88,025,405
Ensembl chr10:87,988,826...88,022,648
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G Nnmt nicotinamide N-methyltransferase increases activity ISO Manganese results in increased activity of NNMT protein CTD PMID:22249857 NCBI chr 8:48,928,663...48,947,734
Ensembl chr 8:48,933,598...48,946,655
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G Nos1 nitric oxide synthase 1 decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of NOS1 mRNA CTD PMID:16476481 NCBI chr12:38,615,111...38,795,492
Ensembl chr12:38,626,714...38,710,945
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G Nos2 nitric oxide synthase 2 multiple interactions
decreases activity
increases expression
decreases methylation
2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; 2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; 2-(4-morpholinyl)-8-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; 2-(4-morpholinyl)-8-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of NOS2 protein; Manganese promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]]; NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]]; NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]
Manganese results in decreased activity of NOS2 protein
Manganese results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA; Manganese results in increased expression of NOS2 protein
1,2-Dihydroxybenzene-3,5-Disulfonic Acid Disodium Salt inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]]; [Curcumin co-treated with Manganese] inhibits the reaction [Kainic Acid results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; [diacetylcurcumin co-treated with Manganese] inhibits the reaction [Kainic Acid results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; [Manganese results in increased abundance of Reactive Oxygen Species] promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; Manganese results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of NOS2 protein; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]]; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]]
Manganese results in decreased methylation of NOS2 exon
CTD PMID:15010209 PMID:16168523 PMID:16417967 PMID:16488514 PMID:16551646 More... NCBI chr10:63,815,308...63,851,208
Ensembl chr10:63,815,308...63,851,210
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G Nos3 nitric oxide synthase 3 multiple interactions ISO Manganese inhibits the reaction [Equol results in increased activity of and results in increased phosphorylation of NOS3 protein] CTD PMID:21300668 NCBI chr 4:10,793,834...10,814,170
Ensembl chr 4:10,793,834...10,814,166
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G Notch4 notch receptor 4 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of NOTCH4 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr20:4,160,362...4,184,466
Ensembl chr20:4,160,445...4,184,465
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G Nppa natriuretic peptide A decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of NPPA mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 5:158,429,042...158,430,351
Ensembl chr 5:158,429,042...158,430,351
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G Nqo1 NAD(P)H quinone dehydrogenase 1 increases activity EXP Manganese results in increased activity of NQO1 protein CTD PMID:17573173 NCBI chr19:35,295,633...35,310,528
Ensembl chr19:35,295,573...35,310,557
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G Nr2f1 nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 1 decreases expression
increases methylation
ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of NR2F1 mRNA
Manganese results in increased methylation of NR2F1 promoter
CTD PMID:23976782 NCBI chr 2:8,040,375...8,050,123
Ensembl chr 2:8,040,377...8,050,123
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G Nrg2 neuregulin 2 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of NRG2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr18:27,616,542...27,798,505
Ensembl chr18:27,619,661...27,798,505
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G Nrp1 neuropilin 1 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of NRP1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr19:56,359,455...56,514,628
Ensembl chr19:56,359,455...56,513,633
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G Ntf3 neurotrophin 3 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of NTF3 protein; benzyloxycarbonylvalyl-alanyl-aspartyl fluoromethyl ketone promotes the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of NTF3 protein]
NTF3 protein inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of NTF3 protein]; NTF3 protein inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of NTRK3 protein]; NTF3 protein inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]; NTF3 protein inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]; NTF3 protein inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; NTF3 protein inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; NTF3 protein inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of BAX protein]
CTD PMID:31676349 NCBI chr 4:158,914,984...158,984,453
Ensembl chr 4:158,914,957...158,984,596
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G Ntrk1 neurotrophic receptor tyrosine kinase 1 decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of NTRK1 protein CTD PMID:17029596 NCBI chr 2:173,236,961...173,253,806
Ensembl chr 2:173,236,963...173,253,770
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G Ntrk3 neurotrophic receptor tyrosine kinase 3 multiple interactions ISO NTF3 protein inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of NTRK3 protein]
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of NTRK3 protein; benzyloxycarbonylvalyl-alanyl-aspartyl fluoromethyl ketone inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of NTRK3 protein]
CTD PMID:31676349 NCBI chr 1:132,116,472...132,503,849
Ensembl chr 1:132,132,849...132,503,286
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G Nucks1 nuclear casein kinase and cyclin-dependent kinase substrate 1 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of NUCKS1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr13:43,345,091...43,374,316
Ensembl chr13:43,345,115...43,370,229
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G Nudt9 nudix hydrolase 9 multiple interactions
increases activity
ISO Dithiothreitol inhibits the reaction [Hydrogen Peroxide promotes the reaction [Manganese results in increased activity of NUDT9 protein]]; Hydrogen Peroxide promotes the reaction [Manganese results in increased activity of NUDT9 protein] CTD PMID:16860484 NCBI chr14:5,675,376...5,693,332
Ensembl chr14:5,675,382...5,693,142
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G Ogg1 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of OGG1 mRNA CTD PMID:22641096 NCBI chr 4:146,474,701...146,481,959
Ensembl chr 4:146,474,750...146,484,766
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G Olfm1 olfactomedin 1 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of OLFM1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 3:11,520,522...11,558,240
Ensembl chr 3:11,520,729...11,558,239
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G Oprd1 opioid receptor, delta 1 multiple interactions EXP Manganese promotes the reaction [Enkephalin, Ala(2)-MePhe(4)-Gly(5)- binds to OPRD1 protein]; Zinc inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [Enkephalin, Ala(2)-MePhe(4)-Gly(5)- binds to OPRD1 protein]] CTD PMID:2162496 NCBI chr 5:144,306,188...144,340,960
Ensembl chr 5:144,306,188...144,340,960
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G Oprk1 opioid receptor, kappa 1 multiple interactions EXP Manganese promotes the reaction [Enkephalin, Ala(2)-MePhe(4)-Gly(5)- binds to OPRK1 protein] CTD PMID:2162496 NCBI chr 5:13,860,016...13,877,823
Ensembl chr 5:13,860,021...13,877,823
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G Oprm1 opioid receptor, mu 1 multiple interactions EXP Manganese promotes the reaction [Enkephalin, Ala(2)-MePhe(4)-Gly(5)- binds to OPRM1 protein]; Zinc inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [Enkephalin, Ala(2)-MePhe(4)-Gly(5)- binds to OPRM1 protein]] CTD PMID:2162496 NCBI chr 1:43,160,057...43,413,409
Ensembl chr 1:43,160,057...43,413,409
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G P4hb prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit beta increases expression
increases metabolic processing
multiple interactions
EXP Manganese results in increased expression of P4HB mRNA
Manganese results in increased metabolism of P4HB protein
Manganese affects the reaction [P4HB protein binds to SNCA protein]; Manganese results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of P4HB protein
CTD PMID:24777576 NCBI chr10:105,836,972...105,848,583
Ensembl chr10:105,836,982...105,848,500
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G Pappa pappalysin increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of PAPPA mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 5:78,497,660...78,735,873
Ensembl chr 5:78,498,300...78,730,666
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G Park7 Parkinsonism associated deglycase decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of PARK7 protein CTD PMID:20798247 NCBI chr 5:161,353,718...161,376,993
Ensembl chr 5:161,353,719...161,376,970
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G Parp1 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 multiple interactions
