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The Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology is downloaded weekly from EMBL-EBI at The data is made available under the Creative Commons License (CC BY 3.0, For more information see: Degtyarenko et al. (2008) ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest. Nucleic Acids Res. 36, D344–D350.

Term:molybdenum molecular entity
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Synonyms:related_synonym: molybdenum compounds;   molybdenum molecular entities

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molybdate term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ahr aryl-hydrocarbon receptor multiple interactions ISO molybdate inhibits the reaction [Potassium Chloride inhibits the reaction [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin binds to AHR protein]] CTD PMID:3015922 NCBI chr12:35,547,978...35,584,988
Ensembl chr12:35,547,973...35,585,037
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G Car2 carbonic anhydrase 2 decreases activity ISO molybdate results in decreased activity of CA2 protein CTD PMID:15664814 NCBI chr 3:14,951,329...14,965,830
Ensembl chr 3:14,951,333...14,965,830
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G Car4 carbonic anhydrase 4 decreases activity ISO molybdate results in decreased activity of CA4 protein CTD PMID:15664814 NCBI chr11:84,848,580...84,856,880
Ensembl chr11:84,848,612...84,856,870
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G Car5a carbonic anhydrase 5a, mitochondrial decreases activity ISO molybdate results in decreased activity of CA5A protein CTD PMID:15664814 NCBI chr 8:122,642,874...122,671,651
Ensembl chr 8:122,642,865...122,671,643
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G Car9 carbonic anhydrase 9 decreases activity ISO molybdate results in decreased activity of CA9 protein CTD PMID:15664814 NCBI chr 4:43,507,026...43,513,729
Ensembl chr 4:43,506,966...43,513,729
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G Ins1 insulin I multiple interactions ISO [molybdate co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of INSR protein; [molybdate co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of IRS4 protein; [molybdate co-treated with Vanadates co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of INSR protein; molybdate promotes the reaction [[Vanadates co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of IRS4 protein]; Vanadates promotes the reaction [[molybdate co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of IRS4 protein] CTD PMID:1321133 NCBI chr19:52,252,735...52,253,453
Ensembl chr19:52,252,735...52,253,914
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G Insr insulin receptor multiple interactions ISO [molybdate co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of INSR protein; [molybdate co-treated with Vanadates co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of INSR protein CTD PMID:1321133 NCBI chr 8:3,200,922...3,329,649
Ensembl chr 8:3,172,061...3,329,617
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G Irs4 insulin receptor substrate 4 multiple interactions ISO [molybdate co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of IRS4 protein; molybdate promotes the reaction [[Vanadates co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of IRS4 protein]; Vanadates promotes the reaction [[molybdate co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of IRS4 protein] CTD PMID:1321133 NCBI chr  X:140,493,994...140,508,213
Ensembl chr  X:140,493,994...140,508,259
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G Ivl involucrin decreases expression ISO molybdate results in decreased expression of IVL protein CTD PMID:7848924 NCBI chr 3:92,478,206...92,481,097
Ensembl chr 3:92,478,209...92,481,042
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G Nr3c1 nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1 increases expression ISO molybdate results in increased expression of NR3C1 protein CTD PMID:3015922 NCBI chr18:39,543,598...39,652,485
Ensembl chr18:39,543,598...39,652,474
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G Papss1 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate synthase 1 multiple interactions ISO PAPSS1 protein binds to and affects the metabolism of molybdate CTD PMID:15065880 NCBI chr 3:131,270,626...131,349,432
Ensembl chr 3:131,270,529...131,349,432
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G Ptpn1 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 1 multiple interactions ISO [sodium molybdate(VI) results in increased abundance of molybdate] which results in decreased activity of PTPN1 protein CTD PMID:34320920 NCBI chr 2:167,772,670...167,821,305
Ensembl chr 2:167,773,977...167,821,305
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G Xdh xanthine dehydrogenase multiple interactions ISO [sodium molybdate(VI) results in increased abundance of molybdate] which results in decreased activity of XDH protein CTD PMID:34320920 NCBI chr17:74,190,890...74,257,191
Ensembl chr17:74,190,890...74,257,191
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molybdenum trichloride term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cd80 CD80 antigen increases secretion EXP molybdenum chloride results in increased secretion of CD80 protein CTD PMID:19844976 NCBI chr16:38,277,793...38,316,682
Ensembl chr16:38,275,923...38,316,697
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G Il1b interleukin 1 beta increases secretion EXP molybdenum chloride results in increased secretion of IL1B protein CTD PMID:19844976 NCBI chr 2:129,206,490...129,213,059
Ensembl chr 2:129,206,490...129,213,059
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G Il6 interleukin 6 increases secretion EXP molybdenum chloride results in increased secretion of IL6 protein CTD PMID:19844976 NCBI chr 5:30,218,112...30,224,973
Ensembl chr 5:30,218,112...30,224,979
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G Tnf tumor necrosis factor increases secretion EXP molybdenum chloride results in increased secretion of TNF protein CTD PMID:19844976 NCBI chr17:35,418,343...35,420,983
Ensembl chr17:35,418,357...35,420,983
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molybdenum trioxide term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cat catalase decreases activity
multiple interactions
molybdenum trioxide results in decreased activity of CAT protein
chromous chloride affects the reaction [molybdenum trioxide results in decreased activity of CAT protein]; molybdenum trioxide affects the reaction [chromous chloride results in decreased activity of CAT protein]
CTD PMID:30389395 NCBI chr 2:103,284,249...103,315,498
Ensembl chr 2:103,284,194...103,315,505
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G Ins1 insulin I multiple interactions EXP [molybdenum trioxide results in increased abundance of Molybdenum] inhibits the reaction [Glucose results in increased secretion of INS1 protein] CTD PMID:33038468 NCBI chr19:52,252,735...52,253,453
Ensembl chr19:52,252,735...52,253,914
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G Nqo1 NAD(P)H dehydrogenase, quinone 1 increases activity
increases expression
ISO molybdenum trioxide results in increased activity of NQO1 protein
molybdenum trioxide results in increased expression of NQO1 mRNA