increases cleavage
[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in increased cleavage of PARP1 protein; PPM1D mutant form promotes the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in increased cleavage of PARP1 protein]; PPM1D protein inhibits the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in decreased cleavage of PARP1 protein]
Manganese results in increased cleavage of PARP1 protein
[Lead co-treated with Cadmium co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Copper co-treated with Zinc co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Chromium co-treated with Nickel] results in increased cleavage of PARP1 protein; Luteolin inhibits the reaction [[Lead co-treated with Cadmium co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Copper co-treated with Zinc co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Chromium co-treated with Nickel] results in increased cleavage of PARP1 protein]
CTD PMID:25448048 PMID:25791630 PMID:29115570 NCBI chr13:92,307,593...92,339,406
Ensembl chr13:92,307,586...92,339,404
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G Parp14 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 14 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of PARP14 mRNA CTD PMID:23499988 NCBI chr11:64,902,848...64,934,916
Ensembl chr11:64,902,785...64,934,916
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G Pcdh7 protocadherin 7 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of PCDH7 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr14:52,471,801...52,901,696
Ensembl chr14:52,475,610...52,902,051
Ensembl chr14:52,475,610...52,902,051
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G Pcdha6 protocadherin alpha 6 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of PCDHA6 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 Ensembl chr18:28,581,225...28,846,211 JBrowse link
G Pde4b phosphodiesterase 4B increases expression
multiple interactions
EXP Manganese results in increased expression of PDE4B protein
Rolipram inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of PDE4B protein]
CTD PMID:31161640 NCBI chr 5:116,799,819...117,369,155
Ensembl chr 5:116,799,971...117,367,696
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G Pde6b phosphodiesterase 6B increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of PDE6B mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr14:1,323,310...1,366,450
Ensembl chr14:1,323,310...1,366,450
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G Pde6h phosphodiesterase 6H increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of PDE6H mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 4:169,857,793...169,872,969
Ensembl chr 4:169,857,812...169,872,969
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G Pdk1 pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 1 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of PDK1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 3:56,705,824...56,733,040
Ensembl chr 3:56,705,871...56,733,038
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G Pgf placental growth factor increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of PGF mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 6:104,816,102...104,826,685
Ensembl chr 6:104,816,104...104,826,685
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G Phrf1 PHD and ring finger domains 1 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of PHRF1 mRNA CTD PMID:35690225 NCBI chr 1:196,333,663...196,366,901
Ensembl chr 1:196,333,903...196,366,892
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G Phtf1 putative homeodomain transcription factor 1 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of PHTF1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 2:191,470,849...191,537,399
Ensembl chr 2:191,473,130...191,512,078
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G Plce1 phospholipase C, epsilon 1 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of PLCE1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 1:236,243,445...236,552,571
Ensembl chr 1:236,244,683...236,551,438
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G Pln phospholamban decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of PLN mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr20:32,629,537...32,639,559 JBrowse link
G Pnlip pancreatic lipase increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of PNLIP mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 1:257,774,012...257,811,656
Ensembl chr 1:257,798,581...257,811,654
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G Pou1f1 POU class 1 homeobox 1 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of POU1F1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr11:3,316,818...3,334,804
Ensembl chr11:3,317,058...3,334,801
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G Pparg peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma multiple interactions EXP [1,1-bis(3'-indolyl)-1-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)methane binds to and results in increased activity of PPARG protein] inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:18041089 NCBI chr 4:148,423,102...148,548,471
Ensembl chr 4:148,423,194...148,548,468
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G Ppargc1a PPARG coactivator 1 alpha increases expression
multiple interactions
Manganese results in increased expression of PPARGC1A protein
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] affects the reaction [STAT3 protein binds to PPARGC1A protein]
CTD PMID:24787138 PMID:34018660 NCBI chr14:58,860,752...59,516,525
Ensembl chr14:58,861,144...59,512,656
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G Ppm1d protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent, 1D decreases expression
multiple interactions
EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of PPM1D protein
[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in decreased expression of PPM1D protein; PPM1D mutant form promotes the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in increased cleavage of PARP1 protein]; PPM1D mutant form promotes the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in increased phosphorylation of TP53 protein]; PPM1D protein inhibits the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in decreased cleavage of PARP1 protein]; PPM1D protein inhibits the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in decreased expression of BCL2L1 protein]; PPM1D protein inhibits the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in decreased expression of MDM2 protein]; PPM1D protein inhibits the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in increased expression of BAX protein]; PPM1D protein inhibits the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in increased phosphorylation of TP53 protein]
CTD PMID:25791630 NCBI chr10:70,172,603...70,208,607
Ensembl chr10:70,172,603...70,208,607
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G Ppp1r1b protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 1B increases phosphorylation EXP Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of PPP1R1B protein CTD PMID:22427945 NCBI chr10:83,347,731...83,356,775
Ensembl chr10:83,347,731...83,356,775
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G Prdx6 peroxiredoxin 6 affects expression EXP Manganese affects the expression of PRDX6 protein CTD PMID:24885898 NCBI chr13:73,528,746...73,539,295
Ensembl chr13:73,528,210...73,539,355
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G Prim1 DNA primase subunit 1 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of PRIM1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 7:446,342...462,526
Ensembl chr 7:431,805...462,526
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G Prim2 DNA primase subunit 2 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of PRIM2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 9:35,692,376...35,904,521
Ensembl chr 9:35,692,376...35,903,030
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G Prkaca protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha decreases expression
multiple interactions
EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of PRKACA protein
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased activity of PRKACA protein
CTD PMID:25981801 PMID:30951808 NCBI chr19:24,155,081...24,178,430
Ensembl chr19:24,155,090...24,178,430
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G Prkca protein kinase C, alpha increases phosphorylation
decreases expression
EXP Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of PRKCA protein
Manganese results in decreased expression of PRKCA protein
CTD PMID:21812036 PMID:25981801 NCBI chr10:92,889,390...93,288,013
Ensembl chr10:92,894,012...93,288,012
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G Prkcd protein kinase C, delta increases phosphorylation
multiple interactions
Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of PRKCD protein
Manganese promotes the reaction [PRKCD protein binds to SLC1A5 protein]; Manganese promotes the reaction [PRKCD protein binds to SLC38A3 protein]; Manganese results in increased cleavage of and results in increased activity of PRKCD protein
SNCA protein inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased cleavage of and results in increased activity of PRKCD protein]
CTD PMID:21812036 PMID:25416158 NCBI chr16:5,769,217...5,799,380
Ensembl chr16:5,769,215...5,799,352
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G Prkd1 protein kinase D1 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of PRKD1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 6:67,725,193...68,039,002
Ensembl chr 6:67,725,905...68,039,042
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G Prkn parkin RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase decreases expression
decreases transport
affects response to substance
increases expression
Manganese results in decreased expression of PRKN mRNA
PRKN protein results in decreased transport of Manganese
PRKN gene mutant form affects the susceptibility to Manganese
Manganese results in increased expression of PRKN protein
CTD PMID:19781568 PMID:20089134 PMID:20798247 PMID:22841634 PMID:28826884 NCBI chr 1:48,688,651...49,882,520
Ensembl chr 1:48,690,556...49,882,555
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G Prl prolactin decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of PRL protein
Manganese inhibits the reaction [PRL protein binds to PRLR protein]
CTD PMID:6197504 PMID:19595304 NCBI chr17:37,859,999...37,870,062
Ensembl chr17:37,860,007...37,870,062
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G Prl7a3 prolactin family 7, subfamily A, member 3 increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of PRL7A3 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr17:37,086,164...37,099,039
Ensembl chr17:37,086,136...37,099,037
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G Prlr prolactin receptor multiple interactions ISO Manganese inhibits the reaction [PRL protein binds to PRLR protein] CTD PMID:6197504 NCBI chr 2:59,134,147...59,324,719
Ensembl chr 2:59,134,588...59,324,718
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G Prnp prion protein increases stability
multiple interactions
affects binding
ISO Manganese results in increased stability of PRNP protein
[[PRNP protein binds to Manganese] which co-treated with Hydrogen Peroxide] results in increased cleavage of [PRNP protein binds to PRNP protein]; [[PRNP protein binds to Manganese] which co-treated with Hydrogen Peroxide] results in increased cleavage of PRNP protein; CAT protein inhibits the reaction [[[PRNP protein binds to Manganese] which co-treated with Hydrogen Peroxide] results in increased cleavage of [PRNP protein binds to PRNP protein]]
CTD PMID:16595185 PMID:20176619 NCBI chr 3:119,186,073...119,201,513
Ensembl chr 3:119,177,485...119,203,937
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G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 increases expression
multiple interactions
Manganese results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA; Manganese results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein
[Curcumin co-treated with Manganese] inhibits the reaction [Kainic Acid results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA]; [diacetylcurcumin co-treated with Manganese] inhibits the reaction [Kainic Acid results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [Ethanol results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein; Ethanol promotes the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]
[Manganese co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA
CTD PMID:17175027 PMID:17827730 PMID:20589745 PMID:30844427 PMID:33314588 NCBI chr13:62,163,936...62,172,193
Ensembl chr13:62,163,932...62,172,188
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G Ptk2b protein tyrosine kinase 2 beta decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of PTK2B mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr15:40,360,722...40,481,235
Ensembl chr15:40,360,723...40,481,282
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G Ptx3 pentraxin 3 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of PTX3 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 2:150,487,513...150,493,323
Ensembl chr 2:150,487,513...150,493,323
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G Pvalb parvalbumin decreases expression
increases methylation
ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of PVALB mRNA
Manganese results in increased methylation of PVALB promoter
CTD PMID:23976782 NCBI chr 7:109,772,939...109,787,954
Ensembl chr 7:109,772,593...109,784,561
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G Pvr PVR cell adhesion molecule decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of PVR mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 1:79,561,294...79,576,700
Ensembl chr 1:79,546,879...79,576,715
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G Rab21 RAB21, member RAS oncogene family decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of RAB21 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 7:50,904,050...50,928,890
Ensembl chr 7:50,904,057...50,928,839
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G Rab23 RAB23, member RAS oncogene family decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of RAB23 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 9:35,943,522...35,967,367
Ensembl chr 9:35,944,085...35,966,927
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G Rab3d RAB3D, member RAS oncogene family decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of RAB3D mRNA CTD PMID:23499988 NCBI chr 8:20,438,622...20,449,269
Ensembl chr 8:20,439,294...20,449,185
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G Rela RELA proto-oncogene, NF-kB subunit affects localization
multiple interactions
Manganese affects the localization of RELA protein
1-(4-(6-bromobenzo(1,3)dioxol-5-yl)-3a,4,5,9b-tetrahydro-3H-cyclopenta(c)quinolin-8-yl)ethanone inhibits the reaction [Manganese affects the localization of RELA protein]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of RELA protein; Ethanol promotes the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of RELA protein]; Manganese promotes the reaction [RELA protein binds to HDAC1 protein]; Manganese promotes the reaction [YY1 protein binds to RELA protein]
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which affects the localization of RELA protein; Acetylcysteine affects the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which affects the localization of RELA protein]; alpha-Tocopherol affects the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which affects the localization of RELA protein]; IkK-16 compound affects the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which affects the localization of RELA protein]
[Copper co-treated with Lead co-treated with Cadmium co-treated with Zinc co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Chromium co-treated with Manganese co-treated with Nickel] results in increased expression of RELA protein
CTD PMID:22645130 PMID:24469401 PMID:28035397 PMID:33314588 PMID:34310962 NCBI chr 1:202,925,001...202,935,484
Ensembl chr 1:202,924,945...202,935,484
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G Rfc5 replication factor C subunit 5 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of RFC5 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr12:39,207,484...39,217,041
Ensembl chr12:39,207,484...39,217,312
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G Rgs2 regulator of G-protein signaling 2 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of RGS2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr13:55,799,749...55,802,354
Ensembl chr13:55,798,829...55,802,385
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G Rgs5 regulator of G-protein signaling 5 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of RGS5 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr13:81,848,254...81,885,053
Ensembl chr13:81,836,304...81,885,518
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G Rgs6 regulator of G-protein signaling 6 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of RGS6 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 6:102,264,451...102,796,311
Ensembl chr 6:102,264,447...102,824,753
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G Rheb Ras homolog, mTORC1 binding increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of RHEB mRNA CTD PMID:23997110 NCBI chr 4:10,278,970...10,320,160
Ensembl chr 4:10,279,370...10,320,160
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G Rnf145 ring finger protein 145 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of RNF145 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr10:29,006,391...29,050,788
Ensembl chr10:29,011,548...29,050,781
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G Rpe65 retinoid isomerohydrolase RPE65 multiple interactions
decreases uptake
increases uptake
ISO [retinylamine results in decreased activity of RPE65 protein] which results in decreased uptake of Manganese; Retinaldehyde inhibits the reaction [RPE65 exon mutant form results in decreased uptake of Manganese]
RPE65 protein results in increased uptake of Manganese
CTD PMID:19060264 NCBI chr 2:248,766,497...248,798,403
Ensembl chr 2:248,766,612...248,798,403
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G Rpl37 ribosomal protein L37 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of RPL37 mRNA CTD PMID:27329587 NCBI chr 2:54,215,469...54,217,429
Ensembl chr 2:54,215,469...54,217,442
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G Rps6kb1 ribosomal protein S6 kinase B1 multiple interactions ISO [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which co-treated with Sirolimus] results in decreased phosphorylation of RPS6KB1 protein CTD PMID:31690173 NCBI chr10:71,323,777...71,367,908