CTD PMID:9029048 NCBI chr 8:108,114,856...108,139,012
Ensembl chr 8:108,114,857...108,129,838
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G Uqcrc1 ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase core protein 1 multiple interactions EXP [molybdenum trioxide results in increased abundance of Molybdenum] which results in decreased expression of UQCRC1 mRNA CTD PMID:33038468 NCBI chr 9:108,765,716...108,778,709
Ensembl chr 9:108,765,701...108,778,691
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sodium molybdate (anhydrous) term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ahr aryl-hydrocarbon receptor multiple interactions
increases activity
sodium molybdate(VI) promotes the reaction [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin binds to AHR protein]
sodium molybdate(VI) inhibits the reaction [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin binds to AHR protein]
sodium molybdate(VI) results in increased activity of AHR protein
CTD PMID:3040233 PMID:8079350 PMID:8395819 NCBI chr12:35,547,978...35,584,988
Ensembl chr12:35,547,973...35,585,037
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G Ptpn1 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 1 multiple interactions ISO [sodium molybdate(VI) results in increased abundance of molybdate] which results in decreased activity of PTPN1 protein CTD PMID:34320920 NCBI chr 2:167,772,670...167,821,305
Ensembl chr 2:167,773,977...167,821,305
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G Xdh xanthine dehydrogenase multiple interactions ISO [sodium molybdate(VI) results in increased abundance of molybdate] which results in decreased activity of XDH protein CTD PMID:34320920 NCBI chr17:74,190,890...74,257,191
Ensembl chr17:74,190,890...74,257,191
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tetrathiomolybdate(2-) term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G 2200002D01Rik RIKEN cDNA 2200002D01 gene decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of C19ORF33 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 7:28,946,946...28,947,892
Ensembl chr 7:28,945,986...28,947,891
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G Acaca acetyl-Coenzyme A carboxylase alpha increases phosphorylation EXP tetrathiomolybdate results in increased phosphorylation of ACACA protein CTD PMID:24218578 NCBI chr11:84,020,461...84,292,477
Ensembl chr11:84,020,498...84,292,477
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G Agtr2 angiotensin II receptor, type 2 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in decreased expression of AGTR2 mRNA CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr  X:21,350,863...21,355,072
Ensembl chr  X:21,350,783...21,355,403
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G Akt1 thymoma viral proto-oncogene 1 decreases phosphorylation ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr12:112,620,260...112,641,266
Ensembl chr12:112,620,255...112,641,318
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G Angpt2 angiopoietin 2 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of ANGPT2 mRNA CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr 8:18,740,279...18,791,578
Ensembl chr 8:18,740,279...18,791,578
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G App amyloid beta precursor protein multiple interactions
affects binding
ISO [tetrathiomolybdate binds to APP 5' UTR] which results in decreased expression of APP protein; [tetrathiomolybdate binds to APP 5' UTR] which results in decreased secretion of APP protein modified form CTD PMID:15681799 NCBI chr16:84,751,236...84,972,187
Ensembl chr16:84,746,573...84,970,654
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G Aqp1 aquaporin 1 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in decreased expression of AQP1 mRNA CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr 6:55,313,284...55,325,540
Ensembl chr 6:55,313,417...55,325,540
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G Atp7a ATPase, copper transporting, alpha polypeptide multiple interactions EXP tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [Oxygen deficiency affects the localization of ATP7A protein] CTD PMID:19351718 NCBI chr  X:105,070,830...105,171,766
Ensembl chr  X:105,070,882...105,168,532
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G Atp7b ATPase, copper transporting, beta polypeptide multiple interactions
decreases expression
tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [ATP7B gene mutant form results in increased abundance of Copper]
tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of ATP7B protein
CTD PMID:11803042 PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 8:22,482,799...22,550,347
Ensembl chr 8:22,482,801...22,550,321
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G Bax BCL2-associated X protein increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of BAX protein CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 7:45,111,124...45,116,332
Ensembl chr 7:45,111,121...45,116,322
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G Bcl2 B cell leukemia/lymphoma 2 increases expression
decreases expression
ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of BCL2 mRNA; tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of BCL2 protein
tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of BCL2 protein
CTD PMID:19323979 PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 1:106,465,906...106,642,020
Ensembl chr 1:106,465,908...106,642,004
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G Bcl2l11 BCL2 like 11 multiple interactions ISO [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in increased cleavage of BCL2L11 protein; [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in increased expression of BCL2L11 protein CTD PMID:22276220 NCBI chr 2:127,967,958...128,004,467
Ensembl chr 2:127,967,958...128,004,467
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G Bcl2l2 BCL2-like 2 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of BCL2L2 mRNA; tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of BCL2L2 protein CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr14:55,120,900...55,125,691
Ensembl chr14:55,120,834...55,125,691
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G Casp3 caspase 3 multiple interactions
increases cleavage
ISO [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in increased cleavage of CASP3 protein; [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in increased expression of CASP3 protein
tetrathiomolybdate results in increased cleavage of CASP3 protein
CTD PMID:22276220 PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 8:47,070,326...47,092,733
Ensembl chr 8:47,070,326...47,092,724
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G Casp8 caspase 8 multiple interactions ISO [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in increased cleavage of CASP8 protein; [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in increased expression of CASP8 protein CTD PMID:22276220 NCBI chr 1:58,834,553...58,886,663
Ensembl chr 1:58,834,533...58,886,662
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G Ccl2 C-C motif chemokine ligand 2 multiple interactions EXP
tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of CCL2 mRNA]; tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of CCL2 protein]; tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 results in increased expression of CCL2 mRNA]; tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 results in increased secretion of and results in increased expression of CCL2 protein]
tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [Copper Sulfate results in increased expression of CCL2 mRNA]; tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [Copper Sulfate results in increased expression of CCL2 protein]
CTD PMID:15541506 PMID:21724870 PMID:24225134 NCBI chr11:81,926,403...81,928,278
Ensembl chr11:81,926,397...81,928,279
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G Ccnb1 cyclin B1 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of CCNB1 protein CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr13:100,915,247...100,922,994
Ensembl chr13:100,915,158...100,923,078
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G Ccs copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase increases expression
decreases expression
ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of CCS protein
tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of CCS protein
CTD PMID:21784888 PMID:37290678 NCBI chr19:4,875,394...4,889,326
Ensembl chr19:4,875,394...4,889,360
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G Cd40 CD40 antigen increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of CD40 mRNA CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr 2:164,897,535...164,913,574
Ensembl chr 2:164,897,547...164,914,868
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G Cdkn1a cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1A increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of CDKN1A protein CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr17:29,309,953...29,319,696
Ensembl chr17:29,309,950...29,319,701
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G Ckm creatine kinase, muscle multiple interactions EXP tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [Doxorubicin results in increased expression of CKM protein] CTD PMID:16242529 NCBI chr 7:19,145,019...19,155,508
Ensembl chr 7:19,138,701...19,156,766
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G Cldn18 claudin 18 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of CLDN18 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 9:99,572,849...99,599,320
Ensembl chr 9:99,571,514...99,599,320
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G Cldn4 claudin 4 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of CLDN4 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 5:134,973,977...134,975,788
Ensembl chr 5:134,973,973...134,975,788
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G Col1a1 collagen, type I, alpha 1 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of COL1A1 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr11:94,827,050...94,843,868
Ensembl chr11:94,827,050...94,843,868
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G Col1a2 collagen, type I, alpha 2 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of COL1A2 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 6:4,505,618...4,541,543
Ensembl chr 6:4,504,814...4,541,544
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G Col3a1 collagen, type III, alpha 1 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of COL3A1 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 1:45,350,698...45,388,866
Ensembl chr 1:45,350,698...45,388,866
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G Cox17 cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein 17, copper chaperone decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of COX17 protein CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr16:38,167,332...38,173,125
Ensembl chr16:38,167,353...38,182,659
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G Cox5b cytochrome c oxidase subunit 5B increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of COX5B mRNA CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr 1:36,730,568...36,732,469
Ensembl chr 1:36,730,530...36,732,762
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G Cp ceruloplasmin decreases activity
decreases expression
decreases secretion
multiple interactions
tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of CP protein
tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of CP protein
tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased secretion of CP protein
tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of CP protein]
CTD PMID:10656425 PMID:12624602 PMID:21724870 PMID:21784888 PMID:24013775 NCBI chr 3:20,011,097...20,063,914
Ensembl chr 3:20,011,218...20,063,309
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G Cpt1a carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1a, liver decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of CPT1A mRNA CTD PMID:21784888 NCBI chr19:3,372,328...3,435,735
Ensembl chr19:3,372,334...3,435,733
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G Crabp2 cellular retinoic acid binding protein II decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in decreased expression of CRABP2 mRNA CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr 3:87,856,000...87,860,679
Ensembl chr 3:87,855,973...87,860,683
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G Crebzf CREB/ATF bZIP transcription factor increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of CREBZF mRNA CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr 7:90,091,942...90,097,590
Ensembl chr 7:90,091,937...90,097,202
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G Csf3r colony stimulating factor 3 receptor increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of CSF3R mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 4:125,917,241...125,938,233
Ensembl chr 4:125,918,343...125,938,233
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G Cstb cystatin B decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of CSTB mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr10:78,261,504...78,263,456
Ensembl chr10:78,261,503...78,263,456
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G Cxcr4 C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of CXCR4 mRNA CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr 1:128,515,936...128,520,036
Ensembl chr 1:128,515,936...128,520,030
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G Egf epidermal growth factor multiple interactions ISO [tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [EGF protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; [tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [EGF protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [EGF protein results in increased oxidation of PTPN1 protein]; tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [EGF protein results in increased phosphorylation of EGFR protein] CTD PMID:18480265 NCBI chr 3:129,471,223...129,548,971
Ensembl chr 3:129,471,214...129,548,965
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G Egfr epidermal growth factor receptor multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [EGF protein results in increased phosphorylation of EGFR protein]
tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of EGFR protein
CTD PMID:18480265 PMID:37290678 NCBI chr11:16,700,153...16,868,158