Ensembl chr10:71,323,777...71,367,908
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G S100a6 S100 calcium binding protein A6 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of S100A6 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 2:176,100,619...176,102,181
Ensembl chr 2:176,100,899...176,102,180
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G Sae1 SUMO1 activating enzyme subunit 1 multiple interactions ISO Manganese inhibits the reaction [HTT protein mutant form affects the expression of SAE1 protein] CTD PMID:22191580 NCBI chr 1:77,030,961...77,086,937
Ensembl chr 1:77,030,965...77,086,986
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G Scn3b sodium voltage-gated channel beta subunit 3 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of SCN3B mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 8:40,630,372...40,652,869
Ensembl chr 8:40,630,455...40,652,868
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G Scn7a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 7 decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of SCN7A mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 3:51,335,841...51,438,308
Ensembl chr 3:51,335,841...51,438,256
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G Scrn1 secernin 1 affects expression EXP Manganese affects the expression of SCRN1 protein CTD PMID:24885898 NCBI chr 4:83,632,125...83,694,225
Ensembl chr 4:83,632,131...83,693,852
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G Sdcbp2 syndecan binding protein 2 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of SDCBP2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 3:140,060,746...140,098,063
Ensembl chr 3:140,070,540...140,098,057
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G Serpinb2 serpin family B member 2 increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of SERPINB2 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr13:23,537,312...23,551,823
Ensembl chr13:23,541,400...23,550,408
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G Serpine1 serpin family E member 1 increases stability ISO Manganese results in increased stability of SERPINE1 protein CTD PMID:21280127 PMID:21280128 NCBI chr12:19,601,272...19,611,657
Ensembl chr12:19,601,272...19,611,657
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G Sftpb surfactant protein B increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of SFTPB mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 4:104,359,303...104,368,439
Ensembl chr 4:104,359,396...104,368,436
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G Sfxn5 sideroflexin 5 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of SFXN5 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 4:117,750,213...117,869,826
Ensembl chr 4:117,752,806...117,869,794
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G Sh2d3c SH2 domain containing 3C multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of SH2D3C mRNA CTD PMID:35690225 NCBI chr 3:16,010,622...16,046,491
Ensembl chr 3:16,010,625...16,046,484
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G Sirt1 sirtuin 1 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of SIRT1 protein CTD PMID:34018660 NCBI chr20:25,307,225...25,329,273
Ensembl chr20:25,306,917...25,329,260
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G Sirt2 sirtuin 2 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of SIRT2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 1:84,053,883...84,076,975
Ensembl chr 1:84,052,903...84,076,975
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G Six3 SIX homeobox 3 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of SIX3 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 6:9,039,017...9,043,336
Ensembl chr 6:9,036,434...9,053,301
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G Slc11a2 solute carrier family 11 member 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
decreases uptake
decreases metabolic processing
increases abundance
increases uptake
[[manganese chloride results in increased expression of SLC11A2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Manganese] which affects the abundance of Copper; [[Manganese results in increased expression of SLC11A2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Manganese] which affects the abundance of Copper; [Deferoxamine co-treated with Manganese] results in increased expression of SLC11A2; [manganese chloride results in increased expression of SLC11A2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Manganese; [Manganese results in increased expression of SLC11A2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Manganese; Iron inhibits the reaction [SLC11A2 protein results in increased uptake of Manganese]; Manganese promotes the reaction [SLC11A2 protein results in increased transport of Iron]; Manganese results in increased stability of [ACO1 protein binds to SLC11A2 mRNA]; SLC11A2 protein affects the reaction [Manganese results in increased transport of Iron]
Manganese results in increased expression of SLC11A2 mRNA
SLC11A2 protein mutant form results in decreased uptake of Manganese
SLC11A2 protein mutant form results in decreased metabolism of Manganese
[Deferoxamine results in increased expression of SLC11A2 protein] which results in increased uptake of Manganese; Manganese inhibits the reaction [SLC11A2 protein results in increased transport of Ferrous Compounds]
Manganese results in increased expression of SLC11A2 mRNA; Manganese results in increased expression of SLC11A2 protein
SLC11A2 protein results in increased abundance of Manganese
SLC11A2 protein results in increased uptake of Manganese; SLC11A2 results in increased uptake of Manganese
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of SLC11A2 mRNA
CTD PMID:11933051 PMID:16705042 PMID:16729984 PMID:17116743 PMID:17175027 More... NCBI chr 7:131,503,076...131,540,246
Ensembl chr 7:131,503,081...131,540,145
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G Slc12a2 solute carrier family 12 member 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
increases oxidation
EXP 1,3-dimethylthiourea inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of SLC12A2 protein]; 1,3-dimethylthiourea inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased oxidation of SLC12A2 protein]; Bumetanide inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of SLC12A2 protein]; Bumetanide inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased oxidation of SLC12A2 protein]; Bumetanide inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of SLC12A2 protein]; CAT protein inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of SLC12A2 protein]; CAT protein inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of SLC12A2 protein]; Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of SLC12A2 protein; manganese(III)-tetrakis(4-benzoic acid)porphyrin inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of SLC12A2 protein]; manganese(III)-tetrakis(4-benzoic acid)porphyrin inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased oxidation of SLC12A2 protein]; tempol inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of SLC12A2 protein]; tempol inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased oxidation of SLC12A2 protein]; Uric Acid inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of SLC12A2 protein]; Uric Acid inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of SLC12A2 protein]; Vitamin E inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of SLC12A2 protein]; Vitamin E inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of SLC12A2 protein] CTD PMID:25817889 NCBI chr18:51,348,282...51,416,448
Ensembl chr18:51,348,302...51,416,440
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G Slc16a3 solute carrier family 16 member 3 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of SLC16A3 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr10:106,212,679...106,222,564
Ensembl chr10:106,212,778...106,222,562
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G Slc18a2 solute carrier family 18 member A2 decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC18A2 mRNA CTD PMID:20224926 NCBI chr 1:258,413,748...258,449,143
Ensembl chr 1:258,413,959...258,448,325
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G Slc1a2 solute carrier family 1 member 2 multiple interactions
decreases expression
1-(4-(6-bromobenzo(1,3)dioxol-5-yl)-3a,4,5,9b-tetrahydro-3H-cyclopenta(c)quinolin-8-yl)ethanone inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 mRNA]; 1-(4-(6-bromobenzo(1,3)dioxol-5-yl)-3a,4,5,9b-tetrahydro-3H-cyclopenta(c)quinolin-8-yl)ethanone inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 protein]; Butyric Acid inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 mRNA]; Manganese promotes the reaction [YY1 protein binds to SLC1A2 promoter]; romidepsin inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 mRNA]; trichostatin A inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 mRNA]; Valproic Acid inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 mRNA]; vorinostat inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 mRNA]; YY1 protein affects the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 mRNA]
Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 mRNA; Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 protein
Butyric Acid inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 mRNA]; Butyric Acid inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 protein]; Valproic Acid inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 mRNA]; Valproic Acid inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 protein]
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [YY1 protein binds to SLC1A2 promoter]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 protein; Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 mRNA]; Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 protein]; alpha-Tocopherol inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 mRNA]; alpha-Tocopherol inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 protein]; Hesperidin inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [YY1 protein binds to SLC1A2 promoter]]; Hesperidin inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 protein]; IkK-16 compound inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 mRNA]; IkK-16 compound inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 protein]; silmitasertib inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [YY1 protein binds to SLC1A2 promoter]]; silmitasertib inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 protein]
CTD PMID:22645130 PMID:24469401 PMID:28610743 PMID:34310962 PMID:34800614 NCBI chr 3:89,005,129...89,135,469
Ensembl chr 3:89,005,129...89,126,498
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G Slc1a3 solute carrier family 1 member 3 multiple interactions
decreases expression
Estradiol inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A3 mRNA]; Estradiol inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A3 protein]; Tamoxifen inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A3 mRNA]; Tamoxifen inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A3 protein]
Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A3 mRNA; Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A3 protein
Butyric Acid inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A3 mRNA]; Butyric Acid inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A3 protein]; Valproic Acid inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A3 mRNA]; Valproic Acid inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A3 protein]
CTD PMID:19453300 PMID:28610743 NCBI chr 2:57,755,495...57,830,605
Ensembl chr 2:57,755,497...57,830,605
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G Slc1a5 solute carrier family 1 member 5 multiple interactions EXP Manganese promotes the reaction [PRKCD protein binds to SLC1A5 protein] CTD PMID:21812036 NCBI chr 1:77,456,849...77,470,952
Ensembl chr 1:77,456,694...77,470,952
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G Slc22a15 solute carrier family 22, member 15 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC22A15 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 2:189,298,836...189,359,902
Ensembl chr 2:189,298,832...189,358,792
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G Slc2a13 solute carrier family 2 member 13 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of SLC2A13 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 7:122,399,329...122,726,605
Ensembl chr 7:122,399,330...122,726,605
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G Slc30a10 solute carrier family 30, member 10 multiple interactions
affects transport
decreases abundance
increases abundance
increases secretion
decreases expression
ISO [IL6 protein results in decreased expression of SLC30A10 mRNA] which results in decreased export of Manganese; [IL6 protein results in decreased expression of SLC30A10 protein] which results in decreased export of Manganese; Edetic Acid inhibits the reaction [SLC30A10 gene mutant form results in increased abundance of Manganese]
SLC30A10 gene SNP affects the transport of Manganese
SLC30A10 gene SNP results in decreased abundance of Manganese
SLC30A10 gene mutant form results in increased abundance of Manganese; SLC30A10 gene SNP results in increased abundance of Manganese
SLC30A10 protein results in increased secretion of Manganese
Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC30A10 mRNA
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of SLC30A10 mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of SLC30A10 protein
CTD PMID:22926781 PMID:24576911 PMID:26025379 PMID:26628504 PMID:28860195 More... NCBI chr13:96,998,143...97,048,076
Ensembl chr13:96,998,143...97,009,103
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G Slc38a1 solute carrier family 38, member 1 decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC38A1 mRNA CTD PMID:17468184 NCBI chr 7:127,733,230...127,802,541
Ensembl chr 7:127,738,226...127,802,218
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G Slc38a10 solute carrier family 38, member 10 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of SLC38A10 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr10:105,386,836...105,436,636
Ensembl chr10:105,386,836...105,436,636
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G Slc38a3 solute carrier family 38, member 3 multiple interactions
decreases expression
EXP Manganese promotes the reaction [PRKCD protein binds to SLC38A3 protein]
Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC38A3 mRNA
CTD PMID:17468184 PMID:21812036 NCBI chr 8:108,323,889...108,339,959
Ensembl chr 8:108,323,894...108,339,988
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G Slc39a14 solute carrier family 39 member 14 increases expression
increases import
affects uptake
multiple interactions
ISO Manganese results in increased expression of SLC39A14 mRNA
SLC39A14 protein results in increased import of Manganese
SLC39A14 protein affects the uptake of Manganese
SLC39A14 protein results in increased import of and results in increased secretion of Manganese
CTD PMID:17065364 PMID:22898811 PMID:24576911 PMID:28860195 NCBI chr15:45,376,806...45,423,549
Ensembl chr15:45,376,917...45,423,524
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G Slc39a8 solute carrier family 39 member 8 multiple interactions
increases uptake
increases import
affects transport
Manganese inhibits the reaction [SLC39A8 protein results in increased uptake of Cadmium]; SLC39A8 protein results in increased uptake of [Manganese co-treated with Bicarbonates]
SLC39A8 protein results in increased uptake of Manganese
SLC39A8 protein results in increased import of Manganese
Manganese inhibits the reaction [SLC39A8 protein results in increased import of Iron]
SLC39A8 gene SNP affects the transport of Manganese; SLC39A8 SNP affects the transport of Manganese
CTD PMID:16638970 PMID:22898811 PMID:26025379 PMID:28917719 NCBI chr 2:224,171,787...224,319,326
Ensembl chr 2:224,256,654...224,319,129
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G Slc40a1 solute carrier family 40 member 1 multiple interactions
increases export
decreases expression
ISO Cobalt inhibits the reaction [SLC40A1 protein results in increased export of Manganese]; Iron inhibits the reaction [SLC40A1 protein results in increased export of Manganese]; Nickel inhibits the reaction [SLC40A1 protein results in increased export of Manganese]
Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC40A1 mRNA
CTD PMID:22178646 PMID:29020610 NCBI chr 9:48,033,526...48,053,876
Ensembl chr 9:48,033,526...48,051,481
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G Slc4a10 solute carrier family 4 member 10 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC4A10 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 3:46,665,076...46,959,088
Ensembl chr 3:46,665,265...46,957,268
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G Slc5a7 solute carrier family 5 member 7 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of SLC5A7 mRNA CTD PMID:30738988 NCBI chr 9:7,595,440...7,626,258
Ensembl chr 9:7,595,444...7,626,258
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G Slc6a3 solute carrier family 6 member 3 decreases expression
increases response to substance
multiple interactions
affects localization
affects response to substance
Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC6A3 protein
SLC6A3 protein results in increased susceptibility to Manganese
LRRK2 mutant form results in increased susceptibility to [Manganese co-treated with SLC6A3 protein]
Manganese affects the localization of SLC6A3 protein
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of SLC6A3 protein; Ethanol promotes the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of SLC6A3 protein]
SLC6A3 gene SNP affects the susceptibility to Manganese
CTD PMID:16571372 PMID:18206288 PMID:23313730 PMID:23628791 PMID:34590183 More... NCBI chr 1:29,709,443...29,750,413
Ensembl chr 1:29,709,443...29,750,413
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G Slc6a6 solute carrier family 6 member 6 increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of SLC6A6 mRNA CTD PMID:20832424 NCBI chr 4:124,195,186...124,268,880
Ensembl chr 4:124,195,218...124,268,875
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G Slco1a4 solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1a4 decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of SLCO1A4 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 4:174,710,004...174,764,810
Ensembl chr 4:174,710,004...175,254,573
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G Smim14 small integral membrane protein 14 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of SMIM14 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr14:42,783,361...42,829,762
Ensembl chr14:42,783,332...42,829,760