Ensembl chr11:16,702,203...16,868,158
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G Eln elastin multiple interactions ISO [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in decreased expression of ELN mRNA; [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in decreased expression of ELN protein CTD PMID:22276220 NCBI chr 5:134,731,449...134,776,300
Ensembl chr 5:134,731,447...134,776,177
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G Ep300 E1A binding protein p300 multiple interactions ISO [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] inhibits the reaction [EP300 protein binds to HIF1A protein]; [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in increased expression of EP300 protein CTD PMID:22276220 NCBI chr15:81,470,329...81,536,273
Ensembl chr15:81,469,552...81,536,278
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G Ero1a endoplasmic reticulum oxidoreductase 1 alpha decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of ERO1A mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr14:45,520,544...45,556,029
Ensembl chr14:45,520,544...45,556,228
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G Fbln1 fibulin 1 multiple interactions ISO [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in decreased expression of FBLN1 mRNA; [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in decreased expression of FBLN1 protein CTD PMID:22276220 NCBI chr15:85,090,150...85,170,495
Ensembl chr15:85,090,150...85,170,736
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G Fbln5 fibulin 5 multiple interactions ISO [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in increased expression of FBLN5 mRNA; [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in increased expression of FBLN5 protein CTD PMID:22276220 NCBI chr12:101,712,820...101,785,541
Ensembl chr12:101,712,824...101,785,314
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G Fbn1 fibrillin 1 multiple interactions ISO [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in decreased expression of FBN1 mRNA; [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in decreased expression of FBN1 protein CTD PMID:22276220 NCBI chr 2:125,142,514...125,348,417
Ensembl chr 2:125,142,514...125,349,913
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G Fgf1 fibroblast growth factor 1 decreases secretion ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased secretion of FGF1 protein CTD PMID:18400376 NCBI chr18:38,971,725...39,062,532
Ensembl chr18:38,971,726...39,062,525
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G Fgf2 fibroblast growth factor 2 multiple interactions ISO [tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [FGF2 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; [tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [FGF2 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; Vanadates inhibits the reaction [[tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [FGF2 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]]; Vanadates inhibits the reaction [[tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [FGF2 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]]; Vanadates inhibits the reaction [tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [FGF2 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]]; Vanadates inhibits the reaction [tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [FGF2 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]] CTD PMID:18480265 NCBI chr 3:37,402,616...37,464,255
Ensembl chr 3:37,402,495...37,464,257
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G Fos FBJ osteosarcoma oncogene increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of FOS mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr12:85,520,664...85,524,048
Ensembl chr12:85,520,664...85,524,047
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G Fpr1 formyl peptide receptor 1 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of FPR1 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr17:18,096,733...18,104,201
Ensembl chr17:18,096,733...18,104,202
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G Gprc5a G protein-coupled receptor, family C, group 5, member A decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of GPRC5A mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 6:135,042,660...135,061,707
Ensembl chr 6:135,042,649...135,061,707
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G Gpx3 glutathione peroxidase 3 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of GPX3 mRNA CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr11:54,793,680...54,801,213
Ensembl chr11:54,793,279...54,801,203
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G Gsr glutathione reductase increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of GSR mRNA CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr 8:34,143,266...34,188,190
Ensembl chr 8:34,142,551...34,188,191
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G H2-Pa histocompatibility 2, P region alpha locus increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of HLA-DPA1 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr17:34,303,587...34,304,826
Ensembl chr17:34,303,575...34,304,797
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G Hbb-b1 hemoglobin, beta adult major chain increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of HBB mRNA CTD PMID:37290678
G Hif1a hypoxia inducible factor 1, alpha subunit multiple interactions ISO [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] inhibits the reaction [EP300 protein binds to HIF1A protein]; [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in decreased expression of HIF1A protein CTD PMID:22276220 NCBI chr12:73,948,186...73,994,304
Ensembl chr12:73,948,149...73,994,304
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G Hmgcs2 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-Coenzyme A synthase 2 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of HMGCS2 mRNA CTD PMID:21784888 NCBI chr 3:98,187,747...98,218,054
Ensembl chr 3:98,187,751...98,218,054
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G Hmmr hyaluronan mediated motility receptor (RHAMM) decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in decreased expression of RHAMM mRNA CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr11:40,592,215...40,624,290
Ensembl chr11:40,592,222...40,624,249
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G Hmox1 heme oxygenase 1 decreases expression
increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of HMOX1 protein
tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA; tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein
[tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased abundance of Superoxides] which results in increased reduction of HMOX1 protein; Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein]; Copper inhibits the reaction [tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein]
CTD PMID:19323979 PMID:21784888 NCBI chr 8:75,820,246...75,827,221
Ensembl chr 8:75,820,249...75,827,217
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G Icam1 intercellular adhesion molecule 1 multiple interactions EXP
tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 results in increased expression of ICAM1 mRNA]; tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 results in increased secretion of and results in increased expression of ICAM1 protein]
tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [Copper Sulfate results in increased expression of ICAM1 mRNA]; tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [Copper Sulfate results in increased expression of ICAM1 protein]
CTD PMID:21724870 PMID:24225134 NCBI chr 9:20,927,236...20,940,110
Ensembl chr 9:20,927,281...20,940,113
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G Ifi211 interferon activated gene 211 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of MNDA mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 1:173,723,907...173,740,650
Ensembl chr 1:173,723,911...173,740,612
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G Ifitm2 interferon induced transmembrane protein 2 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of IFITM2 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 7:140,534,750...140,539,602
Ensembl chr 7:140,534,750...140,535,900
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G Igf1 insulin-like growth factor 1 multiple interactions ISO [tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [IGF1 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; [tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [IGF1 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [IGF1 protein results in increased phosphorylation of IGF1R protein] CTD PMID:18480265 NCBI chr10:87,694,127...87,772,909
Ensembl chr10:87,694,127...87,772,904
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G Igf1r insulin-like growth factor I receptor multiple interactions ISO tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [IGF1 protein results in increased phosphorylation of IGF1R protein] CTD PMID:18480265 NCBI chr 7:67,601,486...67,883,416
Ensembl chr 7:67,602,575...67,883,416
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G Igfbp7 insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of IGFBP7 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 5:77,497,092...77,555,892
Ensembl chr 5:77,497,087...77,555,888
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G Il1a interleukin 1 alpha multiple interactions EXP tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 results in increased secretion of IL1A protein] CTD PMID:21724870 NCBI chr 2:129,141,530...129,151,892
Ensembl chr 2:129,141,530...129,151,892
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G Il1b interleukin 1 beta multiple interactions EXP tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [Doxorubicin results in increased expression of IL1B protein] CTD PMID:16242529 NCBI chr 2:129,206,490...129,213,059
Ensembl chr 2:129,206,490...129,213,059
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G Il2 interleukin 2 multiple interactions EXP tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [Doxorubicin results in increased expression of IL2 protein] CTD PMID:16242529 NCBI chr 3:37,174,862...37,180,103
Ensembl chr 3:37,174,672...37,180,108
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G Il2ra interleukin 2 receptor, alpha chain decreases expression
multiple interactions
tetrathiomolybdate analog results in decreased expression of IL2RA mRNA
tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [di-2-pyridylketone-4,4-dimethyl-3-thiosemicarbazone inhibits the reaction [[Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate co-treated with Ionomycin] results in increased expression of IL2RA protein]]
CTD PMID:19323979 PMID:23134680 NCBI chr 2:11,647,603...11,698,005
Ensembl chr 2:11,647,618...11,698,004
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G Il6 interleukin 6 multiple interactions EXP tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 results in increased expression of IL6 mRNA] CTD PMID:21724870 NCBI chr 5:30,218,112...30,224,973
Ensembl chr 5:30,218,112...30,224,979
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G Itgb4 integrin beta 4 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in decreased expression of ITGB4 mRNA CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr11:115,865,556...115,899,238
Ensembl chr11:115,865,535...115,899,238
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G Itgb6 integrin beta 6 multiple interactions ISO [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in decreased expression of ITGB6 mRNA CTD PMID:22276220 NCBI chr 2:60,428,636...60,553,005
Ensembl chr 2:60,428,636...60,552,987
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G Jag1 jagged 1 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of JAG1 mRNA CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr 2:136,923,371...136,958,440
Ensembl chr 2:136,923,376...136,958,564
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G Jchain immunoglobulin joining chain increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of JCHAIN mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 5:88,667,663...88,675,667
Ensembl chr 5:88,667,668...88,675,750
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G Klf2 Kruppel-like transcription factor 2 (lung) decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in decreased expression of KLF2 mRNA CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr 8:73,072,906...73,075,498
Ensembl chr 8:73,072,877...73,075,500
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G Krt19 keratin 19 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of KRT19 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr11:100,031,636...100,036,752
Ensembl chr11:100,031,636...100,039,491
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G Krt7 keratin 7 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of KRT7 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr15:101,310,284...101,325,687
Ensembl chr15:101,308,924...101,328,194
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G Lamb3 laminin, beta 3 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of LAMB3 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 1:192,976,661...193,026,186
Ensembl chr 1:192,890,007...193,026,186
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G Lcn2 lipocalin 2 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of LCN2 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 2:32,274,649...32,277,751
Ensembl chr 2:32,274,645...32,278,264
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G Lox lysyl oxidase multiple interactions ISO [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in decreased expression of LOX mRNA; [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in decreased expression of LOX protein CTD PMID:22276220 NCBI chr18:52,649,132...52,662,939
Ensembl chr18:52,649,139...52,662,939
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G Lst1 leukocyte specific transcript 1 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of LST1 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr17:35,404,071...35,407,416
Ensembl chr17:35,404,071...35,407,415
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G Mapk1 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 multiple interactions
decreases phosphorylation
increases phosphorylation
ISO [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein
tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein
[tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [EGF protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; [tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [FGF2 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; [tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [IGF1 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; Hydrogen Peroxide inhibits the reaction [tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; Vanadates inhibits the reaction [[tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [FGF2 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]]; Vanadates inhibits the reaction [tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [FGF2 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]]
tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein
CTD PMID:18480265 PMID:19323979 PMID:22276220 NCBI chr16:16,801,246...16,865,317
Ensembl chr16:16,801,246...16,865,317
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G Mapk3 mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 multiple interactions
decreases phosphorylation
increases phosphorylation
ISO [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein
tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein
tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein
[tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [EGF protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; [tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [FGF2 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; [tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [IGF1 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; Hydrogen Peroxide inhibits the reaction [tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; Vanadates inhibits the reaction [[tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [FGF2 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]]; Vanadates inhibits the reaction [tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [FGF2 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]]
CTD PMID:18480265 PMID:19323979 PMID:22276220 NCBI chr 7:126,358,798...126,364,988
Ensembl chr 7:126,358,773...126,364,991
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G Mapt microtubule-associated protein tau multiple interactions ISO tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [Copper results in increased phosphorylation of MAPT protein] CTD PMID:25671100 NCBI chr11:104,120,235...104,222,916
Ensembl chr11:104,122,216...104,222,916
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G Mgp matrix Gla protein increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of MGP mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 6:136,849,433...136,852,821
Ensembl chr 6:136,849,433...136,852,821
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G Mtor mechanistic target of rapamycin kinase decreases phosphorylation ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased phosphorylation of MTOR protein CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 4:148,533,039...148,642,142
Ensembl chr 4:148,533,068...148,642,140
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G Myo1f myosin IF increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of MYO1F mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr17:33,774,681...33,826,738
Ensembl chr17:33,774,681...33,826,738
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G Nampt nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of NAMPT mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr12:32,870,334...32,903,368
Ensembl chr12:32,869,544...32,903,348
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G Ncf1 neutrophil cytosolic factor 1 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of NCF1 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 5:134,248,907...134,258,479
Ensembl chr 5:134,248,907...134,258,479
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G Ndrg1 N-myc downstream regulated gene 1 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of NDRG1 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr15:66,801,167...66,841,490
Ensembl chr15:66,801,167...66,841,489
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G Nfe2l2 nuclear factor, erythroid derived 2, like 2 multiple interactions ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog affects the localization of and results in increased activity of NFE2L2 protein CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr 2:75,505,860...75,535,007
Ensembl chr 2:75,505,857...75,534,985
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G Nfkbia nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells inhibitor, alpha multiple interactions ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased phosphorylation of and results in decreased degradation of NFKBIA protein CTD PMID:24225134 NCBI chr12:55,536,194...55,539,432
Ensembl chr12:55,536,195...55,539,432
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G Pcna proliferating cell nuclear antigen decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of PCNA protein CTD PMID:24614111 NCBI chr 2:132,091,206...132,095,100
Ensembl chr 2:132,091,082...132,095,234
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G Pdgfrb platelet derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of PDGFRB protein CTD PMID:18480265 NCBI chr18:61,178,194...61,218,139
Ensembl chr18:61,178,222...61,218,133
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G Pik3r1 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 1 decreases phosphorylation ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased phosphorylation of PIK3R1 protein CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr13:101,817,269...101,904,725
Ensembl chr13:101,817,071...101,904,725
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G Plin2 perilipin 2 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of PLIN2 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 4:86,545,147...86,588,518
Ensembl chr 4:86,566,623...86,588,297
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G Ppara peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of PPARA mRNA CTD PMID:21784888 NCBI chr15:85,619,112...85,691,052
Ensembl chr15:85,619,184...85,687,020
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G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr 1:149,975,851...149,983,978
Ensembl chr 1:149,975,782...149,983,978
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G Ptk2 PTK2 protein tyrosine kinase 2 multiple interactions ISO [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in decreased phosphorylation of PTK2 protein CTD PMID:22276220 NCBI chr15:73,076,951...73,297,192
Ensembl chr15:73,076,951...73,295,129
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G Ptpn1 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 1 multiple interactions ISO tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [EGF protein results in increased oxidation of PTPN1 protein] CTD PMID:18480265 NCBI chr 2:167,772,670...167,821,305
Ensembl chr 2:167,773,977...167,821,305
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G Ptprc protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type C increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of PTPRC mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 1:137,990,601...138,103,491
Ensembl chr 1:137,990,599...138,103,446
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G Reg1 regenerating islet-derived 1 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of REG1A mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 6:78,402,966...78,405,651
Ensembl chr 6:78,399,694...78,405,650
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G Rgs2 regulator of G-protein signaling 2 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of RGS2 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 1:143,875,076...143,879,887
Ensembl chr 1:143,875,076...143,879,899
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G Rictor RPTOR independent companion of MTOR, complex 2 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of RICTOR protein CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr15:6,737,827...6,829,882
Ensembl chr15:6,737,860...6,829,882
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G Ripor2 RHO family interacting cell polarization regulator 2 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of RIPOR2 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr13:24,685,513...24,917,789
Ensembl chr13:24,685,508...24,917,799
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G Rps6kb1 ribosomal protein S6 kinase, polypeptide 1 decreases phosphorylation ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased phosphorylation of RPS6KB1 protein CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr11:86,389,695...86,435,711
Ensembl chr11:86,389,697...86,435,631
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G Rptor regulatory associated protein of MTOR, complex 1 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of RPTOR protein CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr11:119,493,731...119,790,417
Ensembl chr11:119,493,731...119,790,402
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G S100a8 S100 calcium binding protein A8 (calgranulin A) increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of S100A8 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 3:90,576,378...90,577,341
Ensembl chr 3:90,576,285...90,577,342
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G S100a9 S100 calcium binding protein A9 (calgranulin B) increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of S100A9 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 3:90,599,937...90,603,028
Ensembl chr 3:90,599,939...90,603,028
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G Sfn stratifin decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of SFN mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 4:133,327,867...133,329,163
Ensembl chr 4:133,327,867...133,329,479
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G Slc2a1 solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 1 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of SLC2A1 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 4:118,966,001...118,994,527
Ensembl chr 4:118,965,908...118,995,180
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G Slc31a1 solute carrier family 31, member 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
increases expression
ISO [tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of SLC31A1 mRNA] which results in decreased susceptibility to oxaliplatin; [tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of SLC31A1 mRNA] which results in increased susceptibility to Carboplatin; [tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of SLC31A1 mRNA] which results in increased susceptibility to Cisplatin; tetrathiomolybdate promotes the reaction [SP1 protein binds to SLC31A1 promoter]
tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of SLC31A1 protein
CTD PMID:22172574 PMID:22914438 PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 4:62,278,821...62,310,006
Ensembl chr 4:62,278,964...62,310,006
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G Slc31a2 solute carrier family 31, member 2 decreases response to substance ISO SLC31A2 mRNA results in decreased susceptibility to tetrathiomolybdate CTD PMID:24522273 NCBI chr 4:62,198,630...62,216,649
Ensembl chr 4:62,180,799...62,216,648
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G Slc7a11 solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter, y+ system), member 11 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of SLC7A11 mRNA CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr 3:50,319,385...50,403,947
Ensembl chr 3:49,846,975...50,398,063
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G Sod1 superoxide dismutase 1, soluble decreases expression
affects localization
decreases activity
multiple interactions
ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of SOD1 protein
tetrathiomolybdate analog affects the localization of SOD1 protein
tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein
[tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [EGF protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; [tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [EGF protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; [tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [FGF2 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; [tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [FGF2 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; [tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [IGF1 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; [tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [IGF1 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; [tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Hydrogen Peroxide; [tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] which results in increased abundance of Superoxides; Vanadates inhibits the reaction [[tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [FGF2 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]]; Vanadates inhibits the reaction [[tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] inhibits the reaction [FGF2 protein results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]]
tetrathiomolybdate analog results in decreased expression of SOD1 mRNA
CTD PMID:18480265 PMID:19323979 PMID:21784888 NCBI chr16:90,017,650...90,023,221
Ensembl chr16:90,017,642...90,023,217
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G Sod2 superoxide dismutase 2, mitochondrial increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of SOD2 mRNA; tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of SOD2 protein CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr17:13,226,726...13,237,006
Ensembl chr17:13,225,733...13,258,950
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G Sp1 trans-acting transcription factor 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
increases activity
ISO [tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased abundance of Copper] which results in increased expression of SP1 protein; tetrathiomolybdate promotes the reaction [SP1 protein binds to SLC31A1 promoter]; tetrathiomolybdate promotes the reaction [SP1 protein binds to SP1 promoter]
tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of SP1; tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of SP1 mRNA
tetrathiomolybdate results in increased activity of SP1 protein
CTD PMID:22172574 PMID:22914438 NCBI chr15:102,314,751...102,344,839
Ensembl chr15:102,314,578...102,344,839