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G Snca synuclein alpha increases expression
multiple interactions
Manganese results in increased expression of SNCA mRNA
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of SNCA protein; Manganese promotes the reaction [SNCA protein binds to SNCA protein]; SNCA gene inhibits the reaction [DJR-1.1 mutant form results in increased transport of and results in increased abundance of Manganese]; SNCA gene inhibits the reaction [PDR-1 mutant form results in increased transport of and results in increased abundance of Manganese]; SNCA protein inhibits the reaction [Manganese affects the localization of CYCS protein]; SNCA protein inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]; SNCA protein inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased activity of CASP9 protein]; SNCA protein inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased cleavage of and results in increased activity of PRKCD protein]
Manganese affects the reaction [P4HB protein binds to SNCA protein]; Manganese promotes the reaction [SNCA protein binds to and results in increased expression of SNCA protein]
CTD PMID:19781568 PMID:24452053 PMID:24777576 PMID:25416158 PMID:32659473 NCBI chr 4:89,696,420...89,797,240
Ensembl chr 4:89,696,420...89,796,262
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G Sod1 superoxide dismutase 1 increases uptake
multiple interactions
SOD1 protein results in increased uptake of Manganese
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of SOD1 mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of SOD1 protein
CTD PMID:19074809 PMID:38129942 NCBI chr11:29,456,673...29,462,249
Ensembl chr11:29,456,558...29,462,249
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G Sod2 superoxide dismutase 2 increases expression
multiple interactions
increases activity
Manganese results in increased expression of SOD2 mRNA; Manganese results in increased expression of SOD2 protein
Manganese deficiency results in increased expression of SOD2 protein
Paroxetine inhibits the reaction [Manganese deficiency results in increased expression of SOD2 protein]
2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid promotes the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of SOD2 protein]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of SOD2 mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of SOD2 protein; Manganese inhibits the reaction [Cadmium Chloride results in decreased activity of SOD2 protein]
Manganese results in increased activity of SOD2 protein
CTD PMID:12204541 PMID:17175027 PMID:18317567 PMID:19093460 PMID:21312047 More... NCBI chr 1:47,638,318...47,645,163
Ensembl chr 1:47,636,528...47,645,189
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G Sort1 sortilin 1 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of SORT1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 2:195,924,033...196,002,354
Ensembl chr 2:195,924,099...196,002,354
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G Sostdc1 sclerostin domain containing 1 decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of SOSTDC1 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 6:53,051,336...53,055,510
Ensembl chr 6:53,051,354...53,055,579
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G Sp1 Sp1 transcription factor multiple interactions EXP Manganese promotes the reaction [SP1 protein modified form binds to CASP3 promoter]; Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of SP1 protein CTD PMID:22975163 NCBI chr 7:133,541,302...133,571,961
Ensembl chr 7:133,541,491...133,571,961
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G Spa17 sperm autoantigenic protein 17 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of SPA17 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 8:37,307,432...37,318,519
Ensembl chr 8:37,307,557...37,318,639
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G Sptan1 spectrin, alpha, non-erythrocytic 1 multiple interactions
increases cleavage
EXP aspartyl-glutamyl-valyl-aspartal inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased cleavage of SPTAN1 protein]; calpain inhibitor III inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased cleavage of SPTAN1 protein]; quinoline-val-asp(OMe)-CH2-OPH inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in increased cleavage of SPTAN1 protein] CTD PMID:21985864 NCBI chr 3:13,241,164...13,306,047
Ensembl chr 3:13,241,217...13,306,046
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G Sqstm1 sequestosome 1 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of SQSTM1 protein; Sirolimus inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of SQSTM1 protein]; SQSTM1 protein inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of SQSTM1 protein] CTD PMID:31690173 NCBI chr10:34,525,517...34,536,670
Ensembl chr10:34,525,519...34,536,673
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G Src SRC proto-oncogene, non-receptor tyrosine kinase multiple interactions ISO [Manganese binds to N'-((2-hydroxyphenyl)carbonothioyl)pyridine-2-carbohydrazide] which results in decreased expression of SRC protein CTD PMID:16600465 NCBI chr 3:146,091,969...146,139,492
Ensembl chr 3:146,091,841...146,139,476
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G Star steroidogenic acute regulatory protein decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of STAR protein CTD PMID:25981801 NCBI chr16:66,267,094...66,274,368
Ensembl chr16:66,264,807...66,271,672
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G Stat3 signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] affects the reaction [STAT3 protein binds to PPARGC1A protein]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which affects the localization of STAT3 protein CTD PMID:34018660 NCBI chr10:85,811,206...85,863,057
Ensembl chr10:85,811,218...85,863,057
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G Stox1 storkhead box 1 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of STOX1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr20:30,598,284...30,666,371
Ensembl chr20:30,598,168...30,666,939
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G Sult1c3 sulfotransferase family 1C member 3 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of SULT1C1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 9:7,221,580...7,266,991
Ensembl chr 9:7,221,578...7,267,030
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G Syn1 synapsin I increases phosphorylation EXP Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of SYN1 protein CTD PMID:20224926 NCBI chr  X:1,172,208...1,227,400
Ensembl chr  X:1,172,208...1,227,396
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G Tab1 TGF-beta activated kinase 1/MAP3K7 binding protein 1 affects binding ISO Manganese binds to TAB1 protein CTD PMID:16879102 NCBI chr 7:111,675,829...111,707,058
Ensembl chr 7:111,686,371...111,707,058
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G Tacr1 tachykinin receptor 1 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of TACR1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 4:114,920,844...115,089,733
Ensembl chr 4:114,920,844...115,089,733
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G Tagln2 transgelin 2 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of TAGLN2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr13:84,966,980...84,973,973
Ensembl chr13:84,967,009...84,973,972
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G Tbx18 T-box transcription factor 18 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of TBX18 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 8:88,652,054...88,680,081
Ensembl chr 8:88,652,054...88,680,058
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G Tcim transcriptional and immune response regulator increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of TCIM mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr16:67,595,762...67,597,055
Ensembl chr16:67,593,410...67,597,581
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G Tf transferrin increases uptake
affects binding
multiple interactions
Manganese results in increased uptake of TF protein
Manganese binds to TF protein; TF protein binds to Manganese
[Iron deficiency co-treated with Manganese] results in increased expression of TF protein
[Aluminum binds to TF protein] which results in decreased uptake of Manganese; [Manganese binds to TF protein] which results in decreased uptake of Manganese
CTD PMID:8782865 PMID:17060373 PMID:17469137 PMID:18546093 NCBI chr 8:103,789,780...103,816,487
Ensembl chr 8:103,767,995...103,816,511
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G Tfap2a transcription factor AP-2 alpha increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of TFAP2A protein CTD PMID:24845367 NCBI chr17:24,028,716...24,047,507
Ensembl chr17:24,024,432...24,047,507
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G Tfap2b transcription factor AP-2 beta increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of TFAP2B mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 9:21,786,251...21,816,054
Ensembl chr 9:21,786,258...21,814,520
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G Tfeb transcription factor EB multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which affects the localization of TFEB protein; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased activity of TFEB protein; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which affects the localization of TFEB protein] CTD PMID:31690173 NCBI chr 9:13,198,890...13,254,726
Ensembl chr 9:13,198,891...13,254,714
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G Tfrc transferrin receptor increases expression EXP
Manganese results in increased expression of TFRC mRNA; Manganese results in increased expression of TFRC protein CTD PMID:16545456 PMID:16568477 PMID:16705042 PMID:16740617 PMID:17469137 More... NCBI chr11:68,163,413...68,185,257
Ensembl chr11:68,163,413...68,185,257
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G Tgfb1 transforming growth factor, beta 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
Manganese results in decreased expression of TGFB1 mRNA
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which affects the expression of TGFB1 mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which affects the expression of TGFB1 protein
CTD PMID:16476481 PMID:19453300 PMID:34018660 NCBI chr 1:81,196,532...81,212,848
Ensembl chr 1:81,196,532...81,212,847
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G Tgfbr1 transforming growth factor, beta receptor 1 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of TGFBR1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 5:61,653,773...61,710,777
Ensembl chr 5:61,653,233...61,710,777
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G Th tyrosine hydroxylase decreases expression
multiple interactions
Manganese results in decreased expression of TH mRNA; Manganese results in decreased expression of TH protein
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of TH protein; Ethanol promotes the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of TH protein]
CTD PMID:16943606 PMID:19781568 PMID:20224926 PMID:20798247 PMID:34590183 More... NCBI chr 1:198,071,500...198,078,832
Ensembl chr 1:198,071,503...198,109,767
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G Tmem255b transmembrane protein 255B increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of TMEM255B mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr16:76,079,840...76,108,179
Ensembl chr16:76,079,845...76,106,795
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G Tnf tumor necrosis factor multiple interactions
increases expression
1,2-Dihydroxybenzene-3,5-Disulfonic Acid Disodium Salt inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of TNF mRNA]]; 1,2-Dihydroxybenzene-3,5-Disulfonic Acid Disodium Salt inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of TNF protein]]; [Aluminum co-treated with Lead co-treated with Mercury co-treated with Manganese] results in increased expression of TNF protein; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of TNF protein; Ethanol promotes the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of TNF protein]; Manganese inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of TNF protein]; Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of TNF mRNA]; Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of TNF protein]; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of TNF protein]]; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of TNF protein]]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased expression of TNF protein]]
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of TNF mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of TNF protein; [Manganese co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased expression of TNF mRNA; Manganese promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein] promotes the reaction [NOS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]]; NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]]; NFKBIA protein affects the reaction [Manganese promotes the reaction [TNF protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of IFNG protein co-treated with and results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]]
Manganese results in increased expression of TNF mRNA; Manganese results in increased expression of TNF protein
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased secretion of TNF protein; Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased secretion of TNF protein]; alpha-Tocopherol inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased secretion of TNF protein]
CTD PMID:16168523 PMID:16488514 PMID:18547589 PMID:19782702 PMID:20224926 More... NCBI chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
Ensembl chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
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G Tnfaip6 TNF alpha induced protein 6 multiple interactions ISO Manganese promotes the reaction [ITIH1 protein binds to TNFAIP6 protein]; Manganese promotes the reaction [ITIH2 protein binds to TNFAIP6 protein] CTD PMID:16768462 NCBI chr 3:36,502,250...36,521,652
Ensembl chr 3:36,502,188...36,521,649
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G Tnfrsf25 TNF receptor superfamily member 25 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of TNFRSF25 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 5:162,621,669...162,626,341
Ensembl chr 5:162,622,075...162,626,341
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G Tnrc6a trinucleotide repeat containing adaptor 6A increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of TNRC6A mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 1:177,561,898...177,715,669
Ensembl chr 1:177,646,030...177,715,660
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G Tp53 tumor protein p53 increases response to substance
multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP TP53 protein results in increased susceptibility to Manganese
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of TP53 protein; [Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in increased expression of and affects the localization of TP53 protein; [Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased expression of TP53 protein; Ethanol promotes the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of TP53 protein]; KHSRP protein affects the reaction [Manganese results in increased expression of TP53 protein]; Manganese results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased expression of TP53 protein; PPM1D mutant form promotes the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in increased phosphorylation of TP53 protein]; PPM1D protein inhibits the reaction [[Manganese co-treated with NGF protein] results in increased phosphorylation of TP53 protein]
Manganese results in increased expression of TP53 mRNA; Manganese results in increased expression of TP53 protein
CTD PMID:23997110 PMID:24845367 PMID:25027559 PMID:25448048 PMID:25791630 More... NCBI chr10:54,300,070...54,311,525
Ensembl chr10:54,300,048...54,311,524
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G Tpcn1 two pore segment channel 1 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of TPCN1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr12:35,972,813...36,029,632
Ensembl chr12:35,972,846...36,029,626
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G Trpc6 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 6 increases transport
multiple interactions
increases uptake
TRPC6 protein results in increased transport of Manganese
1,2-dioctanoylglycerol promotes the reaction [TRPC6 protein results in increased uptake of Manganese]; 1-oleoyl-2-acetoyl-sn-glycerol promotes the reaction [TRPC6 protein results in increased uptake of Manganese]; Acetylcholine promotes the reaction [TRPC6 protein results in increased uptake of Manganese]; Flufenamic Acid inhibits the reaction [1-oleoyl-2-acetoyl-sn-glycerol promotes the reaction [TRPC6 protein results in increased uptake of Manganese]]
CTD PMID:11179201 PMID:11535132 NCBI chr 8:5,759,387...5,864,000
Ensembl chr 8:5,758,935...5,828,092
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G Trpm1 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 1 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of TRPM1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 1:117,718,896...117,835,434
Ensembl chr 1:117,718,896...117,834,605
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G Trpm4 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 4 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of TRPM4 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 1:95,781,805...95,812,095
Ensembl chr 1:95,782,000...95,812,532
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G Trpm7 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 7 increases uptake EXP TRPM7 protein results in increased uptake of Manganese CTD PMID:16428268 NCBI chr 3:114,046,258...114,134,799
Ensembl chr 3:114,046,258...114,135,190
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G Trpv3 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 3 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of TRPV3 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr10:57,883,546...57,915,865
Ensembl chr10:57,883,546...57,913,296
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G Trpv6 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 6 increases uptake ISO TRPV6 protein results in increased uptake of Manganese CTD PMID:21146870 NCBI chr 4:70,507,347...70,523,013
Ensembl chr 4:70,507,348...70,523,017
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G Tsga10 testis specific 10 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of TSGA10 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 9:39,991,203...40,098,259
Ensembl chr 9:39,991,830...40,098,232