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G Sp3 trans-acting transcription factor 3 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of SP3 CTD PMID:22172574 NCBI chr 2:72,766,774...72,810,790
Ensembl chr 2:72,766,771...72,810,790
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G Spp1 secreted phosphoprotein 1 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of SPP1 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 5:104,582,977...104,588,919
Ensembl chr 5:104,582,984...104,588,916
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G Srgn serglycin increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of SRGN mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr10:62,329,612...62,363,224
Ensembl chr10:62,329,612...62,363,230
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G Tacstd2 tumor-associated calcium signal transducer 2 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of TACSTD2 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 6:67,511,043...67,512,806
Ensembl chr 6:67,511,046...67,512,780
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G Tagln transgelin increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of TAGLN mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 9:45,840,926...45,847,356
Ensembl chr 9:45,840,917...45,847,356
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G Tfb1m transcription factor B1, mitochondrial decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of TFB1M mRNA CTD PMID:21784888 NCBI chr17:3,569,119...3,608,064
Ensembl chr17:3,569,531...3,608,056
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G Tff1 trefoil factor 1 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of TFF1 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr17:31,380,369...31,384,034
Ensembl chr17:31,380,369...31,384,251
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G Tff3 trefoil factor 3, intestinal decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of TFF3 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr17:31,344,280...31,348,585
Ensembl chr17:31,344,280...31,348,620
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G Tgfb1 transforming growth factor, beta 1 multiple interactions EXP tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFB1 protein] CTD PMID:15541506 NCBI chr 7:25,386,406...25,404,503
Ensembl chr 7:25,386,427...25,404,502
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G Tm4sf1 transmembrane 4 superfamily member 1 decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of TM4SF1 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 3:57,193,038...57,295,150
Ensembl chr 3:57,193,032...57,209,409
Ensembl chr 3:57,193,032...57,209,409
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G Tnf tumor necrosis factor multiple interactions EXP tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TNF mRNA]; tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [Doxorubicin results in increased expression of TNF protein]; tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 results in increased expression of TNF mRNA]; tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 results in increased secretion of TNF protein] CTD PMID:15541506 PMID:16242529 PMID:21724870 NCBI chr17:35,418,343...35,420,983
Ensembl chr17:35,418,357...35,420,983
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G Tnni3 troponin I, cardiac 3 multiple interactions EXP tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [Doxorubicin results in increased expression of TNNI3 protein] CTD PMID:16242529 NCBI chr 7:4,521,304...4,526,228
Ensembl chr 7:4,521,304...4,527,228
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G Trp53 transformation related protein 53 multiple interactions
increases phosphorylation
ISO [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in increased expression of TP53 protein
tetrathiomolybdate results in increased phosphorylation of TP53 protein
CTD PMID:22276220 PMID:37290678 NCBI chr11:69,471,174...69,482,699
Ensembl chr11:69,471,185...69,482,699
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G Try10 trypsin 10 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of PRSS1 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr 6:41,331,039...41,334,878
Ensembl chr 6:41,331,039...41,334,848
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G Tsc22d3 TSC22 domain family, member 3 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in increased expression of TSC22D3 mRNA CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr  X:139,440,277...139,501,257
Ensembl chr  X:139,440,277...139,501,408
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G Txnrd1 thioredoxin reductase 1 increases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate analog results in increased expression of TXNRD1 mRNA CTD PMID:19323979 NCBI chr10:82,669,785...82,733,558
Ensembl chr10:82,669,785...82,733,546
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G Vcam1 vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 multiple interactions EXP
tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 results in increased expression of VCAM1 mRNA]; tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 results in increased secretion of and results in increased expression of VCAM1 protein]
tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [Copper Sulfate results in increased expression of VCAM1 mRNA]; tetrathiomolybdate inhibits the reaction [Copper Sulfate results in increased expression of VCAM1 protein]
CTD PMID:21724870 PMID:24225134 NCBI chr 3:115,903,669...115,923,337
Ensembl chr 3:115,903,598...115,923,337
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G Vegfa vascular endothelial growth factor A multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in decreased expression of VEGFA mRNA; [Copper deficiency co-treated with tetrathiomolybdate] results in decreased expression of VEGFA protein
tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of VEGFA protein
CTD PMID:16277669 PMID:22276220 PMID:37290678 NCBI chr17:46,327,919...46,343,303
Ensembl chr17:46,327,919...46,343,295
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G Vegfb vascular endothelial growth factor B decreases expression ISO tetrathiomolybdate results in decreased expression of VEGFB protein CTD PMID:37290678 NCBI chr19:6,959,840...6,965,019
Ensembl chr19:6,959,841...6,965,019
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 22307
    chemical entity 22306
      molecular entity 22302
        transition element molecular entity 18522
          chromium group molecular entity 7136
            molybdenum molecular entity 149
              elemental molybdenum + 0
              molybdenum coordination entity + 149
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 22307
    subatomic particle 22302
      composite particle 22302
        hadron 22302
          baryon 22302
            nucleon 22302
              atomic nucleus 22302
                atom 22302
                  metal atom 19409
                    transition element atom 18685
                      d-block element atom 18681
                        chromium group element atom 8322
                          chromium group molecular entity 7136
                            molybdenum molecular entity 149
                              elemental molybdenum + 0
                              molybdenum coordination entity + 149
paths to the root