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G Tshz2 teashirt zinc finger homeobox 2 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of TSHZ2 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 3:158,405,469...158,666,915
Ensembl chr 3:158,405,423...158,850,128
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G Tyrp1 tyrosinase-related protein 1 decreases expression ISO
Manganese results in decreased expression of TYRP1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 5:95,280,982...95,299,516
Ensembl chr 5:95,280,982...95,299,516
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G Uba52 ubiquitin A-52 residue ribosomal protein fusion product 1 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of UBA52 mRNA CTD PMID:27329587 NCBI chr16:18,918,614...18,920,807
Ensembl chr16:18,900,616...18,920,807
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G Ubqln1 ubiquilin 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO HTT protein mutant form inhibits the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of UBQLN1 protein] CTD PMID:22191580 NCBI chr17:6,439,002...6,477,096
Ensembl chr17:6,439,002...6,477,090
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G Uchl1 ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1 decreases expression EXP Manganese results in decreased expression of UCHL1 protein CTD PMID:20798247 NCBI chr14:41,485,031...41,495,590
Ensembl chr14:41,485,031...41,495,590
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G Ucn urocortin multiple interactions EXP astressin inhibits the reaction [UCN protein inhibits the reaction [Thapsigargin results in increased uptake of Manganese]]; UCN protein inhibits the reaction [Thapsigargin results in increased uptake of Manganese] CTD PMID:17885217 NCBI chr 6:25,238,120...25,238,950
Ensembl chr 6:25,238,120...25,238,950
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G Usp15 ubiquitin specific peptidase 15 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of USP15 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 7:58,756,714...58,848,778
Ensembl chr 7:58,756,872...58,848,721
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G Usp18 ubiquitin specific peptidase 18 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of USP18 mRNA CTD PMID:23499988 NCBI chr 4:154,471,634...154,499,154
Ensembl chr 4:154,471,592...154,499,144
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G Usp45 ubiquitin specific peptidase 45 decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of USP45 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 5:35,318,621...35,392,090
Ensembl chr 5:35,318,635...35,389,420
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G Uvrag UV radiation resistance associated multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of UVRAG mRNA; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of UVRAG mRNA] CTD PMID:31690173 NCBI chr 1:153,185,356...153,442,200
Ensembl chr 1:153,185,395...153,442,136
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G Vdac1 voltage-dependent anion channel 1 increases expression ISO Manganese deficiency results in increased expression of VDAC1 protein CTD PMID:21312047 NCBI chr10:36,532,306...36,559,642
Ensembl chr10:36,532,244...36,559,640
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G Vegfa vascular endothelial growth factor A increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of VEGFA mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 PMID:17467022 NCBI chr 9:14,955,300...14,970,641
Ensembl chr 9:14,955,300...14,970,641
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G Vnn3 vanin 3 increases expression EXP Manganese results in increased expression of VNN3 mRNA CTD PMID:26745496 NCBI chr 1:21,571,364...21,583,626
Ensembl chr 1:21,571,364...21,583,626
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G Vps13a vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog A decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of VPS13A mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 1:213,901,999...214,128,638
Ensembl chr 1:213,901,999...214,128,555
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G Wipi1 WD repeat domain, phosphoinositide interacting 1 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of WIPI1 mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of WIPI1 protein; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of WIPI1 mRNA]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of WIPI1 protein] CTD PMID:31690173 NCBI chr10:94,542,946...94,580,174
Ensembl chr10:94,542,946...94,579,846
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G Wt1 WT1 transcription factor decreases expression ISO Manganese results in decreased expression of WT1 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 3:91,566,540...91,613,653
Ensembl chr 3:91,567,001...91,613,643
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G Xbp1 X-box binding protein 1 multiple interactions EXP [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of XBP1 protein alternative form; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased splicing of XBP1 mRNA CTD PMID:32574669 NCBI chr14:80,390,629...80,395,713
Ensembl chr14:80,390,643...80,395,693
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G Ythdc2 YTH N6-methyladenosine RNA binding protein C2 multiple interactions ISO [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of YTHDC2 mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of YTHDC2 protein; YTHDC2 protein inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of CCNB2 mRNA]; YTHDC2 protein inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in decreased expression of CCNB2 protein] CTD PMID:34822792 NCBI chr18:37,266,559...37,331,681
Ensembl chr18:37,265,836...37,331,023
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G Yy1 YY1 transcription factor multiple interactions
increases expression
Manganese promotes the reaction [YY1 protein binds to HDAC1 protein]; Manganese promotes the reaction [YY1 protein binds to RELA protein]; Manganese promotes the reaction [YY1 protein binds to SLC1A2 promoter]; YY1 protein affects the reaction [Manganese results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 mRNA]
Manganese results in increased expression of YY1 mRNA; Manganese results in increased expression of YY1 protein
[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [YY1 protein binds to HDAC1 protein]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [YY1 protein binds to HDAC3 protein]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [YY1 protein binds to SLC1A2 promoter]; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of YY1 mRNA; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of YY1 protein; [manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of and affects the localization of YY1 protein; Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of YY1 mRNA]; Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of YY1 protein]; alpha-Tocopherol inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of YY1 mRNA]; alpha-Tocopherol inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of YY1 protein]; Hesperidin inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [YY1 protein binds to HDAC1 protein]]; Hesperidin inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [YY1 protein binds to SLC1A2 promoter]]; Hesperidin inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of and affects the localization of YY1 protein]; IkK-16 compound inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of YY1 mRNA]; IkK-16 compound inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased expression of YY1 protein]; silmitasertib inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [YY1 protein binds to HDAC3 protein]]; silmitasertib inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] promotes the reaction [YY1 protein binds to SLC1A2 promoter]]; silmitasertib inhibits the reaction [[manganese chloride results in increased abundance of Manganese] which results in increased phosphorylation of and affects the localization of YY1 protein]
CTD PMID:24469401 PMID:34310962 PMID:34800614 NCBI chr 6:127,706,739...127,736,499
Ensembl chr 6:127,707,596...127,732,747
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G Zfp41 zinc finger protein 41 increases expression ISO Manganese results in increased expression of ZFP41 mRNA CTD PMID:17175027 NCBI chr 7:107,307,303...107,320,164
Ensembl chr 7:107,306,867...107,320,270
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 19899
    chemical entity 19897
      molecular entity 19897
        transition element molecular entity 17461
          manganese group molecular entity 2100
            manganese molecular entity 2100
              elemental manganese 452
                manganese(0) 451
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 19899
    subatomic particle 19897
      composite particle 19897
        hadron 19897
          baryon 19897
            nucleon 19897
              atomic nucleus 19897
                atom 19897
                  metal atom 18054
                    transition element atom 17598
                      d-block element atom 17593
                        manganese group element atom 2100
                          manganese group molecular entity 2100
                            manganese molecular entity 2100
                              elemental manganese 452
                                manganese(0) 451
paths to the root